Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 459 - 459.Waking and message.

Chapter 459 - 459.Waking and message.

I woke as the surroundings woke as well I sturred and gathered up myself grom the giant fluff ball I condensed to an average human-like keeping my long and fluffy hear I stretched my clothes creaking at the large muscles I moved swiftly and I became intangible I was ethereal and arrived at Wight she was getting up she noticed me on her shoulder I smiled and she blushed I talked and she listened she made a seat for herself we discussed and I got a message I told her about human needs and that pink will decide to live were she desires she nodded and I disappeared said my goodbyes to then open a gate as I arrived in my throne room I saw Harbinger on my seat she just sat there comfortably her armor was not visible I took my seat on her lap as I saw pandarians and a couple of other races they looked important I became visible as they asked the supposed queen I was about a head smaller than her and my parents surprised the Delegates observed my form simple casual and rather handsome they noticed my jaw neckless and my third eye they felt terror and fear i chukled at theyr pale faces difrent shades of wight then i close my third eye and go up then so did miss Harbinger she then moved aside i took my seat as my form grew a bit to fit the seat she rhen armourd herself as her dress was coverd in Anima plates i smiled as a crown made of pure Anima inbeded with radiant and gems wich absorb light i smiled they saw my clothes transform i now had a replica if Alucards Dracula armour colored purple black ans no sword but a large sikle at my hip i loked menasing at least that is wath i like ro see myself they bowed and asked if they can become Allies i considered the benefits and told them that we are going to make a banquet with all the rulers of the races as soo we did , i saw all the leaders even the demon faction had its leaders join us they went to miss harbinger but noticed the croun they thinked she got meried i burst out laffing loling at her she blushed i stoped and had a rather unkingly smile i poked her as i starte teasing her she stuttered and after the litle comedy show i became kingly and made them awere as i moved my scarf and opend my third eye i am the curenr owner of the Tree of Eternity i prmited spings of eternety to be made and i grant ny Harbinger the second moust inportant being to rule the grate trees nation i did tell them i will be off world moust of the time but if the tree is significantly damaged i will return the same goes with the i habitans here no one but my Harbinger and i can sit on the throne since its the core of the Tree and will conect with anibody and if youre weaker you will have your head blow up just like a watermelon hit by a balists verry funny too i placed a camera to wach if any idiot will try it i may brodcast it once a year, i enjoyed days of simple fun i finished clowinig around and finaly i opend the next portal i finished prepering and i was in my cajual clothes i walked the street alone i felt many horible terible things walking the streats i felt a single girl she walled towords me i felt hunger within her and a demonic influence i paced my hand in a oket dimension and pooled a bit of food fries hanburgers and a soda she was to pounce on me to then stop moving i had her within my hear she was surpised she tried to said a thre word chant to only get disruped by a hamburger in her mouth she dit it and well she muched on it i then jumped with her on a roof were i gave her the rest i untangeled my hear and hummed something completly eldrige yet suthing she noticed but only closed her eyes i told her that food can be hunted or both the former is better taistin thow i felt a being of the dark wander he was loking ar me and i loked back i did tell her there shood be a team of suprteens guided by the new juatice legue i smiled as Batman heard my voic i gave her my colling card and a small stck of gold coinsi told her keep at least one with you it is a way of coling to me you can alsaw sell them do mind thou if the cooler is not freands with you i may just have a snack toke care ow litle Harbinger of the triplegoner well have a nice day i thinck i will mess with wain interpises since they seem to develo funn toys and know i am not good nor evil i am chaos of the largest order i dont do distruction i nod care to protect but wen something come to shine in my eyes i may just keep a eye on it, as i finished the sentence my third eye glowed showing a skull , i then flew off as my large hear coverd my body leaving visible only my eye and lower cristal jaw i flew and Batman gave The legue a coll some heroes showed themselfs my way they were supised as inside my curly hear they saw minions of eyes i focused on the martian he was supised and then he fell on the ground cluching his head i cot closer to him the other juatice leagus were paniked and tried to stop me they passed right thrue me i cane close and in theyr sight i fased within the martian they saw his green skin turn prole his red eyes glowing purple ,golden and one last colore i loked at us the clothing swiched and kept swichibg untill it just stoped i took the visege of a rather normal male i finished cuting out from his consciusness my influence as he acidentaly peeked in the old ones memory's i took out those set memory's and added something less mind fukingky terrorfing i finished with the job and they saw the normal human form split into a Martian and a fluff ball with the skull gem and the gem jaw i had taken about a small bit of Jons flesh and blood i am curently mixing with my genes and finaly i asimilated it with the Anima i changed abit fizicley yes mentaly no i loked at jon jons wich was now sporting a hear main i saw some Anima cristals from spot to spot he shape shifted and returned to his hero costume wile the cristals became invisible i then spun and changed shape they saw a human loking form a tshirt a are of long pants and a hudy tied on my waist my third eye open wiele a new bigger maind of hear was visible it was the size of half my body i formed a cuppe apendiges hiden within the hear Man hunter told his allaies they are no mach and not even suprman can stop him alsaw wmiting that he bow is imune to fire due to an cajual murger and split i sensed quite some special people and i turned intanglible and then invisible next i aroched a building inside was a Joker with a crowbar i entered the pace and saw future red hood i entered the robin kid around his eyes a purple and black mass formed like his mask and then black pigment formed all over his body i smiled and the joker hit me more Robin was waching the show i started lathing like a megolamaniac ending with a stoic face the joker was paniking my host was suprised i got up as his wonds healed i walked slowly then gradualy faster and faster with each step i got closer i started talking and talking from my back tendrils kept Joker still as i started talking and taking and taking making him lissen no sleep no bathrume brake no food only water filled with enoght nutrients to keep him alive we soent a long time he was trieng to begg me to stop and so i did not stop this went for a week the joker was broken i chukled and with a cris snap he was turned to mince meat i then freed Robin as the meat became dust and from dust only a stone was left Robin grabed jt and then i found a nice resting spot then i slept the target was a kid he wood have become killer crock but now he found his mutation no more in exchange a purple mark was leff like a duddle with a eye that holds a skull and a lower jaw i then slept for a bit.

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