Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 664 - 665. Orks humans and me.

Chapter 664 - 665. Orks humans and me.

As i escape the clutches of space and time from the former world i had plunged into warped space time and emotions i had to move more and managed to pop out of the warp landing on a metallic surface with a clang i made touch down my mannerisms perfect human i looked around and saw five humans and two ork,s engaged in battle the humans shooting the ork,s the orks chopping and shooting back,

they stoped at a moment i got up and god dam it they're shorter then me i mean the orks reach my belly the humans my pelvis ....i made a kicking motion and a ork,s head was sent flying i turned to the other and grabbed his torso he tried chopping me i saw the hits just not connect as the energy mantle protected my vulnerable form i currently hold,

while my warp flame burns bright with both life and death burning all evil coming in contact with, i already consumed some demons and some sent word of me.

The humans were surprised as flames covered the ork changing the sexless imbecile body turning purple with brown marks.

She has long hair and is the size of a human woman.

At first naked he burst into light flames and a purple and golden maid ish outfit formed more she pleases me more she grows now she is just normal and any of her new offspring will follow her template her shed spores.

I chuckled and took hold of the girl-ork the mind already under the power i can manifest from the Evoker like the vex she is similar and in constant energy lick with me ,

So her lifespan may grow usable as my form didn't start showing any draconic feature i had her walk after men like the a duckling her small cute and very deadly tusks blowing deep gold.

We saw the humans take a few steps back i smiled and they swallowed in response ,

I took a step and they took two backward i stopped so did they i grabbed my maid and threw her as she latched to a guardsmen,

garment and body i tugged the waist leash and with a tug i got a human and my maid was holding him tighter then a facehugger,

really cute i had her let go and grabbed the human guardsman by his head copied the relevant knowledge and heald any bothersome illnesses that may have suffered next was another guardsman that was running when she saw her co-worker was pulled my the strange large man that was not a ogrin or super marine but something different .

I repeated the process and the four of them were dazed and relaxed while i had enough knowledge,

i had her sit on my shoulder and we let the earth around shift as metal emerged and shifted to a Eredar ship ,

very magic based and with little to no technology or biology to it ,

i had then started the ship as the humans scrambled off then we lifted off they saw a seed like ship leave the ground and we Flew a bit the warp opened and we bypassed many demons mostly ,

burning at contact with my ship as their life lines crumble or blow up depending on the flames they touch,

we left off as the new portal opened and we reemerged in the local world i don't intend to say its name but its now of any faction a mush peat of all cultures from gene stealers to many other cuts factions and such at my landing my ship turned to bits floating to a inner pocket inside my long red vest i had the lish tied to my left leg and her waist as i said: Olga keep pase or get on my shoulder.

She nodded and said All Right boss..

She said proudly the ork instincts screaming for her to submit and make her new boss happy her relly big boss , the former ork now new creature with similar instincts thrives with dopamine and slanesh cant tuch it due to two resons she is a fucking ork and her aura burns the warp in general i had her now on my shoulder her body alwredy atomickly growing ,

When we went about i got some money and drank with the maid sitting on one of my thighs she was drinking as well with a cute happy face she clung to me like a koala her strength a lot more then any normal ork or human as my bones slowly compressed like metal bending sounds people watched me some curious at the girl and other whispering of me being a primeark or something a few even fought of getting me for tests while other wanted me for bother more perverse methods,

and even a few male gene stealers watching my little maid as she was a ork-feamale a impossibility after o got my thirst satiated i had Olga on my shoulder like a potato sack and left we walked over to a in got a room in it and saw they had accomodations for my size i sat and olga took her place on my side as we rested,

After a few hours i saw four cultists enter the door for them i was just sleeping then when they rose their hands and tried to inject us with something the infection needles just broke off the energy mantle and then following the surprise on they're face then my had grabbed one of them by the face as the infiltrator was turned into a meat ball with only a brain hearth lungs and breathing hole,

i had the other two the same as inturned to the least human of the gene stealers he struggled tried its hardest to die but when i inserted the vex spirit the creature resemble a doll,

i had i went thru its mind the hive connection cut brutally and efficiently its memory,s scrambled and partially cleared i had gotten the knowledge of were they are hiding the patriarch and its panicking ,

i had then started flesh sculpting making her tyranid genes predominant as the human genes took a back step as the shape and proportions made predominant female as i used the tyranids x gene to complete a xx chain turning the creature female,

she now is a proto queen in body needing a mind to mach her new powers but the vex only conditioned her soul and knowledge was inserted and predominant the former self slowly dismantle and assimilated to further my purposes my second maid made bone white skin no bone crest on her head but long purple hear bone claw like gloves-ish exoskeleton on her hands and feet as she had four hands the second set completely human with sharp vampire like neils very durable and sharp,

she was naked but no not decent as her reproductive organs are protected by chiton plates that can be removed by few contractions i had gotten her some clothes purple and black to contrast whit her white and purple, i had got q leash on her wwaist as well and a conection to my right leg connected and safe she bowed and staid silent,

Well this turned well now with two exotic xeno maids we went back to rest as the meat balls were stored in my pocket realm with my law elemental Sunny as it chose the name , after a while we woke and left after we paid some money her look being odd but not very unpleasant when Nyadra was flirted with she opened her mouth as her lower jaw split showing raws of teeth going down the gullet retractable teeth really scary and fun she closed her mouth and wiped her neck of the saliva that accidentally fell on it from the full opening of her mouth,

we got some food and i put together the ship as it came out of my inner pocket the assembly took about ten minutes and it was a spectacle as now the metal is fully covered by two coatings one of obsidian and the other of netheright really well reproduced and durable i climbed in my sit and the two maids on they're,s we left as i got the second of my life lines even if they're incomplete i can get the complete ones in time with the samples i collected ,

i had my Nyadra go in the pocket realm consume the meat balls and lay a few eggs so i can gather resources faster the eggs grow and formed new tyranids under the controll of Nyadra she slowly started adapting and followed instructions and started digging expanding my base and storing stuff when done they rested and started once more as the place had very very much expanded during my stay in the blue humanoids from the universe or Rick and morty, with the new structures expanding on my home base i had gotten close to gather power from as many species as possible mix matching and it seems my original body started growing with the additional life force the other lifelines provide it while also being kept the same size due to my runes ,

its compression only makes it refine the flesh and life lines so it can endure more and more over time but now i will keep this human form as its very useful after some time of travel we met a large Eldar ship they,tried calling i made a receiver and a transmitter then a display and sound delivering device as the connection was made i saw a golden armoured guy he saw me with my two maids on my side he asked to identify myself in front of yada....yada glory of yada...yada Eldar might when his long soeached rant i answerd :

Greatings my name is Vlad Dracul of the old Terra from the ancient fallen lands of Transilvania but for now you can call me Vlad just to make is simple i an a very old being my flames burn bright and as you detected this ship of my did not have any receivers or transmission but now everything is going like it is magic to technology very easy to use .

But in truth you want something or just cheking for threghts but you showed yourself to the wrong angel.

As i said angel two big Roc wings manifested and the ship made accommodations as its not only a ship it moved shifted and the armour finished forming a large one to mach my Roc body they saw my face form on the face plate mimicking my human face as stakes and holy ish artifacts were visible many strange yet pleasant to look at and then the fire the great white and black burning so bright that the ship they have is but a insignificant pixel that glows dimly i saw the sea of stars-lifes flames and the clisters that segnified life force while the dark emptyness that is filled with death energy this hole universe is starving all my kills granting it nurishment i had opend my palms and the armour followed after a moment all the eldary on the ship felt fear then nothing as the ship was turned to a ball of hipper condensed metal the souls shredded beyond any salvage of the warp demons and rapidly got absorbed in the universe,s starving maw the many lifelines i salvaged ware stored and along with that the mind part of the souls copyed in my gem-compure were they were used as feed for Sunny ,

I then searched for ork planets the metals of the ship stored and processed by my poket realm in usable materials gems and loot all forming a floting mass in the poket world a small sized moon worth of materials,

After a bit of time we met a large meteor with thrusters attached to it i moved a palm and it was compressed to a half its size as its hallow interior was now filled the spores turned inn active due to the death mana sent in the rock i compressed then once more threw the ball in my pocket realm witch is two tenths more filled with material, i had from then went to non human planets avoiding the blue skinned goats-feet as they're worth less then the bigger ones from eldari to dark eldari they were demanding blood i even released my true form with my brod smile my oversized blueberry goat-squid with Roc wings resembled a demon but my presence matching a primeark or even surprising one the humans followed behind my death wave occupying any planet i purged then they were intercepted by the Tau i got some of the blueberry muffins and two were sent to accompany me they had trackers both females one from the water cast and the other from the Erth cast both submissive and as they were near me they're souls got influenced by my own i had access to they're body,s and minds i had shifted they're body the earth cast now a bit bulkier and with a body modifications as the opening in they're face now no longer visible but still there while they're reproductive organs remodeled for both Tau and my use if they want to have kids with other tau but i don't believe it then the water cast increased flexibility and reaction speed good for dodging,

I had them dress and take seats with the two maids where they discussed i don't really know about wat but they discussed i had finished my eight planetary obliteration when i hit the tyranids tendril many many ships i had to add more metal to my armour and butchered very much flesh bones and harvested many life lines very diverse and complex the hive queen template cut and given to my Nyadra as her body grew and she now can make more precise gene altering and splitting a rudimentary life line make and design i had sent her all the biomass and she made a Hive for me the designs humanoid and very intelligent but concerted to the hive connected with to be under me my army of workers,

After i had whiped the tendril i folowed to the next i cut three in total then i left storing the excess armour returning to a smaller size then we went to human olanets were i purged a full planet were inhad acess to multiple subtipes of humans and hibrids the last of my stops here is a necron ship that was spoted out of the hands of the necron and untill now many tried to get me down i had fed the universe for a bit hooefully enoght to survive untill another comes to fully save it , after i colected the ship i focused sent most of my armour to my poket realm and we started to leave.

We inpacted the warp and penetrated thrue that walls of the bubble that contained it entering void space i engaged the reality orientation runes and shot full speed inoacting a new reality bubble entering it as i saw a black hole i even inpacted outside a space station no actual inpact thou.

I had sent the girls to rest in the pocket realm as i equiped a magic space suit i walked to a door and knocked i am in a human form i was opened up and entered the base i saw some human and a Time lord i smiled and after the door was closed i felt atmosphere and breathable gasses i tapped the medallion and the energy shield dispersed i stretched and when a human entered i once more needed to look down to my chest hight i feel the demonic energy the large quantity and quality some was staining him he spoke Abyssal as his eyes glowed red i understood it as the demons have few known universal languages the Eredar language used in mostly populations mostly of eredar demon,

but well we did learn the others for easy taking with the others demons i saw the man and recognised he is a old one my human form shifted to my errdar one he then widen his eyes and a smile.

The Beast: A member of the Burning legion here ?

Were you sent to free me from my prison?

Grey: Not quite Beast i came here to meet a time lord he is stuck and i will meet him as i am a fan of him ,

I did not expect to meet one of your kind here,

Has your punishment eroded your mind this much?

Beast:Fool you will die along the rest ,

I will make sure of it.

Deal with me free me and i will grant you knolege beyond your understanding hehahehaha!

Grey: I may be a Eredar but your knowledge is obsolete nothing if you believe i will do as desired in time now i have some new race to add to my colection.

Beast: So be it! You have limited time until the last man takes their last breath then your next!

Grey: Good luck witout your avatar.


As he screamed i impaled the body and sent it to my poket realm keeping the connection and link he was sealed in a stone coffin where he is stuck the Ood he had control over now connected to my Nyadra which resumed they're usual purpose to serve i switched to my human form and entered further to meet the doctor and his blond friend the bad wolf i had my doubts but he immediately gook his screwdriver and pointed it at me then he looked at it became completely confused as he saw a normal human datta a bit toller but nothing strange he noted the medal and then asked how did i get here ,

In the midle of space and such , his companion took a seccond look and she said ...

He looks like Vladimir Tepesh,

At witch i said:

The one and only my dear Bad Wolf , i have dealings with the creature imprisoned here down deep in the planet so do please pack and go the planet will be destroyed in matter of hours do take care dear doctor and hurry run be kind don't forget there are kind demons as well .

As i finished the speech i turned back as my form shifted from shoes to hoves two large wings and my horns visible as i said next :

The Last Eredar greets the last Time lord dont disapoint me and never forget to be kind Runner boy hehe i always liked her but well she is no longer.

Take care Bye.

And as i finished talking i opened a rift as i saw the TARDIS and the demon i turned and said : Hurry up your Sexy is here hehe i wood have called her Beutifull but well each they're own.

At this the doctor hurried and went to his TARDIS i walked and saw the large body much flesh i made few rune spells and the body compressed as the life lines were taken stored for integration , i smiled as the meat ball i had sent to the pocket realm safe i then had taken the urns as a souvenir the doctor already left and the Ood and the humans left fling off.

Then i took the two urns i stored them i. The pocket world and i felt the planet start crumble the doctor and helped the space ship go out of the gravitational pool i constructed the ship and i flew off the planet,

We stopped a few kilometers off the gravity of the black hole i had the ship form my armour and extended my wings i saw the box open its door i made a palm and it landed on it i walked out he opened the door we talked a bit he also used his sonic screw driver and was surprised at its answers but well we left , i had given him a wave i tore space and time wight ease as we bleed out of this reality as i took a Ood and made Nyadra make some with they're hive brain as a structure a usefully helper race i had left with them being analyzed and given more of them .

I manged to find a new reality and with force tore in the bubble allowing me a way in as the ships dark grey turned golden and white i like the color shift but i felt the ship being identified as something else and with an abrupt summon i stood there in front of a Armoured being and a masked man with a smaller angel in front of me i heard a human behind speak to then see the angel in front of me try to move and attack the man in the mask only for my ship to open up and engulf the angel connecting to it and absorbing its divinity circulating thru the ships sudo power cables as then the hole ship opened slightly and gave off a large Burp and promptly closed to then place a hand to its mouth as a voice enterd everyboy,s head :

A nice snack , i wander were we are ....

I then moved the ship,s head to the masked man and turned it to a side as i said :

Momanga is that you? ...

And if thats you then she is ....Albedo?

I wood think Peperochinos creation wood have had you alwredy under her cluches , bit it seams Tabula made Albedo more then capable , i wander were is my sister...

Did she got summoned as well?

Mamonga: Who are you and i go by Ainz all Gown , curious i havent met you at least in this form? Who is your sister?

Grey: Its no wander you cant recognise me i will dismiss the ship in a moment let me take care of the heathens maybe let few alive to be interogated as well.

Mamonga: All Right lets talk after the cleaning, please dont go overboard on my behalf.

Grey: All right.

Then i simply used the arcane energy and snapped half of they're necks then used light chains to tie the rest after witch the suit started dismissing peace by peace as only the head peace was left that then opened up and i walked out in my Eredar form with wings i smiled , and Albedo was redy to defend i chuckled and asked :

So bonehead did you mess with her settings to make her so ...devoted in protecting her man? Bag of bones? King of all death? Soutsorer king ? .....the last may be useful but not now where was i yeah i am the brother of the Mistress of silk, Muffet i know you remember her the big giant hideous and somehow cute silkworm kin she told me she gave you her favorite weapon can you give it to me Mamonga-San?

Albedo: So you're the mischievous brother she talked about during the time she was warking hard with the other suprime beings she talked a storm of how she had punished you for not joining her in Yggrdasil .

Grey: She always was not happy i was in a different world then her well after she left ygdrasil i was still using her setup for my project , in that world i presume you will not know its a very old world the World of warcraft i was adapting it to run the same way you lived in Ygdrasill but during the last tests i was summoned to it in the body of a eredar as it was my favorite model and my most used Master Avatar with the flavor text and the modifications i did now i managed to come here i didn't expect you to be here is Nazarick here as well i wood like to see my sisters room as she did make a request of my if it turned like Albedo i may have a Neas soon .

Mamonga: Lets first return to the vilege then we can go talck in privat i am curious wat lige have you led this far in your curent form.

Grey: Shure Guild Master of the Nazarick Guild Ain, All Gowl, so on foot or by ship?

Mamonga: If possible by ship it is no bother.

I opened a pocket and took a blue potion it glowed as it adjusted to the world and i handed it to Ainz as the ship started forming i spoke:

A mana potion a thing you dont probably have here, anyway chug it i want to see if it spills all over your ribs or it gets absorbed immedietly.

After he grabed it he took a swig and i saw the mana disperse within himself and recharging ten percent of the mana he had , he said:

It taists refreshing and it seams it restored ten percent of my hole mana reserves tell me can you make more ?

Grey: Yea i have a few recepies as the potions use percentages and have a slight side effect but i dont thinvk it will affect you .

Mamonga: Side effect? It cant be that bad?..Is it?

Grey:Increases Lust but with your body such thing present unless you develop a mana body skill , but that may happend laighter,

As we talked the door closed in the ship and three sits were made as the ship started fling with ease and after a minute we stoped and arrived at a village i shifted to my human Vlad form being about a head toller then Ainz , we left the ship and met the human warriors to i taped my right hand and a eye opened on it the golden eye core i channels the light and with a simple pronounced :By the Light of Empathy i command you Men Rise and heal.

As i said such the body,s glowed golden and rose i saw Ainz flinch and glow green to then take a step back , i noticed this and closed that eye to then walck to him and tuch his shoulder as his bones glowed blavk his negative energy feeling my dark mana and got healed as i transfered some as i said:

Sorry i didn't expect you to have a God,s blessing of the darker aspects of life my light has no distinction between benevalent dark and malevelent dark , its only weekenders i suppose , now who did i heal from the brink of death?

Ainz: No problem its good we discovered this before you tried to actually heal me,

And may i introduce you Gazef Stroneoff and his shoulders sent to help the vilege,

Gazef this individual here is the brother of a good friend of my his name is....

it seams i am unaware of your name you sister always used adjectives and other words to denote you presence can you please introduce yourself.

Grey: Its a plejure meeting you my name is Vladimir Grey Dracul you may adress me as Gry or Vlad ,

As this is the first time we met Gazef Stroneoff i had used my light to heal your fellow soldiers as a token of my good faith.

Gazef: A pleasure to meet a friend of Ainz are you a cleric by chance ?

Grey: Yes i have a Godess blesing she was kind to give it to me her name is Therazane

she is a very powerful Earth Elemental reaching the strength of a goddess her blessing allows me to contain more blessings then any other a very important gift that will be repaid in due time were, ware we.... yes ,

If my Controll over earth metals and cristal can be called being a cleric then yes ,

the other powers are just a byproduct like well make a vessel then you can use it to store source,s of other things ,

and in time with hard training and time i learned to use those byproducts of the source as for example a golden gem that feeds on the abundant energy in my vessel rooting and growing like a cristal and from that cristal a golden liquid is generate untill it reaches the rim of the vessel then i pour from that vessel and when empty i refill it in time that is how I use my holy light,

While other powers are present as well, while my body is like clay under may natural powers two gifts i was born with a mockery of the light and darkness a balance to begin with they had very much use for me in my reserch but yes i belive i am a natural cleric of my own desing.

I have some followers as well and a familiar well i and Ainz should go have abnice life Gazef .

Then i turned and left Ainz used a skill to perceive my movements finding me on the roof of the house looking in a distance eating a metallic apple,

After some talk he had left and he left the room i jumped off then with Ainz and Albedo we left as a portal opened and we left to reach a room with two seats and a table i had taken a seat as i shifted in my normal form as my armour shoulder pads were equiped then my shirt and pants from the casual to redy for action in a few moments .

I looked at Mamongan and asked :

Did you tell them yet or did you see that glint in they're eyes from before they came here i had recognised they were alive before all this , from the last update and the meaningless talk that they heard you guys talk i cant believe the brightest of them over-think while the less intelligent are confused and now here with the new focus they don't even think of the past interactions you guys had ...

i had not manages to get my creations I hope they're safe at least with you here they wont despair,

Lets not think of this it gets under my blubbery goatctopuss winged skin well don you want a human form?

Ainz: It wood be nice to have my tastebuds once more...can you make it avrege i dont want anything specific , maybe something that can handdle my power, black hear, and avrege build, if posible .

Grey: Allright Ainz-san let me look what i have in store if not we can just harvest some humans here the bad karma type so you don't feel bad , you should tell the demon to not kill innocent he is truly evil seeing the world to use for the benefit of THE NAZARIK

, and always aske for samples to be shown before he dose any more , and the interbreeding project he is going to embark it wont work demons from igdrasil and the humans here cant breed half demons,

i figured this out as the world rules have imposed some of its restrictions on me and i am in a demonicly touched body be careful there should be more world items here ,

Can i get a mirror of duplication i want to have it with me you know that fucked up mirror that if both two of you can make infinite copy,s so i have the protection of the mirror from other world items ,

are you listening ,

stop panicking its useless with you emotional dampener active.

Ainz: This is insane we are stuck here and the only purpose left is to serch for other players to conqer the world to gather and prepare, and now you , even you are stuck ? Arent you?

Grey: I can leave whenever both space and time is movable as such i can pop off here, but I can't bring Nazarik so i wait for you to take the planet over form it to be our home base i will teach you my learned magic and you can teach your own b uh t first we need to make two new Grimoire,s the ritual was made by some human mages really usefully i opened my scroll and with a snap a copy of it was made i gave the copy to Ainz and using gun the unique learning skill he now knew o the way of making the grimoire we both decided to supervise each other for any problems we first went to the arena were the elf twins stay and after a few Erth moving i made a pentagonal wall and floor after witch he started using the scrolls knolege to carve his personal Runes and afterwords his infusion of mana and negative energy he naturally emanates ,

i had gotten him twenty max mana potions that has effects over time he had finished the infusion and fully generated his personal black bone marked grimoire i smiled and he fell on his but as a slight headache was felt he then grabbed the large book then he opened it widening his eye sockets a bit more then he got serious moved his hand and a couple pages turned black he was relieved then he got up and moved as i dranck a bottle and the former shight of personal runes of Ainz then he saw the surfeses fill up and once more the place is redy,

I carved my personal runes and finished with setting up i sat on the middle and returned to my normal form as the eyes glowed first my light and dark then the erth after that the light and end mana after wich pure arcane energy for the finishing tuches,

i smiled as the six gemmed large book i grabbed it and it shifted turning to a cellphone at which Ainz was surprised i told him the book has the same nature as its owner i then looked thru the book then shifted the spells i want nobody to use in my memory in the last pages then they shifted in the book cover safely stored nobody can see it i smiled and relaxed as the book once more turned into a cellphone i then with ainz started making scrolls after witch we exchanged them i getting necromantic powers and he gets the black ,white and holy mana , spells and powers he analyse them and memories them growing stronger i had with the help of Ainz made a negative energy core,

Ainz was surprised and very eager to learn i had helped him make his own type of core i did tell him this takes percentages of ones mana reservoir he made two cores as the two cristalized light and dark made in a pate of bracelets was enough to for him and the Earth core was used as his single core and with much practice he can shape his bones calcium and metals he can forge himself a second skin out of metallic mesh then with a second light core behind his ribs connected to his life lines i had managed to install a average life template then after shifting into it he noticed the longer he staid in it the faster it adaptation the black cristal energy helping protect the life lines from his negative energy ,

he can easily switch between the forms,

with ease , he made a large announcement and had reveled his new human form and that he will keep this form so it may get used to his greatness and grow even more powerful ,

then i introduced the grimoire a way of sharing spells and reinforcing others of Nazarick and helping new mage recruits research and grow useful , after that i was introduced by Ainz as a sibling of Supreme being the String Cutter Muffet she had a single creation and i noted her ...a moth kin snow white fluff with a scattered personality cute and with a lantern attached to her by a chain a way to focus and I had seen her come closer i was in my eredar form they noted similarity,s to tabulas form but different with wings and seven eyes the seventh being the negative energy one on my other hand as both are very volatile powers ,

She is Radra a production class maid of the tomb of Nazarick she was depressed until the day they're beloved master the one who staid introduced a stranger ...not so strange after he told us this person is a sibling to the great creator of hers mistress Muffet, and now i am meeting him , he is large buff winged and with face tendrills odd but handsome he dose not resemble her description but he feels similar his way of talking and the look in his eyes very familier , he is ... I hope he is nice.

As i noted the Moth girl she was surprisingly humanoid two sets of hands and fluff all over covered by a kimono and with strings on her bracelets very useful for her skills and build we left the gathering with Ainz and a maid we found a nice room were we talked after a few questions an fun answers i had given Radra a few scrols and then told them i am going to make a Homeing Obelisk to deal with the finding of this world , And that Ainz can talck with me wenever needed.

After the tack i was given a Guild Ring and we shuck hands he started enjoying the fact he can eat sweets and that his body can sleep after i gave advice to radra and telling her i will come back she smiled and we had went to the plan were ainz and Naburel gama accompanied the Adventurer Moman in the guild i had gold coins and we both a in room ,

i had allowed him to give the red potion and to spreed the copy mirrors to each member of Nazarick i had one myself and we got to the request and the boy and his grandmother when we had encountered the goblins and ogers i had my pleasure to use the Erth spikes and impale many of them i had even helped remove the ears and other proof of they're death as i was accustomed from the times i went hunting,

i got some blood and bones as well with a spell or two of sand blast a very simple cleaning spell for my flores as i controll sand to then dispell leaving no flesh no blood or muscle as it turned to fragments so small as its insignificant if i focus harder i can even cut bone but i want them for my research we left as the humans were weary of my strange but powerfully spells,

i even showed them healing magic a useful skill i had even stored them in one of my bags on my left hip that led to my pocket dimension then j also pulled gold apples i cut one in multiple peaces as a token of friendship they ate with me even Ainz took a bite he was happy as his body regenerated and grew slightly more use to his form unnoticeable to the humans but to us two very evident as his mana became more dense the advantages of having more storage capability, even with his mana hidden.

When it came to visit the vilege i saw the goblins and then the girl , i stood back as when we enterd the forest we had met the hamster it got hit by a missile and fell on its back very fluffy very fluffy i had also used a small percentage of my aura to put the beast under submission as it stooped moving when i touched it froze like a opossum pretending to be dead i got up and look at the black warrior scratching his helmet i got off and used a familiar spell as a cooler with spikes formed on her neck very visible with a golden blue gem pure arcane energy on her neck as his markings glowed and at once grew and with a light the female form she compressed and ended about twice my hight Ainz was surprised and asked me if this happened so often i snap my fingers and five maids showed up they bowed and i introduced Olga a Krork female maid , Nyadra a Tyranid Hive Emptess maid , Ooda a Uud servant female model , Aqua a water cast diplomat of the Tau race , Terra a Erth cast of the Tau race,

they all are my maids the two blue ones are bribery to not destroy they're Home planet , i had my doughts at first but i am happy with them ,

and i have Sunny but i need to send you willingly to my pocket realm witch i need your permission to do so but well that's that , Take care Lady,s these i just wanted to introduce you to my Friend now lets send you back to do gour duty,s and we will meet laighter,

So you big fluffy jungarian hamster kin woman she fell on her knees and bowed she was just fur clad and with the cooler i snapped my finger and simple clothes formed on her body modest and comfy she got up as i said so since she wood dirty my gifts for her she understood and her tale wrapped around her waist like a belt ,

i smiled and she slowly calmed she answered any question promptly i then opened my hands as her fluff still abundant she is comfy i declared she is my new body pillow at witch the female elf twin asked what is that?

He had to answer naturally ,Something i don't need to deal with ,ask Albedo when she has time.

i smiled and then we returned to the group and we said Moman defeated the wise queen of the forest then i made with his assistance my familiar and then i introduced her as my familiar her hands claw like her feet bear for her comfort with shorts and a modest t-shirt she smiled and waved hy she knew to not mess our story up she bowed and then returned to my side we then reentered the village they were worried of the monsters and in response i impacted the earth with my hands as the hole village was surrounded by a meter wide wall i left openings at the four roads and told them to make it better and to think it as a good will from Ainz as he told me to tag along these adventurers to scout out new allays and such they recognised me as a fellow allay of his ,

Wen we returned i had thinked and told the Hamster kin : Your name will be Griedo as i am time to time colled Gey i used the Languege i like the most its called Romanien and ading a edo at the end tada your new name meaning if i am remembering this right Grey one similar to my true name Gris Bat meaning the same its just my birth languege hehe.

Griedo: I shall cherish this name you grated me master Grey i shall folowe you from now on, as such is my fedelity.

Grey : I Grey Dracul accept your fedelity even if youre the third weekest of my folowers meaning youre above two of my folowers in power if i dont give them wepons that is.

Moman: So we are returning after which we can get our pay.

Grey: Of course Black Sword Moman,

As for you swords of darkness you did angood job lets go.

They were happy at my praize and when the Alchemist boy went with the guys at the shop i folowed them while Moman and Nabe went to confirm the complition of the Quest,

I waited outside and when i heard the commotion I entered to see the beach try to kill the first member while the rest are on the floor , i smiled as the group saw me grab her by her neck she was lifted up only for her to plundge a raipeater in my eye no blood leek as she saw multiple eyes open and the ye she stabbed change to a black void swallowing the weapon to then turn to a black light eye as her weapon vanished the necromancer tried to curse me but my defences made the spell back fire as he fell on the floor under the effect of weakness i smiled wider then humanly possible as she struggled tring to stab me more only to lose each weapon after a stab that did not hurt at all, i used a spell and she fell on the floor like a fall as her soul is in my clutches i tied it to a vessel an fun sent it to be interested i go the tools and went to heal the team while the cultist was running with the boy they all went uncoscious when i arrived alwredy i had made some flesh woonds and tied bandages over with a raipior replica on the floor i had tood of wat happend and then we being redy met the grandmaster and Moman i took a seat resting we cant go after him due to him alwredy beying gone for a while now, i had told Moman we shoud talck,

We took advantage of the event and had her move to the vilege under our control in exchange we used my magic to finaly localise him a lot more precice and hard to dettect i saw a old man and the boy with a crown on his head we promptly left the three of us as we reached a hoard of undead my light moved thrue them like a Freek Train even with a bolder folowing ,

We had managed to get to the coult leader he was rizing more undead untill he noted the big fuking bolder rolling towords him to then be fermly stoped by a large dragon claw then he saw the large bone dragon he managed to summon ,

Glow in a deatly black as my hand glowed folowing witch the big dragon made of bones shifted and the bones merged cmpresing and now at half size turned to me and bowed i smiled as the calcium controll and undead energy managed to make the beast even more stable it then got swiped at by the necromancers seccond dragon made of bones at witch my bone dragon swiped its tale and deccapitated it the necromancer was uncredjulas to then see the bone dragon of myne vanish with a pop as he was stored in my poket realm in my nether region to consume more soul sand and old bones,

I walked to the old man and with asword from Ainz inpaled him and looted his things for Ainz,s reserch.

I had my thoghts on this and had extracted his soul as well i had seald it in a vessal and loked him for interogation i smiled at Ainz as i asked for teleportation back in Nazarik so i can rest he agreed after teling me to not leave the room i stored evrithing but my shorts and fell in my eredar form in the bed remecent to how Ainz dose it i then immedietly fell asleap and entered my poket realm were i had interogated the two aouls after witch i incarnated them as undead a skeletan and a husk the femaeale in the husk as i made better replicas of the the wepons they had before , they were sceptic the old fart wanted to take over the realm to only see my metalic avatar inside my realm it resembeld me but ten twenty times toller and the seven eyes were represented on it two on the palms and the rest on my face i had looked down and they felt the surpresing nature of my power they knelt and swore fielty as the large avatar vanish and insted a small plushy sized version of the large avatar apered i had complet controll over it and it was metalic looking but fluffy and confy to tuch i claped my hands as a oprtal opend and we were sent to a room i had took my seat on the husks lap as she was modeled after her former body as she had the base tshirt and pants nothing more , the old man had a reserch cloke very similar to my own,

Wellcome hopeless villains now you have found yourself in my fortunate employ and not tortured by being atempted copulation with demons males with razer barb wire on theyr genetalia or turning to the old man having your genetalia intruded by torture instruments , of very dubios use , well were were we my name is Gris Bat i am a Part demonic creature called a Eredar of haigh intelectual and magicle power your curent form are my gift to welcome you to my employ your original bodys have been sent as proof of sujugation by the Overlord class Undead called Ainz a good family freand of myne , so now i have to advise you more Execution Points you colect the more you can mutate in more human forms a lot more plesent forms retaining your gifts of vertual immortality and on your death you will be respooned here in my world with half xp lost during such event and so good luck.