Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 473 - 473.Patience healing and sending a new avatar.

Chapter 473 - 473.Patience healing and sending a new avatar.

I woke from my slumber in the lower plane and this current one was under the gaze of the overmind tree I felt its roots hold me stable as the backlash from my partner on the other side was quite harsh and emotionally charged I kept an eye on him but the people around him will still die hmm if he ever dies well I will start and I will try to keep him as much time alive as possible with or without suffering, I digress I need to send a new shard with a body and all anyway let's send him to a place I don't remember sending myself before I took the shard infused it with anima, Aku blood, and finally gene template of the Fuzzy Lumpkins genes which were adapted then I formed the embryo and aged it naturally until kid state and to finalize it I gave my avatar the multiversal gate and go homering aka me now go and have fun.

After prime threw me who knows where I landed on a porch and felt i was a male specimen of the fuzzy species my fur was black my nose red and my antennas ended with fluffy balls of snow wight my face was wight as well like my palms and I suppose my feet I was sitting in some kind of crib next to it I felt a being from the smell female and the pheromones sad I blinked my eyes and sturred as I got on my ass was covered by a blanket as next I was hugged by a female she had large endowments and the basic colors of her species she hugged me while crying and I noticed my form yes was aged by prime but the body was alive before the memories were there and I understood what acquired a sick kid died and at the moment before the body was no longer vacated I was inserted while the body he made was overlapped and fused with this one this specimen was albino for some reason my fur turned black as I woke my eyes are of deep red while my lips are green I felt some of my insides changed from normal flesh to Anima strands as i felt my claws geting interwived with it my blood boid to couse havock but my emotions contained it i loked at my sister yea sister sjnce mom and dad split up as they were fi ished with geting my sister to a adult stage they dumped me in her care i was round fuzzy and bear like she then noticed my change my previous self was well more like

Fuzzy Lumpkins but I was named Fuzzy Palekins we all were Fuzzy's and kins strange way of naming but that is what it is I smiled as I returned the hug she was happy and hugged me tightly I felt my bones break a Suzkins started wailing in the happiness she calmed down after few hours and then she noticed it was in a daze and then she hard my guts asking for some grub she looked out and went to get me something to drink and then broth a slightly cooked meet and she handed it to me I took a bite and my teeth went through it smoothly I then chewed and gulped it down the taste was pleasant and the slightly burned parts gave it the perfect aftertaste I looked around and saw the house it was well made if not old and time I felt it held a couple of generations in it but I felt it was inadequate for us I got up and stretched bones cracking and resettling was heard it seems she didn't know her strong hug caused some damage I felt my body slightly burn then my excess fat wich was serched for in the kins for finding mates was burned as my mucles grew my teath ganed a few strands of Anima to reinforce my teath after wich my black fur slowly after days got replaced by purple anima strands making me even more tuff i felt the urges and then i just went and found my kitar i tried to wring it it sounded like a hevy metal axe i smiled and song a calm hevy metal song sis cane in was suprised then lisend to it i handed her the kitar or bajo she olayed something more hilli billy stuff i scrached my head and so she did i smiled and got the kitar and tried to do a bit more like her as remeberd a song Im a nut ifrom somewere and started singing she liked this song as i song she followed my singing we enjoyed the song i thinck i can make mony with this skills along with how to use gounpowder and my purple looks hmm i told suzkins that i am going in the city and i will return laighter this day she was woried as i just recoverd she alssw understood i am difrent my soeach for example was a lot more smuther then before i then left after i huged her and i told that i will be fine i figured my body shape is now more man shaped i mean not like a baloon my fur was just like before i walked stedely with my overalls and black boots the other fuzzy kins wached me did not recognise me but were suprised of the aura i produce the only reson suzkins disnr fell it was she wan near me wen i changed i was around a teens size this being the kid size in this species i got myself a jacket of x element along with my hear restielizing itself my overalls were well stielized by dsrk markings i loked more mettal i walked and arived at a battle field with monkies with exposed brains i moved my hand and they returned to normal as black mass was returned to me fusing and granting me knolege i grew smarter i kept draining the weke monky's untill i noticed a battle in the tower above the vulcano as i walked i felt a larger concentration of my element then with a explosion a giant mony came out i walked to the town i saw humans run then some lights fly to it i walked and arived at were Mojo jojo was expecting his fellow apes i walked calmy to were he got his hemeth and wen he loked down i was siting on a hear playing slightly my banjo then wen he closed his face and asked who am i and were are his people he was supose to be king but his kin was gone i chukled and he saw my sharp teath i stored my banjo and then he noted my clothes bolge along with my mucles i started growing untill the point i mached him i walked and loked into his face my eyes black with to X's as pupiles i smiled and said: Ow a slightly bigger ape and it seams it wants to be king too bad my gift is not made to enpower evil but to help , at rhis point the three girls floted a distence away as i moved my hands wich were clawed i grabed Mojo by his sholders and thightend my plams then he started screaming and slowly shrinking the girls were shoked i kept growing and finished with holding a small idiotic ape he was scared i left him on the ground as he fleed i chukled the hole town felt it then with a simple move element x moved like a tide engulfing the hole City and as it retracted the girls noticed the town was fixed any injured healed any other problems fixed for no i then started shrinking my form changed to be made out of purple fur my jacket on my sholder and the girls were wide eyed and mouth open wide i chukled and left i found myself at the vulcano i changed that spot now a wood mancion was there i saw many usefull materials and plans the vulcano was not so large i walked in it and made some lava to energy engine with things left here then i made some comctions to the grid made a fake name and personality i then marked a door here to worck as a transport i arived back to the house were suzkins was siting with a shotgun i arived and came to se she waited for me loking to the town i sneaked up to her and huged her she paniked for a moment then calmed as my smell was felt she was me i was wering a jacket i was smileling and asked if she wanted to move as i got a nice new home as we bowth were difrent from ower kins they bared us here as we were the dother and son of the alfa of the house we have difrent mothers i hugged her as sme nodded we arived in a moment i alwredy took all the stuff we had and she saw a large grass platform over a vulcano she noted there was a distance from the platform i saw a small lake around the vulcano i saw kids swimin in it Suzkins saw too i told her we now own a large mounten there is a stareway down we walked down and i met with thre girls they were seeing the new house up the vulcano i smiled and waved them over i saw the profesore follow the girls as he was using a mecsnism to identify element x wen he reached me it went all off he loked up as i got him from the ground as i explained these are resident of the town here we must me abit more reserved as they are no threth of taking over ower home i alsaw anounced that i Palekins shall houst party's here from time to time they asked me wath kind as then they saw me tuch my shadow and pool a kitar from it all made of black material purple strings and markings over it i taped the flore and too spikers formed i told suzkins to walk behind them as then i strug the kitar in a rather rock song with the giberish liricks my fur turned red and some civilians came shaking theyr heads at the rith they all were enjoing the song and after few minutes the song ended i got cheered at and some gave me some mony for the intertsiment at the water pool they were suprised even suzkins after wich me and suzkins walked together i arived at a shop showed her how to do stuff i stressed the inportance of mony and that it cant be faked we both some meets and suits along with good alchohol and juces we went to the casheer and both the things we chose i alssw asked if i can make a tab for my sister as she is not used with cash yet we talked shared contacts and met with the manager i asked if the tab wood worck theydiscussed and aske dif i have card's i shuck my neck then then he told me his shop has a special card that can store serthen amounts of mony for theyr kids to buy stuff safely i got one and paind to be filled enoght ro buy ten times over wath we alwredy both since i alwredy sold a cuple intelectusl propriety's of jojo's genius as now he is just a monki or wathever we then returned and had ower happy day's we kept making showes her songs wer good for calm days and wen requested my rock for birthdays or other songs i became abit of a scelebrity as so did my Suzkins we lived a quite happy life i alsaw thoght about society and how thing worck finaly we established the vulcano and a section of the pond for ower personal use wile its ilegal to goup the vulcano and any idiots will get theown in the lake mabe brokwn limbs and soo , we invited the girls and the doctore to dinner from time to time we moustly ate well seasoned meet as we are mest etters i came in the picture wen the girls needed back up like wen the idiot tried to make copy's of the three originals i had a second chamicle x monster wich shrinked to a small stature and then geting besten by the girls i saw Lumpkins causing truble i pulled out my super dubble berrald shotguni was about thre times his size he noticed me wen i pointed my gun at his face and showted:GET OUT OF MY CITY LUMPKINS.

he turned pale wight and then ran to his home he knew the whole city is my and only my to damage I dissolved the gun and walked back to my home then I saw later on the tv wen Lumpkins started the wrecking session to then meet with my super shotgun and then turning pale and leaving with his tail between his legs I smiled as Suzkins hugged my hand which was a lot thicker than before I am resembling quite a much Boy 'n' Girl shapes both of us were quite exaggerated forms of normal humans any who dare to look at my Suzkins get s broken leg while she feels the same she was not born from a kins but a human female which managed to escape after giving birth to Suzkins I asked and father said she had orange hear and a sensual form he spoke in a rather brutish way but I remembered snd as I showed a picture of miss Blume he pointed at it and said yep that's her with a rather lewd face and he earned a punch as I left me he knew what he did and I left wen I arived I decided to make a coll and ask for Lunch at ower home to bowth the mair and his secretery they bowth talked and accepted the invitation there were preference like the cooking amount we invited them at the door and i opend the door i was about a fear bit toller then the miss wile the Mayer was around my ankle i got doen and olaced the mayer on my palm as i spoke and alsaw invited Ms. Bellum she walled in suprised at the simple yet plesent to the eye home of my own i broth the Mair st the table seat then pulled a chear for Ms. Bellum she sat and was broth close to the table i then setted the plates and knifes for them then then the wood blouls for us as we ujualy est with ower hands then the sceramic plates wich are perfectly clean i then asked for Suzkins and she broth from the kichen four plates her feat clad boots came first as she walked her abundent rear and slim waist with the handle sof the overalls covering the niples of the short furr clad chest she had a abundent hear with the antenas and plesent smile she walked and the resembelence to Ms. Bellum was evident she placed to more medium cooked stakes one with a side dish of pikles wile i stsrted eating potatos for me fried of the lady's boid drained os s part of the water then added butter and a spoon of milk and a tee spoon of solt and a dash of peper it was still in its quazy solid state she then mixed and finished the pure then with a spoon she placed a generose amount to herself and half the amount of the meat on Ms. Bellum plate i saw the mair alwredy with a pikle in his mouth he noted that there were too Ms. Bellum's one wering a fluffy sweter under the overalls he did ask is Ms. Bellum has a sister or something she thinked a bit and after she moved the hear from her face i noted they did have close facial resembelence but Suzkins has not coverd her face she thinked and with a snap of her fingers she said , there was the acident wen her sister was lost for a few months on her way to the town few years back she was found in a vilege muttering something about a pink bear and a lost child miss Suzkings said that her father told her about her mother being skinny week and red headed she didn't stay as she ran , Ms. Bellum was a bit detached wile my suzkins was woried and abit curious well she was still a bit dumb wile Ms. Bellum was smart enoght to understand wath i wanted wile the boys acted as boy's the girls talked they got along the Maior was good at talking he was funny to i broght him to my chear and placed him on the seat side holders wich were large enoght ro act as a bed for him but he slinged his legs on the edge and we wached some tv dorin this the too girls talled about theyr lifes, clothes ,and food Ms. Bellum understood the normal Fuzzy kins are quite stupid dumb even but Suzskins is abit difrent she was more human and that nature grew her looks remaned similar but she periodically shortens her fur cleans her claws and washed up dayli i do too the claws the shower and stializin my fur to stay confortable ower fans have made a rutine in the morning and afternoon Suzkins sang calm olesent songs on her stage wile after her during the eavening a few hours after the foll of dark i rock we do duets from time to time a nice mix of bowth and swich depending on birthdays and soo the donations are good a change i am developing teck to benefit the Townsville from easy to mass produce to rarely both the Gengsr gang were both as sorter's and managers of the junck in the junkyard they tried to rebbel but a nice few slaps they understood dont mess with my stuff and they know i use junck to build there are drones that started asisting them as the kept a eyeand got some cash too to live well the green boy's became evidently more busi the things went well untill the girls were attacked by a huge plushy i apered as they were going closer to my home HIM felt pain that day wile the olushi was safe i started working on his power wich was permanently ripped out of HIM he showed this scar on his torso a claw print wich burned at HIM wen he thoght to truble me or my vulcano ending with a visit by HIM and waching the litle imp with saws filled with razer sharp teath he noted the imp was shor femeale and her maw was closed in a cute smile she is red and wering thin clothes she bowed at the entety of unspeakeble evill but he froze the stolen power now coruoted bg element x and a forren will she smiled and said MaMa how are you doing and such on he was shoked pissed off happy untill HIM noticed there was no evil within the spon he acted quite tsunery HIM was pissed off st me not the inp i smiled and asked Blens if she wood be a deer and bring to me a medium level demon from the abiss she smiled opend her mouthband spouted out a demon lord he tried to eschape but only minced meet and a core was left the mmet was returned to the abiss as i bulped down the soul stone she enjoyed the sight and absorbed the residual energy's as Blens formed a oroboros demonic mark then she huged me and went ro her room i smiled and told HIM make truble i get more Abiss Maw imps got it , at wich he nodded as he knew he was weack and the stupidly large abounts of evill placed him in a dilema he wanted to live close to me he knew my kins nature and i pated his sholder rhen told him you can live in the second level of the vilcano i do thinck you like hot zones yes remeber you of home i made a good room under the platform it can ajust as needed do come to eat with us naber , this went better then previously expected i went and took my bed as the Suzkins took her place over my lsrge chest we bowth slept nude i felt something rather bothersome and something sad so i made a link with my prime got the knolege and pluked a guy in red from his moment of desth then i pluked his lover they bowth will arive were they left off then i gave them a thin coste of my x element and made bowth a home in the forest with instructions to visit us as then we visited the mair house and affer a ice tee we retur e dand rested.