Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 541 - 543. Dc meets me. lewd warning I hope I don't make this Avatar all lewd I hope not...shit, I may just do that without meaning it shit well if you like it that ok meh.

Chapter 541 - 543. Dc meets me. lewd warning I hope I don't make this Avatar all lewd I hope not...shit, I may just do that without meaning it shit well if you like it that ok meh.

I entered the rift as I sent most of my stuff remaining with a Hulk body my mates and my pocket realm I saw the rift open above the planet and I fell and fell until this great body of mine spattered on a guys body he was flying towards me he has a blue costume with an S on his chest he saw my larger body then his but thinner than him while my body is sculpted dark marble liquid like I started covering the man of steel he saw my ginning face melt and cover him he felt the pain he was thinking of a way to get me off but I just dug deeper and deeper restraining his breathing and entering his gullet into his insides in his bloodstream battling his immune system absorbing it and then starting to corrupt his insides the other justice league didn't know what was happening I finally got control before he could enter the sun since it would be boring to snuff it out I stopped my new body as my huck body fused with my Kryptonian body the strength was bulstored then i grew in size comaring to doomsday then it compresed keeping the hight but becoming thiner my maw reformed and i flew back on erth the suit is tore only my cape remained i have stiched the superman logo on it for the laughts i have then clenched my hands then wen i relaxed em they turned finaly in claws i cut the sides of my face once more my maw is oppen wide i landed in gothom i got from villain to villain absorbing them turning the femeales by lewd ways for my satisfaction then they lewdly absorbed other males the hunger is spreding chaingeing the other girls allowing the stronger femeales to be strengthened i have about twenty amazons any weker woman got eaten by them a plejurable end started spreding we found Batman and his famaly all safely captured and unsavable from the tower i have the bat girl wile my mates undressed the bat-guys and started doing them my strongest of the amazons started liquifing and covering them absorbtion and coruption by ingulfment and fusion of body mind and will i have now thre femeale bat amazons flothed in sexy batwoman suits as this happend i was dealing with bat girl she got the full lewd treatment from working with my long thick thunge liking deep in her hony pot weher hony came out ci tasted it and the first stage to meke her body more elastic was done then i had her gobble my little brother untill the cream came out coating her insides and finaly i started controling her to get her to drive herself down and up my litle brother practicaly doing herself untill she lost strenght then i took control and helped her out during all this Bats was drilling a Amazon bat as the three of them came to him his body alwredy out of controll but looking at me making a toy out of his deciple it endded within a week he was fully changed in that time the room i made managed to hide us i have the five bats four femeales and a Man and he is the original bats the five bat amazons help him hunt the rest of the supervilains of the bat with aphrodisiacs land superstrenght and shapeshifting they are fully equiped they started theyr hunt as i ran to get my speedster at the S.T.A.R. lab i have apered got the girl doctore alone she was suprised and then captured moved to a med bed and i tipped her clothes of her skin cold as ice i like it then i started to lick the cold hony pot untill she had a cupple hony leaks then i moved my pelvis close to hers my member sliding on her skin reaching her breasts i moved more and reached her trembeling lips that reluctantly opend to acept it the member wend deep untill i had my wais hugging her her face her eyes going to the back of her head i then went back untill my tip then returned to reach the base she had time to breath between my long movements wen i was done with her face i pooled out and went to her hony pot redying her was done then i started at her pase then twice and finaly thrise faster her mouns fun it endded wen she had quite the belly bulge i saw her body transform and fusing with her powers she fell asleap with a comand and a verry strong aphrodisiac wen i was done i flew off then i heard the tecky aproched her sleapimg body he got a stiffy and his mind went out he was captured and absorbed by lewd she was quite egger the fusing body,s formed a new hole yet it kept the looks of the girl that can go thrue worlds by will to bad i had her there in her bed waiting for the flash she called him so the trap may be tripped faster wen he came to the room he was in super speed he got influenced and wen she took off her cover and the smell managed to get him close close enoght for her tendeills to real him to her she then restrained and had her way with him ending devowering his power body knolege and wen she was done she metamorphosed in a Amazon like body with moved and formed a black speedster lewd outfit i smiled as she with very fast movements turned femeales absorbed males and kept going in her area i arrived at the Amazone iseland witch became quite the lewd iseland i had to deal with woman after woman the convertion kept accelerating untill i met her with a army behind me she was dogpiled and then the girls sorted holding her for my play i had her clothes tore by the girls as they prepered her for my member she was wide eyed as it enterd untill i reached her honypot then her face fell as only half was inside but i started adding presure she expected pain but no such thing in exchange plejure it went to the hilt she then felt me pooling out then reenterd over and over untill it was done she was with her belly round and bountifull i saw her body then transform i then took a rest here.