Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[Temporary Haitus] / Chapter 631 - 632.Zoolord dinner.

Chapter 631 - 632.Zoolord dinner.

I woke and left as I felt power similar to the one before I jumped and searched for it and after a bit, I got my hands on other zoo creatures on the way and I saw a proto zoolord with spider-like lower half I sneaked and shifted to my teen Buu form I jumped on him and he tried to stop me but he just sunk in my body I started engulfing him and the other components I got his memory and dummy crystal tasty as I started making something similar and even stronger as I gained partial zoolord powers I can control people very cool well zoonites to be exactly well I should leave I should find others lets find out with his memory ow my a new target tasty target and pretty strong we need to leave ....dam it I am talking to myself once fine so be it I am going insane and now without a leash I want to do so many terrible things but that would cross the part of me with most positive feelings dam it lets do it lets get to the next tartget as I have gravity control by proxy I feel some other Guyvers lets go.

I arived at the place and found a femeale Guyver unit the energy cells are insuficient but enoght power to be usefull i as a good cousin i coverd her body and fully engulfed in her suit she strugled but i just fixed the minor problems to then release her as i took note of the genome of this Femelae Guyver suit after witch i left to hunt another of the Zoolords now he looked funny and he was tasty enoght the crystal being very tasty the dummy now becoming an enhanced variant very useful but then a song started going thru my head God rest you Merry Gentlemen when I started singing well that's when all hell broke lose as witch lines the Zoonites started repeating at th yre same time : God rest ye merry ..... They all placed theyr hands on theyr mouths atempting to stop speaking only for theyr mouths so keep saying, gentlemen,

Let nothing you dismay,they didnt understand since its English and its not native to this country and yet they kepts singing,

Remember Christ our Savior

Was born on Christmas Day;

To save us all from Satan's power

When we were gone astray. At witch i kept moving them and a small caleography formed and such after some time i saw a Zoolord come to take his litle army and yet they sang.

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

O tidings of comfort and joy.

In Bethlehem, in Israel,

This blessed Babe was born,

And laid within a manger, The Zoolord battled and atemted to save his zoons,

Upon this blessed morn;

The which His Mother Mary

Did nothing take in scorn.?O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

O tidings of comfort and joy.

I sat on his chest ripping theyr limbs and cristals in my desire to asimilate him, and yet they sang in horror and joy.

From God our heav'nly Father

A blessed angel came;

And unto certain shepherds

Brought tidings of the same;

How that in Bethlehem was born

The Son of God by name.

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

O tidings of comfort and joy

As i ripped his zoolord cristal and i devoured the food and power traped in its body as I turned it into food more precicely chocolate then i ate it the zoonoids watched the change and gruesome fate of the zoolord they bowed and just let the song play slowly they understood what it meant as such after the second Zoolord came he asked me what am i.

As a response I smiled and said: A Angel.

Zoolord: What is your name?

Me: Sin and I am going to collect yours and the others so prepare they will not be spared humanity will go beyond the Stars as they have intended in the first place goodbye, as I spoke the Zoolord saw a light and was turned into a chocolate bar witch gobbled up , the zoonoids were afraid but folowed orders and sent serching for more of the other ones until i had meet with a guy in silver medle like armour he tried to tear the zoolord cristal only to get a chunck of my flesh then he was wraped and eaten he had four other zoolord crystals and the Guyver suit I lost on memory,s but the rest is enough so lets go i have a few left then i can leave to another universe.