"I have nothing to do with you," Edik said as he kept walking, leaving the angry vampire woman.
Ivan also followed Edik's steps, and he tried to ignore the woman in front of him. He passed it even though it felt so creepy.
"Edic ... wait. Why aren't you afraid of her?" Alan asked Edik.
According to Ivan, the female vampire was terrible but still terrifying Sergei when she was angry. The vampire woman is Ollien, who is Sergei's cousin.
"The sun is almost rising, go before you get burned by it." Edik said in a flat tone.
Ivan shook his head, and he felt that Edik was not afraid of Ollien. From the past until now, he doesn't even know why, even though Ollien was angry that the vampire woman could never attack Edik.
Edik walked into Sergei's room to see if his master was on the chest or still sitting on the sofa. He knocked twice on Sergei's door. The master's voice told him to enter. Edik entered.
"My lord, it's time ...," Edik said to Sergei, who was still sitting on the sofa.