I woke as I was accustomed to my new power my form concrete yet small parts incomprehensible mind-boggling I cover those parts with my normal skin as I am a shapeshifter I finished touching up on my looks and walked outside the door Prismo was wide-eyed I asked him were in the bed he became uncomfortable yet he showed me the way I came close to it and made a porous glass dome and I inscribed many safety measures I finished when the true body of Prismo gained few tattoos that followed his projection I finished and walked off I grabbed my door covered it with black gold and I decided for the next world he waved us off as he noted a new obelisk in his room he noted it was filled with games from card games to complex ones, I opened the gate and walked through it, my form changed I was still ten-foot toll bones plates formed over me over my hands and sides of torso legs and all I was covered in them I look like an armored man without armor on my belly crotch and face wen I buff upp my bone plates move spliting up and resemble rib like structures i have shorts as clothes are no longer necesery i take my first step and arive on concreet road no damage due to excessive power i had long hear reaching my back it was pure wight i walked and saw humans they noced me and were offput i kept walking and i met with police men they noted i was in shorts and nothing more i was told i dress indicent and to come with them i moved my head to the side and followed i arived at the station and was atempted to be identified i was told that after a few hours a specialist will come to interogate and then relocate me i answerd moust questions and was asked if my body was always like this i chukled and wen i laffed they noted razer sharp teath lined in too sets of teath interlokimg and loking like normal teath if i have my mouth closed i did get the question identify yourself i smiled and said Endsday he was suspicius but noted it down i staid silent afterwords i was patted all over to check if i was truly made like they see or if its juat a suit they tried to pry one of my plates with force they mamanged onlh to brake some tooks neals and one got s nose bleed from the tool that sliped off my plates i then started filling the crwcks with a porus and slipery substance that turned to golden hony it dose taste very sweet sikeningly so they took a sample and they were shoked as the hony as they call it was mixed with many i quote a truck full of many edible elements i placed my hand on the hony and with swift movements my plates became coverd by them and then changed collore with a difrent state of matter it became solid like obsidion and purple cristaline they did try to get a sample of the hard rock candy i saw the officers get replaced by ones with a signature on theyr sholders then i was escorted to a new sight from the house of justice they did get me in a van were i sat and made myself a nice chear as i gased at my hads worcking on hony of many collers i kept doing my best but the van sometimes swiches speeds and i acidentaly mold to much and such wen we arived i saw a guy he wore a pendant and he noticed i was molding a pendant as well it was of gold with ruby shuger and i was finalizng its details i grabed it got upp as they noticed i placed the fake on a sweet string and wore it he noted that wen i wore it my full form changed i loked exacly like dr Bright who was sent specificly to meet me for aome reson he had a miscivious look i got close to him as i grabbed him took his credentials and gied him upp with shugar strings being carefull to not come in contact with his pendant i decided and ran iut as a shell of shugar coverd dr bright i tested my voice and left i was welcomed by a cuple guards and reported as needed and found myself in his room were i made another sweet clone that went out of his room coused truble and got captured i hid with my powers and manipulated my clone then wen testing came up my clone was noted to have well less and less vitality i asked for my last mements as the clone to meet scp 999 they agreed and wen i met him he was quite happy i came closer to him plaid a bit and then he jumped and ate the candy avatar the fundstion was dumbfounded and paniking i then started the invasion as i coated the full site by now witha thin lear of my hony i finished the covering of the hole facility and soo i was tired and soo i went to sleep for a bit.