Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 443 - 443.The flight's end.

Chapter 443 - 443.The flight's end.

I woke as my arrival on the planet was imminent I woke as my guillotine ax floated under my shrunken form I had my gem safely in my mouth and I am not chewing on it like the start with my personal Mercury guards were made specifically to guard my gem since once I accidentally dug a deep grave within it and I got quite the annoying glitch I fixed myself with the help of pink no other knew of the little accident her code was very useful to make my Mercuri synchronize and inherit with others, the ship docked behind the moon as the moon base was made to goo deep in the moon I then left to erth on my large guillotine ax I looked rather human if not the purple skin red eyes blue marks and the giant fuck off ax covered by my Anima cristal I prepared and descended over a seaside town I flew and saw a large statue near it a gem town some humans live along with them I flew down to see a Garnet with rose pearl amethyst Greg and a small kid cute too I found myself condesendingly loking at them to then just fly down with a smile growing on my face wen i was close to the ground i stored the axe and saw pink make a takle hug she was around my size i huged her back and the cristal gems and greg were confused i let go of her and luked at the litle hibrid with a smile i felt his gem wich was now procesing pire data bo emotions and then i saw him aproche me as i got to meet the litle star he was a good kid and i felt he inhereted quite the life force from his mother he will have a chance to make another hibrid as his partner wile his mother can make quazy imortal life with her tears i separated worck and famaly so the homeworld will worck smuther i inteoduced myself as Anima the literal soul gem with quite the capability to abliterate civilizations but too lazy to do it full time i chukled and this garden world will serv as a new adition to homeworld as a brother race short lived but full of creativity just look at the litle man over here he actualy managed to make a greater being then himself olmoust sacrifice her life to make another of his soecies well good thing i anticipated this and they bowth survived with just a small loss of vitality and potential hehe i am going to enjoy my tiem here to rest my curent form if my smallest size and any further wood make it unconfirtable i smiled as many mercury left my body each ataching to Greg and Coni wich arived few moments after i arived thwy bowth were now wering a bracelets and i told them the simbiotic like form were made to interface with biologicle life forms to allow a protection mesure so wel they dont acidentaly die and couse grief to they oved ones pointing towords Steven and Pink, then we finished the greating,s we went to the house were i was aked of questions of my adventures i wich responded with the times we met with hostile civilizations wile the more peacefull ones were made in gardens the wild life and plant life was bousterd bu the juce pink makes greg alwredy was partialy imortal since they do the did for plejure from time to time the juce i make is difrent and i learned i can make abominations as i coll them so i made moust normal gems the human body template dose allow the diamons to harvest the gem juce rather eficiently the unique bilogicle life infused with the juce dose make it easy for the short lived sapient life to join the rancks and the unique powers they gains dose help we had enjoyed the growth of ower empire the brake we take from time to time dose help we managed and we have family gaterings even pink with stiven once he was born the other gems thinked if they wanted to make a kid i did note the side afects and resolve they wood need to go thrue some chose to make some kids and be devorn as hibrids some left theyr children knolege and recordings to be rememberd as the waight of time dise hold a rather permanent waight on theyr fragie gems well thats all we had fun and untill i decided to retire i made a portal room giving all my goodby's and reverted to my lion goate form they knew of it but well i always took the human form i kept my red eyes and the blue marks i left with some of my gems my more loyal ones and i got my replacement a construct made out of Mercuri gems weaker then me but has enoght strenght to help out wen they need it the four diamants have it split as subordinates guiding the creations i made and wen they reunite the eldrige cristaline life form fuse shesr memory and acts as a surigate for them with theyr capability to distill my unique gem juce my gens have some carbon based life form form's .

After the goodbyes, we arrived in a new world I took my first step to then feel a blade piercing my chest but well my automatic shape-shifting module activated and a hole was visible in the place where the bade was I looked and saw an amalgamation of flesh I felt disgusted as I then sent my will around I hate this kind of infections flesh petals were the transmission mode and when the creatures are formed they can infect directly I ten felt a universe made steel I then cover my body in my Mercuri I looked like a bipedal gate demon with large black fluff as I analyzed the situation and with tendrils, I grabbed infected creatures as I stuffed them in a purple bubble I kept doing this until I reached the universe made armor I coked my head I ten compressed the flesh pile as I saw him eat them more like the armor was eating them for the energy I waited until he regained his senses and then he talked to himself and noticed me I then floated the flesh sphere to him then I started deconstructing my Mercuri units the gems were stored in my own safely paced in stasis the sistem is not capable to scan me as such he may see me as a unknown except for the description a humanoid loking heteromorph with strange ability's status unknown advizing carefull actions , i then saw him rapidly finish fthe flesh i then loled at the large construct that makes the tirents home i was not happy and he noticed but well i took a second look at him to then start glowing purple and my gem moved to a difrent configuration i shrunck to a aproximatively human size my fluff giving way to flesh like complction i loked once more rather similar to Loki i smiled as my glowing red eyes smiled and asked were exacly an i right now , to be responded with a containement zone , then i aske dmore soecificly to then learn that i was on the olanet erth and that the world got systemized i blinked at this answer and asked wath dose that mean he answers and i understood i then used my Mercuri to form wings and a suit of armour i said my goodbyes and flew around some humans and other species saw me i was alsaw intercepted by ahips asking-threthening me to well come down i smiled my arour changed to a very demonic look and i just flew towoeds the ground and i just flew into it literely swiming within it i lept swiming untill they lost me i emerged in a dungeon i found a cozy place and made a bed i amsaw planted some gem's deep and worde off the zone as i slept.