I took my favorite backpack and packed the dried raw meat and the smoked meat and salted I had to cover them with wrapping paper and plastic wrapping to keep them safe and not spiling their juices all over the place the two proxies saw my packing as they asked way do I need so much meat I smiled in my human form and said I am part human even if my powers come to me naturally also my hunger is naturally very large and proteins kak meat is needed last time I did not eat and used my powers recklessly I almost ate a close friend good thing gave him the safety package aka a big piece of meat on his hip as a funny pac i hate myself for coming close to eating him I packed for them a safety peace they were disgruntled but understood I kept myself stuffed as we walked off I took a dear skull which I turned into a mask they were wide-eyed but Masky chuckled and Jeff scoffed murmuring you guys and your masks , we walked a bit and reached to a path with bones and different things the forest was temporary coneccted to the forest i lived in i felt the change and they saw my body grow from my teen size i grew to twice the hight my face dicepearing like a long forgoten dream hands with sharp neals boots turdy holding my feet long black sport pants lenghtening to cover the upper part of the boots a black tshirt and a similar sports sweter a full trackauit to be more exact no isnsignia or watermarks i looked tall and dark with my backpacks stuffed full my tendrills covering it like a ribbcage so do they cover my chest mimiking the same pattern they were curious way do my tendrills do that i just smiled as my maw open they heard the normalest and monotone of voices they ever heard , Good , Grip, Good, Hunting ,Good ,Traning , then my voice changes to the previous one as i elaborated , a way to train my tendrills and they help keep the backpack from making noice or ripping due to the waight of the meat so the previous vooce was my hunting state ujualy only out wen hunting and not like this i feel a bit more free and alsaw unstable like my kriptid side is eating at my human one but it started changeing since i am no mear human i am a high Human made by own divinity good material to make atuff but i am made for killing my kriptit part a bloodline i controll and not the reverse as time passed remenents emerged forming into eyes nose and freinforsing my mouth i look more and more a hybrid then before my stomack grumbled and i took a leg of a deer they saw me eat the bone together with the meat they were suprised at the crisp snap and then gulp they asked way do i eat the bone as well i responded by saing the marrow is sweat and i need caceaum i am a growing kid after all and last time i cheked it helps with my apetite , so this is the Slenderman manceon cute well were we were .
We opened the door and I saw my uncle spending some bonding time with his proxies i smiled and he got up cleaning his suit and he is tall about three heads toller I look quite human he talked the slenderman way the way of our people .....telepathically we discussed rather at a brisk pace he wwas suprised my human side survived and even grew since wen usulay one of his species has kids with humans the human side is taken over by the cryptid side and go hunting for human and soo and such needs stoping and soo .