Chapter 691 - 691:aagh[pt 2]

The enemy flew on a dwarf planet ....the spores were blown to cover our lands...they all screamed the same Waaagh....waagh...I was captured by a female...she had her we....dozen of them being birth with each intercourse she had with me from goblin-looking things to one or two bigger orcs,s...small at first but the crawling carpet of green creep fed them to make em fully grown....I saw fellow men bound in creep with females or male orcs,s if they were female,s...they had the birth with ease...the monsters crawling out are more human than expected...sculpted muscles...big curves, or built like a brick shit house...merely minutes after... their birth...

I was fed and kept safe... surprisingly....the ones that resisted were killed but then others...I saw them body became bigger mind went fuzzy my mate stayed on my crotch resting enjoying the fun...I slept and woke up...a lumbering oger I became...muscles power and ravenous hunger....then hunger that calls for mating to satisfy grow our numbers to fight to Waaaagh!!!

I was half-conscious as she directed me to kill to rend and fight our enemy,s fun it was so much fun!...years...months...days...hours... minutes, and seconds none of it mattered pleasure and getting a good scrap is what drove me... Fun so much fun! long has it been... many were birth.... many miles...

I am still standing!... I will kill...

Run!.....and survive...the boss...the beast...the Biggest of us....our Big Beast Boss...he leads us ....with his four mates...we go from planet to planet adding them to our fleet of Dwarf Ships...the Swarm is recoiling at our ramming theu them...Queen of Blades has been cot off-guard... followed the Boss....he led the charge and we killed our way to her as he desired her as his mate...Serra...

Sera...sera...Keragan.....Sera...sera....why do I know of her...of the queen ....of ...her...need to get her....mine... mine...mine...

I ran forward jumping on the boss he told us all that if we defeated him he would allow us to be boss...but he would forever be the beast...he charged his former mate fell on the ground as he swung his fist...and the boss fell on his face...dumbfounded and stupefied the human ork placed a foot on his back...and a burst of Lougheed was heard...I smiled ....and he tapped out...a sign he gave up...the other zrorks followed the new boss Boss Raynor he charged ahead and with the army bulldozed the Zerg and captured the queen then started her purge of the energy and turning in one of us...a Krork zerg hybrid...she found her old self...then her partner...her only partner...we passed and continued absorbing the zerg and continued to hunt the Zell naga...the battle gathered the void ki peace and we flew to the void to bit the shit out of him...I had Keregen absorb a naga the weaker one then the big fucker called Amon...

The fun ended a Lul started ....the human hybrids returned to their world, the ork,s females followed their mates...and the tru orks stayed in the void to scrap with the remanents of the zel naga...I absorbed all that means to be an ork and a Zerg...I started absorbing the waaag energy to ascend ....and the Zerg psionic powers drained the ork,s energy...killing them....adding their souls and talent all the good parts leaving husk dust, and much more....all dead...then with a blip, I vanished...and I jumped down arriving to another place my mecha armor adapted to my body...I left...

Leaving the hybrids behind I landed in a new outer world...I landed and walked...wandering the world...