Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 416 - 416. from beast stars to another world.

Chapter 416 - 416. from beast stars to another world.

We woke checked around and attracted some rather meat-eating carnivores there was a deer with sharp teeth, guy, he thinks we looked quite tasty as we left a few piles of predators' bones we finished when we visited a wolf and rabbit pare we talked and met his grandfather he was surprised as we are quite immune to any toxins and such I got a small nanite wrist band for the three of them, for the rabbit girl in endurance for the wolf regeneration and the old man containment of well his brand of venom so he can touch people without worry we the prepared and we left I opened the ship and my to companions entered after which I stored it in my neckless I moved my hand and a gate opened the three were opened wide-eyed and mouths agape I reverted to my more human form with a second pair of hands grew from under my first pare I waved while my back spikes and antennas grew I smirked my sharp tooth smile and I left with a soundless step they saw me enter the gate as it closed behind me I checked the coordonates and we arived on a planet it was at its start of being well doomed i found myself apeer near a lege man he held a huge sword and he was cutting his way thrue Angelic and demonic creatures i kept my clole on we cut theue some corpses and i first changed my body to my human fom i equipped my battle suit and then i pooled my large fuck off vibro blade one atom thick and as strong as adamantinte and vibranium mix with nanites to make a self repering structure i took my steps and jumped at the large demon he was batteling i swung my blade and War saw its head fly off the surounding demons were scared and ran some strong demons atempted to kill War i kept them off wil i then tuched the corpse and injected it with my nanites asimilating large flesh parts before he managed to be sent to his abiss i taped on my gountlet were a tablet formed and then a gate opens from my back to then from there drones flew hunting demons and hostile angels from demon to demon my toys absorbed theyr negative energy and beheaded the demons from normal to midle tier to medium demons the lords were avoided wile wen a drone was destroyd it tuched ground well it disolved in nanites and nanobots to consume some mass and make four this kept hapening untill they found a human wich got enveloped in nanote suit and then they got a gun or sword wich were used to battle along with dainger units gatherd from wen the hunter drones combated demons i was checking the process as war was kiling around me i sent nessges as i started the resque operations and to not get to harsh and to not waist the nukes as my drones went to harvest them for energy wile i sent some other drones to any human sing i harvested many demon souls and angel as my drones were special since they have theyr special energy my soul engine dose allow them to see theyr souls i had them gather the souls in one drone and bring it back to me as i stored them more safely this went for few days War was slothering all demons that lunged at meaince well i an a beacon of soul's we did talk wen he was resting and some of my drones killd and killed i used the soul to materialise more drones and such i had Azy to manage any new teck and such i had hundreds of humans coming in waves towords my place War was suprised as he felt they all were humans and the nanite suits kept them safe wiel some used from energy long range or middle range wepons to kill swaths of demons and some angels that were not up to the memo at least theyr sou were released i had large numbers of humans safe and i contained the spred of demons to this tectonic plate along with the angels i started erecting a dome the demon lords that arived at me were dealt with by my buzz saw blade's War was to be broth to the char counsel but no luck with my dome no demon king was capable to eschape it no Samaiel no Destroyer since well he was not born as the leader of the Angels was just nocked out near me along with some angels taking care of his wonds i constructed houses and got the humans acomodations i gave Wight and Grey acces to the hunting drones and personalized suits war was resting as his power was cut down bu the Chared Councill i had all interdimensional portals under suveleance and then sealed i discused with War as my suit deconstructed leaving to be seen my human visege in shorts a sleave less hoody i took a siringe with nanites and injected them in my hand to then black furr grew from the spot spreding from that point to all over my body a second pare of hands grew from under my arm pits my spine grew sures at each for spinel nots to antenas and my ears grew larger and a bit cute wile geting a round ish nose my teath grew even sharper as my neals shapend and turned black similar to my eyes dark orbs themselfs i streched and sent a anouncement to all from humans to demons and angels, Black: Greatings to all curent residents of this world i am Black the destroyer i am the same species as Stich if you remember him from the kids cartoons then i an teling you i am experiment 000 and i am here to help you litle humans since the thre idiots thincked it wood be esasy to just frame War for ariving to erly wile the demon and angel kings did asist in this ilujan to get him to decend well lets get the other thre they will try to clear his name you were the to be dead now not so much humanity survived congratz but now i need to kill the thre idiots wich allowed the sins to eschape you all are going to keep being surpresed as yes Demon king's i am taking down the chard council once i am redy i am alsaw going to gift the nephelims the way of qbecoming feritle with other species as i want to see many new nephelim half nephelin and even quoter nephelm children runin on this world i alwredy located the sins and i am going to make them into artifacts that will pare up with a serthen human to make the first hero's even if they have theyr flaws.

I harvested a large number of souls already plundered from here I gave them some things and we set a house and waited for the other horsemen since War sent messengers to them aka a warping demon in exchange for some souls he did trade with me for some souls I captured and lastly, we rested.