"Tell me again, why do I have to pay for these when according to Mei-chan you are rich as fuck?"
He was complaining but he already gave his credit card to the store clerk to pay for everything Laurie bought at the store.
"Well, this is what I am telling you. I will still use you in every way possible way I could as a punishment for what you did in the past."
"I thought you already forgive me about it?" he asked, flabbergasted at how she could change her mind in a snap.
"Forgiveness and atonement are two different things," she answered, writing the instruction for the store attendant on how she wanted them to send everything she shopped back to their hotel.
Andrei didn't say anything more. He would never win an argument with Laurie anyway. She has answers to everything. Something that would just end up annoying him.
"So, where to next?" he sighed in surrender.
"Did Bella send you a message? I'm already hungry so we should eat now."