Chapter 502 - 503.Next one.

I was thinking about the power set but gave up and made a summoning-based Avatar with a side of necromantic and Eldrige summons the body was that of a human normal with a mask covering his mouth and hear covering his eyes and obscuring their features I finalized the body and powers as I equipped him with an energy reactor and a regeneration factor with slow reinforcement enhancement making the body and soul more resilient as he gets more damage I finished and sent the soul shard.

I opened my eyes to have my eyes covered by my brown hair long until it reached my chin I smiled and bowed to Prime then I summoned the door to arrive tired and surprisingly week I was on a road my mask was removed while my hair was to one side I was picked up by some humans and was carried to a place ending in a chamber of sorts I was attached to a thing that was removing my pain slowly I got used to it and my body somehow adapted I can detach my soul about a centimeter from it I felt a dimension becoming open to my will I looked in it and it was rather necromantic aesthetics I was freed and told if I kill someone I get all that persons things from woman to things like tools and so on I was surprised and was told I am in a spaceship they were suprised I was pretty lively for a newly converted they tested my pain reaction and I didn't even flinch after the first movement as one dislocated and then relocated my shoulder I did flinch wen i was expecting pain but nothing more they nodded and said i was quite lively desd guy i got told i am now a folower of the religion of Necroism , i burst out laffig and they were wery i used my necromanger ability to the suprise of the worrior that was loking like he wanted to do something rather offensive to me i coved my face with my hear and my mask formed i am numb to pain but i dont care i had summuned a suit of srmour to then place my hand's to my mouth as my mask retracted being replaced by grey bone liquid it moved with me and a suit of armour was redy i plunged my clawed gou tlet in the assholes chest and then i ripped his hart out the neceomangers were suprised and liked the show moustly my transformation i then infused the corpse with my energy's as the man turned to slime and then reshaped itself as a skeletal monster wich knelt still wering the armour i was practically jumping from joy the skeletal minion got to his feet and staid behind me i asked if the guy had a house and he did along with a wife i followed to the home and took my new bed for a spin..... aka sleep i was happy it was confortable then i sleapt dreaming of the underworld they conect to , my exploita got the leaders atention but my ability made me even more of asset to the king he did made me battle superiors and noted i have a similar ability to himself naturaly he was impresed and asked if i am loyal i said i am loyal to the king and i dont desire to be the king never as i dont desire to be targeted by small subordonstes i did show him my dolls and the orher summoned being i managed the hunts dand gkt somd intresting stuff and then he came Riddick he battled thrue the summons and then wen his feand was punched by the king she was grabbed by the skeletal guards wich survived and nocked her out then they were moved out of the way and the battle was kept as a subordonate of the king tried to kill him only for Ridick to get the final stab then he asked were is she i just beothe it with ny summons to him wile the wind elemental he noted me as i was the only necromanger with quite peculiour armour as it moved wen neaded and it was pestrene pure neutral grey and so we met eschother and discused.