I have been watching as the Flora egg was about to open Toriel kept an eye on it she had a blanket on the ground she is seating on her ass and reading a book, with dust teleported about as with my boost he has more stamina power and magic, This is getting exciting new positivity,s and everything I don't want a repeat of the timeline not even if you take my body permanently, Well Sansy its no up to you and it's not up for the kid as she is going to be maybe I just need the right bate and its growing nicely as it takes leed by copying Toriels gene blueprint and it may be a bit of s mutation well all you monsters make no sense and I do think it should be soon done, As I spoke we teleported from the Lab to Toriel were I saw the pod open as Azriel ....excuse me he is an it now a by-gender monster I will call it Azzy for ease of expression, Azriel! Thank god, you're back!
What the hell happened to me, looking at his mixed form I jumped from Sansy to Azzy, Well this is unexpected it seems your mother rubbed off on you in this transformation it suits you well indeed like mother like son...no not even daughter woodwork on this form ...shemale think it's right or should I just call you a hermaphrodite since you are and can practically clone yourself if I feed you enough power, Wath Have You Done To Me Why Do I Feel It, What your emotions yea they're back but your past does not matter you're a doll like your mothers like the smily trash bag like his fool of his brother and the rest you didn't know what to do about me so I took the choice from you, you're welcomed, Wellcome!? you you trash bag you did this to me you, SHUT UP and believe me, I can do worse than just fixing you you clorofill filled Emotionless trash bag filled with Manure that wood helps you grow if you weren't so dammed stupid, Dumb Smelly Spirit, Toriel soon Frisk will fall get the hell out, Azzy here is probably the second strongest and most versatile Combat Monster, We will deal with them bye, Take Care Mom I will be fine plus the bone bag is keeping an eye on us, Sans waves at Toriel and I finally moved a star in Azzy,s eye socket as I made the connection well, We got to capture them no other events then I will take over the player avatar, after a few hours we finished the traps as Azy,s plants are very useful until I heard a Thud as Frisk fell in the plant net wich promptly captured Her as thin plant tendrils enveloped her fully as I started draining the Dt form the kid one sweet drop at a time she was surprised then calmed down tring to talk her way out of this aituation a tence hour passed as wen i got her at a eighty percent she became slugish and i released her grabbing her and taing her my my back as a single tendrill filled with hony made by magic well i did add some light sedatives and relaxants with some special fruits grown in the plant tendrill , wen we reached the house of Toriel Frisk was drowsy and redy to sleep she needs a lot of proteines and other fule to make the change smuther i have gotten enoght to make twins out of her , i jumped in her body as i started modifing and soleating her body into two body,s the first one black hair the second one juat like the original a male and a femeale form bowth present her soul in the unchanged body i got a vesal a determination based vesal i comenced the will mark on her soul so excess dt is sent to me , and her regeneration is counterd if i do it nonstop but i made it so it takes the one percent before being fully filled, A lot better to have a body of my own now i got up purging the drugs i felt it and it is a boy body i streched my tows and rest as i started changes to her main body this took only half the energy i invested in her now for the other half i made her grow upp as Chara is beingfused with Frisk permanently i got her fully hole as she sleapt remembering her two origins she got paniked but didnt try anithing as i looked at her her eyes were opend up bowth red broun with golden circles around them i then clothed myself and her after wich we started stedely corupting other minor monsters one by one from the shop kepers to the kids , i went to Muffet she tied my host and wen ahe didnt expect i enterd her body branding it like the others then simply reforming her and her spider swarm she became wuite the difrent Hivemind Aracnid Swarm nothing mych changed except the dainger level she had before rose to a very large degree i left her to get use to her power then the guards one by one now deadly creatures and finaly, as two figures enter the Throne room , Toriel holding Azzys hand and Fra,s hand he noted the three of them loked difrent yet his joy was immense he huged his former wife but then he heard a voice, Cot in the perfect trap huh King fluffybuns lets see how you hold yourself together, as i finished speaking i jumped from Toriels body,Asgore No!, Wath,s happening to Me, i started going around his body removing things remodelsting and finaly with a swift pop asgore was no longer Asgore but Assgorina , the tree captured dolls were rather dumbfounded as i never well Azriel excluded gender bent a mosnter but now i take stock of the slim toned and strong body of the femeale variant of the mighty thick queen Assgora as i think i will keep the name this was rather fun as i posed in front of his famaly his blush grew as he sooke, Help waths happening to me way did i become a woman and way am i moving in thise provoking poses way is my chest so hevy alsaw my back it hevier then before please someone help me, I fi ished toyng with her new body as i got the cloke and rest as i jumped to my limp body in the embrace of Fra,s embrace i jumped off as the brand was fully taking its effect as i se the same look they all have towords me joy at serving me plesure and fufillment over time they will gain theyr own but for bow the brands influence is enoght as i waked to my theone i orderd Asgora to seat as i took my seat on the moust fluffy seat i have ever sat on not comparing with Toriels body acting as a body pillow wen i wanted to rest like now i sat and went in a sleaping position on the fluffy lap of the now sexy Second queen.