Chapter 12 - EARTH

Both God, Satan, and Lilith, were sad when they could no longer see the capsules where their babies went with the other children. The only thing left for them to do is, wait until they meet again and thus, be able to be together forever.

When the sixteen capsules reached Earth, the humans thought it was an earthquake and were very scared, because they did not know the exact place where such a scandal came from.

At the time that this was happening, the Cartwright, Williams, Anderson, and Corleone Families passed by at that time and on that road, who were heading to their respective homes.

They stopped in the middle of the road because they saw a strange smoke on the side of the road, and they decided to see what caused that smoke.

They could not believe what they were seeing. Unable to believe what they were seeing, they decided to count how many capsules there were in total and counted sixteen in total and when they got closer to take a closer look at the capsules, they could notice that, inside each capsule, there were babies.

They were even more scared, and the women were filled with tenderness when they saw those babies, defenseless of the world and evil, and, as if by magic, they decided to open the capsules.

When they managed to open the capsules, the babies began to cry. The women, without consulting their first husbands, decided to take the babies, to take them home and raise them as if they were their own.

The Williams family took Angel Jahweh, Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hippolyta, Clarisse, Apollo, Daphne, Tique, Aura, and Harmony.

The Cartwright family, only caught Lilith Satan; while the Anderson family took Victoria, Persephone, and Thanatos.

Finally, the Corleone family took James, Lestat, Phobos, and Deimos.

All the demons and allies of Satan and Lilith were close to them, protecting them and making sure they were in good hands and always happy.

They all took them to their respective homes, to raise and educate them as if they were their children and without knowing where they came from.

When they were already in their respective homes with the babies, who found them in the middle of the road, they decided to bathe and feed them; so that, they would not get sick.

While that was happening, all who were in heaven and hell were watching, with sadness, which family adopted their babies.

The Williams family home was a mansion and had a beautiful ocean view and it was no wonder because they lived in Calabasas, Los Angeles.

In Calabasas, only millionaires lived, and there, the houses are exaggeratedly luxurious and elegant, with a gigantic swimming pool, with sauna, steam, they also had basketball, soccer, volleyball, and tennis courts.

In addition, they had a spacious barbecue area and an outside dining room.

As for the Cartwright, Anderson, and Corleone families, they lived in Long Beach, and the houses of each one of them are in front of the beach.

They also wanted to do the same with the babies and it was to bathe and feed them. After that, the babies fell fast asleep.

The four families decided not to talk about where they picked up the babies and decided to forget about it and raise, educate, and love those babies as if they were their own.

At first, the Cartwrights, Anderson, and Corleone had strong problems with the babies, because they were not ordinary babies, they could notice that they had a lot of strength.

But little by little and with love, they began to gain the trust of the babies. As expected, the four families, with their children and babies, went to the doctor, to be vaccinated.

When the four families arrived at the place, the people who were there at the time could not stop looking at the babies and contemplating them, because they were beautiful.

When it was time to enter with the babies, the three families decided to wait, until the Williamses came out and thus, enter the three families together and at the same time.

When the Williams family came in with the babies, to be vaccinated, no one could explain what happened but, no vaccine managed to get into their skin, and immediately, the needle broke.

The Williams family, the doctors, and the nurses were shocked because this is the first time that has happened. They tried several times to vaccinate him, and the needle did not penetrate the skin of the babies.

They tried to control themselves and decided to take their temperature. Everything was going perfectly, and they were glad that they were in perfect condition.

Finally, they decided to weigh them, one by one. Everyone was shocked to see that the babies weighed like a professional wrestler.

The Williamses, seeing the reaction of the doctors and nurses, decided to take the babies at that moment. When they left, they approached their friends and told them what had happened to them recently, in the consultation.

The three friendly families did not know what to do. They did not know whether to take a risk or leave. After thinking it over and discussing it as a family, they decided to stay to see what would happen to them.

With them, the same thing happened but, with some changes and one of them is that when the doctors and nurses stared at them, they saw that, suddenly, the eyes of each one of them began to turn completely black with some red.

On the other hand, and without any explanation, the objects began to move by themselves.

As the doctors and nurses could no longer handle the tension, they asked the three families that it would be best if they left and would reschedule new appointments within a month.

The Cartwright, Anderson, and Corleone families, with this appointment, understood that there are no longer to make appointments with any doctor or nurses.

They returned to their respective houses, changed their clothes, and went to the beach and did everything to forget what happened today.

When they saw the babies enjoying the sand, laughing out loud, they were carried away by the charm of the babies.

On the beach, the three families were talking about the baptisms of the babies, who would be the godparents, when they would baptize them and what the christening party would be like.

And so were the Williams family. They were also talking about baptisms and all that that entails, and the very idea of ​​organizing baptisms made her immensely happy.

All the angels and archangels were close to them, protecting them and making sure that they were in good hands and that they were always happy.

The four families, without practically agreeing, decided to baptize the babies within two weeks. They were all like crazy, running non-stop, to have everything ready and within two weeks.

Hopefully, they could have everything ready and with two days left for the respective baptisms. Christening day came, and they were trying to dress the babies.

The Williams family had no problem dressing their babies and not only that; rather than, they were happy to dress them. This was not the case with the Cartwright, Anderson, and Corleone families, who had trouble dressing their babies.

No matter what they did, they would not let themselves get dressed. The more they tried to dress them, the more they put up resistance, and something told them they did not like the color white.

After two hours that they were happy, they all went to church, and there, they met the Williams family.

When they had to enter the Church, the Williams family entered without problem; instead, the three families could not enter the Church, it was as if something were pushing them not to enter the Church.

No matter how many times they tried to enter the Church, there was "something" that prevented them from doing so.

The three families could not baptize the babies and they all became suspicious. While the Williams babies did manage to get baptized and had their party, the babies in all three families simply did not get baptized.

Once again, they decided to pretend and get on with their lives. What they did not tell is that they would have some strange visits but, that they would help them understand everything.

Circe turned into a woman and whose name was Elsa Beatless, decided to see how the babies were doing. It was not just her; rather she carried with herself, a little dog, and that little dog was nobody but Can Cerbero.

And with her were Thena Gilmore who is Anck Su Namun and Zartan Simeonov, who is Imhotep. Anck Su Namun and Imhotep, are two mummies because they turned them into that, centuries ago but his love is still valid.

While they were walking the streets of planet Earth, they came face to face with the Cartwright, Anderson, and Corleone families, who were carrying their babies in their arms.

Elsa Beatless (Circe), her puppy (Can Cerbero), Thena Gilmore (Anck Su Namun), and Zartan Simeonov (Imhotep) knew the truth about those babies.

"Good morning, gentlemen," said Elsa Beatless, trying to strike up a conversation with each of the members of the Cartwright, Anderson, and Corleone families; so that she could be close to the babies.

"Good day. Excuse me, what is your name?" asked Monique Summers, Lilith Satan's mother (on Earth).

"Excuse me, what an upbringing of mine! My name is Elsa Beatless, and he is my puppy Beowulf, and they are my friends Thena Gilmore and Zartan Simeonov", he was saying while pointing his left finger at each of them.

"And you? Who are they?" she asked again, curious to know what he would answer.

"My name is Monique Summers, the mother of this beautiful baby whose name is Francesca, like her grandmother and he is Benjamin, Francesca's father and she is her sister Stella, and he is her brother Eben.

My mother-in-law, Suzanne Spellman, and my father-in-law Jordan Cartwright and her sister, Mary Jane Hillerson, and her husband, Peter Hillerson.

And they are my nephews Selena and Peter. They are my whole family", ended with the introduction of Monique Summers.

And in each presentation, they said "Nice to meet you."

"And who are you?" Thena Gilmore asked.

"My name is Amanda Anderson, he is my husband Bobby and these four babies, who are our children, are named Satine, Agnes, Sabrine and Arnold", she finished happy to introduce her family.

And in each presentation, they said "Nice to meet you."

"And who are you?" asked Zartan Simeonov.

"My name is Kay Corleone, and he is my husband Michael Corleone, and they are my children Peter, Drake, Bentley, and Aldaus," he finished saying with a smile on his lips.

And in each presentation, they said "Nice to meet you."

"Sorry for the intrusion but, I notice sadness as he spoke and in his looks. Is something wrong?" asked Elsa Beatless, intrigued to see them sad.

"Well, we can't talk to strangers, but we can't take it anymore" Monique Summers tried to continue, but could not.

"Forget about it and tell us what's wrong with you," Zartan Gilmore said, giving a little nudge for them to talk without stopping.

Then, as if they had reached an agreement, they begin to relate all the facts that have them puzzled and do not know what to do.

"Why don't you try to baptize them into the Satanic Church?" Elsa Beatless asked, encouraging them to be re-baptized into the Satanic Church, so that they would accept Satan again, in their lives.

"We are Catholics, not Satanists, and we are afraid to go to that place, which is blessed, to baptize our babies," said Amanda Anderson.

Circe, Can Cerbero, Anck Su Namun, and Imhotep, were upset, after hearing them speak and saying all that.

After so much insistence, the three families gave their babies to them to be baptized, in that Church.

The three families tempted to leave, leaving the babies alone, but they did not. Circe, Can Cerbero, Anck Su Namun, and Imhotep heard what they were thinking, and, for a few moments, it crossed their minds to hurt them, but they did not.

The babies were baptized in the Satanic Church, allowing it to enter each of their lives again. After four hours of christenings, Circe, Can Cerbero, Anck Su Namun, and Imhotep came out with the babies and delivered them to her.

After that, they had their christening party, although it was not the big party like the Williams babies were going to have, they were going to have a big party; in which, they had invited all the inhabitants of Calabasas, the three families, had a small, but significant party.

They invited them, as a thank you, and Circe, Can Cerbero, Anck Su Namun and Imhotep, felt that they had gained the trust of each one of them.