Chapter 678 - 679:placodermi


I woke my eyes opened and felt Alive i turned around as i saw a fishy woman look with anticipation at me....i tilted my head.

Undying:Now show me your blast K-blaste.

I turned around and searched for a valid target and saw....nobody....i turned to her and charged my energy and with a surprised shout from her she fell on her ass.

I then stoped when I felt her injury was fixed i tilted my head and she took a deep breath she blinked and felt discomfort on her other eye she tore the bandage off and saw....she then screamed and got to her feet with a smile she grabed me and huged me..she had nice chest ...i broke free and sat down ....i just went in my rest mode .....

Then next moment i woke i had finished the inherited memory,s and opened my eyes everybody around me saw the skull crack Undying was panicking her first partner shattering and fell completely apart into dust the egg that sat in the dust surprised the scientist and Undying she felt a connection...i was still so sleepy . c..can this be the e..extractor ...broke...the ...e...egg may be due to the ...r.emanants...from ... the ....human..soul....we....e.extracted.

Undying:I dont care i want the egg i feel the conection it may become a monster....i will keep it safe...thancks Alphys ....but i need to keep it with me ...Allright..

Alphis:I.i...Alleight but keep in mind if you feel something wrong come to me...i don't want you to get h..hurt.

Undying:Allright Alphis.

Then i was grabbed by Undying close to her and we had walked thru a hot zone then we reached a comfortable zone..humid and pleasant ...

After a few days my soul stabilized and the link was kept but no energy was being transferred....

i was left on the bed as Undying had been doing her job as after a few hours she returned and few minutes after Papyrus and Frisk entered to see Undying with me in her embrace she invited both of them inside and after a while as papyrus did not leave they started training his food making...

before they could butcher the ingredients they heard a *Cracking* sound and the egg expanded rapidly from half the size of frisk to be as tall as frisk...

first two holed formed under my shell as i became a walking egg next was my hand,s all four of them my fingers all webbed and clawed next the tail as long as i was tall my skin blue with yellow stripes i moved my hands to my face ...

.if there was no egg and i ripped it open as a blasted skull with green dots for eyes was visible to then observe the eye light dimm as the bone plates separated and reveled a similar face to Undying ,

While from my top of the head to my tip of my tale a red crest with blue spures between i had similar structures from my wrists to elbows while, my ears are exact copy,s of Undying i felt the them look at me noticing no reproductive organs a male chest and face structure ...even if i look young i had a stern face i walked to the kitchen table and looked i got up grabbed a big cauldron and filed it with water i placed it on the stove and washed my hands next i saw the tomato's i got them and threw them in the sink were they were washed and then on a wood plate cleaned and with my claws removed the unappetizing bits after i heard the water start boil i grabbed the pasta and thew it in with salt and some small amount of oil i then returned to the tomato's i grabbed them minced them carefully and got a pan i faun oil and added a generous amount i then waited for it to heat and threw the tomato,s and allowed them to cook and casually mix add spices and mix again when the smell was right i pulled it out the flame and left it rest i turned to the pasta i got a bowl and a water strain and strained the water off the pasta as i saved a cup of it then i had mixed pepper and oil and mixed the pasta was allowed to rest while i checked and grabbed some meat i found flower and few more spices i then cut and diced the ingredients placed the meat in a bowl and grabbed a hand full and swished it in balls one after another untill i had turned all the paste in balls i then threw them on the frying pan and some water untill they were firm enough and i threw the sos on them after i mixed for a bit i had snapped my finger as four skull bowls form i went and grabbed the spaghety and placed on the four bowls and then added the meat bowls and sos i checked the smell and grabbed more pepper then seat them on the table witch is not broke i walled and sat at the table the two monsters and human looked at each other and they came to seat i had seen Undyng get fork,s and gave one to each of us i discarded it as i opend my mouth and the three saw six tendril-like tongues extended and pulled in few pasta at a time this went with odd reactions...Frisk went flirty and a red blush Unding blushed awkwardly and Papyrus was suprised and asked.

Papyrus:So wat is your name?

EnnGrimm: *childish voice*you can call me EnnGrimm Son of Undying and Alphis...

My full name is EnnGrimm Alpha for short Enn or Grim.

Papyrus:Its a pleasure knowing you and the Spagety is very delicious you're a great cook.

Undayng:Hold on ....yore My kid?....a.and.Alphy,s?


And wat hapend with the K-Blaster?

EnnGrimm:I just know that i am yours and Alphys son...

Frisk:Your a boy?

EnnGrimm:yes...i am a biological male and no i am not showing you my i am should bother me but doss not....its just odd....who cares i am still hungry ....big guy can you help me i need some muccle for the next dish..

Papyrus:Allright , by the way i am the great papyrus!

EnnGrimm:Nice to meet you i am EnnGrimm, now get those stinky gloves off we don't want the dou to taste like dirt..

Papyrus:Wat difference dose it make?

EnnGrimm:By the smell itself you wear them close to all the time ....they get dirty and affect the taste when cooking ...making it taste please do remove them and wash your bare hands to remove any outside influences on our food.

Papyrus:Ow never knew of such things...thak you...can you explain wat i need to do?

EnnGrimm:Yes no problem..

First get the flower fill the bowl add milck a cup of water oil and peper then mix untill its all one substance ...yes no placed some flower on the counter and drop the doe split it in four and mix those four in balls of doe we set two of em on plaits and let them aside ,

We can prepare the two we are working with activate the Furness and let it heat up now we flatten the doe carefully to let out the traped air only in the middle now place the doe on the bone tray,s now for the topings get a knife i will wash the produce .

..and now cut any green thing off since those dont taiste well if its not all suposed to be green, now lets cut the produce into a sos we can add some condiments and we can cover the doe plates ...well done now some meat strips and lets set them in the furness 200 degrees for ten minutes ...

Look the doe edges fluffs and the middle grows just as we need it ...

Get four plates we are eating..

I then moved the two pizzas and cut them in two sides of four slices each side i once more sat and we ate as i ate with my hands bite by bite untill it wa done...i felt filled enoght as Frisk asked.

Frisk:Did you make pizza?

EnnGrimm:Yes an Italian product the pasta i thought Papyrus wood like it ...i still don't know i know of these foods.

Wat i know is that i feel something calling for me....Mom can i borrow some pants?

Undying:F..fine but i am coming with you...

Wat about the doe?

EnnGrimm: we are living it out sice i doubt you have a normal fridge..

Undying:Normal? My fridge keeps the food warm at all times! Alphis made it for me..

EnnGrimm:Keeping a food in constant heat is bad allows mold and other bacterial lifeforms to grow and spoil the food we keep food cold to perserve it ...for long term.,

So we are living them outside i dont want tonfind bred in the fridge wen we return.

I was given a pair of pants and i needed to make a hole for my tail then Undying papyrus and Frisk with me. We walked and went thru the Hotland finding the Apron and frying pan then papyrus went home as me and Undying went to the lab were we met Alphys she was a tad taller then me but i still huged her she stuterd and blushed for a moment as i wisperd.

EnnGrimm:Yep you smell like famaly..

Then i spoke normally

So Science Mom how are you. the Egg!

EnnGrimm:And my name is EnnGrimm Alpha a pleasure Alphys Mama..did you expect me to be minger or are you with megrims spirits?

Well the situaltion could have been grimer but we are lucky.

Undying:Ok stop with the science talk i got lost at minger or wat was that?

Enngrimm:A anagram meaning Unplesent or ugly ....while mergrims refer to spirits and other small creatures...

Alphys:Curious inherited parts from both of us...but what's with the Apren and pan?

Undying:Enn told me they were calling for him we folowed his instinct now he has them ...

Then i stored them in my pantry

Alphy,s:Wats that?

EnnGrimm:Its my pantry ....wat is a pantry? the hell do i know it is a pantry....can you fill the missing peaces?...wat was added between your two magic energy to end up naking me?

And what is the K-blaster?

Alphys:The k-blasted stand for Kindness Blaster is used for cutting thru human souls this one for the kindness soul .... when the kindness was extracted with it may be that some energy remnants may have been left behind and when i tested the activation before Undying test run witch heald her eye ...the stress may have fused the remnants of our magic and formed a egg...from with you were born...the items and now pantry ...may be your monster magic infused with kindness traits...puling any remanents together...

EnnGrimm:Curious ....wat wood happen if i tuched the kindness soul?

Wood i aborb it or wood it absorb me?...

Not hapening anyway ....i feel complete...

Lets hope eveithing is fine.

Undying:So Enn here is the reincarnation of the kindness traited human? Anime real?

EnnGrimm:....Yes anime hentai and everything is real to a point since in a multiverse there must be a reality were it happend ....eveithing is real to a extent...

Alphy,s:A..anims is real...Multiverse as well!!

Undying:Anime is real Hentai too!!

EnnGrimm:well it...


I apered in the lab ....Alphys waching porn on her computer....i blinked and ....

That kid Reseted the world....i silently went to Alohy,s and grab her by the shoulder and she panicked to notice a long tail coiling around her ...i then asked.

EnnGrimm:if someone is born from the remanants of a human soul wood they teoreticaly be able to remember when they modify reality?

Alphy,s:T..theoretically...yes...but is very unlikely...

EnnGrimm:Well it happened ....the kindness extractor you wanted to make Undying having her use it worked it heald her damaged eye then it collapsed as the stress broke it making so the trace of kindness mix with then closes two energy signatures mixed making a egg my egg i was with Undying for the most time ....tell me wat wood happen if i absorbed the kindness soul?

Alphy,s: You wood mix with its original personality ....make a demigod if you don't lose your mind...

EnnGrimm:One last question, do you need help with that little problem?

Alphis no gulped as her honey pot leaked her juice i snickered and moved to mach her honey pot as i extended my tongues and dug deep and carefully to hit her best spots rewording me with tasty treets i then got up affer her third orgasm as i took her seat and she took my place and she saw my poker she extended her tongue and dug carefully dealer untill she felt something pole her tongue i held her with my tail as she felt two rods slowly dig deeper and dipped her eyes widened but didn't stop licking untill two nots popped out first the lower one then the upper one she pulled slightly back an i allowed it as she kept licking the knots her tongue quite long she was allowed to move back in forth i her eyes showed stars as she enjoyed herself untill she felt me twich and engorge as then i left a nice thick pacage down her through.

She slowly pulled out to the tip and licked the tips cleaning the rest of the baby juce she then got up and turned around presenting her two holes with my members lubed i grabbed her tail and nibbled on it as i pulled her closer then with the two rods poking the two holes i pulled her slowly she squirmed a little and with a determent face she gave me a surprise and jumped on me my tail coiled to allow me to not brake the chair she impaled herself to my knot then she lowered the chair by handle and she started rising and lowering steely her legs thick and stronger then expected she kept at it for a good ten minutes untill she got exposited i then held her and got to my feet as i moved her to be on her fours i used my tail and held hers as point of leverage i kept pumping harder and harder as i was getting closer Alphis phanting and moaning tried to say something i got it as with pull and a quick move the second dick joined her ass and after that she relaxed as i got to my climax and with the tail,s help i pushed with all my might as my knot,s entered her completely she felt it and squirted she the fell on her side making me tilt i carefully moved and twisted now was on her belly huging her after a couple minutes and she got to her feet then she grabed me holding me to her chest as she careied me tonher bed and we fell on it resting ...

Next day.

I woke as Alphys woke my member fully retracted and hugging her i am stuck as her pillow then she open her eyes and she stretched and felt me ...

As she opened her eyes she remembered my questions and longer she looked at me more she was convinced and then she started turning red and reader as her filled guts demanded release she carefully removed me from her and went to the bathroom were she released the invading substance in her guts ...

When she returned she saw me still asleep she went and got some snacks and water then she shuck me awake...

Then i moved my hands to my eyes and scratched the sleep away i got on my feet as my tail moved to cover my lower waist from accidental erections then i held the water and i started drinking and finally with a final gulp it was empty then the snacks web bowth ate some...

EnnGrimm:So i need something to cover myself ....Can i borrow a lab coat?

Alphys:Sure so wat is your name?

EnnGrimm: I am EnnGrimm ....And i need to get a safe zone....the true lab can you show it to me? do you...

EnnGrimm:You told me of it before the reset where you and Undying tested the k-blaster and my birth spot ....i need to do some research ...grow....and become stronger...

Alphys:F..fine..follow me..

We went down and i met the Amalgamates....

I had got a room with a bed and i started going with the flow learning much and after few months a second


I an in my bed the i was coverd by the Amalgamation of the Dogs licking and cuddleling me seams they remember me ....i had went around the ujual rutine i grew to about Alphy,s size now then after a few days i met Alphy,s again she was suprised her eyes wide eyed and my muscular body wearing a lab coat getting her ..she jumped me pheromons alwredy around i carried to my bed and we did the did her mind cleard and i told her wat i told her before teling her this is the seccond reset..the. Few more Months ...more growth and muscle,s and the


Happend .....i met Snas he casually teleported in the lab as i was working on my device ....he looked over my shoulder and widened his eyes he understood i was trying to make a anker to stop changes on


He then said.

Sans:Sorry whoever you are but it won't work...i tried the same.

Who are you kiddo?

EnnGrimm:Sans told me you were a scientist ....a my name is EnnGrimm and son of Undying and Alphys with a fragment of the soul of Kindness ....made me some kind of Reality Ancher ....i was born two Reset,s Ago ..i met Papyrus ...did his cooking improve?

Sans:So that why his cooking got better...

Well thanks pall..did you finish reading the reserch here?

EnnGrimm:Yes i am currently trying to understand and improve...any research you got hidden?

Sans:Yea ...wait a minut ...

Then he teleported out and then back in my room,

Sans:Here you have my attempts at the same research good luck bukko i lost my interest maybe you can complete it..i dont care anymore..

EnnGrimm:Are hurt?

Sans:A blind eye and dull pain on my ribcage...why?

EnnGrimm:I have a fragment of kindness lets see how effective is it at healing first the eye.

I held his head and my hands glowed green and it spread all over his body then a good flicker turned to a spark and then the eye burst in green flame as his blue eye manifested ....then his chest felt better.

I fell on my ass and the energy levels dropped to twenty percent ....i huffed and inhaled and my body glowed green slowly my energy recoverd and in three minutes i was full once more ..

Sans:Well that was unexpected lets hope it sticks for the next Reset ...Thancks again kiddo..i will live you to your research..

And then he left...i worked and wred ..i even got the two dumb passwords ...

I figured the same conclusion and then another


I was in waterfall taking a bath now i am about the height of Undying ....i relaxed and then i felt a pair of eyes i then was rushed and began to be asked.

Kid:Hellow who are you why do you look like Undying ?

EnnGrimm:My name is EnnGrimm i am Undyings relative and i booster of being strong enough to fight with her...

Kid:Yooo so cool!I am Monster kid nice to meet you.

Then he sat himself on the edge as he placed his feet in the water while the hours passed he left i was closento bliss and was woken when a blue woman jumped like a cannon ball she then emerged from the water ....Undying....

Undying:Who are you handsome!

EnnGrimm:Your son...

At this she was buffled folowed by a red face and asked.

Undying:How the hell dose that make sens?

EnnGrimm:Alphys had invited you to use a new weapon that weapon had soul bits stuck to it both your energy and hers mixed with them and made a egg took it due to the connection we had i hatched and i cooked tasty food since you and Uncle Papyrus are bad at cooking ...he even improved ...then something happend and time turned back all except me....thats why i am so big and got your easy muscle gains i like to swim ...any questions?

Undying:How many times did this happen?

EnnGrimm:A few i lost count ...

She got close noting my scales like Alphys my mussles build like hers but bigger she then felt my tail wraping around her waist as she heldnit firm scails on outside and soft silck like skin on the inside she moved her hands over the soft part and she started to get hotter she was botherd by it ...then she didn't give a dam...a big hunck is in front of her ...even if he is related ....they are monsters ...and monsters dont have problems inbreading...

She got close moved ber hand to my privates and felt the pouch she used two fingers to enter it carefully as my tongues moved fo lick her chest and pull at her niples ...she had a brod smile as she felt the awaited dick..dick,s!

She looked down and with a lewd desire she pointed herself to slowly shesth herself on my growing members they poked and slowly with building presure i got deeper and deeper untill she felt two knots that then poped out of my pouch she was filled and she still had the knots to take in...

She accepted the chalange and such she started movig up and down with force and heft until with a pop she fully was impaled as i was close just like her we bowth fully content we relesed and she fell on my ches as she felt her belly grow making her have two more orgasms her body then went limp as we rested in this pool after a few hours i was redy and with the presure inside i popes from her clit while her ass was a bit harder since it had space to get filled ...and with the seccond pop still with her resting on my chest slowly the milk murged with the water as she was cleaned ..i got us out and had her say on my lap at the edge of the pond i lined bowth of them to her ass and slowly inseted them as she was left to slowly impale herself with each stur...and then few minutes after she started moving and finaly she woke as she forced them deeper her lust now in complete controll she made sure to satisfy herself and with a last stomp of her ass bowth the knot,s enterd and immedietly get belly started sweling ...then more as it traveld up her thoght and with a blesh she pewked out a stream i was still playing with ehr clit and brests as i felt her thighten with each orgasm high she was on ...this time i hugeed her to lower the presure on her insides making her pewk and have a few more orgasms lowering the oresure and making her breth more normaly and confortably ..

A few hour laighter two pop,s and a quick bath i caried Undying to her clothes ..i dressed her and in a princess carry i moved her to her bed i prepared some food andnleft it in the hot fridge and left...i visited the tem shop both some stuff got acosted my a horny fem Tem a fast onohole use and i left the inflated baloon i cleaned myself and left ....entering the Snowdin i met papyrus and further down i both a night at the rabbit bed...wole with the Shopkeep nuzeling my pouch...she was reworded with two karrots and some juce she then hoped on them and we had some fun as i slept with her stuck on me in the morning i woke wa treated to a meal and left clean ...i kept walking down and reached the Ruin,s i opend the door ..and walked in meeting Toriel walking towords the door .

Toriel:Ow my who are you?how did you enter the ruins?

EnnGrimm:Hellow my name is EnnGrimm a scientist sent from the lab to check the ruins on the first had basis...

Then we discusedbasbshe told me she was starting her way to check the ruins i acceoted her company and we passed the traps and in a room she coud not bear it and said..

Toriel:Sorry but ....i havent been with anybody for a while and your smell ...its to tempting.

She then grabbed her cloke base and took it off with ease as under her clocke was nothing but bear fur she came closer and pulled my shorts off as the laboratory vest was taken off she then moved closed to her gool and sniffed and probed untillnthe two ahowed theyr notty head,s she took one at a time care of them then after my first climax she went on all fours and shuck her hips ...i got to her aimed my tools and enterd i heard her wimper and moan as i hit her two holes with my knot,s ..and enterd ...and pulled out ...i started knot fucking went for a few hours and we finally relaxed ....i was shorter then small spoon of the folowing cuddle seaion...

Toriel:This was refreshing...i did not expect for you to be this big....and vigurous! may we continue the for the inspection?

I got cleaned and so did she i had a dip in the water near a spiked trap ....finally we arrived at the flower patch were i felt it ...the kid,s coming ....i took samples and Toriel felt i wood be fine and to my devises ....i then went to the Flowy,s grass patch and he sprung up..

Flowly:Hellow name is..

EnnGrimm:Asriel ....its me ....your greatest Nightmare... the hell are you saing?

I grabed the plant and with a tug he was unruted as i focused my magic and he,s body started changing ....growing ....shape..shifting

....and it screamed ....

Toriel heard it and came in as my four hands were burning a wooden shell shaped as a kid growing and sprouting leaf,s more and more untill the shape done forming ...the soul still just a dot ....i touched the tether ....and followed it the body not moving not having enough then process was tiering...for it..and me...i found it and tugged...Charas shape getting illuminated in green flame i moved my hand and tugged the rest of the soul from hers ....and i took as life support ...for Chara...i set the soul in the shell and it started to witter and flake off...revealing Azzy more plant but still azzy i handed him to Toriel...and Turned to Chara...i then asked.

EnnGrimm:Toriel...i don't have a body for her...what do you want to do?

Toriel:There is a skeleton ...her skeleton under the flower patch....we can use it...

I found myself hold the fragments...and with a majority of my magic as fule i formed a seed like structure i then clenched my hand around it and with force impaled the ground and it was injected in the skeletal body....

I backed off and sat in a meditative position....and as my energy accumulated it also was sent down words ....the process ended as I felt the body get fully integrated in the and the mind fully construct and take hold of the body...

And with a burst of dirt and flowers...a skeleton full of dirt roots and green vains slowly growing now is visible....

I saw dirt fall and with a hand motion she was daused in water a magic trick i figured out like a water house the body ...still growing extending and shaping folowing unseen bluprints and memory,s the body completed and her skin followed ...the bones hidden a thin sap covered her body that hardened and formed a green skin petals overlapping one another formed her hair and her body huamn...or at least desingened to resemble one she was still asleap ingrabed her and we left as i took the first step my hearing was alerted i gave toriel the other and said.

EnnGrimm:I will check i heard something in the room...maybe its someone ...or something...that fell..

Toriel:Shure i will take the two to be set in theyr bed,s i will wait your return...

I nodded and returned to see Frisk with a broken leg the hole Chara left...i moved my tail and covered her mouth and torso...i then lifted her carefully as i got her closer her eyes alsaw covered my the tail as its a bit thick on the end ..she tried to speak no luck i grabbed her leg and with a fast and painfully tug the bone was straight as magic flowed and the splinters pooled together and reformed her bone...i watched as her panic recead ...i held her my the waist and arm pits as my bone mask covered my face...a armour fish...head with two green dots the armour plates covering the lab coat and making me look oddly frightening ..if my eyes didn't look to the sides....she chuckled and then Shell moved and revealed my lab coat and toned body ....i put her down..and she felt i was familiar ....then i focused my energy on my teeth and she saw her soul glow red i folowed with a bite injecting the magic and extracting the DT ....

She fell unconscious and i felt then trait be consumed by the Kindnss fragments body felt more filled ....and following the energy scales ..grew slowly more crimson...we had reached Toriels house and with a concerned ..voice i said.

EnnGrimm:She is not stable and her soul is not normal i need to do some tests and hopefully fix her...

Roriel:Ow my ...can in have a look?

EnnGrimm:Of course but know that i am keeping her stable since the odd part is very similar to my magic..Kindness...i hope its not a

She then tuched and with a energy pulse verified her condition.

Toriel:Ow this is beyond my healing capability,s ...go hurry..

EnnGrimm:It will be done...take care...

She nodded and i made my way to the ruin door passed it and kept running ...Frisk in a Green egg i made it imposible to look theue and enterd the waterfall next i arived at hotland and barged in the Lab as i said.

EnnGrimm:Alphys i got the Anomaly!...and its a kid! Hurry get the reserch we need to stabilize her i am getting tierd..

Alphy,s:A..a Hunan!....Hurry i will get the stabilizer!

As i went down and ...set her in the bed i pulled the excess magic ...and she focused...then then turned to me ahe felt fine but ...her soul was mixed ...i keep the green in balance...i saw her blush her she placed her hand,s on my only one the shell i crafted i then got it closer ...and camped it down and with a burst of green flame i got acess to the pannels ....[RESET] [ACT][IVENTORY][MERCY]

I figured the knolege of her soul and she clutched her chest ...a feling of empty being replaced by determined Kindness??

She wa very confused i smiled and alsaw felt no Player influence ....i felt a thug....i grabed it and tugged it the presence tangible to my hands ...i held them...Frisk was paniking....and i turne to the window i see it ...then with my hemeth constructed and from my neck down i was fully coverd up i then moved closer and closed my claws pierced the sides and pulled i energed static followed as green spilled out the room and i jumped out my form constructing itself ....i went to the computer the girl...saw me..and i ....a nerd...i smiled and she saw my bone plates moved down .....reveling my face and lab coat...with shorts..i moved to the pc then tied the human with my tail as i pulled a USB stick and pluged it and moved the full datta of the world i originated....the process went smoothly i then reset the that copy on the PC.

As i stored the USB in my Pantry...

I turned to the Nerd...she looks flusterd i kept from squishing her ....i then ...smel it the same smell like the other girls.....

EnnGrimm:Did you wred my name?...Pervert...

Nerd:I..i..didn,t ...will you do me?..

EnnGrimm:You saw me exit the fucking game....then first thing you ask can you fuck me?....seriously....woman...*sniff sniff*

You live alone? ...Merry...and this is my first apartment...i found the game in a lost disk ..i was fun...i accidentally killed a few characters i didn't want ...i then resented...did it bother you?

EnnGrimm:You notty notty girl...lets see how you handle me...


I left the laboratory coat to fall as my scaled and muscular body was revealed ..the red went to her ears....i went to her ...lap i and used my four hands massaging and pulling her pijamas...

I was met with a cat stile under garments ...i smiled and with my tongues dug around the panty,s and found unshaven...slit...i slowly dug deeper...she fell on her back and she gave me a nice personal juice surprise...i licked the juice off my face...and got closer ...she then felt her upper were slide off my cool claws leaving no trace she then felt me grab her legs and armpits as i lifted her my tail allowed me to maneuver and put her in a riding position ...

as she felt my two sabers right behind her she smiled and backed off grinding herself on me as this escalated she was redy she lifted her ass lined up both my tools and closed her eyes and once her ass went to my base the knot,s grinding on her two filled holes...

She opened her eyes and harts shape,s were in there her body fluffed up more muscle confidence and with a lift and pound she entered my knot in then out her holes providing a unique lubricated enough to make the motion easy i grabbed her large breasts as my second pare of hands interlocked with hers and such we kept pase...we got to her first orgasm that triggered my own ..

.we rested for a moment to then feel her grow twice her size i followed by making my armour manifest except my face and male pocket as a my member grew notches and she licked her lips as her hair taking a horn like structure while on her chest a Hart pattern glowed pink my eyes glowed a deep green with red particles and few other remnants of the other souls fragments...i saw well as she moved with increased strength and excitement we kept pase for a few long hours with short beakers and lots of playing with breasts and ass..

As she cand closer giving me kisses moving down as she saw my armour plates did not cover the chest when she got closer and yes i an a bit taller foriels size maybe a head toller..

When it was all done and finished i was exhausted ...i was on the bed with Merry Skyblue on my chest.... She slept like a piece of meat left to dry on my chest as my armour was off the moment we gave our last tail covering her body like a blenket....

In the morning i felt waking up her form normal long brown hair slight eye bags and a cute yet dope face ...nerdy in my opinion....she smiled and laid on my silken soft yet tough chest until her stomach growled i opened my eyes and she blushed ...i released her from my tail as i set her on the bed clean...and fixed...i had woke half a hour before and with a little magic fixed it proos of Kindness based magic ...its tuffer as well..

I had moved my coat to a safe spot and helped her dress then i brought her to the living room where i guided her to the table as i opened the fridge...nothing for breakfast i opend my pantry and took out monster food .

..still work,s properly...

I got her a bowl and poured the cereal then i held the glass milk pitcher as a green flame enveloped it making it just right then poured her a bowl then my own with two spoons we ate my lower hands resting on my thais while the upper ones used to eat...i an quatrodextress just for the record..

Merry:How did you get out of the game ...the first time i saw you was when you hatched and cooked for the three of us....

EnnGrimm:It seems you didn't pay attention...when you first RESET i was brought to the same place i was but a few weeks before frisk fell...then when she reached the place were you were got controll...but i had time learning and to saw how big i gotten...last night...but well i am a cook and you have bad food in the fridge....the things you eat now is from my dose it taste?

Merry:Sweet nurishing and energizing this monster food?

EnnGrimm:Yes ..I have made a few ...more stored ill need to make some more...any request?

Merry:Can you make pizza?

EnnGdimm:Sure il make if like before...but just one....we need to not food.


EnnGrimm:Its simple ....a feeling of being overstuffed not so pleset...if you cant make it stop by pukeing ..of meds..

Merry:Good to know ...Thanck,s..

I then got the gluten disk added spices and used my green flames to cook untill golden brown i folowed by cuting it in two with my claw folowed by few more slices...i split it in two plates and we got full enogh..

She then returned to her bed and slept...

EnnGrimm:I am going out to do some purcheses i left a Skull in the kitchen it can tost bred it has dope eyes and will open the door for me....

Merry:F..fine..*yawn* don't get killed i don't want to find a pile of dust....

EnnGramm:Sleap well Blue Sky.

I left with my coat and shorts ...

I exited the building and human..inhuman...and some other saw me with wide eyes and one said as she noted on my neck a Pink hart...

I just went and after a few moments a policeman said.

Police:Halt there young gentlemen..why are you not wearing any pants?It's indecent so you know...

EnnGrimm:I don't wear pants because they're necessary i have a pocket for my bits unlike you and frankly any non reptilian of draconic,s ..

Police:Thats no excuse you're giving the kids a bad example...

EnnGramm:Fine ...[ Leggings on]

Then the leggings forme with the under-patting and fur lining ...this time..

Police:Thats more acceptable .

then he loked up to see a bone mask...

Wooh thats a creepy article of clothing..

Its not Halloween buddy..

EnnGrimm:Sorry the mask activates on its own ...

Then it slides and fits into place around my neck like a cooler as a chain extended and connected to the supposed pants as the lab coat covered them...

EnnGrimm:By chance do you know rere i can sell some antics? or old golden coins?

Police:Down the street there should be a Pown shop have a good day.

EnnGrimm:Thanck you bye..

I folowed the directions and i enterd the shop i came to a clerk and took out of the poket five gold coins and asked.

EnnGrimm:Hellow i have some old Gold coins i wood want to exchange them for the curent world currency how much can i get on these five coins?

Klerk:Let me check em out...its gold..40grams...50 buks have five of em so ...230 buks deal?

EnnGrimm:Can i repet this trade at other times?

Klerk:Yea its just the gold price with the cut for the exchange so the mony you use are clean...

EnnGrimm:Thanck you have a nice day...

I left with the mony in the pantry..and left the Klerk was a bit dumbfounded my tail moved and they heard a snap very loud but nobody got scared i left...

On my way i found a market with fruits and vegetables ...with fruits...flower...and eggs with some mineral water battles and finally ciocolate and milk..

I was carrying them on bone plates floating few meters of the ground ... I got to the house the door opend and i enterd i turne to the left and saw Merry geting out of the shower ....and yep even in her base form she is cute...and sexy...she saw me and blinked...

Merry:Werent you in my dreams? was Real....

EnnGrimm:And you thought the food came from nowere ...the taste and stuff hevenly!...Fuck yourself!

Merry:Fuck me yourself you cowerd!..pfff Hahahaaha ok that was youre staing here?

EnnGrimm:Yes and i will do the food ...i didn't want you to get sick or something...just give me the curtain call when you need it..i will buy the food...

Merry:I will call the landlord...if you're fine with that?

EnnGrimm:Yea i am ok...can i have a chat with them?


After few minutes ...i heard a nock...i came to the door and opened it to find a girl red hair and dress....smell of sulfur...

EnnGrimm:SkyBlue did you invite a friend over?

Merry:Is she a red head in a red dress?


Merry:Shes the landlord.

EnnGrimm:Sorry for the waight come in ...i was preparing the snacks for today....

G.F.:Its find ...being careful is a good your her new room mate...nice to meet you..

EnnGrimm:Want some snack,s should be ready .....i need to see if the is right...the knowledge base works for monster food..but...the ingredients here are different ....

G.F.:So wat are you?. .Demon. .angel... creatures....or..the like...?

EnnGrimm:Monster..Skyblue found my game of origin...i managed fo get out...i stored it in a safe spot ...and my body is adapting to change from pure magic base to a more flesh and bone kind of you said demon...i smell sulfur from you...and something similar when Sky fully Ascended ....we broke the bed...sorry.

G.F.:You..survived ...her..all out form.....i am was she?

EnnGrimm:Just right...we bowth exosted each other....her on top ....i then fixed and reinforced the much of pay we are expected to have to pay?

G.F.:About ...25% increse since well youre nice...we can lower it by 10% if you cook for me and my B.F. ...Deal?

EnnGrimm:Its not a hassle but you have to tell me half an hour before so the food wood be prepared properly...Deal.

G.F.:That's just fair...and these are tasty.....

Father and mom will be surprised i found a big guy like you here...i will being B.F. Next time ok?

EnnGrimm:Just tell me half an hour before...ok?

G.F.:All Right..

Then Sky entered she was sleepy she passed by me gave me a smack on the ass and she fell on my tail...

.to be grabbed by it...

.then i lifted and placed her on a chair...

.my tail acting like a backrest...

.then she grabbed some snacks ...

.as she munched on it ....

.and relaxed.....

.i have more control over my tail ...

.and is about twice the size of my stature...

.without my tail..

G.F.:You two make a nice couple....

EnnGrimm:For now just room mates with benefits....

Merry:Nice Big benefits...

G.F.:*coff coff**turne to me *

So what is your name...

EnnGrimm:I an EnnGrimm.

Merry:A grimm!

G.F.:You dont look like one?

EnnGrimm: what is a Grimm ?

Merry:phew...youre could a grimm be ....a monster...beffy...cuddly....

G.F.:*coff* a grim is a humanoid with black deep our true selfs show....they adapt fast...and are employed to deal with trublesome supernatural,s us...and maybe you?...we are not trublesome....i hope...any dark eye....

I blinked and she saw the collar snap like a bear trap as the only two green dots...around them voids so deep the girls saw their complete form then in the green flame they,re nurter in full swing ....and i said..

EnnGrimm:Grimm i am something else i am kind...and that demands to be stern , caring ....and ..for better comfort ...sacrifices of the sinners will be enough ....for ....her...for now...i am not a Decapitary i am a Kynd monster...any questions...?


Then my tail curls around her with the soft side the bone plates outside and Merry just relaxed...her nature not so volatile in that mask then moved down slowly to form my neck the chains moved to fit it nicely...the panicking then...slowly subsided my eyes retuning to the normal white and Green with specks of other cooler she changed from worry and surprise ....the bone shell retracted as she felt more comfortable ...worm cozy ...thigh coil....

G.F.:Enoght...relese me ...

And i did so while the worm was not lost a coat fell on her sholders green and fluffy borders...she smiled ...

EnnGrimm:So is your boyfriend? hair and cute...

EnnGrimm:He seems nice ...any preferencess?

G.F.:He likes Corndogs..Pepsi...and for sweets..trolli sour brite gummy worms...

I don't get why but they're his favorites...

EnnGrimm:So about creatures like us ...are normal?

G.F.:we are in US so with guns ..there are bad ones ...but they dont survive....while the humans call us quirk parents are famos singers...i have that thalent as well and Sky here is a couzen ...but well...she is nice in her way....

While in Japan they have Heroes and Villains...if you go there you have a good chance to be called a nobody cares unless your daingerous ....or can heal...

EnnGrimm:Why the healing ...i am a master at it...

G.F.:Yea a Mutant tipe with healing powers.....i thight you were fixed the bed...with healing magic?How?

I opened my palm took a cup and crushed it then with some magic ...fixed it i had a shallow cut the cup fixed i poured the blood in it then with a glow I healed my palm..

Merry:Holy smokes....even if i dont smoke...

EnnGrimm:You do good to not smoke... ruins the body and waists mony you can enjoy on tasty food..

Merry:...thanck,s...i guess...

EnnGrimm:So i can get money by healing people?

G.F.:If your healing has no sideeffects then may get poched by some mafia group or something....

I gave a well to human grimmese i then dipped my claw in the glass of blood and on a thin bone plack i wrote a magic circuit...the girls saw the hand move with rapid and odd patterns i made a status plate...

[Status:Enn Grimm Alpha






Title:Anomaly,Scoller,Healer,Scientist, Undyngs Son, Grimm.


Affinity:Kindness,seven soul shades, water,heat,shell.]

I cheked the bone gave a nodd and wiped few detail,s so the girls wont panick...

And showed them....

Merry:Wow...are these your...stats?..

G.F.:Wait...those...Game like....and good vitality....can you make ours?

EnnGrimm:Yes....but i wood need your blood and wood cost me time....

G.F.:... what would be the cost?

EnnGrimm: A week but thats for demon,s...I need time to figure out the blood ties and write the bothersome....Not doing it....i wood cook less..and be tired Thanck,s..

Merry:Sorry girlfriend .... too much work and he needs to help me ...

G.F.:Its fine....i was just curious ...i am going out...

I then got my hand and the bone plate shifted and marked my left lower hand the tattoo burned itself and the girls were surprised then my scale,s grew over it.

...i then activated it and the hologram formed over..

Well evident...only the base stats i turned the ...magic circuit and three bars of energy was reveled a green one a blue one and a yellow one ..the blue one was half empty..then with a tap only a circle with a armour fish skull on it ...biting a blue speer and jellow gun ..

G.F:Wat dose it mean?

EnnGrimm:Its my mark that the skull is me , the spear my fishy royal guard mom and the gun my drake scientist mom nothing special...and depending on the design it indicates my mood ...if its ever black and no means DEATH IS COMING...don't worry not for two of you....just know calm ask me if someone hurt someone ....and maybe you can save them....

Then she left with a smile....i turned to Merry and they noted the mark,s fish eye,s got a shade of pink mixed with the green making a brown shade splitting the colors...

G.F left i closed the door as i carried Merry on my special tail chair..

With the door closed i saw her wave....i then returned to the table where i stored the uneaten food for safe keeping...

Then with Merry having no need to go out ...she jumped me and like a coala we went to the bed ....after we satisfied her other hunger...i cleaned and fixed the half broken bed...we then slept for a hour...and went out shoping....

We both proper pants and other clothes...i payed for evrithing...then i had gotten some food?..Drink and such.... finally...we were going around ...and met a short ....Bulue haird kid...

He stoped pointed at me and Beeped...

EnnGrimm:Sky ...i dont understand him...can you translate....Plese?

Sky:He wants a RAP battle.....i never herd you sing.....can you try?

EnnGrimm:Fine little man...Lets hear you Scream..

As under us a platform of bone was made and three large boxes...took shape...and we took the bone microohone,s that for us...i moved Sky to the middle box and i took my spot he then smiled as the platform then shuck as we landed on it ...

B.F.:Beep beep boop baap..

EnnGrimm:Wraaaaa Ha Ha Ha!

Redy set Go!

Then the rap commented ...

i tried to keep the tone ...

and bit...he was better....

i was loud and occasionally i made spears and bullets fly ...

all of them blanks and energy projections .....

for the fun of it ...

then the first round finished with his face determined...

he saw me half way equipped with armour...

and my tail whipped next to me...making a metal sound my helmet still off...

this round lost as well but my flame stoked...

I also summoned a few blasters and shot some light in the sky as my armour was now fully on flames filling the gaps as i looked up and spewed a blast of flames and energy mixed in between...

His eyes shined ...and we kept raping ...Sky enjoyed the little game as she became excited about in her second form...the vibrations in the sound box helping her get off..

And my loud rawr mixed in between i had fun then it all stoped and the flames flickered off with the armour shattered...i flexed as sweat fell off me...getting a Ooo from Sky...

I then took a seat and he make cof sounds i then felt sorry my song...was more like a scream off..

EnnGrimm:Come here buddy i can help with the sore throght...

Boyfriend nodded and came closer and placed my hand on his neck as the green glow...grew and used some covering his thin vocal cordes ...making them thicker...and ...with a small gasp he said.

Boyfriend:T...thank,s ....wat happend with my screachy voice?

EnnGrimm:The magic will hold for a short period i thickend the voice cords...delicate work...nothing special...

B.F.: Thanck,s ... what is your name?

EnnGrimm:I am EnnGrimm a monster and a Cook and friend of Sky over here...we went out for shopping...ending with meeting you...

B.F.:Cool...i hope we meet again...

Bye...i have to actually speak with long as it last..

Merry:Say hello to her by Bluesky.

B.F.:Allright bye...

Then i got saw him go to the edge....then turn back i chuckled and move the platform down....we landed and it vanished...

We two left..and reached the house...i filled the pantry....and so the day end,s.

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