Chapter 681 - 682:Verthra

Few days in the training i was given freedom to read in the datta base and was given vigorous training..they got tiered before stamina was above average...i ate here learned and made no friends most were afraid since i am the son of Vilgax the planet conquerer...i got used to it ...i had to use my best behavior and got the permission to change the paint on my Armour...witch was modified by the scientist,s making it my plumber suit...with the color scheme and the badge i placed on my waist...i requested retractable sleeves and from waist down...and free ports for my wings..i had to wear gloves for the simple fact that my twenty tendrils that make my front locomotive limbs..have claw,s.

The obstacles course went well...and after some months my green skin started becoming lighter..the influence of dagons genes making me shift colore to a more suitable way for me to hunt...the white sterile station...i felt scale like structures make way on my body...the changes recorded ....monitored and finaly i was aproved to go on misions...with a adept compared to me a cadet...

We borded and i sat cheking the data ..

Jake:Any intresting details?..

Verthra:The individual we are supposed to a Galvanic mecamorf named Baz-L he sold his offspring to a human....

So prepare for Galvan blockers...ifnhengets to dangerous we are autorized to use the ready he is a known grave robber...and he is going to...Iner transil....Osome...

Jake:we have a plumber located from call to Lupis...

After a while we heard the call bebreturned...

Jake:Sergent Lupis we have followed the tracks of a galvanic mecamorf to your sistem ....we are aproching...plese hail us...

Lupis:Hail the landing pad is redy...pleae dont overeact to the inhabitans...i am expecting your arival.

A hour laighter...

Verthra:The sistem is loked...the humidity seams fine....are ectonuright,s still alive?..

Jake:Yea...after the zescares sealing his people are free they are not as deranged as he was...

Verthra:Ok lets dock...i need a breath of fresh skin is turning green again...

Jack:Dosent your species have need of water reservoirs to breathe?

Verthra:Only if they are base and not a demon like me...lets hurry i feel eyes on us..

Jake:by demon you mean mutants?

Verthra:More like Deviants...we never use the M words since it denounces a disease we never want to matter lets see the energy reading Galvan's have is very strong...he may have fused with local technology .... Let's hope he is immobile... call to the local plumber...

Lupis:Take care the inhabitants way have odd reactions to you two...

I turned and said...

Verthra:Curious .....shall we go...the atmosphere is chilling...

Jake:dont be a steady cat.

Lupis:Cat were!!

Jake:No cat!

Lupis:no cat?

Verthra:No Cat!


I saw few Frenkenhumanoids and two mummy,s...

We left...using the device and started tracking him....

We had arrived at the factory...i walked behind we opened the door we saw a Frankenhumanoid with its metal bits coverd by a galvanic mecmorof he was passed out untill i got close he opend his eyes and they spoke.. ....bring...him...back!..

Victor:Shut up ....and do as youre told....damned Gavlanic Accident!...

I immedietly move amd impacted a barrier made out of electicity...i jumped back...and shot with my lazers....they had ports ingecting them with power...i focused and started cutting them Jake had kept shooting other cables...and was hit by one...i stept on the cable before it could hit Jake...i then shot more lasers as my skin is impervious... enough...i moved my tendrils and grabbed Jake...moving him out of the way....and reentered the battle...the galvanic memory tried escaping... Thru a luck i kept cutting them ....and after few minutes...he was still down with buz-L being exosted Victor used him like a suit...

I had my work get livelier...i had sextended my hand grabed victor and naturaly i slammed the guy unfill he was unconscious...i used the capture cilinder and got the mecamorf off the franken humanoid...i gave a relefe breath and arested the franken humanoid as well..for the suspecious of trying to revive the ecto lord....i went to check for any suspecious behaiviour in the castle ....i found gene samples of ectonufight and vladat...i onfiscated my personal we found nothing special we left....

Jake:Thanck god we finished this quickly ....i fought i wood get fried ....out there....thancks Verthra ..can i call you ver?.. are allowed to call me ver for now...lets return i will write my report i want to sleep...that place give me a creep...

Jake:Fine take care....Ver

A week after....

Jake:So youre being sent to earth we we re told you father ...Vilgax is heading there with a army of droids....good luck...

Ver:Thanck,s ....can you tell me how much I grew? Hight whise ...i mean...

Jack:Youre about tall as Vilgax...its surprising since youre still so young ...

Ver: approximately a deviation from the base species is quite mental age should be about ....20 years old human...or younger...if my calculations are right....

Jake:And i think my species matures fast... Two years to get adult,s...but our lifespan is long enough...about human how long dose your species live?...

Ver:At least 800 years of life for the base ....father is at least 500 year old...any Diviants have longer or shorter life,s for me...i think i am i am unique a demigod demon Chimera sui genrosa...don't tell anybody...but i feel my a ancestors power moving thru my vains....i am still a young one...i may one time become an old one...just don't reed Lovecraft,s may drive you paranoid ....and my for does resemble one of them...

Jake:Good to know Lovecraft reading...maybe ill send it to the Galvan,s lab... hopefully they don't go insane...

Ver:Yes ...anyway i am getting redy...i want to see how they react...

A week laiter...

Max:So youre the new recruit...Plese tell me youre not wat you seem to be...we have alwredy Vilgax to deal with...

Ver:Cadet Verthra at your comand....for the record i dont like Vilgax...but he did folow our traditions...and he trained me i am stronger and more experienced...still young thou...i will help as i brite force...and i quite admire your achivements...and since i dont care for his goal i will follow my become unstoppable....and help people...nothing special...and never call me not him...ok..back to were we were i am asinged as to help you...lets go...i get the mask...i do want to see my human avatar...

As i placed the mask my form was reduced to Max,s size as a guy in cajual clothes big muscle ans dreads...long dreads...base white dude skin and i smiled...they saw metalic chains around my decorations and to cover my tendrils..with my wings wraped around me making a biker jacket.

Ver:Call me Ver Gax im your buddy from a while back we are plumbers...and i am a model citicen...hehe..

Max:Fine dont make me regret it...ver..

Ver:Thanck,s lets go...i feel Villi is plotting something....

Max:We found Albedo stole the Omnitrix replica...

....Few hour laughter...

A ultimate spidermanky juped ....tring to deal with max....

He tried to swat me off...i grabed its leg,s and pullednit ...Albedo panicked shooting spider web at me ....i moved a chain and it got wrapped in it...i swung the spider leg and he followed after the first impact he went out of the form....nocked mask was hit my a form back to normal i moved my tendril and restrained him...i smiled grabbed him and then the ultimatrix ....then with Max watching i took it off...then Stored it in the cofication box....i tiednhis hands behind and set the wrist bands...and Max was off....he then asked.

Max:How didnyou take off his omnitrix?...

Ver:Perks for being a Yog one...and i stored it ...crisis averted lets go to the base....

Max:...wat dose it have to do with you being young?...

Ver:A young one...not just that i am young of my species...i am an Eldrege Chimera sui generos ...a Young one...chek the lovecrafts book,s ..dont panick...i am part of this you...i was born but i will never die...

Max:Il ...check it during a break...are you related to Dagon?

Ver:Half right...i was changed when Vilgax absorbed Dagon...i became a demigod....a Young one...for that species of knolwge is scaling to my level of power.....thats way i try to not grow more powerfull then this....and why i am redy as a Cadet...

Max:Right...your eating habits....are you sure eating potatos is helthy....this offten?..

Ver:I am after the most efficient energy needed....and potato and meat are the best ....hopefully boiled meat...retains more body converts them with ease in uaefull energy...

Max:Want to try some tasty food?...

Ver:I dont mind...strange food...can i get a small bag of potato seeds ...i want to have with me if i get stranded ...on any planet to grow em....

Max:It shouldn't cause to much trouble...fine.. go to my corders ....i need to rest...ive sent the ultimatrix to my a safe...if you guys need it for reserch or transport tell me....only i can open it...Yawn...

Max:Understood good work..

A few hour i was many peopel...wntering my room ...Ben...Kevin...Gwen...The two galvans and sergent...i was naked....a cover over me and my human water bed.....

Ven:Wats the ruckus?...

Ben:Max got kidnaped my Vilgax....he wants the Ultimatrix in exchange....

Ver:Get out i need to dressup...Now!...Perverts...

They got a blush...Gwen saw my ligt green body...the scales and bone plates....i saw them get out...i dressed and equiped the armour...i took the mask and placednit on...out the door a normal white man was seen....

Ver:Lets go se wat Pops wants with at this hour?..

Kevin:Pops?....are you related to vilgax?

Gwen:even if he is the same species as vilgax...they dont have to be related...

Ver:I am cadet Verthra prince of Vilgaxia and son of the king and villain named Vilgax...we are bowth Diviants...of our species...just dont get us mixed up i have wings and purple eyes...and i am still young...about a year old and mental age of 20,s and such...and yes i know of Dagon...hes my grandpa...

Ben:Holy ....Shake....and fries...

Ver:You guys can call me Ver..i got the Ultimatrix...lets go..

Ben:...Fine whatever lets get Granpa back!

Few hour after...Gwen was taking with me..Kevin occasionally talking as well...

Ben:Are we tere yet?...No is no fun when i am driving...

Ver:So we arrived....did pops need to bring his big ship?

Ben:Any ideas?...

Ver:You i thinck...more precisely the warch.

He is after....the ship reminds me of the bio-android factory.....are you redy?

A few minutes....

Vilgax:Welcome Benjamin Teni.....

Son!...What are you doing here!...

Ver:This is my third mission....i dispatched Albedo with ease...and stored the replica Omnitrix in my safe...

Vilgax:I ...did not expect you to be deployed do fast!...

Did you mother call?..

Ver:Yes Mom called ....why do you think i am wearing her designed suit...i can call her at any time ....if im not underearth....anyway yourebgoing to trade max for the Omnitrix?

Vilgax:Right..Tenuson Give me the onnitrix or Max will die....


.he took his onitrix and gave it to him then he said the self-destruct phrase..

And it blew up.....

Ver:..Do you want the ultimatrix?....

Ben:You have it with you?....

Ver:The safest place inside my body..

As i said that my torso relaxed and i took out the Ultimatrix....withch was held by a tendrill i took it off and ben equiped it...and he changed the colore scheem...he thrned the dial and saw a new

He pressed it down and became my perfected form...about ten year older me ....twice the size of vilgax...a lot of instinctival knolege and power....he grabed vilgax and i said.

Ver:Ben can you call the rasformation Vertenetebra...and yes its a pun... sound lets deal with this...

He tapped the Ultimate mode and he once more grew twice his size and scale covered the body huge wings and all the powers were busted by ten times...he is huge...and the ship felll i went with the body could not bare the existence of two me...and they saw me vanish...

Ver:This reality was only a pig stop...Live good lifes...i am taking these with me my room there are Ectonuright and Vladat samples safekeep them...dont let anybody use my bed....i will return...

Then Vilgax saw me smile and wave...

Ver:Dont die old man...or ill kill you myself...


In a summoning citcle...

I opend my skin now was Red...

I saw three humans kneel...

Man:Ow please all powerful demon save us from dracula...he has been terrorizing our town...taking our people ...well do anything ...just save us..

Ver:Wat are you willing to part with?...human,s..


Ver:Get me potatos....garlick...and i will accept your will be deliverd i am taking the castle as my own lair...after i kill the old bat...sing the dotter ling...

And he did in blood..

I then took the mask and equiped my Galvanic suit...

Man...he saw me put the mask and i became human hight and form a handsome pale teen ....

Ver:Ok im done with the mandatory acting...if you summoned tackless demon he may just kill you for the souls...and had left...or killed some more...Dont do such might have died...good thing i like potatos more the souls... ready?

Man:How may we call you?..sir,

Ver:Chimera you can call me Chinera il deal with the bat first...

Then we left the building and we got outside were i jumped off and extended my wings...and got to the castle...i was met by Dracula...

Dracula:Who summoned you Demon!..

Ver:Man sumoned i am born from it...prepare and die..!

Dracula:I am undead ...i cant die any longer!

Ver:Let me prove you wrong you vladat nock off.

I punched...and he tried to grab it my limbs split and traveld across his hand and met to impale his cold head hart and ripped it out....

He screamed...and turned to dust...i destroyed the

I focused....the castle started glowing grey....and then with a pop...a wood house now took its place....i had a lot of lawn a metalic wall surounded my peperty...and i made ways for my garden and planted in a section my potato,s...then a few days after i was visited by the mayer and few able men with my tribute...they noted the

Big castle now was a big house surounded by a garden...with is slightly filled with turned erth indicating the presence of coverd seeds....

Man:I broght your garlick and potato,s...

Ver:Thanck,s the deal will stay established ...and you will bring me the smallest potatoes you have i need seed,s so i make more...better potato,s few month,s worth i should have some more...of my own then we can negotiate other plants i wood want to trade in for my a good man and don't bother

Man:Thanck you air Chinera.

I returned to my fields and chose the smallest then started planting....a easy feet for my many limbs...about thirty of em ..while the bigger ones i kept for my night i went hunting ...for meat..i got a boar...i had stripped the skin fat and bones...separated them and ....i forgot to kill it...i made a bundle of lungs veins brain..

.skin and inerds and with a twist killed it...then threw it in a metal pot mixing in dirt and some the rest the muscle hart and liver and kidney were stored in the skin...the fat set in another pot to boil to make Grese....witch i stored in a barrel ....the meat was sliced and put to dry in my drying rack as i used wet wood and started a fire ....

After a few hours i got smoked meat....tasty...treats...for me...i had checked the weather controll and the metal wall turned from the open form to the looked state making nobody able to see in the property...i took off the mask...making me just shy of a meter from reaching the wall...

I left to my house i need to arange the minicasgle of dracula and check the galvanic mecamorf suit...i then fell on the bed and slept...after few days i energy lowerd...the gift from father should have grown enoght..

I got to my feet and left...i saw the biodroids rose from the ground and saluted me....Mom had passed me some of her special made...seeds...i saw a line up of modified methanosian a serving desing race...the pods were they emerged will replace the old drones cells recharging over night....i had set them to do the maintanance work....the seed,s started getminaging....i had shown them how to mix spred and water em then i left to the lab...i need a easier way to move around the base is summoneble but ....i want it to walck....literely...

A year had passed my garden is big beutifull and i met Hellsing....he nocked and one of my pumpkin headed drones opened the door for him....and then he saw me ...more like he saw my limbs dangling from the biggest pot resting pot....i was a deep green ....the smell of sulfur having dispersed...over as my head popped a slow manner he backed off....notice two pumpkin heads bring a big bath towel...and i got to my feet ....Hellsing took two steps my muscular form was revealed...mimicking proper human muscle groups ...i grabbed the towel...and said.

Ver:Welcome ....Hellsing to my little resting spot...wat do you say noble soul...fragment of little peace of Eaden on earth....well for now...untill i get bored and leave...

Helsing:Can you dress...before we continue the talk?...


Then he saw a white green and black substance cover my lower half and formed a pair of overalls with a t-shirt ...

Hellsing:And wat are you....Chimera...

Ver:Call me Verthra Chimera was just for the normal man..just for the record i am a Chimera sui generosa..and a divergent from my normal species my kin are in water...and are nice...on me and my father are any different ....any questions?

Hellsing: come you were summoned like a demon?...

Verthra:I am considered a demon by my species...just like my father we both are not peaceful... In general all of out species is peaceful...well i was cot by the circle and my body adapted to be draged thru hell and emerge here....i killed dracula...and now i have a grad garden....wat do you say of my form...i worked hard to have the human like muscle groups nailed down in my memory and muscle memory...

As i said that i flexed and he noted perfect sculpted muscle....then i bend unnaturally ....bone less even....

Verthra: anyway any problem?...

Hellsing:Can i use some holy water ...just to be sure ....youre know my sense of the word...

I made a had it motion and i took a swig...

Vertra:Spice!....its not painfull bit its spice...

Ow look my skin is turning

I took another swig ....nope only water...boring...any other things that may be fun?

Helsing:Sorry no..that was my last of holy water ....are you some kind of nephelim?..

Vertra:Eldrege maybe....not sure....who...

cares...not me..

Hellsing:Il come back if you couse truble...have a nice day sir...

Verthra:Goodbye hunter...don't get killed and visit if you meat truble....wait a take this its a comunication device press the center and it will contact me...goodbye. .

A month later...

Hellsing:Verthra can you come to my location i have a wendigo on my trail and some innocent ...i cant save them all please help!

I woke heard the mesage and taped to find him....not far ...i left the house and lift off...i flew wapidly and few minute and i was above them....i flew down and inpact...i landed on the lunging wendigo....he was flat on the belly in a crater .....i looked up as i said.

Verthra:Dont be afraid i came to help....

They saw a golden Chimera sui generosa...with four large wings...i smiled and my white hands and feet face covered by a mask...i made a clenching motion as a light purple speer formed i pointed it at the ground and impaled the windigo,s hart...and it turned to ash...i loked up as Hellsing had a funy face...


Verthra:You called didnt you?...

His eyes widened and noted the wings were very scarcely...wrapped with bandages...


Ver:who cares anyway take care mortals...i have sin to purge somewhere else...

I then flew off then turned off the light show flew down and equiped the mask as i turned in a hunter....

I ran with heavy breth...and fell as i arived...Hellsing saw me fall...with intent...i got up and smiled...i had a big axe on my back and i said...

Drake Winchester:..Hellsing ...i came as fast as you sent the letter...its me Drake Winchester....were is the monster?

Hellaing:Hes dead a angel killed him...have we met?...

Drake:Dont you remember you came to visit about a month told me to be good ..and saw my lovely pumpkin headed scare craws....

Hellsing:Ow..yeah..i was so winded i momentarily forget...welcome you're a bit late angel smithed the damed wendigo...fully eliminating it...lucky us...

Drake:How did it look?

Victim:It was tall it had two wings it was golden with white cloths and had a purple spear...he said his name was Vertrael...

Drake:Cool .....any other places to go to?

Hellsing:To ghe vilege we must heck if they surivived...


A week laighted...

Ver:So this is your

Hellsing:so youre close to be expeled?..

Ver:Yea...the contract broke and my personal realm absorbed the property allwredy...only a clearing is left there...

I feel it have a nice day..i will not be back...

Hellsing:Goodbye you Eldrige abomination...dont mess with any good people...

Verthra:Yea yea goodbye...

[Pov. Verthra]

In a ring with a tall preistoric man ..

A man fell....

I looked around and saw PIKLE...i scrached the side of my head...he moved to the edge of the ring...i looked at the preisforic man....he shiverd....i placed a hand in my poket and then took out Boar jerky...i took a seating posture...and pated the front of my seating arangemeng...Pikle trembelingly walked and sat down...i extended a hand with very complexly cooked peace of jerky....Pikle took a bite folowing my facade...he ate with me...and after that i walked out...the two old men saw me felt off for them...i took a breth in ..and out..then i saw Baki waking in i smiled and taped his i said.

Verthra:Baki...can you please give me your best punch right here ...on my chest...i want to see how strong is the best grapler in this small world...can hit...

Baki:Shure but dont regreat it...

He winde up a closed fist and punched he managed to sink his feed a few centemiters in my chest....he felt it...coild muscle...not human...i smiled he then asked.

Baki:How about a fight...after i deal with Pikle..

Verthra:Dont worry we ate together...hell be fine...lets go in...i am curious see who,s the better grappler ... I have the limb have the short and nimble advantage....lets go...I'll show you a creature out of this world...

Backi:Youre bringing my hopes up...better dont disapoint me ...

Few minutes after ...

We faced each other Baky saw Pickle look over the stands...with the two old men...i smiled and they saw my move my hand at the face then i deactivated it...they're eyes were wide wings....not models only tendrils...twenty of them on my feet and hands claws sharp i was tall biger then pikle...i fkexed...and unraveld in a show of how my body work,s...the only part i didnt unravel is my legs...i then constructed three pair of hands three fingers each with the extra two tendrils giving my main pare of hands four fingers...three clawed and one normal...a claw for each hand...while my main had the clawed and the forth no clasw,s...

Backy:So wat are you?...

Verthra:I am Verthra son of Vilgax and a Chimera sui generosa from planet Vilgaxia ..i am a Multiversal traveler...a Alien to your universe...and can adress me as Ver or Drake your disgresion...and let me store the holomask...

Done are you redy Backy the grapler...

Baki:Shure...but let me introduce myself i am Baky Hanma son of The oger...Yugiro Hanma..and i like fighting...

I then saw him charge at me and deliver a steong punch... Like before but this one had no effect i thightend my muscles..and he shock his hand ..

Backy:Youre harder the come my previous hit sinked it?

Ver:I was relaxed i am in combat so i am more rigid..more in the battle state...pekles feels it ...i am geting serious!..

Backy:Come fight me?

He started a barage of fists and feet hits...the barage was body ganed few small bruzes...small...then i started the counteratack.....a similar barage but only with my fists ...the six of them....and he minimized the damage to purple bruzes....he was fast...powerfull...but i am beyond human...a monster....i cocked my three hands and fused in a one thick hand....i then swung ....close to his face it stoped...the air blast made his face look funy...i then returned to my base form...two large wings forme golden skin turning green...

I equiped the mask and evribody saw a abrege guy...

Ver:It was me when your Father wants to meet be going on a food trip i hope your olanet has tasty food.....or i mayte just destroy it...Hahahahaa...

Afew days had passed and i was called....we returned to the ring...and all the best fighters were waching...i walked in...and they saw me flowt...i intertwined my hand and a tendrill removed my mask.

Ver:Guy,s...welcome to the show...

Old man:Hes green now?...he was gold before!...and he is flying...

Hanma:So you're the adversary they think can defeat me...come show me your best....

I unwined my tendrills...and they finaly understood...i am no man...two pare of fists are bones...

I went on a crowching position as my body,s now was at equal haight...he walked at me...and started a barage of hits....untill blood fell on the ground ...bright red blood....i i chukled ..and made a simple jab....he was flung in the wall...and he passed out...the blond hanma...couldnt hurt me....his father got exited and he jumped in the ring...he leaped at me like jumping at prey...he was slammed down four times...before i flung him to the wall...he impacted the ground with his feet ....great body experience...our battle at laster a hour..and at the end of it....he fell body havig few bruzes a tendril was ripped off...and a few bite mark,s ....he hadmoustly half of his bones broken or for his left lowest rib removed.....

Ver:Huff..huff...This was fun...huff huff...your planet will be safe for now....i need a drink is anybody willing?

The fighter looked at each other and nodded...i reattached the severed limb...a easy fix...and then...i pocketed the mask....they saw my skin turn a human color...i took a face nose and equiped it with gloves and steel toed boots...i dressed with a jacket and shorts...i was human...enough to...except my hight...i released some water and compacted my extra limbs stretching and forming skin like replica...with lines on the inside making it look like tattoo,s or someone tried to mark me for hight was cut down a and i am about pikles hight....


So hear me ....i was reborn in the cot in a salt ice avalanche...woke up in the future had to fight with a kid..a father and some other...sicnce none of them spoke english.....i was detained...and now i am body is strong clothes finally...i didn't utter a word...i sharpend my skills and i got to see cute people...i am about 8 feet tall and my body is still adapting to the new world...i got a lady takin him care of me..she is nice...she even got perv,y....ending with us mating...a few times ....after few years i had a a Museum...and my kids grew with our kare ....i still didnt speack....i did practice the words....and meanings...alone...and when my firstborn said Mama as his first words...she didn't expect me to say.

Pikle:Noo Son you betrayed all my expectations son why....

Betty:You can talk?


Betty:Ow you little traitor!..come here...

And how long were you going to hide you can speak mister Dad?.

Pikle:Honestly i wood have spoken earlier if you asked .....i figured out language a few months ago...but the meanings is a bit in a blur juts a bit... I am still getting use...the large fields jungles and trees now replaced by metal trees and cement mountains...quite the contrast...i am happy with you...i don't need any more yes?

And the job is simple...enoght...



Nurgle:Hagrid , Jester, Toxzon.

Korn:Mable, Huntres, Mileena.

Slanesh:Delma, Snake, Eespi, Grieveus.

Tzinch:Pacifica, Hater, Jinx ,Jack.

Sons of Malal:10

Fallen of Malal:20


[Zack has instaled the Chaos Jewl the Mounten Bald now is owned by you ,

You have privileges to shape and model it at your desire the mountain mana pool is now opened for your personal use.




Skills passive: Mineral wealth , Water spring ,Medicinal herbs , Mushrooms, Trees.]

[Name:Zack Chaos.



Skill:Soul trade , Create, Equvalent exchange, Contract, Chaos room chart, Clensing fier of change,House Ferry Malice,s Gift, honey generator, Regeneration Tuch, Mounten Laws, Size shifting.





Tital:Chaos United!,Human just human.

Curses:Voices of the Chaos gods, Human only Human, Malices protection, Tamer of monsters.

Items:Nurgle,s gifts,

Slanesh gifts,

Natural Materials,

Elf stuff,

Hunting trophy.

[Skill:Mountain Law.

Effect:Depends on the owner and can change at the whims of the master.

Curent effect:Clean and Dirty.

Those who need to be clean are inside and outside as any food is converted to energy are both used to nourish both inside and outside the body, while the dirt and dirty things are sent to the compost pit as the nurglelites are kept from accidentally gifting new plagues .]

Days new recruit of yet Eespi is nice...sometimes bites...not so consequencial....i had gave her a room and went form grew to the Elven Wendigo...with my Ram skull...suit...

Guild:Hellow sir may we help you today?

Zack:I require the map to the closest dead zone...undead..i want to hunt some...

Guild:That can be done...a few moments please...

Adventurer:OY ram skull wat kind of warlock are you?

Zack:The amber kind...WORIOR...Miss can i put a request for two Worm eggs...

Guild:Shure sir..

Worrior:Youre not the first cocksure warlock to try this.


Worrior: You Know. Wyrms arent like normal beasts.

Creature like that don't obey Mortals.

I know plenty of your kind have gotten themselves devoured for this kind of hubris.

Zack:Listen man i just want a really big omelet..

Guild:Thise ones were bought to the guild they're not fertilized...and have few more weeks before they rot...well give them to you at a discount...30 gold each..theyr six of em..

Zack:Consider them sold...such big omelets i will be able to make from them hehe..and im not shearing....they close to the size of my torso....i need to prepafe some potatos garlick and other were were we yes....30 gold each there are six of em...240 gold it is ...a plenty hevy purse...

Guild:Follow me il help with the singing of the documents...

Zack:Shure...i will transport them myself....


I gave the gold and with a amber net and patting i got them on my back...and as i left i turned to the team of the worrior and showed my face ...witch i changed it to be mesmerizing..

Zack:I hope youre cocksure you have the right to tell wat kind of Warlock i i am a Wendigo first..

As i said wendi they fsaw my mouth open revealing a line of sharp teeth ataged neatly...theyre bone white and the interior of my mouth is charcole black..

I lowered the mask and left..out without a second ward..

I got to enc look unter with a Golden dragon...he saw my sak of Amber gold eggs...she was curious.

Gold Dragon:Halt creature and tell me wat are you carrying!



Zack:Nun you Buisnis piss colored reptile!

G.Dragon:You dear insult thy? you lower life form!

I stomped and immedietly grew and grew untill i tawerd over the lizerd then my amber enveloped me forming a DRACONIC WENDIGO i snaped my maw and said.

Zack:Shut up Lizerd before you become my next meal fleshling! Sir!

I huffed and the size and amber was stored in my storage for such things...i then leaped away with a hum in my voice...

Zack:Teen dragons these days theyre witout manners...

I got to the base and walked straight to the kitchen were Nuriel came as she felt the stagnation in the eggs...i felt one had a i sent it to my bed ...and the rest i used to make five huge omelets i called who wanted some and we ate...after few hours i met Mable talking with Eesi questioning how intreated them...she made a yelp and ran when i apered...

I had then went to my bed and slept with the wyrm egg it started changeing colore from the black to a amber colore...slowly...

Next morning...i did my rituals and after eating i went out to do as needed ...more hunting and now Undead...i had went thrue the large hordes kept at bay by the border patroll...more battle was a childs play as i was in my largest form...half the size of my mountain killing smashing cutting destroying the hoard...and may diffrent undead...i was done clearing the hole zone as then i had cheked my adventurer Id and saw my kill count rize to milions....i gained a tital..

[Tital:Undead Nightmare

Effect:Scares undead and gives 90% damage to undead.

Description:When they tell bed time stories to theyr children they soeack of theyr boogyman and that being is you!

Sideeffect:Youre body is filled with vitality equal to each undead you slayed....each vitality point increases your hp by the level of the undead you killed...]

[Name:Zack Chaos.



Skill:Soul trade , Create, Equvalent exchange, Contract, Chaos room chart, Clensing fier of change,House Ferry Malice,s Gift, honey generator, Regeneration Tuch, Mounten Laws, Size shifting.





Tital:Chaos United!,Human just human.

Curses:Voices of the Chaos gods, Human only Human, Malices protection, Tamer of monsters , Undead Nightmare.

Items:Nurgle,s gifts,

Slanesh gifts,

Natural Materials,

Elf stuff,

Hunting trophy.

I had then left..i stored the hight and had been seen by the guards...i grew smaller...and about my normal haight i made my way to the guild...

A few hours of walking....

Guid:Helow haw may i help you?

Zack:Are there any rewords for killing undead?

Guid:For each ten undead of lower level a coper each...and so on...can i see the guild card....ow my....that,s a lot.....can we get you a monthy pay method?

Zack:cool..yep i am wiling....for such a pay method..miss...

Then ahe passed me a hundredbgold coins....and i left for today...i had went to by other things...and then returnedd pasing by Hagrid witch was wide eyed...

Hagrid:Lord Zack! You got dragon egg?

Zack:A wyrm egg...and its being converted to be a Amber wyrm a dragon...but long..and Wyrmy...youngot the gist...i am feeding it the best of energy,s the CHAOS atarted turning AUBURN and i feel the soul growing stronger so dont worry...i am nurturing her the right way.....anyway is the garden fine?

Hagrid:There are many slugs that come in waves to eat the was a hard job to keep em off...can you help?

Zack:A pest killer ...a minute ill check the tools and things...there it was ..

Here it it with a chain and it will eat all of em up...

Pacifica:Zack ?...can you tell me why is Mable on the Korn team?

Zack:That version of Mable is pure yea..she is in korn,s team nothing special relly...

Pacifica:And why am i in Tzinch,s team?

Zack:Youre no slut and dirty beach thats why...

Pacifica:Ow...ok have a nice day..

I left and visited Muriel she was managing the new recruits the sons of Malel recruited....five people a noble two civilens and two goblins....girls...i got the cloth bands and gave it to them...after witch i left...jumped in my bed...were Eespi was embraceing the egg...i joined in and we slept...come morning i was woken by Muriel...and was told.

Muriel:The local heroes came to ask about the changes of the mountain i brought them to the waiting room and we treated them to honey tea...and some cookies we started bakeing not so log ago...

Zack:A few minutes i need to get dressed.

I had my moss coat...comfy clothes and amber coverd Ram i walked in the waiteing room...few skeletons in armour and a son of Mala were walking behind me...i keot walking as i said.

Zack:Ow hello if you please follow me to the Liveing room...i don't need you guy,s to drop dead ....

Bow hero:Wat do you mean by that?

Zack:Shugar clogs your arteries...and you died of having to much...come...before you guys are to fat to walck...

Shild hero:Is it some kind of joke?

Zack:Suprizingly no i am serious...the waiting room is enchanted to slowly make any food here filled with shugar...yes even a shit will smell and taisg sweet if it spends more then a hour here...

Sword hero:wat wood happen if it cot fier?

Zack:Caramel...that it wood happen...

Come...and get your stuff the staff will clean this room ....i don't need another sugar slime to spawn here....Now come .

Bow you guys get Warhamer vibes?

Zack:Do you four give the raise of the shield hero vibes?

Sword Hero:That was wat i asked them before.....are you a hero as well?

Zack:In a met Muriel how was she?

Bow hero:Goth

Sword hero:A nice female fey..

Spear hero:And whow were going to react i had a daught but now ....are we to belive who will be our eneme or allie?

Zack: World apart i am the chaoce hero zackhart the wendigo druid...and linchpin do you thinck i can simply say hellow i am the big bad you think i wood invite you here without safe gurads?

i uncle inch wood go mad if i ever was jut going to erve miself on a silver plater

i welcome you four to the chao fey tzuriel the fey of tzinch next is koriel the fey of korn,now nuriel she i the fe of nurgle and lastly sluriel the fey of slanessh.

Shild hero:So who are theSe god.

Zack:And You call YourSelFS ErthlingS

Spear:Erthing,,, We are From Terra HolY Terra!

Zack:....HolY Emperor!

Sword Hero:Yep thatS our God...

Zack:.....i am From the World That made Your....And i have the PowerS OF Your ChaoS GodS quetionS?

Shield:Are You Evil?

Zack:No i am all hugs and kisses...definitely no....i am neutral...i act as needed to survive in my way and not die...join me and prosper otherwise i dont care ...dont get in my way ...will i am the mountain.

if you bother me I'll crush you under my bulk.... as such don't bother you're under my control zone for now...heroes!...

...So did it sound convincing enoght?

They were bewildered.....i ACTER exactly like they're expectation,s then..nada...the aura flyer...everything they saw were the elven Wendigo druid was a boy....a be exact....with a ram skull in his i smiled...they saw the emblem on thenback of the wall glow a deep golden...CHAOS UNITED was written cursive around it...each letter randomly glowing of the coloreds representing the main four chaos gods..and a Amber siliett was formed...four eyed wendig druid with the tail and four clawed hands...

C.U.Zack:So pitiful mortals...welcome to my Stronghold...wat brings you here?

Spear:Holy shit...thats some...

Shield:Distresing maybe....

Bow:We came to talck..

Sword:And we hope to make peace!...

C.U.Zack:Allright...even if you did not come for such small matters..tell me..who do you serve...the king...or it's people ...or you serve nobody at al...and your doing everything in a misguided atempt of grandure....So ...speack..

Shield:For my friends for the people i made conections with in this world.

Spear:For my fionce...and mony...and myself?....maybe for the fun of it....

Bow:For my own gratification....i want fame mony and many kids!

Sword:For the kingdome .....and for boredom....i had a boring life...i will not waste this life!

C.U.Zack:God answer...decent answer...bad answer and good answer again....for sure i don't i said before i am fame or glory is found here wealth is consequential ...and i can have anybody i desire....i am content....don't bother me...and i will not bother you..bit if you thinck i am merciful....MABLE! come here...

They saw a door open...and a girl with brown hair leather armour...and a mace came in ...the armour is red and very studed....she had a dog dezine....

Mable:Wat do you want! Lord Chaos!

Zack:Tell them the fate of schemers and the evil? ...not doing was humiliating enough that i stared liking it

I am not narrating the many perverted things you did to this body on mine...i couldn't believe how many times you broke my body and mind to only mend it the next moment....are you sure i am the evil one?

Zack:Yes you're so evil they exiled you from your planet be happy Korn felt generos enoght to gift you to me....if not you were going to be left to flote and waist away and wat did you call me?....litle shit!

Mable:Nothing ow lewd lord of myne....

Zack:Thats it ...youre being sent to my room youre geting punished and not the plesent tipe i was giving far...

Bow Hero:Damzle i will save you...if you promise to have my kids...

Mable:Go fuck yourself beta meal!

Bow Hero:Fuck me yourself you cowerd...

Zack:Stop....Deceaset.....Shut Up...

The room atmosphere was ruined...

I got up reequiped my Ram suit...and snaped my finger.

The bow hero was tied and fell in a hole in the floor....

Mable folowed by being dragged to a Amber box ....her armour vanished and the box morphed .....she now was in front of me in the position of a table....i took out two candles and placed them on her provat parts.....

Shied:Shoud we intervene?...

Spear:It looks kinki...

Sword:Can we have out BOW hero back?...

Zack:Tumorow...i sent him to the Slanesh,s room ...hes being probably fucked like a sex doll right about tumorow il escort you to your acomodations....theyre the guest rooms in my zone...hengot the guest room with Sluriel and Snake...theyre eager...

Shield:Are we just leting him there?

Spear:Hes having a good time if not well he can take this as trainig i more worried for the evil girl...her posture is very intense....

Sword: Lets enjoy the brake..were busy....and hopefully we are going to be friendly with this force...if they course trouble we should be able to secure....hopefully we can contain them...and protect everybody.

Zack:...are you done...i have a evil hore to punish.....dont worry nobody dies here...even if they relly want to...

Shield:I have a friend who is not well...can you help them?

Zack: yes i can do that.....but know that costs..mony or not healing anybody for free.. It costs mental fatigue and my fucks to give....were are we now...

Yes chose one of your rooms there are eight...the rest will be there....don't wreck em...don't get tricked by the fey and don't lick the amber...that part of grabing my hair or puling my finger ....just dont...

I left and went to my room were Mable was stuffed with a Replica of my genetelia and placed up to act as my candelabler...i with Eespi were hugging the egg.

Days ...affer the hero,s left....

I saw the egg crack..and a draconic head emerged from the slithered....with six tendril,s like limbs she ...yes its a female. ..coiled and surrounded one of my hands...its body reminded me of i figured i wood name her as such...she wrapped my left hand and snuggled in my palm...i made a cooler...and placed it on her she chirped in delight a gift...and its valuable too....


Zack:Youre Giratina my Dracoinc partner..

Eespi:Shes so adorable!

Zack:and very dangerous!...i feel it she is a being of order....under me a being of chaos....wag irony is this!born from chaos to contain it this will be funny...i used my full chaos energy...and made..

1700- Chaos was consumed....

[Item:Pandoras box.

Effect:Contains a mirror dimension bound to the Partners Mauntain and two hundred kilometers around it... It can affect the outside world as it affects the dimension...

Sideeffect:Grants the creature that resides inside multiple forms...that diverge from the base form...and responsibility,s.

Bound to Giratina the Amber Wyrm..]

I smiled ...and Giratina ran in the box...i feel the conflict....the four are riled eyes circled thru the colore as it settled on Gree....

N.Zack:Ow my...wat a day...

I got up Nuriel came as my dutifull maid...we went to the Nurgles,,Forest ...we had focused on his new plants...pox,s and cute little ones...a few days passed...and i regained my faculty,s..i was on a bed of moss nurgelinga and criters abound....

Muriel:We got RAOYALS that request to live here...its a diplomatic mess so they want theyr children safe...

Zack:Ok get the the guest rooms..

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