Chapter 554 - 556.The scare.

In my small pocket watch a dimension is there I was ready I flew down and landed on earth where I saw a devourer I turned to kananbolt and crushed its insides to the outsides next was the fungal infection and how the hell did I arrive in time well I turned in a small Galvan and made a small home when problems arrived I just went even smaller and flew few meters off turn to an alien and fix the matter The Grampa is acting on the goof I chuckled and I have met with him told him I am on vacation and decided to stay close to him since it seems there are other aliens or the Omnitrix in the mix I had seen him get serious and nodded he did ask for the plumber insignia I gave it to him a perfect replica I have given my best work to make the camper upgraded to galvan standards he did like the revamp I showed him the changes when the tho kids slept and when both I and the Omnitrix wealed showed up I used Ecco to make the double no bug with the split personality and wen done I just dispeled the clone the old man max was curious , i did make a aperence i walked wen Eon was to open the gates of armagedon i was grey matter the tall and very flexible grey matter i walked to the light and with a tap i turned to Vilgax i streched and spoke: Oh god having your time spent in a hiperimteligent small frog dose give you such a headake wen you change back ah were are we left a yea Eon and the Armagedon Gate i shood just throu it in the void like your dumb race the last he did it well like Mentor like Pupile and like me there is no other And you Eon do you thinck it wood worck well let me show you, i tapped the poket watch and they saw my form transform in my base form a amalgum of goo , Upgrade , me and other aliens i screamed Chimera and i went and coverd the Eon eating him permanently removing his existence wile then grabing the Armagedon gate and turning it to dust i then turned to my Galvan formand went to the van the hole show maybe just broke theyr minds as Vilgax the conquerer just left to his vacation house they called backup and i just sat there resting they were werry but well i had met the old tinker i chukled as he saw i was not timing out i loked similar but alsaw difrent i then just turn to my base form his eyes went wide i smiled and took a crosslegged posture i talked with him and the protoripe its very usefull along with its datta i sent the data pacage and gene sample so he can make the next gene of the omnitrix he then gave it to Ben witch i have trained behind Grampas back along with guen she learned magic aince i told she is part alien a Annodite and that as much she grows more familiar with it more of her true form will form she was exited i have gotrn the charms of bezel and marked them all on her body wile sealing the book as well on her like tatoos wen ben was up to battel i opend the care pacage of Asmuth as such ben gained his omnitrix i have gotten Kevin to join the treap and i thight him the ways to proper use his powers ending with a nice outcome a new plumer as i went to rest.