Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 441 - 441. to the next world.

Chapter 441 - 441. to the next world.

Woke up and felt the world start noticing us more me and my gems hmm I have Anima, radiance, Glitchy then Cipher, and now I upgraded Anima to draining Anima but well I got what I wanted to let's not get hunted in this world of swords and magics because I donat want scratches and patches and if your wandering ,pondering from time to time i do try to rime since well i am one day short of time and i dont find any rimes that go well with the speppy times at least for one day a week i just accidently ,intentionaly forget about the time and forget that i need to rest in time i am now on hay of sleep less juce no colla or pepsy since those dont get me tispy but blue light that gets ne going all night if i may be frank i dont get it at least i dont rearck of sweete and tierdness just a small head ake i do not go well with this rime did i lose some time ow i just swiched with my other side we are too you see he is rules i am creativity another way of puting it i am insanity and he is my forever twin sanity i compete him at grate needs pain sufering that is sometimes my triger but other my as well help to get him my way i shood have said it before i am emotion he is cold logic did i do it right brother ow it seams i ran out of time ,and i took my seat on this sofa of thre i an not agreeable with this arangement so you know the vail between dream and reaity is always thin wen we dont sleep the inanaty takes its seat next to rationality and i look at bowth hmm were are we on a red bench outside at the subrize but were were we lking a yea on ower kid sized Meewtate dont bother i have my mind under the writes rime it seams he landed his small feet on a insane plane of time and sape out of sink he may be on the brinck of the fall of chaos i shielded him and now i am selecting a generic world wile his companions were sent to the polet world even a creatire of the void may get disoriented in this place well i wil see it going damit those singulre world do not mess with intruders ,enterlpers it seams my other too fragments have theyr claws on my body once more i say you goodbye as i am this Autores inner Autore i jump in from time to time plsing things in line to be at least abit understandable bye for this night.