Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 647 - 648.DaotGemBat.3

Chapter 647 - 648.DaotGemBat.3

After my first battle, I have left my seat the enemy was curious what the bone white lines were on his wrists and asked what they were I looked closely and asked him to imagine two gloves he was skeptical and yet he did soo as he saw the bone lines grew to encompass the hands in skin tight gloves he noted his hands seamed more resilient I nodded as I told him more energy inserted more resilient they will get he nodded and told him they even may be capable to catch swords in time he nodded and left as he got something even if he lost I got my claws to their gloved forms similar to the other cultivators he noted they had gems embedded in them I got my smile wi#e as then the gloves degenerated in two bracelets with gems one blood red and the other purple he felt one was heavier while the other drained his blood I smiled and sat safely there the cultivators were curious and went to check on my temporary adversary were he was forced to talk about what I gave the cultivator he answerd the best he coud and wen they tried to grab the bone lines i felt as they reacted with spikes very sharp and dangerous spikes i grew my intrest as the genes were curius i had then seen some more batrles untill the next one i climed down once more and the two bracelets grew to gloves i amiled as they noted bone plates grew from my mack covering my full body with each step as i took the last step the former bat was replaced by a humanoid creature the exoskeletal structure has ki mucle and tendons i trained a bit in this arourd the jurny i even killed some beasts wile using it i saw in front of me a bear female from her chest and hip size build like a brick house i gulped and the sound was reverberated and a hevy aound was relesed from my face plate as wen i took a breth in or out it sounded like a darth vaders breather , i opend my hands in a impoaing T pose the bear confused she freed her large mace that cracked the ground as it impacted i then lenghtend my arourd hans in two long blades as the two cores emerged on the handle part i then dashed with speed unexpected of such size well i am about her size i made two horizontal cuts around her helly witch she bloked with the metalic part of her mace we were in a lock until she kicked the chest part of my armour in revealing a centimeter under the armour being a lear of sharp teeth spining and due to her boot having a iron plate her foot got stuck then she started screaming as her foot started being slowly twisted to a clock wise motion she then lowerd her torso as the folowed the rotation to give me a kick with her other foot and the head was eliminated as it hit a barrier of the ring i poped my true head and showed my thung at the bear that was suprised that i was just hiding under the head i then made a pool motion and the hemeth was tetracted to then smash into the ursine woman,s belly disloging her foot from my chest teath i then ducked down as the mace made a large swing i then reequiped the hemeth as she was suprised at the versitility of this tecknick the front limb blades then reformed in claws wile a talle grew at a fast speed behind me sliming the arour as i statted doing jumpa and small cuts all over the arena she was dumbfounded at the abrupt change of fighting stile but she noticed as each cut hit her vitality was slowly taken away she became serious as well and then inpacted the arena flore making a large inpact and geting me in the are for a moment were she capitalised to pulverise my arours pelvis region quite the irony and a rather unseteling prelude to her goals if she loses as her species mating ritual inplies a near death battle and wen her mace conected the flore i concerted to the rest of the fragments she noted it and she tried to hit my head once more only to see me crawas the bone shards restructured in a long sepentine tale she had jumped back and with a fears slam she tried to get me off balance only to notice my serpentine take lash out at her making a cut on her left arm i then restructured the body and with a jump i made a large ball and increased the waight she prepared her mace and swong it uppwords offseting the fall and the ball opend as she saw ot was empty i was right behind it having my feet on it the ball engulfed the woman and comenced to constrict and cover her like a armour i held the armour by its back as the two gens shined she felt her body get stabbed and cut wile the hevy presure held her still yes slowly moving i held the armour and with a scream she went into a rage state used the mace to smash her chest arour anf then her legs and such i rapidly tried to reconstruct but no luck i jumped off her back and with ki strings the fragments came to me my form fully revealed i then saw her himuff and puff as she charged at me blinded by her rage i was at the perimeter of the ring and thenshe was surprised as i jumped between her legs and with all my force pushed her out of the ring since i coud not beat her without making it ovioua that my body power was equal or even greater then hers a way to beat by tricks i heard my winning bell and i was excused to my seat to wait and see the other battles Undyne battled a Goat man and a Trutle and after a cupple more battles i was asked to come to the ring were the best remained we were eight meaning seven battles until this all ends i saw my posible enemy,s i chukled as i saw Undyng around them i then saw the six enemies i then pulled the first ticket a red colore wile the others had other colores and half of those colores mached with someone elses i was mached with a human wile Unding with a wolf all but the two returned to the seats they bowth then moved to the corners of the ring and the mach started after a bow i kept a eye since one of them may be my next adversary and about the Bear woman she huffed and said if i win the turnament i will be hers for shure at least is wath i was told the first battle passed and its winner was a seal then the second was of undying with the wolf the speed helped but the endless barage of javalins and all the variaty made the wold in a pincushin somehow still alive i then was asked to come the human was smug then they were dumbfounded as my stature changed as i spoke i dont relly get it battels ujualy are easy to bear with but you shoudnt humar yourself horse as i will use my natural size for this fight and my body grew and grew to a primal form my fur getting reder and more red untill my form became quite intimidating the human then made some moves and grew a second pare of hands and with difrent wepons he stsrted a barage of attacks they all were not doged but kept tancking the damage he noted the red fur lost the red titn with each hit and turning black i was half way to becoming fully black wen the human noticed no real damage waspresent and any damage alwredy done was fast healing i chukled and with a swing of my arm-wing he was novked back close to the edge then i saw him flare his ki and he changed into a panda humanoid i blinked and then he saw as my bulky form started shrinking losing a large amount of my bat features as i became a Bat demihuman bat fert and bat hands-wings with my bat ears and human face with sharp teath i was clothed in bone plated chest and helmeth i focused on my winge and a lear of boes coverd the wi gs and aditional fingers was structures wile the membrane was folded hidden i smiled and i spoke: Partner its time to reveal our duet redy lets go, the Panda man thinked i was talking to him but then he saw a siluet of a creature grotesques and very hard to comprehend i moved my partners body and we started a rather strange battle as my partner changed the forms of the limbs from blades to hammers and other wepons i twirled and spun around with the doll witch was moving to make its damage even betrer i had opend the battle with verry funny and comicle movements ending with me sping the doll around and making it do a Mite Guy Entrence to finaly push off the panda witch was very tuff but after geting exosted from my bowth hevy atacks and many draining hits i then dematetialised the doll and got my two dagers in theyr bone holsters wile i kept my demihuman form as it became very relaxing and energy saving the senior was suprised and smiled as he focused and he changed to a half way to human form and half way to bat not so controled but emanating great strenght i smiled and he noted my new clothing stile with bone cloth i sat and waited the last battles were other human and a horse humanoid won we then were spliy in two arenas as the battle will go at the same time for making the battles fear i had made a precaution and sent a doll to keep safe Undyng,s core and cell culture she may get weekend but will not die a boon to her fragile body well i was selected to battle the human looking individual he noted i look just like the original bat demihumanoids untill he noyiced my maw on my belly witch was a birth marck juat untill i fully changed the markings shifted into a mouth on my belly the spectators were curious at wat tipebof cultivation art i practice i smiled and my belly mouth opend revealing hundreds of thungs witch half are ethirial i opend my wi gs as bone spurs fromed around the back of them like dragonic scales and with a abrupt move the battle started since the human hadbhis own power up sequence witch i smiled asbhe grewbabtale ad his feet became hand like seaming that even this human had a transformation of the bloodline of a monky he had a long staff and sideburns he acreamed and charged at me with brutal eficiency tring to strike me with each wing move the bone spurs shot makng him to doge or deflect any lethal shots and with each succesfull hit he noted the wonds refuse to stop bleading as my saliva is a anty coagulant and now with ki infused in it its ki rezistent the monky boy became more and more agreaive even geting his hand stuck in my belly maw then he atempted with his other hand to use Moky grabs peach to realise there is a bone plate,s there holding my sacred place safe and even if there was no such plate my member is inside my pelvis not lile humans or monky,s outside as the move was anticipated by all who saw the human turn monky but wen they expecred to hear a bat scream they heard a very loud monky scream insted as he was stearing bwtween my legs from my talebone a bone structure followed and folowing it the Monky saw it pass from under its tale to come out of his sholderblade he went limp i then straightend myself as the body of the monky was limp they thi ked it was dead but i truth it has a severd spine around its neck slowly sufocating to its desmay i grabed the monky my its arma and with my feat on its chest i disarmed the monky then i grabed it by the legs and ripped those too and then i pinned the monky under my leg and with a brutal tering sounmonky had a wond feom his sholder to its tale practivaly bosecting the poor fool i even heard a few screams from some other simions in the stands i loughed outloud as then I tore the tale and disloged one of my spare ki cristals witch was taken from a ape beast i had a rather sadistic smile as he trenmbeld then my wings coverd us folowed by a bone construct mimiking the dividers of beds in the hospital i gave the spectators a comicle array of movements wile i sticked him back together without anastetic and used the ape core with a bit of my ki cells to maintain it safely in the body without fear of rejections after aboit a minute of screaming anf sobbing i retracted the dividers and there stood a Monky that stared mindlessly n the empty fully healded with bone white scars over his body i then grabed him by the tale and thre him off the arena i made a mocking bow to the spectatores i then left as i was anounced as the winer and meanwile in the other arena unding had a very rough time as she lost since the Horse had cultivated a very strong body wnoght to tanck enoght javalins so he coud grab her by the leg and started to smash her on the ground her core safe and wen Her ki became to unstable she flew from his grip as he held sand in his palm i had felt this and the doll pulled the core out her disentigrating body a blue sfere with two eyes and her mouth swearing at the horse is he survives her master the dull man scoffed at the blue ball she then was stored in the doll for reconstitution the sound cultivator was suprised but folowed the croud to the last battle arena wen the rest period was finished we were given to the stage i then turned to the people seaing a kid sized Undying and the other two the senior in his bat form and the sound cultivatore i opend my hands and they all ssw t he two blades conect to each other in a long scalple i smiled as t he blade was red and the hilt tall as me was purple i then looked like the horse humanoid is a woman as well she noted my fomr i am about seven feet tall and mach her hight i saw the preparations were done and the jury exited she knew of me from the previous battles even if she is dumb she has good battle awearness and now from the memory,s of Undyng i know her battle habits she noted the change of my stance a repoca of unding then changed once more i smun my scalple around geting use to its size and power i smiled wile my eyes opend wide and spoke as the battle has started she waited to see if i will go first i idled enoght and she saw slashes coming from the blades head all energy bowth of red and purple with difrent efects separated she hit the blade,s and atempted to keep lowest amount of damage Only to have multiple cuts she beard the damage and charged atemting the same tacktick only to find no purches i was no longer there insted i just ducked under her as my claws cut at her legs feling the hide rezist for a moment then with a infusion of ki i cut deep gashes she stumbled and was close to fall only to grab her by her back clothes and i threw her to the ground towords the interior of the ring then i with great plejure made hundreds of cuts rapidly i focused to cut her clothes then her flesh and finaly with he stagering to her feet i stoped she felt it i was playing and her new bikini got her quite exposed i saw her back and abrather evident slave marck now shreded to close to nothing understandsble i even drained the ki she felt it and smiled then with clear rage went with a charge to me then without any force on my part she was grabed by thw wrist and with a carefull movememnt i made a throwing move as i left a a bone ring around her wrist i saw jer land at the adge of the arena and then with pain got up she was very determent i then had been atacked by her other hand in a punch with all her waight and power behind her i seamed to be staying steel wile her punch was held at bay by a palm floting in front of me the palm has a hole in it and evribody saw that my wing had calcified around were my two claws are the calcified part didnt Inpare my movememt and they noted the calfsified part slowly recovering and the hole crawlingly filling up i then made another floting palm and with it i punched the horse woman I'll ng her out of the ring and they noted the two floting hands are bone and without flesh or skin clear bone hands with holes in theyr palms the answer for my lack of hands as i claped the others did as well as i won the contest holders were happy and got me the resurses promiced and the choice i was asked if i wanted to own thepick from three slaves witch battled in this smsll tunament , a male rabit a femeale otter or the horsewoman i scrached the side of my head and turned to see the three The otter was cute the ravit perverted and the horsewoman bandafed up and angry i smiled a very toughty smile and said i will take herpointing at the horse woman since she managed to beat Unding she may be a usefull battle dummy she was very angry since she lost her chance to be free now under my power her slave marck was reaplied on her chest i made a ball of cells and ki cels and placed it around her as new clothing to keep her from being cold and it being a skin thight she was somewath sexy then i guyded her to the curent team she steugled at first but with aome small Ki charges to electricity she felt it even with her and with the new item holding ring a lot larfer then before i chukled and wediscised from here were to go the sound wave cultivatore got a lead on some demonic cultivatores i was hapoy since the last time we encounter em senior took them out fast i learned theyr biology and many other things i had stored those corpses and took theyr souls as well leaving the Souls core as i need only the jackets the core wore the memory cultivation and much more the senior saw me hold the ball of flame and i peald off the outer lear and stored them in a skull thing he asked wat did i do i then spoke souls are like onions the memoerys and persobality of the soul is outside Lear of it and the inside lear are the bits neaded for reincarnation as such useless for me i do belive i need to purify the will remanants before i can store the information In my storege for memory,s , he was suprised at that as well he asked me how can i atore such fleathing things i opend my palm and inside it formed a brain and spoke this thing is in all living creatures and i can make sintetic versions were i can store memorys and even use it to thinck faster Even if my brain is alredy very powerfull and still growing better like my mucle bones and evrithing else you shoud know that my firts tecknick is to make my soul my body and my mind slowly overlap and rei force each other its a floed tecknick it is used to make demigods and if Pared with another to make a soul or body transend to theyr god state but i will need to develop the Ascension tecknick i will never die to old age but my strenght will not develop as much after that but still i am going to live forever as my cells will be maintained at all time but the cultivation willbe harder i even may became a eternal elder if i play my cards right Anyway i want to reserch gather knolege and much more you may ascend before me but i will keep this sects history if ever destroyed anyway i will get this slave to practice my tecknick it may not have such a complete fusion and the teckicks may worck With it as for Unding she is alwredy a perfect mix like me but withouth the growth capability since she will cultivate by herself to grow i desire to get my claws on more research subjects s oil i can test more growth avenues As for her the new deciple of myne she will get use to it and finally bow to me as she figures out my power is not my body but my mind my creations from the ones that improve life to the ones witch end them and my tools now that has been made a shortage they will be even more valuable to as they were can focus more on body cultivating , anyway i need to get those new research subjects so senior are you redy Senior its time to try some more Unethickle applications of my power he asked wat did i have in my mind to speak out such damning things i had been asked way i use such visible dark things from my skull with red energy inside to my second set of hands resting on my shoulders slowly massaging and moving around to new spots for massaging my wings close to being fixed after a day of walking we took a in room and rested well the three of them rested wile i and Undying fix her body, wen morning came they saw the naked form of a fish woman with large wings and scales she was cheking herself and the power she lost was recoverd about ten percent ,

she noticed and covered herself she has no shame for me but for the others she was surprised and asked me to give her new clothes meaning armor then she tucked behind herself her wings with a smile she waved hello to the three cultivators and with my body refreshed went down with her to eat as they were waking up,

Downstairs I saw a couple of the contestants and waved as they noted my Undying new body and those with white bone changes asked.

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