Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 504 - 505.Hellsing new abnormal friend.

Chapter 504 - 505.Hellsing new abnormal friend.

I took a look and I saw a lot of ghouls I felt no ownership over them so I made them kill the unsuspecting vampires I had my hands on some valuable ghouls and started flesh sculpting as they changed along with the life frames they changed when I was done no longer low ranking dumb undead but semi sentient obedient winged monsters humanoid but still monsters I had gotten some artificial vampires with their help then I had to change those guys getting better and better with each new research subject the life spirit was curious and guided me when I did a fatal mistake like removing the lungs or heart or messing its blood pumping system and such the life spirit liked the many diverse adaptations I researched in the previous world I had been told that I had an unhealthy obsession with making schematics and such from of designs of animals to modify willing necromagers as they thought it would be cool to have from retractable claws to other things.

After a few hours, I had met with the church guys which were quite fun I had my harpy's and lichens assist and save the ones close to death bring to me then I heald the preast and they returned to battle my upper face was covered by my hear and lower part covered by mask they identified me by my clothes except the cross was replaced with a golden heart embedded in a cross which was made of five horizontal lines and a verticle line down the middle replicating the gaps between my ribs the heart is bitting gold colored it is the gift from the life spirit and she kept the hear bitting allowing me a second life if I ever get killed the preasts kept killing I was supporting Alexander Anderson was getting hurt and I sent healing magic after healing magic supporting his nanites regeneration we reached the count Dracula I was quite happy as such after he best the preast I had them move aside as Serres victoria and Miss Hellsing saw my approach I had my hands dripping in blood from all the priests i gave quick fixes i smiled and moved my hand moving my hear and using the blood like gell uncoverd my face my blood red eyes glowed as they saw something a bit baffeling my brown hear ganed a red tinge and then as my mask retracted they noted the resembelence between me and Alucard i had the remembereble mocking smile as i spoke :

Salutări si bine neam văzut strabunicule, nu teai așteptat să ai nepoți , o hai aicea dămi a îmbrățișare inainte să devi cenușa din șoc hehe.

(Greetings and well sean Grandfather, didn't expect to have grandkids, o come here hug me before you turn to ashes from shock hehe. )

Să fiu onest nu mam așteptat să fie orce supraviețuitori din femeiele am avut copi, deci ce facem acuma nam crezut că sunt alți ca am cautat dar nam avut noroc hehe surptinzator si puterea aia numi spune ca ai facut ceva contract cu ceva demon sau deavol ar fi forte proastă idee.

(To be honest, I did,t expect to be any survivors from my female companions I had children with, so what do we do now I didn't believe that are others since I searched but with no luck hehe, surprising and that power don't tell me you made a contract with some kind of demon or devil it would be a bad idea.)

A chestia e că am un contract dar e un spirit bun iea e în controll de viață in tote diverse variați inclus si baza vieții lineele care controlează ce suntem , vezy creaturile in just erau stigoi si corpuri pe piciore utille dar foarte singură utilizare si dacă vreau sa ii duc cu mine îi pot tranfroma in monede sau medali usor the utilizat pentru ca sunt un natural invocator si cu alte specializați mai neplăcute ca si necromant excetera oricum an ajutat oameni de biblie pentru ca a fost distractiv oi pleca incurând penteu că nu sunt din realitatea asta si să ști, oricum da suntem relativi si nu cred că sunt alți in realitatea asta oricum mersi pentru distractia asta pa.

(The thing is I have a contract but is with a god spiritual lifeform that is in control of life and its many different variations of it while she controls the base of the lifelines it allows control over forms, see those creatures behind I made them from vampires and the ghouls useful but very single use and if I want to take them with me I can turn them into coins or medals easily the used because I'm a natural summoner and with other more unpleasant specializations like necromancer except anyway I helped people from the bible because it was fun I'll leave soon because I'm not from this reality and you know, anyway yes we are relative and I don't think there are others in this reality anyway thanks for this fun bye.)

Suprinzator nu ma surprinde deloc oricum cuplacere si noroc o sa ai nevoie sa poti explica la doamnelor și cum ai spus oameni de biblie vor avea nevoie de explicati, ai observat ca au tăcut și au așteptat să terminăm conversația noastră pregătestete tinere.

(Surprising, it doesn't surprise me at all, anyway, pleasure and good luck, you will need to be able to explain to the ladies and as you said, people of the Bible, you noticed that they were silent and waited for us to finish our conversation, prepare young man.)

Shit I figured I could just hop off the situation after having a nice short new Transylvanian chat with one of the most famous Antiheroes I know off from my inherited gene storage well what can I say miss Hellsing miss Policewoman and you Bible fools haw are ya do I resemble my Grandfather I do have his looks, at this short release of exponentially more unbelieving knowledge had half the priests fall on the ground while the rest were mouth open wide as Alexander I think he got a bit of shock and probably healing an aneurism I had my hand moving my hand brushing my hear slowly changing the color of my hear to a vivid red I finished and they noted a door appeared behind me to then hear Miss Hellsing and Anderson to their followers to capture me alive! I got a step and deciphered they saw I was smiling quite joyfully and I become no more since I captured enough drones to be happy with more than a third of Alucard's gathered souls are now in my belt as medallions he didn't stop me as he was given knolege of his needed purge and since he desired to keep some safe the worst of them more precisely i had a Alucard medalion with all of those souls and body's, approximately one million new drones gained from my Grandfather, I arrived at a nice world and sat relaxing on a tree branch.

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