Chapter 419 - part.

i dont knwo honestly they are insectoid and a bit disgusting they had guns i pooled out a scaner took a scan and found that we are in the rick and morty dimension a dimension not the prime one i scaned and saw a cuple fake famaly's we met with some as we were in ower human foms we saw few morty's and Ricks they were the suspicious ones wile the rest just sociolozed they knew we were foren entety's and since the scaners showed nothing well we were old gods or very hay teck creatures yada yada i stole a famaly and we checked theyr makeup to see they were mecsnicle and biomecanicle in nature the rick was calm since i showed him the scans and knew they were fakes i told him that there wood have been a esamoth cascade soon so he is luky since we are sending them to my boss's reserch albs to worck wile your famaly will be safe we then activated a buton as they were teleported to the inner world wich was locaged within primes body wile the Avatar in the lower plane had a gate towords it, we prepared and enterd the next gate to arive at a wight void the ground was ilujionary and there was no limits to its expansion i was yold by wight that the outside gives her shivers wile grey was hiding under the table i was curently in my fluff form i then streched and my gorm grew to my human form as then to extra hands grew along with my neals my ears my black eyes that now look like a stary night my black fur had small star shaped paches al over it i hunched abit to line my spurs and then they grew to be visible i then moved abit my hear to make my antenas visible i smild my sharp tothed maw and then to finish my tranformation i formed a jacket shorts and my sandles perfect fit lrge enoght to move freealy and then my eyes had a constelation within my stary eyes slowly shifting thrue all the constelations i know i loked around to then see a skeletal creature with a slash on its chest red sting and too difrent colored eyes a red and blue with a strange thing in them i presume he is Geno Fatal Error as i loked at him he was glichy i analised and he was just wandering talcking to himself something about his brother i came close to him i wacked but no sound was made due to the pads on the bottom of my feet i checked and finaly got him by the code i started enveloping his body with my magic i felt the broken code and tore it from his body wich destabilized but i started filling the missing code with my magic he stedely changed shape his bones thickend up his ribs fused wile a large bone plate coverd the empty spor were his nonexistend gust were he can open the plate at will to store things like a mimik pouch but stuck and acting as a belly the bone plate was like skin soft and fluffy his wond was no more wile his wight clothes were still there the soulshard was no lnger there as a new soul was forming and i suplid the necesery magic he got up from the ground and masaged his head i was squating next to him with a pare of yolo glasses wile my stary fur pattern was chainging colores like a discoboll i had a sharp smile as he loked at me he blincked then smiled as he asked for a hand to geg him up i did soo i checked his body for any abnormality's and saw he had a magic core shaped as a small demon monster siting in his eye soket with his soul on its neckless wile it wore some shorts a hody and slept with his back to were he gazed at, he formed a pare of horn wile his feet turned to hooves and lastly on his back a pare of wings grew this acured wen the small demon turned to the other side and lked out of his eye soket but he didnt exit is since he dose not want to die or hurt ist houst and it can eschape if his houst is about to die to find another skeleton and revive via taking it over and reconstructing its host's body i saw that his host was in no dainger and closed his too glowing blue eyes that swiched for a moment into a red colore it turend and returned to resting position his legs returned to normal well along with his horns dicepearing he loked at me i smiled and talcked with him he was depresed i felt he desires his brother i smiled and asked him to try and brethe out magic wile imaginating his brother he did soo as from his mouth left dark smoke with blue and red smoke along with it the smoke concentrated and wen his breth finished it shaped and formed a black skeletal form into a papyrus shape the dark mass finsihed forming bones then they turned grey and clothes coverd him as then i added my magic making him permanent and finaly a small devil with a soul formed in his skull sleaping around were his soket was he was doll like for few moments as his soul stabilized and then sans saw Papyrus wake with the too eye light activating his bones were thicker and a complete torso with a eight pack papyrus had smoke too he used it on the flore to then a plate of well cooked Gyoza , at this sans asked me if its normal i just told him the code for spagety was rewriten with this food due to it being a iconic magic from the world i got this magic from so the rules of fait roled and he is still a cook magician he can make other foods but they wil look like that may give difrent effects like healing and such wil your magic is probably rezurection since well you are Geno the sorcerer of reviving magic wile your brother is Papy the sorcerer of culinery delight magic well at least he likes the new food juat to be awere they are coled Gyoza and its the favorite food of many it can be filled with many tasty food's, well at last he is rather happy about this and sans is as well since he fells its the right brother his brother slightly changed but his in all aspects his missing brother we left as i located a timeline were genoside passed along with the palyers influence i told him how to make other sorcerer's out of the revived monsters all he needs to make the reviving smuther is the monsters body or ashes in simple terms then i left them to do theyr things as the portal was made perfect they can activate it with enoght smoke we arived to a nice world and went to rest for a bit.

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