I woke as stone cold and immobile seven people around me I heard the words they described my form: Speed, Strength, Form, Shifting, Blinking, Magic, and the last one did nothing but avoid his eyes from my form which allowed me to take control I look humanoid tall with long arms they are clawed and thick good to kill and reap enemy,s apart they all blinked I had grabbed two of the body,s creatures they looked at me as I was holding two of their necks they panicked they ran but I was still observed by the two I cot dam it after a bit of time I nocked them out by oxygen deprivation no neck-snapping I loled at my toro small breasts petite if not a bit full and perfect form if it was not made out of concrete and rebar after I left them on the ground I checked myself I am tall sexy with long ass hands and elbow spikes cool I feel I can shift this form in a more harmless state but this, this form if most comfortable even with the larger chest then ujual for myself I froze once more as i was observed once more i saw a cupple more eyes around me they went in the sight line and i felt one of them tuch me he then was grabed by the neck and is sufocating they tried to save him but they kept looking and they didn't blinck all at the same time they did by misyake blinck and i left the unconscious body i was fasing the other humans in scp emblems they recoverd and one did shut at my thiner part of the hand a small crack formed but it restored at the blinck of the eye they had some slups ups but only fainted body,s were the result i was restrained and took from the room into a armourd car they had problems with it since i paced in circles making the car unstable they stoped at a zone were they opend the door i was in a knee holding position as they noted my sholders were the second thinest part except my neck well i was set in a room with cameras they dont worck on me there needs to be eyes direct obsevation i was moving the video recorded me i started drawing with my claws the metall walls are rather rezilient from the script i wrote along with the little plan they frequently took notice recorded and replaced my walls ending with replaising the wall i moistly written on wen i was done writing a long funny story of many Scp,s from the shy guy to the Scp 999,s father as wen i got tests they sent the indestructable lizerd it was horrorfied after i mutilated it able only to clim a wall and steare at me with my claws driping in its blood they noted i wen o was alone i wrote with the creatures blood and stoped wen i had no more of the substance they noted it and provided red ink they did provide aditional difrent colores witch i used as desired painting better and better pictures then he was sent in Dr. Bright he came to me and talked untill he blinked wen he opend his eyes next second he was naked and all over painted in moking desine he blinked twice to feel the breaze and finaly he noted the change he became emberesed and then after some time a femeale d class was enterd in my room they saw a paper apere on the camera with a desine of my form but chiby making a you cant look desine, from outside they heard a scream then mouns and the sound of a jackhammer-ish a bit more fleshy then after a bit of time the D-class was left outside the door dazed and with a evident large belly he clothes intact and marks all over her body they noted this to not send femeale personel maibe D classes for samples after some more time a breach accured to resque some beings i was left out and got my vlaws on six hostiles they all were imedietly thrown to my room witch sports a very durable bed a freage and some minial things all colored strangely patterns and desined they once took my bed sheath as they noted markings with paterns they made a copy and gave the original back to me they simulated the corners forlding acording to the markings and they got a life sized version of me yea it wood have been if i had filling for it its about a head smaller and cute i gave up escaping and i am tring to enjoy my life the people that i captured were one by one released day by day all trembeling and horrorfied since i tied a cloth around theyr eyes and tied theyr hands ao i can juat have my way with all of them in a way or another untill a door opend and i fell to mh prime,s side safe and sound to rejoin him.
Next another fragment who knows were they will be ask Eddie maybe if he knows.