Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 668 - 669.Errors are ink deep on the pages of life.

Chapter 668 - 669.Errors are ink deep on the pages of life.

I woke to two voices arguing.

Error: It,s your fault for coming here you should have left me destroy this peace of useless Au!

Ink: But its so new so different nobody but us can enter here ....he woke up....this new skeleton.

Error: And now we will meet our end ....wat are you waiting, end US so we can be done with and i can rest.

Grey: SHUT UP...god dam it i cant believe you two are fundamental parts of this multiverse .....were was i yes .....shut the hell up and listen carefully you trashy bone bang,s....i am not from your multiverse.....its just a coincidence that i look like this ...and its better be ....huh...and one last're powers are sealed when you enter in others domains better bot forget this you short fools.


Ink: That's not a nice thing to say Error....besides he didn't kill us already so we still have a chance to be friend,s....

As he said friends i felt an intrusion as Dream entered this dimension i snapped my finger and he as well was captured and brought here on the web.

Error: Ow Look who came ....It better be the last one to be here i don't know how Squid wood annoy me even further!

Dream: Wat is happening here? I felt a large amount of joi and came to check it out then i got grabbed and brought here in a web with Error and Ink huh why did i expect it to meet you two but ow well.

Error: Shut up.

Ink:He's just mad dont worry this guy may seem bad but i belive he had a hart of gold.

Dream: Nope all i feel from him is amusement and joiful malevolence.

Error: So what do you want?

Ink: It's strange hearing you talk normaly.

Dream: Well its nice not needing to figure out the wat are you saing.

Error: What!!! Repeat that!! I dear you!!

Grey: This is getting out of hand, ow a fourth one is coming.

Nightmare: Wath is the meaning of this!!!

As in a bottle a puddle of dark blue was with a skeleton in scraching to the glass leaving traces, i chukled and turnes to see the three wide eyed i grabed the glass and shifted it to mold to his form and threw him on the weab, i felt three more come in and found me due to the traces i left behind,

I heard nocking and i opened the door as i saw Killer,Dust,Horror they three were wide eyed as my form tall sharp teeth and the clothes painted deep red with metallic rust the colored of blood dropped on the floor i smiled and asked: Wat do we have here three naughty children way do i even bother come in your friends are waiting all coth up and quiet.....

Error: Kill the thing or next time i see you you're dead!!!

Grey: Don't mind him he's to tied up to worry about himself....

Ink: Look out for the....

Grey: Strings....

Ink: Yeah the metal strings...

Grey: Like the ones around theyr body?

Ink: You those ones....

Grey: A bit to laight though theyr all tied up already.

Error: Dam it well there at least shouldn't be any more coming....why did you tie theyr mouth,s shut? And why didn't you do it to ink first!!

Grey: He,s present to hear these three not so much.

As i said that my form returned to my more tame skeletal monster i checked the killer,s for weapons and got a Knife and a Axe i stashed them in a bag and tied them to my waist then noticed Gaster looking wide eyed and asked: Grey can you please explain?

Grey: They came here to see the anomaly aka me for entering this world before its second bubble formed so they're all alternate versions of your future son named SANS .

Gaster: Good news i will not be the last skeleton, but i digress why do you have them tied up are they that dangerous?

Grey: Yes and no , as long i am here they're powers are null and void unlike yours and the monsters climate to my essence while they are not and they won,t get use since my will dose not permit it and half of them are evil and one is a psicho and the other a panzi yes i mean you Dream .

Error: Hahaha he called you panzi HAHAHA.


Nightmare : So that's why I can't use my nightmare slime huh when i get out of here you'll pay.

Grey: If i was not in a good mood i wood have bonemeal made out of all of you the moment you arrived,

As i said that Fresh entered thru a portal and while falling a meat grinder formed under his feet and he was turned to dust as i sealed the parasite in a glass bottle,

Grey: Did i make myself clear.

All skeletons: They nodded in unicen.

I saw Gaster gonwide eyed at the fast end of Fresh i told him:

Don't worry its just a dead husc controlled by this parasite i feel the rest must not be explained lets set up the portal i don't need to be interrupted good luck.

As i left i made the portal in each zone and i sent the message the queen and king sent the message and i helped i had felt they're entrenched and settlement they were aware that beyond the wall i made the energy outside is more concentrated and they're body,s will acclimate over time i was left alone with the travelers in gasters house they all carried they're things and settled with the help of Sunny i stood there looking at the travelers they all were hungry i prepared some food and a table i arranged them and released them the evacuation took two days or soo.

They couldn't help themselves and ate when they finished all the food they noted i was gone the hole underground was void white void except the room were they were in but that followed to become void the outside world was safe as the barrier was never removed so the void was kept in this bubble expanding slowly as the barrier adapted to its influence as this happened i was out in my pocket realm before i needed to leave and guide the placement before i as well left my realm i had felt an resonance and i decided to observe it.

*Pov, Rubilacxe*

I woke up and felt myself swinging at a person the hands cold the enemy a short girl in red armour the guy hit her then the girl hit him this continued untill she backed off and he tried to store me in the pocket space at witch i gracefully refused and dropped on the ground the girl was not sure but when she attacked the skeleton in armour took out his shield i took the opportunity and released myself in the ground in a small critter that was likely i did not squish it but when it touched me i took the occasion to scurry off as then i saw the skeleton activate a spell i used this critters unique trait and dug deep escaping the danger i went far far away and had popped my head out the sand funny that i saw him look directly my way only to feel the hands of someone with gloves grab me and took the insect out of the sand i looked and recognise the girl...she had a scroll on her back .....dam it i stoped and saw Ainz come with the axe now grey and unsuitable for storage i saw then he looked at me and tapped the axe on my head twice i shied and folowed the unspoken suggestion i eneterd the axe and it changed back to its original state while the rounded scenter my eye opend a slith like a dragons eye and i spoke in his mind :

So you're the bone bag that i was in trusted to a wimp.

Ainz:Did any of you hear that?

Rubilacxe: Look at your hand numbskull..and yes i did talk in your empty skull.

Ainz:Sorry it was just in my head i need to rest this battle was more tiering then i expected .

Rubilacxe: Yeah tell them that you love them too they'll believe anything you say bone head.

At this i felt his hand tighten around my handle painless if i may add so.

Rubilacxe: Stop that it tickles, i cant believe he wood entrust his demon to a friend like you hehe i am lucky your body is so thin i could squish it if i had enough time to get use to my possessed body huh wat a waist, so were are we going you know mamonga you can talk in you though and stop panicking my master wood have laughter at you right now Hahaha I did it for him this once heh.

Ainz(in his mind): What are you?

Rubilacxe:That is a good question little overlord and the answer even I don't know yet.

At this Ainz stumbled as he walked in his room to get his balance corrected and walked calmly to his bed where he sat and asked.

Ainz:Show me your true form Demon.

Rubilacxe:With pleasure Guard.

As I said the word Guard the axe melted and where it stood a metallic band was left the band that was around the eye I had the band on my left chin horn the form I took was hunched with hoves and five clawed fingers while on my back resides multiple bone spikes on top of my head two short horns present curling towards my back ready to curl and mimic the direction of my chin horns then my mouth ork like due to the outer tusks and maw filled with sharp teeth I am curently the size of a kid.

Ainz: This is unexpected how come you're so short?

Rubilacxe: Wait until I get hit by somebody gutless.

Ainz:So that's why you're so faul spoken?

Rubilacxe:Who wooden,t hit me if i was soft spoke wood i need to say and quote,

Ow good sit wood you please hit me in the face so that in turn i may brake your spine and tear out your guts to make myself a neet vest? How wood that worck!! Tell me?

Ainz:I supose it wood be nice but alsaw very ineffective, so do you intend harm to Nazarick and yes how wood you respond if i sealf you for the rest of your eternal life?

Rubilacxe: You cant fool me Satoru Suzuki your facade is useless in my eyes as for the others they're too smart or dumb as rocks to not figure this out they literally heard and lived the hole time you guys played but master was clever he thought me many rules by witch your former world worcked by mister salary man and now im free im here and were not alone i was shown the world beyond the screan and i loved it i was there waching and i figured if i was to be once more held seald away from this i will use the last resort he gave me, as i said this i puled a cellphone and tapped at it to then show him his face and that of his freands in a big group fotto,

And this is just one of em hehe i have more my master made sure i wood be safe if anything stupid wood happened to our home.

Ainz:Will they even belive you?

Rubilacxe:I didn't thinck of that shit youre right well better delet them then.....

Ainz:Can you not delete them?

Rubilacxe: Why do you want them....Bone head .

Ainz :I wood apreciate if i had them.

Rubilacxe: In exchange of one thing and it will be dear to you my friend.

Ainz:As long as the tomb and its residents are not harmed it will be acceptable .

Rubilacxe:Great lets shake on it.


As i grabbed his hand he felt my form melt and his body getting covered by some kind of goo after witch he was covered fully and his eyes opened while his mouth took a breath of fresh oxygen he was earthy brown with short tusks and he looked human his eyes with round pupil wile down to his chest the red orb visible behind a transparent belly showing it,s inside as the material resembled jelly like but firm as any flesh and skin body,s he tuched himself all over and noted he had a little brother once more while he noticed me on the floor now half my aize but now sporting bone like patterns all over my body i look even cooler i then said:

Done the contract is formed now im your Family and such we are bond you got some of my bloodline and i got some of yours skinny ass but amber brown dose not suit you lets go with bone white for skin and keep the heir a darck ember brown this shoud make you look better now look in the mirror and remember youre powers theyre still there and a small skill was added while i got a copy of your many i mean many magics at a eight ranck i still need more practice to get to level nine or even tenth and above that a very long time indeed.

Ainz: This is unexpected but a welcomed change this dose make me worry tho will they figure out of my humanity faster?

I hope not and how shoud i introduce you?

Rubilacxe: You may address me as Rubilacxe but family like you can call me Rubi or the twin of Excalibur for short Twoir but i prefer Rubi as its more simple , how shoud i call you Ainz? Moman? Sato?

Ainz:I would prefer if you used honorifics as we are not so close but Ainz will suffice thank you.

Rubilacxe: I thinck i got it Bro....Ainz hhehe lets go meet the others i am curious how they,l react.

Ainz:I hope they will not over react.

I went to the door and opend it a quite bothersome task for my size is quite small i was picked up by Ainz as he noted i have very short and stubby leags for now , we went and the maids bowed we arrived at the throne room and he took his seat he had a calm smile as i sat on one of the arm chears after few minutes the residents of Naxarick witch were created by the 41 supreme beaings except two were called and arrived they were curious and suprised at Ainz,s new form, after witch ainz spoke:

I have called upon all of you to meet a new member of our family his name is Rubilacxe he is the creation of one of the supreme beings and only now woke up in the helping with the subjugation of Shaltere witch we will revive soon alsaw he made a contract and i gained a more special form this body now has a sense of taste and touch i will be happy to join you in time of supper .

Rubilaxe: Lets not forget he can now have children as he now unlike before he has his male member watch out he may secuce some outsider and you may get his first time stolen Hahahaa.

The silence was terrifying then i felt a hit on my head it was Ainz as he saw my body grow about double my former size i at which smiled.

Ainz:*shigh* i wanted to keep it a secret untill i tested out if i was fertile in the first place.

Rubilaxe: Hehe you're fertile none of my kind can be infertile i feel it in my cells and you're are very fertile and better be sure when you have intercourse the time it takes for one of my kind is long enough to be birthed but with your genes it may take a shorter or even longer period don't over think it the time is needed so just to know if you get pregnant you girls will need to waight untill the kid is birth got it.

The silence finished as Albedo smiled and tried running to Ainz to be cot by the girls and told by Ainz to behave she dose and then we prepared for her revival finally the gold was broght and the ceremony completed i had asked ainz to hit me a few times and now i am about a head toller then Shaltier as she was revived she got coverd and she went to her room to relax,

I had stretched and asked Cocytus to spar with me he was welcoming and the other guardians and ainz came along.

*Third person at the Coloseum*

We can see two creatures one blue with four arms and the other ember brown with red and a lot smaller the smaller one started running and threw a punch witch was grabbed and retaliated with three punches from the four armed warrier next was the smaller guy not so small now but about half his size then the four armed warrior threw the shorter enemy and when he impacted the wall he once more grew now marching in size with the blue warrior then with a stomp the grown the guy used a skill the ground cracked and six smaller variants of the amber brown creature charged at the blue warrior he extracted a blade and chopped off the minions then saw the amber brown creature hit the blue warrior,s chest due to the hit he was pushed few feet back after witch he equiped a blade in each of his hands and ran at him he made four simultaneous cuts that hurt the amber brown creature but it only slowed him down then he once more grew taller now a head toller then the blue warrior his body compressed as his muscle got more and more accentuated then he once more stomped as four bigger minions were created the four charged at the blue warrior he then effortlessly beheaded the four brutes with skill and strength we can see the amber brown creature make a grabbing motion as a axe formed in his grasp the blood drinking flesh eater and so the body of the creature host a small bit of hight then he charged and swing his axe at the four handed worrier he stoped my first ax,s hit with two of his blades then he saw my size grow smaller as a second axe was seen forming the other two blades were used to block the attack after a few moments he hit me in the belly with one of his feet witch were longer then the amber browns creature witch was pushed back few meters the amber brown creature slammed the two axe,s making one twice the size and started swinging it to then impacting the floor as a wave of Erthen spikes hit the blue warrior and he nullified the attack with his slash the spikes then as everybody saw detonated and from the many sized varied spikes many minion,s turned and jumped at him this unexpected attack had him grappled untill he used a skill ice age like waves burst from him and the many small minions froze and he broke then with enogh force shaterd them to bits next was the amber brown guy haveing used the time of the distraction to jump and make a heavy strike at the blue worrior witch blocked it with his four blades then with a skill he once more hit the amber brown guy destroing the large axe and making the body fall to peaces then the blue warrior panicked and the amber brown creature melted while the others saw a red circle form on his foarhead as the blue carapace was coverd by a amber purple colore the face was a mix of human and insectoid they saw the new being strugle and finaly punch himself few times then went and grabed from the corose a band of metal after witch eveibody saw as the amber purple retract to normal amber brown and form a small body after witch he gives a bow of respect.

*Pov Rubilacxe*

I was a bit off the possession of Cocytus

as he was strong enough to resist and even take controll from me and even send me back in the body i was most confortable in i had then grew some mass and constructed the normal form i got to my feet then made a recognition bow he was respectful and i said:

Rubilaxe:I present you the Winner Cocytus the Frost Warrior hehe this was more fun then expected.

Rubilacxe:Greate now hase any of you tried out Pizza?

Two rose theyr hands and i smiled

Rubilacxe:Lets go eat then, By the way im cooking the pizza this time.

Then we entered a portal,s and some of the creations of the 41 left not wanting to eat as they came for the sparing mach i went to the kitchen and started working and finally i started with the dou getting the ingredients and flower eggs and oil with some butter and yeast got a bol and started adding a bag of flower a mug of oil and four eggs while i put the yeast was placed in worm water about body temperature as then i mixed the flower mixture before everything is integrated a soft i threw the yeast and a half bottle of mineral water i kept mixing untill the dou was firm and nice i used a bit of power as the yeast flourished and grew the dou to a fluffy look then i took it out cut it to equal peace and started using my hands to spreed it and place it on a metalic tray then with my hands on fire heated and half baked the dou then i grabed the igredients and leard them finaly with a seccond dose of fire the pizza was done i used a claw and cut the pizza equaly and set it on the table were Ainz Albedo Aura and Mare and sebastian they each took anslice as i took my time making others with the help of my staneless steel minions they were few but a lot more durable i had joined them to eat afterwords.

Then after a while i was asked to oversee Cocytus,s first battle as a leader i saw him get worried i didn't interfere i only told his one thing :

Do you remember how i foght you with my minion,s?

Rubilacxe: Yeah but there is a difference between being left to do as they please with one goal and me leading them in a effective strategy, got any bright ideas as you can,t be there but they still need a leader to make em effective?

Rubilacxe:I am telling you nothing its just a observation to keep in mind do as your instincts and will desire but keep in mind the orders Ainz gave you.

As he said that he summoned the litch and sent it to guide the undead troupes as a way to bolster his forces.

The battle was a lost due to the Litches underestimation of the lizerd people i was suprised and siad:

Unexpectedly our previous mind set may be troublesome here the idiot got overconfident and got killed due to not taking the battle seriously this over site may need to be fixed ,

you failed lets see how Brother Ainz will take it ,

better make you opinion known and own your mistake he may be kind ,

and you may fix your mistake personally then maybe get your first underling,s,

as i feel the winds of change coming and i will follow to keep you guys ahead lets go time is short and fun is abundant.

We arrived and i saw Cocytus tell Ainz of his failure and then the punishment as he then asked for a request that he got aproved by ainz witch is happy with the knolege his famaly can grow as people and add new skills to they're repertoire i then left as i have training to do i had asked for a death gnite for my size test and yes i was so large i got close to the sealing i stoped the death gnite and from my bended posture i focused and i started compressing and gaining a humanoid form and not the giant upper body on stubby feet a equilibrium of normal human proportions as my skin a amber black red lines all over my body and the power i felt like i can destroy mountains with a single punch i smiled and called the moast defence oriented of Nazarick witch is Albedo she did come and i asked her to use a shield as i want to test if this form is worthy of being one of them she sneard and agreed ,

Then i hit the shield with half the strength she moved a bit then i said that i will hit her with all my current strength she nodded and with the second punch the shield broke her arm slightly brused she was very wide eyed as i was a bit worried i pulled a healing potion and used it on her hand that followed to heal phew that wood be a mess i was told i have about thrice the punching strenght of a barbarian class heteromorph i was happy and we went to Ainz with the new i decided to keep this form for as long as i can so he saw it and nodded we talked and then the royal procesion was about to start.

We arrived and then the skeletons moved made stairs and we walked between the golden skeletons we looked cfrom above the two lizerd man came and gained theyr ultimatum i was hanging my feet on the edge of the big stone block i smiled ad when the others left i told them i wil be stating to have some fun Ainz nodded and i handed him my soul storage ring as when something manages to kill me i wil reform at his side i jumped off and when they all left i grabbed the tone cube and lifted it with ease as i have pretty much the same power level as Gargantua i carried it and found a relative smooth zone were i placed the cube then formed few very thin and sharp threads as i carved the tone when i was finished the cube turned in a large keep with the walls resembling to brick and the floor,s having patterns to prevent slipping.

I checked the doors and finally i reached the main room where I had a seat a bit bigger then Cocytus and had made sure there is oxygen flow so no unexpected death,s I went to the outer walls and had arranged the extra materials and made brick,s as the rest to dust i had hit the ground and had summoned iron ore ,silica ,alumin and Aggregates minions just a bonus for being connected with minerals dirt no crystals i had crushed the four variations of the minions and when do e i lined them with the cement in between as i had finished and the second leve of the keep was made i had then learned some cement on the floor and made it so it took nice pattern to prevent for being slippery and falling,

I had my felt the lizerd men the four witch were as audience.

Zaryusu Shasuryu Zenberu Crush Lulu

Rubilacxe:So how can i help you lizard-folk?

Crush:Why do we have to do this?

Zaryusu: It doesn't feel fair to me can you please tell us this information?

Rubilacxe:Pride that the reason my big brother couldn't accept your surrender he has very high expectations for his friends children that's why he wants them to grow and this battle will wash his defeat at commanding those undead that had been repealed by you youngling after he kills at least the three male,s here as they seem to be the ultimate warriors in your insignificant village his honor will be spotless once more he is a Warrior a being meant to battle if you three get him to recognises you he may end up requesting for your revival and i will with the day your little village will be under our controll even if we use you to test and polish our Famaly,s skills we don't resemble since we are the kids of our Creators beings forged from ideas and given life given purpose given the ultimate will of our creators to make them prowed hehe sorry i rambled a little there,

So in short your oeople will be elevated to a city kind of like like the ones of the humans in a surprising amount of time i had my fun making this small house for when i decide to visit and as a gift to probably your future Leader the one named Cocytus he will be happy i hope.

Crush:Thank you i hope it goes as you described.

Rubilacxe:You guys can go i have a few questions to your healer miss?

Crush lulu: My name is Crush Lulu.

Rubilacxe:And you three are?

Zaryusu Shasha: Zaryusu Shasha

Shasuryu Shasha: Shasuryu Shasha

Zenberu Gugu: Zenberu Gugu

Rubilacxe: As polite i shall tell you my name as well, you may address me as Rubilaxe or Rubil at your discretion.

Crush: Wat may i assist you with?

Rubilacxe: nothing special really tell me is your name Crush due to your tendency to crush your enemy between you thick thighs?

Crush: *blush*What?

Rubil:Sorry i couldn't help myself to joke your color and body type is appealing at my brother like side but now we come to the important part did you ever give a lap pillow?

Crush: a lap pillow, i never did such thing can you teach me?

Rubil: Ok let me set a carpet , done now seat and move your legs to your sides with your knees as close as possible done now stay still ,

as then i retracted my horns and sat in front of her at such distance that i seat at a perfect distance for my head to seat on these creamy comfy thais she blushed but understood she then heard me say:

This is a comfy spot this is given when someone needs comfort or rest or just if you like some body i like it but my lap pillow is the best do you want to feel it?


Then i got up and took my seat as my thighs puff up as she moves her tail and takes a comphy seat as her head nads on my lap pillow and she folls in a smuber ish state untill i said:

Ok get up my legs went numb and i dont want to have ant-bites, at witch she grogerly got up then i said goodbye and she went to her tent were the normal events passed i sat and watched the battle when he won he took the frost blade i had left to the basement and started digging down verry deep the process was fast and stedely the small keep grew to a small vilege then a medium vilege and finaly a large one capable to hold all the lizerds and i had welcomed Cocytus to the throne room.

Were i smiled and told him:

Do you like the new home away from home i can make it bigger if you would like i thin k i sould make some artificial ponds then connect them to the swamp for the fish to grow for keeping the balance in the forest, even if we can do without harvesting from it.

Cocytus: The...village

I chuckled and and he noticed my many i mean many small minions he asked me wat are they doing i said:

Theyre digginf deeper and deeper gathering usefull resurses from this world while alsaw growing this small town? Yes town we will need to take care to not collapse the hole thing but it will hold.

After some time some other thing will follow i had met at the Karn village and at the gate i met goblins they halted my approached and i noticed the wall is now wood i had met the chifften the buff girl she is cute and her little mate as well they make a good cuple they asked why ambi here and my intentions i smiled and said.

Rubil: Enri and Nfirea my brother told me of you and the little village i am curious how can i help ,

Ainz is quite happy with its development ,

as for the potions they help i hope you may come with a mana potion in the future that will get Ainz verry happy since we coudn,t find the right igridients for it yet,

You may address me Rubilacxe or Rubil i am a being tied to the Erth so i can use it to my pleasure i hope we can work together as long as i am here.

Enri: It is a pleasure to meet a family member of Ainz-sama out benefactor.

Nfirea:Same here a pleasure to meet you Rubil.

Rubil: Ok lets start with the wall first il get my minions on the worck meanwile i will be cheking your equipment Nfirea and maybe make some upgrades to them,

Enri can you with the goblins guide my dumb but obidient stone minions?

Enri:Of course lets get to it.

Nfirea:Lets see what marvelous technology youre will share with our little villege.

After this we left he described me the way his distillery made of copper worked and i made a few copy,s of different materials untill i got annoyed and constructed a anomaly it took the form of a glass that has the tensile strength and metallic characteristics of copper so i can observe the hole process this got me praises the material had not turned the potions blue they had a light grey colored but the effect was the same good i turned the other distillery,s into scrap metal the process was surprising and nfirea got a bit question for me.

Nfirea: By andy chance do you know a potion to help with stamina issues?

Rubil:Sex problems or getting tired at work to quickly?

Nfirea:*Blurts out*Sex probems shes too much to handdle please dont make fun of me.

Rubil:Few things to know have her wake a hour earlier then usual get her a glass of milk and for you sleep a hour ahead of her and wake up at the same time as her for the intercourse matter i should have some seed for a aphrodisiac for you to take it keep you up for the duration and maybe a little bit more the pills should be taken as less as possible you don't want to not be able to get it up without them and lastly try eating more meat and before you work train for half a hour starting with ten minutes of stretching then a ten minute run and finally squats for the last ten minutes that should get you enough in shape to be able to handle her for a bit at least.

As i said that i searched in my pocket and pulled a magic seed that grows viagra pills i have about ten of them and each pill can become a seed if infused with enough mana .

I told him the instructions and to hide the plant so no child wood accidently eat one we don't need hipper active midgets running naked all over the place ..

He gave a chuckle at that untill i told him if they don't release they may suffer untill the energy is spent one way or another at witch he gulped audibly i smiled and left to see the minions guided by Enri build a tall wall around the outside of the wood wall as it will be taken down and used to make other things they had made four exits and entrance as i came they were done with a a tenth of the wall i then had summoned a lot more of my minions and with haste they followed my instructions and at the end they lined up and Enri and the goblins saw me make a claw swipe as the hundreds of stone minions were cut to become a pile of equally sized bricks as the parts that did not fit the cut were made pebbles.

The wall finished head of schedjual i went to the wall and tuched it as then it glowed a Amber colore as a orange seal was inscribed on it for a moment to then vanish leaving behind few black mushroms along with some other rare ones on the inside of the wall glow mushromes and orange ones along with many varied but small mushromes.

I smiled at theyr extonestmwnt and told them:

Dont ever eat the black bushrooms they taste worse then anything in this world but the others on the inside are random good luck to any that eat the orange ones hehe il take one right now just to ahow you why.

I took a orange one and said before eating:

The orange ones are the random ones.

And as i ate it i smiled and they saw my body transform and in front of them instead of the buff Rubil they saw a petit amber black female demon with big personality,s and no upper cover as i always don't wear upper body clothes while the majin pants covered the crotch and my now long hair witch is red somehow covered my new breasts and i chuckle as a sports brow formed to bring me back to modesty the goblins are wide eyed and open slack jawed while Enri was covering her eyes yet preaching thru them, and the villagers look odd at me witch left as a portal opened next to me i will take advantage of this to mess with the Nazarick inhabitants since the karn villege wall is now complete.

I had returned to Nazarick and went to the bath i was going into the male bath and got blocked by a gargoil he directed me to the female side i asked if i suddenly turn i to a male will i be in danger he stoped and turned took a pamphlet and looked at something he asked me few questions and gave me a censure bracelet to cover any reproductive organs and took a nice long bath and met Ainz Demiurge Mare they entered and noted me almost asleep Ainz covered his eyes and asked.

Ainz:Who ever are you please get a towel.

Rubil:Get over it bonehead or you don't like your little sister anymore hahaha.

Ainz: Rubilaxe? How did you turn in a female.

Rubilaxe: I used one of my blesings and one of its byproducts can affect even us in adverse manner theyre DELTA Mushrom a trolling item and its temporary i got curious now i look like this do you like it the censure bracelet wont allow you to see anything indecent anyway Mare come here i want to check something .

He came at me and i had him sit on my lap as he leaned on his back i smiled and he is cozy , he blushed but got relaxed and we talked ainx asked why did i allow mare to seat in my lap and bo other I proceeded to say.

Rubil:First he's to young to boot he has no experience on the ways of the hart and this form is temporary secondary im by-sexual as i can return to this form when its time expires i engraved it,s characteristics plus i can make minions in this forms.

After some rest and relaxation i left and met Shalltear she was wide eyed as my body now wore a band to keep the chest not so indecent with the majin pants and my long hear she was wife eyed due to one reason alone i left the male bathroom i turned to her and smiled as i said.

Rubil: Hello blood sucker how was your punishment you masachistick leach.

Shalltear: tell me who are you to dare and insult me as such ....

She couldn't complete her words as i got to her and gave her a big hug stuffing her face in my large personality she couldn't say anything else as she immediately froze then *blush* and finally in a fit of envy punched me in the side only to feel my body grow and my personality alongside it i chuckled and they giggled with her in-between them, to then stop and widen her eyes as she asked.

Shalltear:Rubilacxe!!? When were you a woman.....more important why is your chest so massive?

Rubil: First i am not male or female i can be whatever i want after all i am a weapon based lifeform secondly i ate a random mushroom that grew from Delta ,

Her blessing now protects the wall of Karn village and I ate a mushroom from if the orange ones give random effects that if inscribed on one's body can be accessed when desired do you want to see the Rune?

Shalltear:How wood it help me?

Rubil: If your lucky you may get a effect that may favored your lack of chest department or even the hight only Delta wood tell shorty, and remember if you eat more then one at a time the effects may mix and the rune may capture both effects not only the single one that's all good luck.

Shalltear: *Humph*And who told you i will try these mushrooms dumb bimbo*she said under her breath*.

After that i let her go and went to visit Cokytus he was taking care of the reptile folk.

He saw me arive and tilted his head he recognised the Aura i emit and asked.

Rubil:Its me i got to confident and ate a Delta shrume it turned me i to a female its temporary but i will keep it as a skill after the effect ends do you want to try one?

Maybe you're more lucky then you may think.

Rubil:None but you may get something undesirable like i did.

Then i opened a porta and retrieved another orange mushroom noting there was a few imps collecting them for research in piles i waved at one and poof a dozen in my inventory ring.

Then i returned and gave one to cocytus witch he promptly ate one and in a puff of smoke, he transformed into a... White-haired average height six hands lapis colored ski with white colored markings that made him look cool he was surprised his eyes wide and with a grimace on his face on his back two provisions were visible they grew and formed his familiar ice spikes which were more condensed his face calmed as then he fell on his ass not being used to be without his tale each movement made by him had a slight metallic tone as he turned into ASURA the father that is at all times Angry due to the world making his daughter cry, so a very cool effect and it seams the passives h had attuned to this form,

He then said in a loud tone.

Cocytus:I Feel Great! Power And Anger Wrath!

Rubil: Calmed down!

Cocytus:SURE! Fight me! No! Battle! No!

Rubil:Shaltear portal us to the Colosseum!

Shaltear: Yeah yeah opening it right now.

Cocytus:Battle! Damm it!

Then they were dumped in the Colosseum.

I had gotten to be punched right after we fell , i bloked and retaliated , i battled in retaliation and kept growing this happened for hours during it i had restrained him enough to carve the delta mark and infused the energy it needed then we kept battle using hight and weight to deal with his anger and after ten hours i saw his energy deplete and so was close my health my form back to normal not knowing when as i was preocupied with keeping him here when he returned he fell on his back as he became exosted, i did as well while i shrincked to my smallest form about the size of his head.

The others came to check and saw the battle and now they cane teleported and used recovery magic on us witch got us up and apologized to the group of residents that felt and immediately came to check the rukus and Ainz was informed we took anknee and we explained:

Rubilacxe: I am sorry i didn't perceive the chance the transformations may carry with them the original state of mind, and that we wrecked the colosseum.

Ainz: Its good that you can accept your folts next time any of you tru the mushrooms i will require at least two of you to be present for next time as for the punishment you will clean up your mess witout your skills or magic,s help unless its ivoluntary sill or magic like Rubilacx,s Growth when hit or my aura of death, passives that cant be turned off,

Now Rubilacxe after you finish with cocytus meet me in my room for clearer details of these shrooms.

And so we were given brooms i grew and started out cleaning duty witch took ten minutes as we supplied the mana for the arena to fix as we removed the excess material to a room were it will be processed for some uses and then i went to Ainz,s room and he relaxed and asked what are they.

Rubilacxe:World item DELTA,S Touch a parting gift from my father a mainly used protection based on a dungeon core named Delta the lady in orange the mushroom goddess the deranged mother broker of rules and the welcoming home there are the most notable titles she has and the power she posseses is not as your,s i have been give her blessing along side her siblings ,

ALPHA the quest granter and giver the sword master the mage king the lost one his blessing assists me in combat his Rune increases attack and speed then ,

BETA the kings sword the king maker the executioner the ultimate blade that has life its rune makes me versatile and capable to turn me into anything i consider a weapon,

the last is OMEGA she is the apex predator the misled the searcher and the bringer of destruction and the tamed beast and her rune allow me to contend with any body i consider pray at cost of sanity, that's all for now.

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