Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 674 - 675. some more time in the Mc.

Chapter 674 - 675. some more time in the Mc.

While he was pondering i made access to a vehicle we chatted he was still in daze we got to a Beer shop with food i got the strongest drink i found Bruce was drinking as well but something lighter, and sweets he noticed oddities and the occasional arburn eyes, formed from the hair the other humans did not notice me i gave a polite smile and i answerd.

Johan: I can change the world,s perception now we should look like any normal humans no extra bits or pieces missing or of different coloreds i quite enjoy the peace i wanted a being such as i can't be called anything but a monster You're lucky you ca be around them witout restraint of your natural processes like my Fear Aura a trait i gained only recently.

Bruce:How come youre kind to me?

John:This is not kindness but selfishness for my amusement and enjoyment i am giving you wat they denied a funny thing you are and don't be a silly guy i am after all a monster you can see however you want and believe however you like it just a way to rationalize the truth it is easyer to belive i am insane it nakes things easier on your mind.

Bruce : Ok i will follow that idea thancks.

After some more time he left i kept drinking and relaxing the next day i woke in a bed with a woman she is cute.

And i felt the energy she exuded i got to my feet and she slowly sturred awake i noted my body was naked i looked down and yep all bit as should be I shifted and the clothes were reconstructed she saw me from naked to fully dressed she noticed the marks all over my body no scars but a adamant e mesh-like under my skin.

She shifted and i saw blue she saw my eyes widen beyond the human limits and my two dots of black grew in half and moved odd but not scary i smiled and the flat teeth that were before now revealed a sharp maw while my hair grew and i looked inhuman i then said:

Johan: I did not expect to meet a child of She and He they ujualy dont bother but it seams a human your answster managed to do it fell in love and your genes mutated and you woke this form shifting neat truly.

Raven:Are you some kimd of furr ball mutant?

Johan: Thinc on the lines of Eldrege abominable fluff ball that can eat anything and had minor reality warper the reason you and the rest felt me being base normal human well untill you enterd my spersonal space then you really started going for my human form you always was in my vision cute blue woman.

Raven:Thank you so any other reasons?

Johan: Did x or magnet men send you?

Mistick: I was curious of the mutant that messed with them and i did not expect this, youre a fluff ball can i pick you up?

Johan: Shure but do not touch the mandibles they are unworldly sharp and painfull.

Raven: All right....your hair is so soft ....and very silky and how can it be so fluffy?

Johan:Its the grooming i do i need to be careful if it gets entangled I won't be able to cut it out as its like my hands legs and such do you want a peace of me to be with you from now on it may help you with escapes if you ever get cot.

Raven: Shure any warnings?

Johan: Dont ever give it the order to reproduce as they willnforgef my order and keep reprodusing untill thia whole world is nothing but a big fur ball ok?

Raven:How bad can it be?

Johan:I the strongest of my kin can defet your two strongest mutants just thinck anarmy of lesser me going around like mindless pests eating evrithing and making more and more of me just dont order it to reproduce ok?

Mistick: Allright i promice i will not make them split.

Johan:Good enoght for me.

Then i reformed my body and extracted my tangled hair that then infused it and gave it a lesser core with few commands and tore it from my being as it turned blue and red and it folowed by jumping on her hugging as i proceaded to say:

John:That furrball has all the build up affection i have for you now its gone turned into that a peace of me to forever be with you ,name it as you like but not Johan if you dont want it to reconnect to me and lose the ability of gaining a mind of its own, now goodbye i am being called off to do something we will probably never meet again have a nice life Raven.

Then i vanished she had a small smile as she heard in the back of her mind If it gets stinky make it have a talc powder bath it works for me it should be ok with it.

I walked and now was in a room with people a man and a girl behind me and the other squads of people they were wide-eyed while my hair lengthened and the people took a step back then the humans except the two behind me were run through i chuckled and turned to the father and daughter they saw my true form and yet he walked in front of his daughter and i smiled my hair whipped off the blood and i left i searched and found a source of water were I washed my smelly hair and serched for a nice place to rest waited there and saw other people i know of a large selections of Animes of slice of life thing were in this universe i saw even a yellow squid-like creature i walked and found his base he saw me move to his school and finaly when i got to it he was weary i grew my hair and he noted my skin turn silver as my body shifted minutely he shiverd and i moved my hand then he moved at an extreme speed only to stop moving as my tendrils dug in his body digging and then with a poof he turned in a ball around with a translucent sphere was protecting him i smield and few people wached as i broght him to my mouth and with a bite chewed thrue the barrier removed him and three him in my shirt chest side he was held then i kept eating the rest of the ball the process was done and the two agents came to me they as well spoke japonese i cleared my ear and said.

Johan:Sorry but i got no clue what are ya talking about i am going now i have a broken toy to fix and maybe some food.

The two looked at eachnother and the blond asked.

Jelavić:How are you and how did you capture Kuro a better question wat do you mean by fixing him?

Johan:Let me introduce myself , I am Johan Doe a monster it just happend that i got the scent of one of my kin of this small planet of your,s i had then captured him and intend to foxing his dying body as he gave me such a cute surprise he was quite slow wosent he?

Then next to me another me apered no blur no change but a different me i smiled and said.

Johan Doe nr2: The thing is he is slow unlike me i am too fast for the world to react and a hole in a stellar body is nothing but child's play to me not any lesser of my kin don't worry i will clean any other remain,s of his type i don't want any other fakes on this world as i can kill many worlds easily fashion don't bother him or your week species gets cleaned up.

Joha Doe: You better stop that my calm guise must not be blemished by a weak image running its mouth.

Johan doe nr2: All right i am just light and sound so a final word doesn't try to make more as it is offensive to us goodbye.

As then the speed clone stopped existing as my self had a small doll on my sholder just waching them i moved my hand and pulled the squishy ball he was red my tendrils moved and grabbed him while then two entered his body and he turned orange and the brown and finally black as his eyes fused his insides shifted and he looked now as a black ball of fluff he turned and spun and sat there i carried him to a tree and with my hand i compressed it and made it clay then the material was molded and arranged the two humans saw a new body was completed i then used some of my collected energy and grew the mass he needed to control the new body he then was sat in it and then with a instinctive ease he burrowed his tendrils and took control he saw me and sat up he felt the change and he spoke.

Kuro:How the hell did you do to me!

It feels how the hell did i become like this wats with the hunger?

How do we ....i .....why!!

John:Child of Death i am a Eldrege fluff ball now so you a kin complete the hunger is natural, and youl get use to it the power we exhibit will become natural to you but i will let you here to grow dont die you will only bring doom to your little world home i will leave good luck don't make more of us as its not safe.

Goodluck kin.

Then i discovered and appeared in another world this time i watched people look around me and ignore me the Aura did its work and i walked around the power in this world is odd i saw a guy appear he looked around and he noted my abnormal desing like a guy was sent to another world he came to me and said.

Sato: Excuze me do you know were we are?

John Doe: *Sniff sniff* You smell of human why the hell are you here you smell of Earth not of here i just got here and it seams someone wants you here shoud i kill you and risk them trying to change the world or just let you die anyway in this world i am curious of the curse you have on you.

Sato:Wat is happening plese tell me.

John:First but not least lets test that curse of yours.

Then i moved my hand and he died and the next moment he was omce more there he fell and i saw him grab his neck i tilted my head and just walked off ignoring him he walked few steps back and was wide-eyed he was about to scream but he noticed me just minding my way as if he did not kill me i kept a eye on him while he then went about serched for help met his destined one and died again and again he even came asking me questions.

Sometimes he triggerd a plesent response other times a gruesome death he even asked me to help him with some trouble i decided and followed him as i met the gut hunter she saw me and when conflict came she stabbed me through everything well at least tried the two weapons were stuck in me and my hair moved i grabbed her and the people saw as my tendrils dismember her shut her wounds up and i left she was in pain and they saw me leave i arrived at a place and dealt with her in a bit unconventional methods the girl was left with a fucked stupid look the fun ended when the timeline war reset i left the now half broken woman she was sent to the guards and she was rather famos i got good gold and left her there to be delt with i then wandered and found a nice quinte villege i took residence and after few day,s three people came to the village i followed at a distance and met Sato once more he was nervous he saw me frown i then said:

Johan:Did you start collecting curses? Is it a good hobby for you i did not think you of a masochist, she has one too are you spreading your fethis around?

Sato: What do you mean? And how can you see it?

Johan:Simple Eldrege eyes are good to observe change and modify curses good for my worck do you want it to be dealt with i feel few more with the same curse so do you need help?

Sato:Shre thank you.

Then mouths of auburn lines moved and bit the marks as he felt no pain but saw the color change to black and they vanished then i burped.

Johan:So inwill go take care of the others i felt some kind of energy pulse and it deciphered it is similar to you but odd its greater i had found a bit of work see ya i will be around in this vilege i may faind a few bad beasty,s i will be around .

Sato:Allright goodbye.

I then walked and found a few kids and a monster my hair moved at unseen speeds and the dog was now cowering in my hand the kids looked around and noted me holding it i then used my many many eyes on it the scenario was complete i removed the kids curses and i moved a hand and the barrier was fixed and i threw the dog at it i then said.

Johan:Kids dont trinck all cute small things are harmless its the same with big monsters rarely i see kind ones do know there are kind demons take care .

I smelled a strange scent and i followed i arrived and met the two oni they were cute and they were unexpectedly ok i asked to meet the lord.

They discussed and brought me to the clown .

Johan:So you're the odd fella i felt the signature is low not worth any trouble i want to meet the guy you sent to the verege Sato was his name yes i believe so and if you know the book dose not work due to me being here trust me i feel it try to predict me you at least can understand i am beyond any of the witches you guys so greatly warship.

Anyway how is the boy doing?

Rosswal:I hope you dont intend to intervene it the matters of the world.

Subaru:Did j miss samthing Johan san why are you here?

Johan:I was just wanting to tell you i was going to the big tree i saw a while back.

I the left i focused and figured a remodelation wood be nice i started redezining my body keept the long hair and made the rest like a Human version of cell from dragon ball i then dug in the tree and made a small home were i slept.

Then in woke as the tree fell i made my way out and saw multiple wails i moved my hair and grabbed the trunk as then i sweated the big monster as then the large wood wood was compressed and compressed untill it got the size of twice my size and then with energy I started turning it in a cristal the carbon bonds forming and turning in crystalline ones the process took a few minutes outside a bit of time inside thenball of clear cristal was then eaten by me as the forces that Subaru gathered joined him in the killing of the big monster i streched and they saw two purple lines on my face while from my back two wings extended i streched and my wings from under my sholder blades moved i took flight as my hair coverd my torso like a exoskeleton they saw me vanish and i left.

In another place and time.

I had stopped and watched as in front of me cell was staying he was looking at me andni to him i had the normal human desing with purple tatoos and from my back th black wings insectoid i smiled and asked.

Johan cell:So what kind of abomination showed up in front of me? Did Miss G. make you or some other mad scientist?

Cell:Who the hell are you even if you are as handsome as me, who is miss G? If she is as good as Dr Geroo then i may have a mach.

Johan Cell: ....Arent you a confused abominable replica, Miss Gero wood never allowed your creation, i hadnmannaged to come here somehown and put an end to you didnyoubat least end the wrenches of our world?

Cell:And who are you talking about there is only a Dr Gero a old man obsesed with killing the Sayans on this planet.

Johan Cell:

I am Cellius Johan enhanced human Upgraded by miss Gero a kind old woman that belonged to the Blue Bow Coalition in charge with outer planetary enemy,s and hostile aliens on the planet we have dealt with Karrot a wrech boy who had been couaing reckles disasters around the planet i was somehow sent here witch it seams to be a odd version of my home planet and you Cell why are you allways in your armored state?

Cell: Wat do you mean this is my skin and why are you not wearing such a glorious carapace?

Johan cell:Well it seams your human genes are not the majority poor thing let me take care of you.

Then i moved my hand and he was in the sky as my punch hit his gut making him puke 18 i was surprised and grabber her next was the next hit getting 17 as well out i carried them out as inflew with my wings i then saw thenfirst stage cell rage he charged at me and i grabbed him the sayans and z fighters came i saw them wach as i focused and compressed the imperfect cell and with a bite he was conaumed i got his power and my body went thrue a evolution his energy very sutable for me a monster i went to the twins Lapis17 Lazulin18 they were eyes wide open and tried to back off onlyntonget a hurt face this got some strings pulled at they hart,s they noted i am human the cell face and long auburn hair and they noted consern and i asked:

Johan Cell: Guys were is Miss Gevo? She should have been here to guard you so the plan would have worked.

Android 16: Designer after the son of dr Gero whos name was Gevo i am android 16.

And i have no recollection of you ever being created even if you resemble dr Gero,s latest creation Cell the Biomecanicle Android holding the gene samples of all the strongest creatures that has visited the planet from Son goku sayan , human krillen, human yamcha, frost demons Friza , frost demon Frost , Namekian Picolo and demon king Picolo.

Johan:Miss Frost and her daughter Frizza were here what happened to them?

Android: From my datta they were male counterparts to your origin point they bowth were kiled by the son of vegeta and Bluma.

Johan:Wayt Bluman and Vege got a kid that crazy scientist and his Wrech wife?

Lapis:All i got from this is youre not our cell.

Lazuli:Who are you?

With a sad face i answer.

Johan Cell:

Johan Cellius the latest enhanced human in the program to defeat the Reached threat to the world as our main base the Blue Bow coelition was exterminated by a wrech named Karrot untill we got strong enoght and stopped her with your help as external battery,s and Gevo as back up we dealt with them her minions The bold and short martial demoness and average bandit queen Yamchy the Namekian Devil had watched from his floating castle as her counterpart Heroine Picola helpted us until she was defeated and her daughter was captured and turned evil by the Devil on the watching castle the threghts were dealt with and i was put to rest now i am here I dont know why but i think we need to deal with any other trouble that may come do i need to know anything before problems arrive?

Android 16:Our cell was created by a probably evil version of you benefactor and the wreches you described do seem to resemble the heroes of this planet the Z Fighter,s which we were sent to kill can you help with the programming of dr Gero as we are planted with self destruction bombs in case we fail to kill our targets?

Johan cell: it shouldn't be a problem i was toght by miss G, in case you needed field repairs i will start with you as you are fully mechanical lile my partner.

Then i extended my hair and connected tonhis system and cleared any malicious codes and nuclear bombs i then turned to the other two as they saw me hold the bomb i came to Lapis and placed my hand on her head as we conected i ahowed her wat code we need to remove and we did it together then i removed the bombs and turned to Lazuli were we did the same the tree bonbs in hand i coverd them in ki and detonated them to reveal nothing left in my palm i smiled and we staid on the platform and after a few hours we met the Z fighters .

Johan cell:Well this is uncanny a full gender-bent version,s of my enemy,s from what I heard you are the good guys prove me wrong come fight me prove me youre strong enough to protect your world and so come defeat me and make me belive no wrecher are around on this planet.

Goku: Before that can you tell us whom you are as we are a bit confused.

Johan Cell: I am human and the strongest creation of miss G. made to defeat you and your friends so come and be defeated.

Vegeta :I will handel this , do not interfere.

Vegeta flew to me and we started the battle he hit me with strong moves he noted no damage was taken i smirked and returned his blasts alongside some squere decapitation blades he dodged and even blasted a few apart i then folowed by a Lunar blitz that got him blind for a few secconds and my hair moved and grabbed him restraining him and drain his energy he then went supersayan witch did not help him as my energy absorption is made to gather infinite abounts of power the others noticed i was not moving as the sayan fainted i got him on the ground my hair untangaling he looked drained and exosted while i was few percentage more energetic i smiled and said.

Johan cell:Whos next?

Goku: I will go next any body has any complains no ok here we go.

Goku started with a barrage of hits witch i countered with my hair forming shields wereever he was hitting he took a few steps back and he saw my body get enveloped in a Auburn aura as the hair fully engulfed me and parted showing a fully Auburn armor covering me with a long apine like teal and skeletal looking design with many pointy parts i smiled and said.

Johan Cell:Nuckle duster mode on!

As i finished the sentence Goku got punched in his stomach he noticed a was slightly slower as each hit sent chills all over his insides he noted with each hit and attack he felt colder and colder he took distance and asked.

Goku:Wat is the meaning of this why do i feel so cold?

And i smiled and answerd.

Johan Cell:Wat part did you not understand desinged to defeat you , the chill you feel is my natural toxic ki invading yours and slowing it with each hit you give me you get slowly consumed by the sins on your back the karmatic chill....i did not believe you could move after ten hits but it still has an effect even if you are good, i will defeat you.

Goku:This makes things more interesting.

He then started powering up with Kayo Ken and tried to finish the battle fast but he noticed each hit made contact and the armour caved in to then fix in no time he noted the Auburn get more redder and redder over the short and fast brawl he was bearly moving as my armour was now red completely i moved my hand and he couldn't react i knocked him out and started draining his infected ki his bones that were frozen slowly recoverd i thre him on the ground and turned to Gohan i smiled and said.

Johan cell: I left some of my venom in you father defeat me and i will give you the antidote hurry he has not long to live come show me your best or your family will end Hahah.

He raged and charged me he is strong and we kept the battle nice and fast he went into anrage as i pointed my hand as he saw ice grow from Goku,s extremety,s slowly crawling up the z team saw nothing as they are not in my personal space they juat noticed Gohan rage further and further becoming more and more desperate to defeat me i blocked and hit back the ice ki slowly enterd him he battled against it and after a minute his aura became as flame i smiled and saw his hair turn red his eyes white and his eyes a deep silver i smiled and he was comfused he turned to goku the filter now broke my body intact but purple the armor no longer intact blood seeping through the pores and a small stream of blood out of my mouth i fell and hit the floor i was smiling the androids came and grabbed me while the Z fighters were cheking on theyr fellow woriors i had the twins transfer some energy and my recovering was sped up my hari regrew and the purple retracted to pure white skin the blood evaporizing and my clothes regenerated i smiled and kept seating the mental effort was bigger then the phizicle then o saw Gohan come and asked.

Gohan:Why ...why did you lie to me?

Johan Cell: Because nobody told you the truth of this world yet , the only truth is strength means staying alive and you have very great potential as youre halfling humanity has limitless potential and creativity while they have battle hunger and are addicted to training and you have both your potential is limitless like goku here even as i defeated him he learnd from it and should be stronger for it, the tipebof enemy,s we are going to face in the future are numerous and a lot more powerful them curent me you have to train bowth innmind and body yourenour little secret wepon i fixed the malevalent program in my fellow androids and cyborg respectively dont blame them sonmuch they just followed theyr code and so did i hehe.

Then they saw me turn to clay and were the cell-like copy there was left only a ball of fluff Auburn fluff with an eye in the middle closing the eye then they saw the eye color change from pink to auburn as from the mouth a grey clay was spewed and formed in a human shape the long hair aranged the clay and a white skin was revealed my mouth filled with razersharp teeth my face now no longer cell like but more neutral my mucles buff then the Adamantine mesh moved to fuse with my skin, as they saw me as Johan Doe like form insmiled and checked the form the humans aliens and androids took a dubble take as metal upgrades fell the wings and shit Cell had the biological equivalent now scrap metal i took a look shied and turned this scraps into ash i got my shirt and sport tshirt with geans and anbig amile i waved goodbye they all were to flabbergasted to say anything else my energy signature vanished and i just walcked off the androids looked to each other and left with me i had goten a house and told them they can visit.

I left a mark and went to sleep and i was woken as buu was broght to my house he looked at me and me to him i got up my body turning menacingly as the Bobidi asked him.

Bobidi:Finish him Buu.

Buu:I cant he is looking at me Meanesingly.

Bobidi:So wat he is weeker then you kill him and be done with it.

Buu: But ...but he is now walcking even more Meanesingly Buu want to leave Please Bobidi lets go.

Then Bu grabed the diminutive wizard and ran off the ones who observed were dumbfounded i shuck and streched returning me to my neutral state as i scrached the back of my head and i said.

Johan kerr: What was all that bout?

They just wokenmenup so they can run?

Poor manners.

Then buu ran and thincked and figured if he got rid of Bobidi he wood not be forced to encounter me and fight.

And so he turned him in candy and ate him as his intelligence grew and nothing much he went and made a house and rested i started my dayli walk and met a formerly blind kid then i arrived close to the new house of Buu at a relatively far distance so he dose not sense me ar ran i took a nap and after a while i felt the split and with a fast movement i pered and grabbed the evil grey buu and chewing him like gum to then fully absorb his property,s in my clay and good buu crawled back in terror he turned and grabbed Satan and the dog i apered in front of Buu and impaled him with one of my hands as i transferred the clean ki he was missing from his evil half , as then i said.

Johan Kerr: Next time you couse trubble i will not spare you Kay Buu be a good boy and be around Satan over here he is a good guy as well ,am i right Satan san?

Satan: Yes yes i will keep him on the good road we are good friends after all , wat do you say Buu?

Kay Buu :Buu acepts and will folow best friends advise ,Buu will be a good boy.

Johan:Ok have a nice day i need to sleep a bit.

As i said that i vanished as i saw Gohan train with the Z Sword i saw him swing and without him noticeing he swung at me and cut me in twain i fell on the floor and blinked and said.

Johan kerr: It seams you didn't relly miss me at all just look at me im just half the man inused to be hhehe.

Then Gohan stoped saw my body and panicked to notice me reconect and smile as i asked.

Johan kerr: Can i see that sword?

Gohan:Thanck god youre fine , and yea you can see it.

He handed me the handle and i swung it like it was nothing i turned to the kay and asked him for a block of the hardest material and he abliged as he threw the block i swing and the sword broke i chukled as i said.

Johan Doe: I expected this to happen lets see whomwas inside all this time.

Elder kay: Thanck you for...freeing are you here!! Fuck we ade doomed .....why arent i dead yet?

Johan kerr:I am a smart one dont insult me with those lower lifeforms plus i unshakeld you , give me the patara earings and you will unlock my current potential that and this boy,s plus give him answord made out of theis stuff i want this box for myself .

Then they saw part of my hand morph and ingulf the cube as i ate and started mixing the durable materila in clay with adamantine and buu mass as the new liquid slowly started spreding and i was made a new.

And they noted nothing except gaining a darker shade all over my body.

I sat down and the old kay did his beat sweting bullets as the other kay,s were worried as the elder kay explained.

Elder kay: A very long time ago before we were maide and no life existed there was nothin and despite that nothingness thre were creatures monsters before that darkness they were there before evrithing now webhave one here he is older then any of us he is powerfull and unconprehencible to any mortal or imortal as we are desingned after them with limits morals and souls this specimen before us is no any monster but a very dangerous being as there is writhings about his kin they are the eldrege shapeless beeing of constant hunger but as we are still alive it may seam we are safe for now,

Any questions.

Short kay: How is he able to come here?

Elder kay: I honestly have no clue , can you explain?

Johan Kerr:The process was simple i found the point were you broght the boy and flolowed the untraceble line from there to here a easy feet for someone that keeps a perception feald around himself to seem normal to you mortals and immortal alike the cat felt my arrivel he shoud be here in a few minutes.

Elder kay: So are you not going to leave ?

Johan kerr:Why wood i be afraid of a dumb cat that likes to sleep so much.

Whis: Wat do we have here a monster has showed up i expected chaos and destruction how is it so there is none?

Johan:Helow Angel how come you arrived before Berus?

Whis: He is here on the planet but i needed to chat with you first to see if youre of the evil side or the other , and if the other then to asses you threght to this universe.

Berus: There you are.

Pointing at the sayan .

Are you the guy who broke my sword!

Tell me and i may spear you!

Gohan:I am afraid that was him.

Pointong at me and berus turned to see only elder kay having his hands palm open to something he could not feel see or smell anything he frowned and asked.

Berus:Is there something were old kay is pointing at?

Whis:Yes a young guy of Auburn hair eyes and black auburn clothes witch is curently waveing at you.

Johan: it seams he is bad at vision smell and spirit sensing.

Berus heard the clear voice from evrithing around him uncapable to decide he is surounded or is it a illusion he grited his teath and said.

Berus: Stop playing games and tell me why did you come here ....Now!

Whis:Berus i wood sugest you dont anger this individual if you dont want to lose your tail as it seams he can attack you witout any of us knowing, ahem check your left hand.

Berus did sonand he noticed it was not as he knew but ful of drawings childish ones and as he tried to destroy them his fur was destroyed insted .

Berus:Wats thenmeaning of this?

Whis: you missused your power and got hurt my my i told you to not anger them.

Johan kerr: Thinvknofnit as a warning shot just thinvk if you missuse your destruction and get decapitated by mistake now for you to not look so crazy you can see me .

And so he coud i was still there and said.

But how well can you trust your scenses this may be another trick and you may just accidentaly kill your kayoshin if youre not carefull hehe, Anyway Whis you have the onor to call me by the name of Johan and the rest you may adress me as Johan Kerr or Joker of you relly want to hehehe.

Whis do hou want to viait a planet with very advanced culinary arts? Its my curent vacation home.

Whis:I woodnt mind , by any chance are any other of your ilk around in this multiverse?

Johan:*sniff sniff* two probably three but theyr mortal were it counts and of the Majin decent if i may be right.

Whis: Any location,s?

Johan:A good one is on the planet i am vacationing on the other two are not in my sense of influence currently.

Whis:Good news , i am curious to meet the one were we are going to pass by any interesting features?

Johan: Chubby pink and ate a Kay and turned good they probably fully merged by now so we may need the supreme dragon balls to make another body and a copy of the will of the kay but nothing else, are you agriable for some chiocolate?

Whis:Yes i wood like to taiste such thing?

I then pointed a finger at a tree and i said.

Johan:Turn to asorted chocolate confections.

And so it happend the tree transformed and the ciocolate floted to us i smiled and said.

Johan kerr:I like the ones with greater concentration of cacao but the rest are good as well.

Whis:Ow such variety let's taste some.

Then the small group of people took seats close to the elder kay and we had a nice ciocolate eating session which ended as the chocolate was finished.

Berus:So from which planet can we find such tasty things?

Johan: Dont be impatient Kat or i will instruct the fat Kay Buuntoneat evry tasty thing there before we get there.

Berus: Fine but wen i get the chance i will errace you , maybe i will think against that if the planet has truly tasty food.

Johan: Just dont blame the food if the cook tells you wat to expect got it.

Whis:This will be intresting truly , how long will the ritual take elder kay?

Elder kay:I feel like i am digging at a bottomless well but we are going only for the intended time so about 25 hours of doing this and with the ki infused food i ate i am accelerating the process to about ten hours so 6 more hours just to be sure.

Elder kay: Now its done....why am i so buff?

Whis:Ow my dominion over time as well?

Johan:Just a trick with my short reality bending no true temporal magic i kept him fed and he was aware he was doing it for the said hours in truth we spent about two hundred year,s and now i am about you little god of destruction well bodily at least.

My energy level is at a very high level i can practically drown all of you in it , even if i wood not do it wood be tiering now have fun old kay i am taking Whis and Berus to Earth i am going to leave you some food goodbye.

Then next to the old man a patch of grass turned in a table of food and me with whis and Berus vanished to Earth were i saw Bulma and Vegeta on the balcony talking i waved and said.

Johan:Vegeta we got Royal guests and they are not here for my fluffy pillow but for tasty food .

Bulma:Wat is Johan talking about?

Vegeta:Ow We are doomed we can still survive this woman prepare food if you dont want our world to be destroyed the taystiesr the better , we may survive this...i am going to keep them busy.

Bulma:Are yoou serious? Vegeta tell me you're serious?

Vegeta: Yes i am absolutely serious!

I hope johand did not scrue us alwredy.

As vegeta cane down he saw Johan having a nice chat and then berus turned and asked.

Berus:Huh you survived vegeta are there any other sayan that survived?

Whis:I didn't keep count ask Johan he may know.

Johan:Vegeta , Kakorat , Gohan, Truncks, Goten, Pan ,Browly and maybe his father i forgot his name but i know he hates Vegeta then king and his son over here and i know Browly has immense power and no controll over it as it drives him insane unfortunate but for location i have no clue i am not interested enough since he cant scratch me nighter the sayans on earth and of the topic of supersayan god i remember the rituals to make one but currently the children must still grow a bit to do it properly so frwe years in the futire shoud be ok you may even like Pan Lord Berus she is so cute and has the potential to use destruction in her young age nothing special relly.

Whis:How come you knownso much?

Johan:Privileges of my kin i saw parts of the future of this particular timeline and not i did not use time powers to do so, as such no rule brakeing.

Whis:Thanck you for aleviating my dought,s Johan san.

Johan:Lets go eat i waisted enough time for Bulma to have called the cook,s we can start with some instant food this shoud keep us intertained untill they finish preparing the food.

And so we sat and prepared the food we chit chated and Bulma alongside Whis chated gathering information while me and Berus talked with Vegeta and when the food was redy we ate as few motorcycles carrying multiple payed orders of food arrived i smiled and Bulma figured i called beforehand so we can keep enjoying food even as the cook,s make the final preparations both the Angel and God of destructions are quite happy and after few hours we were full at least the two of them i even prepared a care package each .

Johan:And just thinck this food is just from this town how many other tasty foods are in other zones of this planet , dont forget i prepared so the food wood arive before we came hereso dont expect this perfect of service each time its just nig realistic good food takes time to make and arange now i will find a nice place to sleep you can keep in contact with Bulma she is a smart woman , dont couse truble i need to sleep.

Whis:And i thoght Berus was the sleppy one fufufu, lets go they even made some care pacages for home , take care .

Berus:The food was apeasing dont lose the industry or i will destroy the planet , anyways goodbye.

Vegeta:Have a nice trip, *releaved saigh*we are in the positive with them.

And he wiped off swet off his forehead.

Bulma:So wats the deal with them?

Vegeta:Literely Gods a destroyer his job is literely to destroy while the Angel to keep wach over the other i dont even know how did Johan survive his meating with them or why berus was so docile i hope they dont destroy the planet.

Bulma:It seams Johan has done quite the work to keep them pleased even made those two care pacages for them.

Johan:Goku and you wood have manged to not make thi place blow up anyway don't overthink of it they are not good or evil but manageable and if yo can mess with Berus mind and senses he will fear you for that reason he wood not try to destroy since he can accidently kill his kay meh that that he fears the unknown and that i am.

And around them they heardin berus,s voice.

Johan Berus:I fear nothing but that thing it scares me .....did it hear faster whis i dont want its ier i want to keep my lovely tail safe.

Johan Whis:Dont worry if we don't destroy that planet you should be safe not even the full might of the Angel powers together can bother him so out of your mind out of your troubles now lest hurry i want to see wat he packed for us fufufu.

Johan Berus:It should be fine then .

Johan: Something along these lines nothing special.

Johan vegeta: So it was you who made the cat to wake up !

Johan:Also yes i am a master at shifting things to be as i desire.

Any questions?

Bulma:Thats just horrible can you do me?

Johan Bulma: No dear he is right.

It's horrible he could do many things like call people and fool them and such.

Bulma:Thats just odd.

Johan:Right well i will be back when the new kids are born i need to make the ritual without any dangers.


And so they saw me vanish and on another planet i looked on a boy and father both trying to survive i took control of a spider and killed the old fool then i jumped in the scene and Browly in shock i grabbed him and left we now arrived on the kay planet and i placed him there my form dressed as a kay my hair Aubur White i smiled and patted his back he,s anger getting cut like a unwanted pest comfort and a sense of friendship being there instead he hugged me and i made a soft place until his griff has run its course he woke up hungry he is a good cuddle buddy he,s stomach grumbled and got up he was bewildered and got up he was cute and asked if there is some food around here.

I moved my hand a some food magic up and he ate and ate i was surprised and when he was fooling he once more fell asleep, and after some time i saw Old kay come by he noted the big guy he asked.

Old kay:Why did you bring this guy here?

Are you into men? It does not matter.

Johan:He is a potential god of destruction.

And i currently consoling him for the loss of his male parent, and he is very good Cuddle buddy as you see him sleep his hart is pure, any other question?

Old kay:Why the Kay clothes?

Johan: Surprisingly comfy and the white so if any asks i am a unofficial kay like the sayan boy you trained, anything interesting happen?

Old Kay:Nothing i am training the two younglings and felt the abnormal energy and came to visit can you make something tasty i promise i won't let the throw kiddo,s bother you.

Johan:Good making deals with you.

Then a cart with food was made next to him all closed up under a lid.

After some time Browly woke he rubbed his eyes and noted he was being givven a lap pillow i smiled and he asked.

Browl:Who are you?And why are you so nice?

Johan:I am Johan a Unofficial kay i saw your fate and decided to bring you here to help you rest then you will be sent to be with you fated friends i had fed you and now relaxed you need to learn to controll

your anger and you will need to visit Yardrat they can help i cant but console you and feed you but that's not enoght youre a growing boy and you need to grow stronger and better you may meet me other time now lets go youre cleane and redy so lets go.

Then he saw me snap my fingers and we now were in a ship

Were a female and a male aliens were working to not crash the ship i once more snapped my fingers and the ship just stoped they panicked untill they turned to me as i stated saing.

Johan:Cheelai and Lemo my name is Johan and this is Browly a Sayan i am a Stand in for fate for a short period at least as Browly wood have been rescued by you two on that planet i removed the Loneny Browly from you don't need to crash on it now i will tell you were you need to go to help this big kid and you will go there its for both your and his sake the name of the planet is yardrat and they are proficient in spirit controll a skill Browly an you guys lack don't worry for food or energy for the ship i fully stocked it already make friends and be good kids and yes i can call you kids since i am older then you by at least a few UNIVERSES worth of time goodbye for now i am going to another world that needs my presence.

Then they same me no more there they did note a button with a note saying:In case of Friza force or other strong enemy,s i will teleport over , not for prancks or non emergency situation.

I now was in a cave full of ki technicks, i smiled made a copy and fully learned them cool and usefull.

We can see the three shipmates talking getting friendly and such.

While on earth we can see Gohan relaxing to then be grabbed my the nape and be thrown out the window witch was open somehow and his wife saw Johan in kay clothes waveing at her then the next moment no longer be there.

Gohan stoped fling and looked at me as i punched him in the sky and he tried to block but no luck.

Johan: So you decided to retire! Not on my watch lazy bones you're the last line of defence if you don't keep in shape i will make it so you will, do not give up or you may get killed and how sad wood your wife be, maybe i will marry her and your doughter may call me Daddy.

Gohan spit out blood and went relly angry i smiled and the battle went on for a hour and then he fainted i grabed him used a clean up spell and sleeping clothes as i placed him to sleep next to his wife as i said.

Johan:I will be taking him for sparing each day so he dose not lose the bulk and skills so he can protect you guys don't tell him i told you this just tell him if he is not redy to battle by the time i return i will blow up the house or something really horrible just between you and me, He needs to be more like his father about his training not his parenting since Goku is a bad father even vegeta is better at it have a good rest and i placed a cake in the fridge my personal creation really tasty and good for the body.