Upon my arrival at my new place, Andrea welcomed me with Battler Deo and her private nurse.
There was a wide, yet bitter smile showed on her lips. Her face looked red which brought fear to my entire system.
I thought something bad happened because of her not-so-good expression.
Battler Deo walked towards me and took the fruits from my hands.
He gave me a quick smile, "Good morning, young lady! I thought you will be home last night." he started.
I didn't know what was going on, but there was only one thing that kept in my mind.
"Is there something wrong? You looked exhausted." I replied as I turned my gaze on Andrea.
But he didn't utter a single word. Perhaps he is afraid that I might disclose something about last night.
I narrowed my eyes and kissed Andrea's cheeks. She is quiet, but I knew she was keeping within herself.
She said, "D-don't worry, nothing happened last night. Right, Battler Deo?"