Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 413 - 413.Next world with a new avatar.

Chapter 413 - 413.Next world with a new avatar.

I finished my rest and then I took a soul fragment with the great ability's in the way of mind control manipulation and alteration and then added the evolving attribute and lastly my favorite flames with an energy source then I sent the sou to a newborn body I found myself in a test tube on a pedestal I was small cute dark fur strong claws and I fell a relly strong need of destruction yet I started self hypnotizing to stabilize my mind the guy who made this body was surprised but my calm way of being worried him since my body and instincts seem to desire to kill cause destruction and such but I contained myself as I used my claws to open up my containing unit he was surprised but next he was questioning me on things like if something went wrong and such now that I look at him he is rather fat four eyes large maw and such I feel I can use things mechanical things as such I mobilized the most useful energy's in myself and the doctor saw over my body dark blue flames covered me and they started covering the laboratory i saved the data and local data bases wile the doctore saw me turn this asteroid and then he was on a experimenting table wile the now new ship was finished i was coverd in nanite sworms as some now corse thrue the ship i loked at the good doctore as i enterd his mind he atempted to rezist to no problem for me i copied all his knolege Jumba he was quite insane i rewriten his mind and made him belive i was uncontroloble a threght to evrithing and that i stole his house and went to couse chaos only for him to eschape on one of his emergency ship as he activated a bomb and the hole laboratory was destroid maneging to save the experimental data i managed the new ship and mobilized it with some of the void energy from my core i can open gates and now that i got a rezilient body i can develop on it with my dear doctores knolege i started using my mind power to make some congruent minds to worck on difrent blueprints of some usefull specimens to harvest genes and power i made a tardis out of this new vehikle i have and found a daing star for fule i managed to get a time field keaping the star in contenuous colapse as then i made safeguards so no looping fenomena will acure we yes we i awredy made a cuple minions similar to stich but smarter and more usefull twins a male one and a femeale one i set the gate to arive to a difrent world wile i left the things that acured in the first world to go on with minimal difrences from the original, we arived above a planet erth like we arived on a iceland i found my ship on a mounten i saw a gods hand a begining of the true god i saw i felt his sides the good and bad side they were its consciousness it was geting use to its being i was alwredy gathering the radieting energy as i folowed it around the other too were curious but wached from the safety of the ship ,the cameleon circuit kept as we folowed its adventure to growing its religion and people i managed to fget enoght power to make a chaos god stone we left as the god managed to help out then i opend the next gate we arived to a strange world i am alwredy capable of shapeshifting and my nanite suit clothed me properly the too did suit themselfs with similar nanite suits we arived at a desoalte place i walked around wile the too were siting on my sholder or in my backpack cute and very daingerous i was met with some thugs they were dirty and mi just necked them uncosceus as we kept wandering i saw a nice shop i alwredy got some mony for the thre of us we enterd and met with a blond cute femeale and near her on a seat a guy with a lizerd head i got off my gogles and greted them my voice was low with a strong base some may even call it demonic my teath were sharp fangs and my too companions waved acting cute we took a table and we both quite the amount of food the lizerd head asked me if i was a soresuror or something i chukled and they saw my body change my ears grew large a second pare of hands sprouted wile my neals became black sharp and daingerous as a small lear of fur covers my body and a short tale was visible from behind with some spures grew acording to my spine's line i opend my mouth as they were shoked i chukled and my changes reversed they were curious if i was experimented apon or not i smiled and told them i was actualy a Alien and the other too are wath we start as and we adapt and evolve as time goes by becoming wepons of universal distruction or guardians depending on ower desire but now we want food and such we both food and then we were patient untill the lizerd guy left i asked the girl if she can asist us to arive to the sousorer world she was suprised but after a bit of convinsing i gave her a beacelet to asist her with defending herself we proseaded to pass jn the Sousorer world were we met with humanoids i had my maks on a mask made out of void materialized into matter with nanites around it to fix it on my face we walcked around i found some sampls for harvest of genes and such we ate all the body's alive like snakes i ganed the tumore wich simbolised theyr life to then disolve it since its rather useless keaping only the magic conductants as they call it the esence that alowed them to be with such strange ability's well the one i ate can make people get drunck with his smoke? wile Grey the male experiment got the ability to make food and Wight can now transform things into ciocolate ... we shood have chosen difrent soursorers but well now we can evolve this stupid things in something more usefull we wandered and i found a place to rest for the day and so we did untill next morning wen i wandered and serched for difrent magic users for us to absorb theyr some and replicate it we ended ower day wen i finished a stak of tweleve new powers we then went and sold some smoke after some time we were met with some authority's aka Demons wich i personaly ate aince they loked intresting they were a bit hostile eh thats that i guess we got a house and we started apending time training and such as we wnjoyed a nice restfull night we awfedy bubytrapt the hole place and we went to sleep.