Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 479 - 480. A walking disaster.

Chapter 479 - 480. A walking disaster.

I woke to check my home it was different the wood warped changed no longer plant but metal and it was growing my presence changes things my flesh was now malleable my neals were sharp now blades detachable and throwable I walked and checked the exterior of the home it was like interlocked plates like lego or something similar you get the idea if I may not be wrong, I walked off the porch and had the home follow me my form back to the ten-foot stride I extended and retracted my feet to facilitate fast travel I passed by creatures sometimes taking sips from my butterscotch bubble it slowly diminished as my hunger was appeased I kept walking until I saw a large tree house I loled at it once when I left I kept walking until I arrived at ice cold refreshing I walked about until I found snow based lifeforms I ate them nice and chilly I kept at it until the snow didn't bother me anymore I was bothered by a guy with a crown I hunted him for a few days until he flew off on me to then he didnt manage to sleep for a full week he got desperate and went to the tree house he was maniacly pleading i was running his way i got his scent and i can now shoot ice i jumped and was bloked by a sword my claws were stoped by a boy my smile gree bigger he was redy i took a step back and then i was slashed at i got hit to only wach his eyes widen as my body crumbled to ice were the blade pased thrue and next then ice gew and i healed i chukled and returned the slash with five marks kn his torsoo ice king and Jake worked together to get Finn safe i saw the dog get redy and grew to a large form i chukled and followed suit he then was suprised then we battled i kept cuting and cuting he doged and managed to survive he noticed i was now cutting depoer then few centemeters he tried to do grated dammage only to desable my movevent for few moments i was getting tuffer as then i was met with a new blade it was garbed in flames i was wonded i hadn't reinforced myself with heat rezistence yet soo i chukled and tood them: I will be back for the ond mans hat prepare since heat will do hack about my new body see you about in a cupple days do heal upp Human's and dog, then i ran off they didn't follow me as i drilled right theie the soft erth i loled for the hot lands and then i started hunting adapting and eating at first it was unconfortsble now it was spicy hot and tasty the energy was tasty they were afreade i enjoyed myself and after few days i reached the pallace i was redy but i frlt s energy sorce within this place as well i went untill i found the king and a blass bottle with a femeale of theyr species i came to the glass as the king ran they named me the devowerer of flames but i just chukled i opens the glass and grabed the paniking woman i bit her neck and started draining her energy untill only ten percent was left i took her and carried her to my homewere i stored her on the bed and coverd it with a glass dome like her previous prison i setted her up so she can melt thrue as such i finished with my new flame elemental essence she will be living with me for a bit , after few days she woke she is perfect for cooking and the coal seams to invigorate her wen she gets spent we talked she is still grumpy for not being free but thats that at least she had a vew to the outside world aka a window of the house to keep her entertained she sometimes waches me terrorrize werewolfs and such creatures i bring suvenires from time to time her dimm mode makes it so she cant burn stuff she was depresed but then i nstaled a targeting and fiering turret under her room wich is around the middle of the house he was permited to use the turret wen i an on persuit of things about six days passed and now i am stoking and vewing at the ice kings home it was drasticly changed he was curently keping princess bubblegum hostage so the human and dog may keep him safe i turned ice and started swiming thrue the snow moving no surfece snow i then found myself at the bottom of his large mounten made of ice i started climing using hest to make hand holds for my flame tipped claws then frezing the melted spot to make the climes next time easyer i got up in about a short ten minnutes he noticed nothing, thinking i wood just jump on his mounten or something spectaquler i got close to the door were bublegum princess was being held captive i dug from under her as i got her ahe was tied and gagged i smiled she swuirmed i smiled and finaly left i went down the mounten and arived at my golden surf bord and i fleew to the house wich is upp above the clowds we arived as she was analizing the gold surfing bord we arived at the house i changed the ball to a sfere once more and placed it on the porch were i stored the ball i walked in and saw flame princess get suprised i broth company i chukled and said thre arre too more of your kin the elemental powerrs in you princess shuger are stuing you know the make up of sweet elements so visualise and focus on making the materials with your will and dont thinck its sientificly imposible you are saientificly imposible heck flame woman over there is sientificly imposible well there is logic and there is corelation you too have similar essences in my sight so try and harness your power it is rather inate i will be off to get the slime elemental and ice elemental princess they were suprised wen i called bowth princesses i then left as i closed the door she was untied and at a desk i alsse gave her a glass barrier to stay separated from the flame girl at least to not couse her to burn like a marshmellow , i flew to the window and saw the ice king panick along with the too heroes i arived at the door as they saw my gold surfbord they noticed i jumped off it and with a seift move the bord changes into a big fuking swird the boy and the dog were serious wile the ice granpa was fearse as i chukled i jumped at them and wrecked the hiuse and after a few exchanges i was throun out the window so i wood quote : Damn you creature and stop weeking my stuff , i worcked hard to get it and i wont let you destroy it.

I was all smiles as they were ready to battle I fell and found myself in a lake under the ice kingdome I looked around the ice king was using the water under the surface I kept fling and arrived at the ice egg I covered it by gold and started swimming off I found myself with the egg leaving there a secret way leaving them to celebrate I broke the egg and now had an indifferent woman I molded the gold around her and had her restrained she was surprised tried to stop me but no luck I then flew with her to arrive up the clouds and finally we arrived in the house I set her in her corner and finally the last one was for being brought I feel her essence as such I cooked some food and gave my guests they're due for today and then i went to sleep as they discussed between each other and they were curious about the ice woman.