I woke I had been given knowledge and power well power to decide and I arrived at a planet I have been on a lush planet and I have hatched and taken a look I wandered the large forest and jumped from one hiding spot to another I had to get used to my bipedal movement I felt my fur nice and comfy I used to startle some predators and I had needed to run and with care make them impact each other and finally, they tore each other to shreds as then the victor took enough bites to be satisfied as then I had eaten I had been ignorant after some time of doing my best to grow but the next momemt I was grabbed and slightly squeezed as my white fur was stained by blood and bits I won't get who would grab me I opened my mouth and screamed a very large scream and she was suprised and he dropped me I managed to take two steps then a green guy appeared in front of me tring to grab me only to get a kick to its guts and foling on the ground and after one more step I was captured by an orange guy he held me with ease his hear is waight and he has australian acent i strugled then gave up he was not holding me that hight he was carefull to not hug me so i staid calm i saw a larger guy and a horned guy they noted the blood stains and i saw the bigger guy tri to poke me only to se me open my mouth and as he saw i chomped on his finger enoght to draw blood but nothing more his blood was usefull filled with vital energy growing my energy and making it so i will skip few weeks of my infant state i left go wen he pulled his finger witch was misiong the tip of his glove witch i spit out they talked between each other and after some time i heard them want to gem me as a pet to someone at least wath i understood they placed me in a cage and stored me with the green four eyes he was carefull and after the battle pods arrived i was broght to a lab for cleaning some alanisis and some tests for any bacteria and deseases before cleaned once more and lastly grumed and deliverd to a younger creature he was cute his eyes blod red lile my own he was quite cute i tilted my head and smiled he was suprised but not scared he had me ait on the side of his large chear at pating range and after a bit of acomodation i noted the creature was not of no gender but is a femeale just to young from the smell of it i relly want to take a bite but i wood just bring death to myself sice the energy o feel from her is quite large i may find someone of her blood mabe a brother or a parent since she seams the owner of quite the usefull traits and after some days i had my chance as i was snugeling in her embrace on the chair i was paing atention at the meating she likes to pet my fur but then a larger of her species enterd unanounced he came to make fun of her or something he alsow pointed at me with his tale only for the next moment to scream surpising the ones in the room as i licked my mouth of his blood and gulped down his cells a nice amount of power i managed to gather thescouters in the room noted the rapid increase and my body,s growth as from a small size grew a few inches and then i returned to my curent partner Friza she loughted and moked her brother since even her pet can harm him i smiled and kept low since i was geting close to grow in my next stage my quatrupedal lizerd state wen it comes i will deal with it i did get the name of Blizerd since i am white and cute and i eat like a ravanus beast then terurn to a calm state and even cute wen done it has passed a bit of time now and the day came the litle cute me during a feading time stoped half way then walked few steps away then with a sickening ripping sound Friza saw from the the back of the shell two white claws pulled the shell of then my legs witch changed to a white colore as well and woth my shell freed from i had my chest free from the fethers thar compose my fluff i had purple reptile acale paterns that staid somehow smuth as i streched i felt my bone pop asbi noted i have a long tale ending with a b laded end i felt nice as my red eyes remained with cristaline purple bio-spines were present she sae me finish eat and then returned to her and not on the chair just next to it i saw her comand the crew to treat the shell and fill it with fluffy material i had seen them store the fethers that i shed over this long time i had the curent posture of a dog and a bit larger then one i lostlend wen she asked me of things and she did use her scouter to check my power level and she noted i was about half of her seald state,s power about two hundred fifteen thousand battle power she was suprised and had her greate idea of sending me to claim planets wile resting around her at night for getting closer and playtime to get me to do some activity wanting to see haw much i can grow i did follow her instructions and had erradicated a few civilaizations all eaten in a food frenzy of with Friza note i ate the heads and torso mouatly all the time and with each feading i wood grow a small bit and my tactics wood grow and become more and more sofiticated there was the time i had even eaten a martial artist and after few more kills i was capable to make my own improvized battle tecknick and witch each mold Friza grew as well she kept aupresing her power but found it funny to play battle to see how far i arived at she got herself abit of a exercise bowth in tecknick and power as i reached a bit of a larger size capable to cirlce her fling seat and she wood be capable to pet me quite nice my pterodactle features ware receaded and replaced with Frost demon features mixed with adragons and keaping my lanky look more bio cristal spines grew making a cool contrast to my white skin so i kept biting my time the sayans were added to our rancks i folowed Friza and even was used as her mount i didn't mind it was quite cute as from the one to be the litle spun to now be the larger one she dis notice my wings growing and the multiple sets of horns lining to slightly alongate my head i had two main horns pinting ahead of me i had been rather happy to see the Sayans afraid at my desing along with my pasanger as we enterd the palace i took a resting poature and Friza floted and sat in her hover chair even if riding on my back was fun ahe needed to get serious she did manage to get a conection with me a freandly at first lile a master to a pet then a master to a subordonate and now somewath freands somewath cuddle budies i had seen vegeta senior and his vegeta junior they bowth felt my power and then that of Friza with in her seald state was a quoter leas then mine but well she still can transgorm i sae the events play out and after that we left then many more misons passed with her observig me as i grew more muscular and stedely reaching a humanoid look even if i was going moustly on my quadrupedal stance King Cold and his son Frost did come to check on me and Friza as it was costumed to be sure i was not becoming a problem Froat was wery since i alwredy grew to be a bit toller then him even on my quadrupedal stance and after a bit of talking between each other they noted i was streching as the last of my fethers to fall fell replaced by biocrital spines i had to strech properly as with each pop and snap my quadrupedal stace changed as my wings finaly grew enoght to balance me they saw as i finished streching i was upright white scaled hide biocriatal quils, spines and horns making me lool cool along with my maw of razer sharp teth my , four clawed fingers and talen like feet with three front fingers and a single back finger with my duble jointed feat and front faising horns as i uterd my first words .
Goddamit I finally got the final bone placement right and it needed to be seen by all three of you so embarrassing, as I coved my face from the three, dumbfounded Frost demons then Frost pointed at me as he declared: I knew it, you were capable of talking, I wasn't imagining it. as he seemed to be a little manic I lowered my hands and scratched my head as I spoke: Wat in this large universe can,t talk these days I have even eaten some live creatures which could tack a couple of weeks back the only this is if you can understand them or not like I figured your language after a couple of years back but I had needed time to get enough data to not sound like a stupid lizard all heavily leaning on the letter "S" Sints its Sounds Stupid you see the Situation I waS Saing, but I digress and were ware we yes something about Sayans can I get to kill some and eat them I feel something useful can be gained from their genes if possible,
At which, Firza agreed curious about what I wanted she suspected my capability,s a bit back and since I slept most of the time with her she may have heard me sleep talk then I was asked by King Cond: So its all nice, and all but you never I introduced yourself, and don't get me wrong but may I also know why are have such a familiar resemblance to us?
The answer to the first question is Blizard Samus the second name was a personal decision since my race needs a name and for the way I have adopted some of your race characteristics cosmetically well it began when my larval stage came in possession of a stronger bloodline before my first molt and it managed to redesign my mature base form but even that will not stop my continues adaption amd active Gurme evolution as I asked before I would desire to eat some Sayans to gain their genes I would prefer if you send multiple sets of Sayan tropes for me to kill and eat with a mission like find the reason why there is such a powerful power level on a planet ready to be conquered you can even get a camera to see the show as it unfolds they agreed after i answered some more questions and linaly they decided to send stronger and stronger prey i did request to not send any sayn that manahed to grow from a low ranck to any high rankig they were curioua wahy the answer was simple they may have grown stronger but even so they wood not be usefull for my growth i had been given a planet and wen redy they started sending prey they enjoied the films and sent even other species at the first dropship i had hidden myself thrue the vegetation and snow that is present Friza wante for me to have a bit of camuflage so i folowed them dug under the snow and wen they walcked apart i snached the first prey item a femeale sayan of all things she strugled i just novked her out and took the scouter i had grabed her tale and tore it of leaving her in the cold sbow i went aftet t get other three that started serching for her i ate the tale and made it ovious on the cam and with loud cheweing sounds the new gene will alow me to acess a larger form and with enoght the special zenkai bust i have to eat more specimen i have folowed the thre as they recued the fourth the other were all male from theyr looks at least i had snikely went behind them and with the scouters interfirence i made my movements hard to persive untill i burst out of the snow snaching other two tales and fling off they started to panick and nowere to see the moon i had seen the hole event as funny after a cupple hours of harasing ant many small scurmishes they got sick of it and tried to return to the pods only to find theyre gone and fragments are visible stiking out of the ground coverd by snow i had settled them safely in a cave for the return trip and after few more ours of harasment and finaly the nearing of the night cicle and the rise of the moon they thi ked they were safe and as they saw the moon only one started changeing only to note that after a few moments he stooed as were his tale was now only a stump lile the others was present and on the snow a bladed tale was holding it and with a poof the tale was draged u der the snow and broght to me to be eaten next was the hubt now that they became rather scared and figured out that they die or i die nothing in between i have lashed out and disabled the strongest first then the hell broke lose they went in packs of two to try and at least two escape i hadgone after the two males first with a suprise inpalement from my tale i had felt few ki blast inpact my tugh hide i let go of the first one and made a leap with a scream that stunned the other i saw blood leave theyr ears and eyes i had warned the Cold famly to mute wen i gave them the signal i hope tthey did it well nevermind i jumped on the other sayan and with my lower limbs holding his i tmgrabed him by thw wrist and ripped him in twain the horizontal way as then i ate his top half and thre the legs towords the other two,s direction i heard them with the scouter as i then turned to the other witch was fainting from blood loss i grabed him by the head on its sides and with a smile i twisted it like a pretlse and it snaped and with a thug i ppulled its the head with s bit of the spine after withch i thre that down my gullet as i thre the body to the other two survivers and i finaly took flight as i asimilated the new knolege and cells i had gained and as i reach my first throw i grabedit as i folowed the traces of the two and ate the lower legs as i saw them run and fly and tring to do as much as posible to run i reached the other corpse and ate it as well and wen they tierd of runing and decided to do theyr last stand and i left them hanging for a cupple minutes as chewing sounds played in theyr ears i d Oi nt even get way they didnt throw them off yet as such i flew up and swiped downwards as i landed between then i grabed by them by theyr heads and made them impact the ground untill they were nocked out after witch i told the Frost race that i will be having a quite disturbing desire to acomplso i dont want them to feel sick so i grabed the two sayans and draged them t9 my cave were i got them undressed then after the deboning of the man and the roling his hole flesh like a cilinder i decided to stuff my Turky after i had her cleaned with some laxatives and then stuffed with some spices she felt the process of shoving the meat roll so deep it reached her stomack then after taing her properly i got wood and finished the crude oven he was closed in it with fruits stufing her to bursting a brolen body mind and will to be cooked alive at low heat untill her meat and the things inside fully cooled thrue somehow she still is alive just bearly but not for long as i ate her in one large juce bite and figured cooking them allow me to get theyr genes with no problems good to know since i was geting my taste buds i shood find some flesh and igridiants fomy Firza to eat with me yea lets do that i can request some stuff to be made for easing my cooking and with my wings now heat pruff i can cook quite the tasty things and with my ki alowes me to doo even more ways to cook things i had found some substitutes for flower a d such more tasty ingridients as i took the seeds for more growing the food as i can cook during the week wile once a week i can go to my training people killing and eating i had made many bred based foods and along with that iafter a few weeks i got potatos Friza was suprosed how many things i made with those under erthen bloted root as Friza named them she did lole the vhips foes and many other foods since honestly the food in soace witch is a constant survibal trial you do t relly thinvk of making tasty food i did ask for a vacationplanet for myself she agreed so i went thrue the map charts and at the fringes i found it a blue and green jule filled with tasty food and week people to esely controll i had went with a small team as i reached the place no sayan and no manu strong people i had took controll of the most wanted place and started a teck company with the enegeniers i had broght so i took over a hole town and had my base made there and finaly i had got into the food idustry with carepacages and recepeas i have sent new flavores in the new void deps of space and The cold famaly took a liking to then new conforts and even sent care pacages to the destruction god that had visited me for the reaon were did i get so much variety of tasty food well not so directly but yea he and the Angel liatend as i told them about Erth and the many varied culinery delight i have goten under my controll and direction and in exchange for him not oto destoy serthen planets i will sorce him food wen awake je dis tell me my power is mediocre but my potential is very high and he noticed i grew stronger with each meal i had he got curiois how steong i couf get at one time and asked his angel to scout of sutible prey for ne to groe mabe i coud become his sucesor if Friza dose not want to or is not sutable and such new prey was described and noted on the nap for me to hunt a very good deal i supose as asuch i both a cupple new planets and haierd a cupple Sayans i felt that had the potentioal to be very powerfull from Bardock to Browly,s father as my security team and such Friza was suprised but acepted since they were anyway week and easy to deal with i had much time and now i decided to rest and grow stedely as i ttained bowth bardock and the other sayans and even if they grew more powerfull they were gratefull for chiusing them at first they know me as Blizard the Food Shef owner of a large compaby of tasty and rare food i had my fun with some alien,s and got Friza quite jelous cute well after enoght time aFriza grew and vegeta blew up he did try to colect his kin from me to be refused then biten doen by me personaly i became a great obstacle and with my training partners i grew browly radits and goku were sent to earh with theyr mothers for a calm life wile the two men were stedelu improving with each spar we had as now Friza was Buisy with runing the empire i had discontinued the weekly hunts as i fixated on the Predators hunting for greate powers and energy sending the recordings to the queen of the universe my Friza still enjoing great food and wine she visits me from time to time .
I both a couple more planets for making southern spices and lo al production of it very useful for expediting tasty food the planets were spared from Friza and they are under me the export of spices and some food along with some specific trade we had stabilized a nice circle of planets and then the day Friza sent me the message that he found a way to get immortality in hopes I would come along and I did we landed on namek and I landed next toFrozas ship with my ship of two I had then left the ship to see the Frieza force led by the purple horned clown he didn't recognize me I smiled and with a very familiar yet even more powerful scream her falls startled on his but then he recognizes me I have placed the smaller ship in the larger one after I gave some particular orders witch Friza accepted since he knew I have useful ideas we had my travel ship the one i left with his main mother ship so we can travel easely and alsaw have a resting place and finaly i have spent some time with the Force as they were sent to get the bals and returned i saw vegeta come to be interogated i have gatherd the balls in a nest lile manner since it seamed funny a dragon like creature nesting the dragon balls like eggs i then as i was resting felt Vegeta arive to atempt to get the balls he pointed his hand at me and shot a rather large bpast only to get cot by my claw i then compresed and with a smuth clench it turned to nothing i smiled as i turned to him then i stabed him right thrue as i told the guards to put him back in the regeneration chaimeber then this happend thre more times and finaly he managed to blast me off the eggs then he found a claw piersing him insted of my tale i threw him off and he was sent once more to regenerate i was asked by Friza way was i keeping the Prince alive i loughed out loud as i was chewing on some beef jurky as i told Friza that Vegeta is week far too week to even get wat he wants and then during his fourth regeneration we went out to start wishes i told Friza i will wish the next best thing and not straight immortality.