Static sounds.
I abruptly opened my opes when I heard a static sound.
When the blinding lights hit my sensitive eyes, my face went numb and I tried to cover my eyes with my hands but the clanging of metal chains shocked me.
What the hell?
"Oh, You're awake." The deep husky voice said and I looked up just to see that haunting hazel eyes the crazy doctor owned. I trashed about in my limited space, making so much noise in the process. I tried to talk but I realized that my mouth has been taped and it's so tight that may be the reason why my face feels numb.
"You said, we will play." He walked near me, picking up a knife on the side table on the way. He's smiling but there's something sinister in his eyes.
"It's sad, you didn't specify that we will play hide and seek and not the play I'm ready for." Sliding the knife in my left cheeks, he said with all smiles. My breathing becomes uneven when I felt the tip of the knife starting to have the pressure that slightly cut through the tape but just right to burn my skin.
"Ah, did someone already told you that you're pretty?" He asked and taking another step forward he inhales the scent of my neck.
"Your dirty blonde hair, that somehow looks brown," He played with my hair. "Your chinky pale blue eyes that always look so sleepy," He caresses my right cheek. "And, your..." He paused, looking sadly at the tape in my mouth, "Your natural pink full lips," He said and then looked directly at my eyes just to grin widely, "Alas," He turned around and arranged the tools in the side table when he put back the knife.
"It will soon go to waste," He sighed deeply as though he feels sorry about it. Jerk. I glared at his wide and build back and he seems to feel it because he turned around and grin more.
Wow. He really knows how to get on my nerves.
"Now, where do we start?" Putting his forefinger in his chin, he looked up. I would appreciate how adorable he looks at this moment if not for the fact that I'm tied with metal chains and he's thinking about how he can torture me.
Ugh, Seriously.
"Well, how about I'll teach you to do real torture?" Voice booming with excitement, he suggested. I rolled my eyes and hate the fact that I can't reply. I do like it if I can say 'You're one of a hell crazy bitch' in his face at this moment.
What? He's teaching me how to do real torture with me being the example?
"Right, that's it! Okay," He thinks for a second and snapped his fingers pointing it at me when he lifted his gaze. "I'll start with the basics." He picked up a knife again and walked back in my direction, earning a suspicious glare from me.
"I don't want to ruin your face but we can," He looked down at my arms, "Maybe mess up your body." My eyes widened and he seems to like my reaction because he smiles brightly.
Without a word, he cut my hospital gown, exposing me in my undergarments as he slides down the knife on my flat stomach. My body trembles both from the cold and the fear.
"Remember," He slowly dragged the knife in my tummy, "You need to make your victim wait," He whispered and smiles at me while the knife traveled all over my upper body.
"You need to make them savor the feeling of terror," Pausing, he stares at me. "the anticipation," His hands replaced the knife, " and the anxiety." He added and stopped his movements to again, stare at me.
"Then," He takes a step back, "You need to attack when they are expecting it," He said as he swiftly throws the knife in my direction and because I'm guarded, I ducked my head to avoid it.
"Let them feel the relief of a barely missed attack." He continued but then I feel an immense pain on my shoulders when another knife came flying down again and hit me.
"Then, take it back." He smiled proudly as I looked down at the knife on my shoulder. Only the handle can be seen of how deep it goes that the blood from it spurts.
What the...
"That's just the basics." He walked towards me again and without saying anything he forcefully pulled back the knife on my shoulder that made me screamed through the tape that muffled it. "But I'm already lazy to explain the others so lemme just show it," Examing the knife, his gaze met mine. "To you," He plunged back the knife on the same stab on my shoulder and I screamed again. I feel the nerves in my neck and forehead pulsating because of the restrictions all over my body. Not to mention the way I feel the inside of my shoulders ripping, and the knife, hitting the bone in it.
He stabs me again at my hips, and then my left torso, then again at my legs. He stabbed at every spot where I will surely not die.
Blood spurts everywhere and I started to see dark spots clouding my vision. I can't feel my body after a while. Actually, I can't feel anything at all.
That I embraced the darkness when it came.
Opening my eyes, I'm welcomed with white ceilings. I look at my arms and I'm glad they're free from chains. I sit up and took in my surroundings.
Where the hell am I?
The room is so bright because it's all white. White walls, white ceilings, white bed, bed sheet, and pillows. Even what I'm wearing is all white.
Everywhere I look, it's white.
And it's quiet.
Where is that crazy doctor?
Trying to stand up, I found support on the wall. Then, I walked around the room. Well, the room is nice because it's bright and clean.
But it's so quiet.
I can clearly hear my footsteps, the shuffle of my new hospital gown, the bed, the pillowcase. I can even hear my breath. Heck, even the beat of my heart. I can all hear them because it's so quiet.
I feel like I am going crazy.
I walked back to the bed and lied down. I will just sleep, yeah I will sleep.
I'll sleep it all.
But seconds passed.
Then minutes.
And hours.
But I can't sleep at all!
It's too bright! Even if my eyes are closed I can see white all over!
I started to sweat and looked left and right.
I want to sleep.
But I can't sleep.
And I really want to sleep.
Let me sleep!
"Oh, it's been three days," Simon said as he whistled while walking through the front door of his house. He's in a good mood but he didn't really know why.
He's just excited.
"Hm, I wonder how my baby girl is doing?" He asked himself but he stopped on his track when he heard the nagging voice in his head again.
'I told you to not do anything that you will regret later on,' The voice said. That sweet and nice voice that's full of worry.
'He can do anything he wants.' The rough voice comebacks in a calm tone. Simon shakes his head and started to walk again.
These past few days, the voices didn't let him rest. It's always bickering and murmuring.
"I'll check her." He said to no one in particular. Getting his keys in the back pocket of his jeans, he stopped at the right door. The door of the white room.
He's excited. He wondered if what his baby girl is doing today.
When he unlocked it, he first noticed the plates of the untouched food, which is also white, on the floor. Then he heard murmurs.
Simon taught that it is just in his head but when his eyes landed on a familiar back on the corner, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Aurelia?" Walking near the girl sitting in the corner, back in his direction, he asked. Now, he's sure that the murmurs are not from his head.
But when he heard what the murmurs are saying, his footsteps faltered.
"Let me sleep, let me sleep,"
"Sleep," It says.