Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 650 - 651.Meanwhile in a different continuity.

Chapter 650 - 651.Meanwhile in a different continuity.

In a battle between two skeletal creatures many bones blasters and sting,s and ink, two blasters crashed into each other got entangled then covered in a wave of multicolored ink a soul managed to find itself stuck in between them then with a flash of light the mixture of strings ink and two gaster blasters fused in a bubble of sting and ink to then blow up as the two skeletons noticed the change they were talking wandering what it would come out of this time I felt a pulling force as I fell and the two tried to stop my fall to only faze true my reforming mass my soul no more just my skull draconic skull I was on a floor I had then felt yes felt my current state of being I felt I have something called endurance and it's about seventy points and when they reach zero I die then I have health they are 100 in amount and even if they run out I will not die but go dormant for approximately one day then recover one point of health and awaken then I will need to eat... I got a skill that it's called degenerate consumption I can consume any outcodes and assimilate two degenerated traits I had floated off the ground and sniffed as an outcode was present in this place I walked ... floated? Hovering towards the outcode it was slower than I.

As I stoked the octopus-like thing my mouth salivating I leaped at the thing and in one large bite I consumed this outcode as it got processed I had been given one argument which is called possession allows me to temporarily take over people or creatures weaker than me the longer I can take them for and my new eye since I had only a simple blue one on my black exterior and ink-wet interior I had finished my meal then slowly hovered around as I saw the scene repeat over and over is kept on going as I found myself in the judgment hall were I snaked behind the view of the two I had went behind the sans and when he fell asleep I had gotten the moment and covered his head as I moved him to dodge the other direction I controlled his tired body as he felt new vigor new power and a deep hunger driving him to bite the movement unexpected to the kid she was too late and I took a chunk from her soul as it was split between each other sans got control and threw bones he didn't brake the connection and i didn't force the body controll he felt his health increse and i did as well wile the player had lost two lvl,s i had shared a caracteristic with my temporary host and with it his tierdness was resolved and with each hit i got more xp and sans did as well wen it became a childsplay to defeating the kid then it happend the world reset and we were in the jugement hall i had removed myself from hia round head and fell exosted then he did as well after grabing me and teleporting to his messy bed my size started condensing and finished at about twice his size and with a cupple cracks witch ment a few points of dammage got to my endurence and my helth about 85 points since i needed to heal sans a cupple times so i have 15hp and 59nd left thousebsleap ups and easy to predict paterns at least my gaster blasters got the kid off the main game wiith the last truble being the kids last lvl i got to lvl 10 my nd grew along with my hp but they did not refill and now that they started to i feel rellynice but the hunger grows wen i had my fill on rest i hoverd down to the kitchen were i focused the DT i have and forged a pseudo limbs the gaster hands a cupple and i cheked the igredients and started filling a pot with water then set it to boil added solt i cheked thebpasta and broke it in half wen the pot was at boil i droped the spagety then started preparing the salsa and the meat bals in two difrent pans at difrent temperatures after a cupple minutes i heard steps then felt someone waching me i ignored it to then feel two gloved hands grab my sides then turned me as i saw two large goggllie eyes filled with intense desire to learn he asked me in the moust papyrus way to teach him as he smelled the pasta avrege for me but a lot more for him i got some him to seat then i cheked the pasta and wen it was done i drained the watter and then added pil salt and a slight amount of peper then turne dto the salsa witch i added enoght spises and a helping spoon of garlick crushed garlick and finaly the meat balls wen they were done i added the sos and then noted papyrus alwredy made the table for the food he screamed for sans and as he walked down papy noticed his short brother grew a bit not much but insted of reaching his croch he reached a bit higher i chukled asbhe noticed the change the Dt had on his body along with some ink marcks remaining as my ink stained his bones he did not shower yet so we sat at the table and papyrus saw as i took two plates and forcks i added the spagety and the salsa and meat balls i then moved the big pot to the side as i served them extra large portions and then as they waited to see wat i wood do i downed the full pasta mixed with meat bals and sous in the big pot then witch opend mouth i ate all of it the two ware suprised but sans just shruged it off since wen he taisted the food he alsaw ate it all as his new body demanded energy and to fill the rest of hisapetite he alsaw drunck a cupple bottles of kechap wile papyrus just ate it with a happy expresion as he now knows the taiste of a proper for me mediocre dish i coud have made it better if i had some chezzes and i thinked of thouse m Try skill finished digesting fillinh my hp and giving me two skills ingredient materialization and spice,s materialization curious but usefull i went to the kitchen and got a pan then i materialized some potatos and bloody meat of bovine origins the meet is fresh and i started sesoning it with solt peper and abslight dash of garlick then as the pan was hot i threw in the bloody peace of meat then i turned to the potaoes i peald them and washed them then cut them into cubes and threw them in the pot of water i setted up before we ate then i turned the meat witch has a sloght burn juat lile i like it and started on the other part i got some cheezes and with a smaler pot coverd with anty sticking oil and got them to melt with some other spices ending with something tasty then i materialised some bred witch i cut to fry lile forms and with a low scale blast flah fryblasting it the outside crunchy wile the imediet insides are stilll soft good i turned to my well done beaf stake and with the two brothes obserbing i ate it in a single bite they noted i didnt chew it just a simple chomp and its gone i then prepered three other peqces of meat left in three sos batches one in pure kechap one in spagety sos and the last in garlick sos they marinated as the potatos boild and i lowerd the heat on the cheez sos and then waited untill i got the poatato,s out of the water and smashed them in a pure with butter and salt next i prepared three plates and then took the kechap coverd stake and fried it untill medium then the sos stake and finaly my garlick stake i cut two bits from each stake and placed in the plare they didnt vome feom so we can taste the difrent tipes of stake and finaly the pure of potatowith some oil from the pan and orange juce freshly squized by sans as i instructed then i broght the three cheez bouls with the set of bred sticks for dipping they were suprised and papyrus alongside me and sans ate to find new tastes in the culinery arts i finished and sat my head on the table as my blue and raimboish purple eye,s went to black then to two normal white pupils similar to the two skeletons wile they still had a purple and blue outline i contemplated as i am a being made of bone i have marrow and in that marrow i can make blood and now that i feel i can make more bone i started to make a sudo body the process took half my energy reserves a bit of ND and a quoter of my HP i feel quite odd to see from two sets of eyes i had shrinked and fited on the open skull of my new body and like clockworck the skull cloaed consealing me inside as the two dots of light shut down two basic white lights formed in my pupets sokets string erupted from my eyesokets and the dool ganed a sudo muscular system and it started from the neck down no identefieble gender traits located on this body then ink folowed covering my musle fibers that are like wool thred i chukled and smiled as my voice was heard a deepbrumbble followed my chukle like the world felt its doom to then calm and check this small body bones filled with marrow witch produce magic infused blood i took a look at this genderless body and noticed my hip are a bit large as such i ajusted to have them contract and such redusing theyr size i moved as my inflesh rippled with colorefull patterns and my possesion was conplete then more thred blew from my wrists ankles and neck forming bluffy apots just like that of ichigo hallow vasto lordis form then my feet and hands along with my wrists and and bones thickend iblooked odd they saw me as i was quite more well filled i was odd i look like a skeleton i am strong but this doll of it brakes i will be capable to regaine my mass back by eating it wile my core self is safely in the skull i blinked and i felt as i was coverd by a blancket even as my clothes materialize black majin pants no metalic belt but a simple elastic belt holding them on my waist then the thing covering me dicepered as i thrue it off next was a normal tshirt witout sleaves i cheked my mules and finaly my eyes glow red then returned to a stable form i looked as Papyrus witch was talking loudly with sans as he noted my new look he told me i look like i am bagyng for complimets i chukled and then he saw a portal behind me open as sting and ink grabed me he was suprised tring to grab me but no luck for me it seams he sees as i close the portal witout any problems so he may not follow i has a rather familier smile as i hit the flore of the void the wight void i turned to see two beings a ink and a error then i opend my mouth and bit the strings off me tasty i mutterd error took a few steps back as the next moment i had gained soul strings capable to hold souls and myself not any vody but usefull the other ability is called string reinforcement i saw ink chukle and very happy since wen i was gone i was a Gaster blaster my left eye became fully purple then the other fully blue as marcks formed on my pure withe bones i opend my mouth and they saw my multipple thungs i then took a bite and they saw space itself get chomped and i gulped it down then i got void and anty they bowth allows me to do two things first void i can void things and anty allows me to flip things on the other side making oposits i saw the space repaird wile i was just there smiling the next momemt they saw threds of void exploded frm my back the Antyvoid screamed and retreated as it spat me out from that world , i got to my feat and noticed this place very darck very much negative energy i felt a presence fix on me then i felt a axe inpact the back of my torso i fell on the flor as he walked on my back and disloged it to find no blood he noticed the mucles thred and bone immedietly connect then i grabed him by the wrists and ankles as i gor to my feet i saw Horror sans he was strugaling no bones came out of atempts at using magic since i use void to void any of his leaving magic quite afective i had a large smile as i snaped my fi ger and a table of bone formed then as he saw i started making igredients apeer ome after another thouse thst dont need oil to cook i had even made a blood fundoo fountain with a thickener to make it seem chunky i had then cut vegetable fruits and bred along with salams and other meet based igredients i alsaw tried some spam it is ok wdn i was done the horror sans was strugeling like a mad man then i took a seat and started eating bit by bit the smell of the food is quite caching as i saw next to me a sans with a knife looking between the food i and horror i asked if he wanted some he scrached his head then shrugged and hoined me on this meal and after some more time i saw Nightmere apear he screamed wat the hell is happening here and proceaded to use a tendrill to bind my body as then he gave out a very loud pained screem as he noted a chunck of his power went missing to then hear a gulping sound from menand my mouth once more opening he immdietly opend his gripp and took a cupple steps back he saw my ribs juting out of my tshirt then i got two new traits Bad vibes and slimebiology bowth usefull but the kicker is wen he saw my ribs witch dripped crimson blood stop then crawl back to its poaition this time witout use of HP or magic and wen i was fully to 100% i feel free he noted my smile then he looked at my left hand as crimson slime left the bone joint and build a handle with a blaster skull witch then the pure energy blade witch is fuled by the bad vibes of the suroundings horror and nightmeres theyr vibes are fule enoght i then added more of my ow energy as the blade solidified and now it looks like a katana sturdy i moved it up and thesquid prepared as i swinged it down i imitated my favorite caracter and used Sky cutter as half of his body and a straight line was carved to nothingness as i got more chewwing to do as my degenerate devowerer afects my magic anthing week enoght to get destroid by it insted is sent to my stomack to get digested and due to void and anty lines my belly acting as a poket realm for my digestion to acure i looked at nightmare as he noted he felt the part mising was inside me somewhe fell to one knee and started to regenerate the bone then the sluge followed i saw the golden band and it was half i opend my mouth and moved my hand to my mouth they saw as it went to the elbow then with some moves i pulled the other half of the crown i then took aim and threw it with a bit of force enoght to splater his head his anger grew and other bad vibes was emited from h I'll. Then he immediately opened the portal and error came through it he blinked as he recognized me he shouted into the portal and Ink followed my face as stoic as always he was very excited I saw error make multiple blasters and aimed at me then they just fell on the ground like stringless puppets cracked and abandoned nightmare and ink was surprised I opened my hand and the blade at hand returned to its slime state as it entered my bone gaps I felt the energy in the inert gaster blasters and I jumped at them as then I opened and started chewing on the gaster blasters when I finished I gained a new skill Base gaster blaster and Corruption then they saw my skeletal form started to get corruption errors spreading like a virus then used Anty as the corrupted part once mote started to be taken over by white and bone with lines circuits and slime marks were revealed acting as muscle holding my jaw and other parts of my body with slime lines conducting energy around my body the change was very unexpected my stoic face changed a little now a second set of eyes with multiple colores surounding a white pupile with black structure forming two crosses with three horizontal lines of difrent lenghts those eyes closed as a box waiting for commands i had a feeling and introduced the name i desired deconpose was may main ability, i changed my strange designation and I wrote Decon Grandel Inkprogram as the window closed and many new functions were procesed wile the poket room became a sepaate window for my use i can use my ink platform to make attacks to other things with the things i own ,

As I started messing with the screen they all saw it and the freed horror grabbed his axe waked behind me and swung at they were dumbfounded as the hit-connected slime acted as blood and covered horror the screen was quite odd the destroyer was laughing as not his power but a simple blunt axe managed to get me he was quite surprised and his glitchy laughter was annoying the slime moved to me and I got to my feet like a dammed zombie then ci snapped my finger as my first creation was made and a table filled with piles of food appeared in the front of the starving horror I he dropped the axe and started eating I cleaned my clothes and gave a stern look to error as his strings vanished and fell on his face and in return I laughed rather hardy they noted the changchuckledhukled nightmare grew annoyed horor was eating and killer was curious and slowly moved to try and stab my back to get his back into the stab he sliped and conected to my back getti g the knife stuck I turned to him as i grabed his hand and extracted the knife thenbwith a iron grip i crushed his knife and he just laid there being sad for loosing his knife i scrached the side of my head then i opend a targeted door they saw a void portal wile i saw a clear window to a hellhole with a Hotel named Hazbin i left and the void portal closed leaving a written mesage .


not that the necessary warning was in place I have no more responsibility if you follow and die phew and dont thinck I will save you if you do come I mayte grab your remains and have a nice snack so go on send me as many snacks as you want, good day to all of you and do tell Nightmare he tastes like blueberry,s rather tasty, at this, he shivered and I was falling I constructed my wings and floated the town filled with sinners imps and devils of stronger ranck they noted my fling as my white bone wings resembled those of angels I flew to the timer and I am lucky it is an hour of the angel purge I was quite the close to the angelic design I had a mask covering my dolls face and as I stood there after some time I saw it come to the angels noticed me but my presence was not of a sinner or a demon or devil they ignored me I flew upp passing the portals and passed thrue them as that portal the next moment divepered as i chewed on it absorbing the power of the portal gaining a basic transport portal and heven and hell afinity being marcked with bowth of the energy,s a tatoo on my eyes formed a angelic on my left and a demonic on my right i smiled and my mask changed as half of its jagged teath became blunt and angelick wile mu other side of the mask became more demonic i opend my hands as i was in haven.

Literally, I sharpened my gaze as a couple of angels appeared as small cute, and miserable little creatures i had then felt a very strong presence I it flew and without warning threw a light spear trying to give me a warning shot to then see it get eatem by one of my angelic blasters meaning thr normal blasters i can make now have six vavriants the void , Anty ,angel ,demon ,corupted and the fused one witch makes all five types in one very unstavle and can shoot only one blast before it blows up the angelic one had eaten the spear and it was stored in my poket digestion dimension i immedietly focused on it and gained hopy element and spear make that is the blueptint to add any material and energy to form a similar spear bit with difrent propriety,s i immedietly aummomed an errorcoruption spear and using any it became a cursor spear connected to me I tapped it and hundreds of them were created surrounding me in a bubble then as they looked in fear and expectation the many program spears named cursor overlapped the sight was odd but then asbi moved the first one the rest folowed one after another quite fun then the angel named itself and asked me wath i am i looked at it and the many angels then spoke a redeamed sinner,s son my mask then opend verticalybrevealing my bone face as i continued speaking and a bone demons son witch bowth are half truths then he said his namr once more as he stated next :

I Gabriel command you tainted being from the depths of hell divulge thy name and suffer the jugemment of haven so your soul may be purified .

I smild and said :"God is with us." came out insted they they were dumbfounded i was not.