I woke the drain or ship arrived and I kept it from crashing in the see the Populus was kept safe I used the tree as a focus and broth it to a safe area where they were met by Adventurers a Greeting group arrived as the ship was rooted in vines from my tree the energy the ship produced I drained the excess and the anima crystals sealed any breaches the draenei ship was having I saw they opened the main doors and preparing for battle only to notice a small group language barriers was null and I made my way close to them they noticed I was pale my form was bulky I had elven ears a protruding lower jaw line made of Anima one of my eye were spending the skull gem while surrounded by void like mass that was absorbing light, on the other hand, my other eye was a deep purple glowing with a golden pupil that happened to have a slight the golden part was radiant and acted as a contrast the draenei were confused my being, in particular, was strange for even more alien then they own presence on this world i loled apn them and felt they were in cohots with the radiant idiots i felt no Naru on theyr ship but thenlight in them is evident i got them in a bit more pacefull atate as i expained they arived to Asorath and i broth the slowly foling apart shitp for maintenence and for them to join my comunity as the burning legion is quite powerless as my trees roots have spred all over the surfese of this panet redirecting any purpseless Arcane pools from forets to mountens and allowing the ground fill it deep withind the ground new resorsed sufesed and i found any Titanic facility's they were taken over my the Anima roots reactivating and beinging them to me with no threght the Black dragon flight leader remained normal wile the devowerer was dealt by me he was a nice snack i wandered around the world as i aheve enoght energy to poperly move they noticed the nature magic was afective agents my anima since it takes longer to convert it wi worlocs energy was a lot easier and with the too powers my body holds i an bowth incovinienced and bosted by one or another wile my anima was a good base i managed to make Anima vsriants like void anima or radiant anima they were populare with the nerubions and the other races respctively i felt imortals ty were growing tdyr religions and sendin them to get the best prise water from the well of eternity a few imortals went thrue the dungeon and bearly arived at the slide i was present they were redy for battle and they noticed i was not in any normal foms i ahow myself to the people i was gount tall as the imortal he was half stag and with stag horns i was siting on the entrence to the slide i had my feet end with Anima claws my lower jaw made of Anima giving him a gimm smile i was coverd by a lear of robes that loked oficial i bowed and asked the demigod of the forest next to him thre Adventurers to brothers and a woman on a tiger they were ragged they saw me in my other form i bowed and asked for theyr purpse they felt compeld and saw the demigod sai : I have come forth to get a vile of the well so i may forge a conection to the emerald dreame .
Then one of the brothers said: I came to gain the power to protect and destroy the threat to my home.
The other brother: I came to help my lord of the forest so the pace may continue.
The woman: I came to keep safe my beloved ones as well help the Lord of the forest.
They were supposed to not speak, I smiled at their looks Illidan was eyed by the Lord I chuckled as he wore Anima armor and welded demons, slayer blades made with anima to enhance the power I finished laffing and told them frankly the big demigod will not fit through the slide and it won't benefit him, on the other hand, the three-night elves will benefit if they pass through the HEROES PATH as I call it, it is made to empower guardians of this world and likely you came in the right number to not go mad from power for a while of time the process can cause euphoria I sent a few goblins down the slide I got the analog of big fuking orc's on steroids on the other side interested I sent multiple goblins to get human-sized goblins hobgoblins to be more specific with the hulk-like goblin he learned a special skill to be more of a huk dr banner way I called him Jackle and doctors hide and the hulking form was Jackle as he usually wore a magical jakale suit that grows and shrinks as needed i found it funny since he wears a coat with metalic metal snap button that made his tranformstion smuth and less cloth tering they were tasked with other jobs they were curious since i started project Heroes i told them to sreed the knolegebonly week being can afected more redominantly by this slide stronger one is they transform less i had small amount of peolpe pass thrue the slide , Wen the four creatures passed thrue the slide i saw ilidon grow wings his feet turned to hoves and his fingers became claws with fangs next was malfurion he got wolvorine claws fetherd wings and grew horns next was Tiranda she grew tatoos all over her body all formed like stelar body's and such with a moon crest on her belly next was her wight Lion changed became a wereliones and was quite supised her mind was advanced but now she was even more she canstill go to her mount form but can alsaw help her in more compexe hunts i finished cheking the three new Heroes as they were droed in the side pool of the Well of the eternety were the power was just right to not overcharge and die they saw a vile of water for each of them i gave illidone a contract just like i did for Malfurian and Tiranda they bowth declined but Illidone he smiled and acetted the rush of power overwelming his rationality he then rote his names as the too heroes had theyr gift the water viles wile illidone drunck his as he transformed i managed his foem and it looked quite cool next was the armur that afixed to his transformed state and wen he returned to his pevious form tatoos were visible they then saw the chanels that go from the secundary pools to the outside to the Elves the stream was slightly tainted by Anima dust they demigod arived with me he saw the well and i took a larger vile i filled it and gave it to him prsonaly i then showed them the way out and so they left to make the new wells and difrent structures like the world tree and all that i had a seed nearby acting as regulatore illidone was wandering the land helping and doing his best to prevent any poblems he comes monthly for his dose of power wich he shears with his Adventurers group the Demon hunters as they got demonic lokjng anima Grouths they are alsaw good at hunting any isiotic cultists and demonic convergences i enjoyed the show i felt the threghts were almoust done with i started to worck on the transmiter and the hemeth was enoght i chanaled the endless energy of the well as i had Arthus and all the rest of my strongest of Adventurers and Heroic units the dome was complete and i saw a tare in the fabric of space as a citadell was showen i alwredy had the mark for the ond goate the other titan offspring were under my comand as i have all the facility's under my thumb i flew to the casle and i started to absorb the guards the power facility's and finaly theyr leader as i had my woriors with the valkery's invade we were done in abit less then a day of truble i finished my new snack and got a nice number of souls that i imedietly revived into dungeon monsters wich were sent to theyr brake rooms we had small anoing rebelions to be splaterd wen they actualy tried to do something this acured around few times a year and rearly there are no cajualties i opend the the difrent gates in my dungeon power left the tree they all saw it suround the tree and then cristalised in leafes then they felt my presence as i spoke its time to reclame a land broken desolate and in the cluches of the burning legion the nethergste was redy and my heroes made the breach to the new lands i was above the door and i finaly i enterd the door i felt all thre lords of the burning legions look in my direction they felt my power corut theyr teritory my anima seeds took root and grew taking over this near zone using any resursed to grow untill i felt a rumbell then a green ish guy came towords me i thinck he is acua blue he was a oversides Drenari he was fist sent since i stoped his energence to destroy the human lands i batteled with him as my Heroes and Adventurers managed the minions he broth i almoust finished bringing Pudge the large magic user was surised as a hook grabed him by the neck and a axe was then stiking out of his chest then with some swift cuts i had his soul i devowerd it and the anima growth gree even faster each day i claimed more and more teritory next was a red version of the previous guy he was stronger but not by much Pudge handeld him wen i reached half way competion of the planet i saw the titan he in exchange saw a monstrozity wile my allayes saw a purple mass of light like a anodite with radiant golden particles spred like stars i battled with cristals and energy progecrilesb he was suprised as he saw i jsut coted my body the heroes saw i made constructs and used them to battle thei took around a day as i claimed the rest of the land and he was surpised as tendrils geabed at his body draging him down i entered his body found his siky and i showed the memory of the Architect and his plan this wos enoght to get his mind distracted and finaly i shaterd his mind then i absorbed his will to then start absorbing his body i felt the planet and the rifts all stavilize and come under my controll i had a bit of water from the well of eternety i setld the well in a stable pace as the Anima continued to cover the lower side as then it changed the floring peace of teraini added mass and formed more land wile i sted upp portals as i saw some dreinai souls and alive i broth them to the ones wich eschaped with the ship they reunited some and some didnt the orc and demon tribes in the twisted nether were now under my controll as i showed them wath ment power as for now i can sustain my own existence witout the tree bit it is a very usefull tool miss Harbinger was given the roll of taking care of the dungeon wile i rested and started builing the nexus the portal between the first land and the nether was activate once each few weeks as i kept myself moving from and between the too worlds i finished the pepsrstions and now the multiversal gates are redy with moust threghf now null and void i can go multiversal i first need a nap.