Chapter 547 - 549. Next News.

I felt the other universes they are enough for my purposes I then recalled all my mass with all the mates I made both male and females sealed in the pocket realm for use in the future the door opened and I refused with prime his deficiency,s were material since his endless energy started borrowing a bit at his body not mind or anything but the body from excess energy even if my body can adapt there are sometimes waves of power and the dumb super gods waves pressure my power making it unstable assholes him with this mass of matter I can prepare the body of my since powers from above my pay grade can and do restrict the regeneration I lost a couple of hundred Avatars but now we have enough energy and mass to recreate those cells that died the enemy energy was absorbed the damage done now repairing the vessel I pooled a window and took control of my double in my previous dimensional level I woke with my beloved partner she is close to evolving I need to prepare and grant her more power enough to be eligible for ascension i spent time with her and finaly rest came i prepered a new avatar and sent it i will move the pov to it after my nap.