I was allowed out with my sisters and after I was stuffed full of fresh meat the girls acclimated fast to the fresh meat which is restocked as needed my hunts became night training the adults were told of the presence of the cryptid half son of hers and of a one night stan by the name of the Offenderman she did tell them that he keeps sending fresh clean meat for his son and that to take care when they act around him so he may not think of them as an enemy,s or pray as such she does like to tell that I am safe to be around other children and such I was shown the way to stuff from more useful to the more bothersome and such I am to be left alone or better said untussled thank you, after a strange worning to all the family,s I was left alone in the middle seat of the area we stay it is the point where all our neighbor's houses are at I have taken most of the time safe I saw kids pass until a trio showed up I was dressed in black shorts a white hoody and black militery tipe boots with blavk gloves my skin pale the first kid to come was eddy a chuby sqeuere ish head yellow tshit and blue shorts next was Edd a tall guy with a sok-like hat orange tahirt and grey pants wile thw last one Ed he wore a green jaket a striped shirt and purple panta he is the tollest of out litle gathering the first kid was sizing me up and asking way shood they stay away from me like a cute mob boss impresion added by my memory,s of these guys Edd started telimg Eddy wath theyr parent told him : If you see a new kid about he is you ger then he looks and to not antagonise him since he has enoght strenght to couse seviere injury if ill trited , Eddy diddnt belive so he asked Ed to puah me he scrached his jead and came to me giving me a slight push they noted i tilted for a bit then returned to my positiin without any damage or mess Edd got intrigued he asked how did i manage such a feet i pointed to the groaund and spoke there is a suer grate under me as you can see and from my pants going in the suer you can note thise black things witch are conected to me wen he applied force i just responded with the apropriate cou terforce under me as such redirecting myself and the force to underground and yes Ed all mucle and no mind is quite strong inhumanly soo wile Edd is smarter then bowth of his frends combined and added by dive times wile Eddy he well he cas good bosy potential a sharp mind and ia very carismatic even if not very liked hw can manipulate or blackmail wath he needs and now there is me they asked my name i smiled as they sse my sharp teath witch are the lateral ones wile my front are like normal kids blunt for furits and vegetables go be esten they saw as my mouth kept ooening ok in a sharp toothed grimn thwn i spoke Eddyn is my name but all call me Endkyd for now it is nice to meet you lets be freands at witch Eddy agreed with a stupid smile well from this point we became freands and thats about it as i returned home to rest from a day filled with play.