Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 621 - 622. Reappearing with the essence core.

Chapter 621 - 622. Reappearing with the essence core.

Having to direct the world and the bothersome sense core to reveal itself with the death of Aku at the hands of Samuray jack and sealing his core after a cleansing and testing then burrowing it in an underwater stream to spread the sense to make the world of Powerpuff girls and keeping an eye on the Him so he may not mess with it he did try and got a couple of nicknames and indestructible cursed humanoids and then the long game began and now I took the now stable and recharged essence core I absorbed it and now I can make my own Aku or zen mass but now I am in the Zenomoroh and predator world I opened the door and then saw a face huger jump on my face a royal face huger I was infected then I sent my soul in the egg while focusing all my traits within the new lifeform when the egg hatched I walked off my messy shell in a humanoid state already and I felt this body and its unifying power with the best of its capability,s a war machine I then grabbed the five talismans that allowed me to use all the magic freely they are fully under my power and interact with my mind they are made to not transform unless needed they are a centerpiece a spider a monkey a bat and lastly a snake all together make a good focus and free mental space to use for controlling all my magic i snapped my finger and the illusion of cloths reformed its so strong that it can fool both touch and sight as it dose not have any smell yet, i look lile a kid sized zenomorph taild version of me as my fur persisted untill my ankels and wrists from were the black clawed forma i can shift them in more human states and my face yes that too can be returned to a humans with my second jaw being quite strong i streched and then rotated my tale around me forming a cool patern with the blade acting as the belt like buckle with my shape ahifting due to the abomination specialization it is confortble i releaed the ilusion and unwined my tale as i walked out of the box i made a screach strong enoght to feel all the others i feel the potential to become a brood kig i got my box in my medalion state and ran to the curent queen to get me some royal gelly i ran and found a few youtcha they saw me but i just waved and went on leving the Aliems go hunt them they noted i am difrent then the others and my neckless it ussed dark power and ita limed with the purest of powers wile three others fill the rest folowing each other i arived at the hive and it looked like shit i dont like it i will never like it the guards tried to stop me due to my aperence they became paste on the wall they stooed after the thirteenth was only paste running down the wall then i mwt the Hive queens guardians they kept a eye on me i folowed my smell and took a botle of the royal gelly then i snaoed my finger as a cuple demons apered tied all with special caracteristics i moved to the egg,s opend them and handeld the face hugers moved them to theyr faces and then with my magic made the zenomorphs take the full traits of the demons they were out in a hour then they were feed and grew all strong units i took the corpses and left with a single egg for my testing the queen had complete co troll of the new demon zenamorphs she sent them to hunt wile i left i went and started modifing the egg with some royal gelly and now i have a royal face hugger my maid was trembeling as she felt i am difrent smaler and even more dedly now i relesed the face huger on a very dai gerous creature a mutated basalisk i made the full gene i heretence and stabilization out waked a girl cute smileing untill she smeled the maid and went to kill or use her as a host for one of her young i grabed her like a cat now its time to teach her who is the king and who is the breading bitch that lisena to me lile a proper pet, after a month it was done i got visitors from youtcha to humans no xenomorphs aince i maked my home as extreme danger so the two other factions took refuge around my hive my new subgects meaning fully turned zenomorphs with demon dools as hosts or others quite usefull i may say the mental link making them usefull turets the humas were scepticle but the no shot us we dint make you into blod mist made the relation worck somehow and the youtcha no wepoms not hostile not geting hunted and some traid with the talismans and other things well it goes well they bring live creatures we give them usefull tools i have had deaks as my zone is a neutral zone then there were the bad blooded they were rather suprised and tried hu ting in my zone they learned way they shood not hunt in my zones as they ends were hard and thick as they were impaled around used quite the worst of faits for they pride and dignity thebother youtcha saw after a wile the changes they suferd due to the constant state of exitement and orgasm they had went thrue becoming thiner and thiner waisting away i preperd and they were kept there in a sicle of ahame and a marck for the ones witch dont do as desired my teck tree grew with the helo of scientists of bioth humans and yautcha days pased and we grew untill the queen was elimimated i felt the backlash and my pet grew to a good size she can lay eggs or just infect hosts herself with or witout complete embryo so they may be recognised or used to meake new zenomorphs she understood i want prooer sentient interactions and that the maid is here for proper cleaning and as a toy for wen needed well i got my energy core reserch done with the humans and yautcha i oferd them the chance to come alomg or remain on this world a few acceoted and were given the egg that marck them as part of the hive and bot to become zenomorohs at least for now i waved goodbye and we left ariving to the next world.