Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 388 - 388. Checking the other races.

Chapter 388 - 388. Checking the other races.

I woke and saw Marceline rest for a bit as then I prepared some food and then we ate after she woke up as then my body formed wings as I carried Marceline we flew and first arrived at the werewolf town we were spotted rather fast as then we were questioned and attempted to be captured for unauthorized entry as such I nocked them out at least the more innocent ones as the others were feeling g quite the flesh bitting pain as they experienced the humans under them felt as we wandered the wolf den dressed in ships clothing more specifically Marceline since some told us she produced similar hormones like ship's I growled to the dumbfounded looks of the civilians as I looked quite the dangerous bearing they're ears lowered as some kids hugged their mother's or siblings we went to the main building where we meet with a beautiful female the bastard daughter of the king she was brimming with potential my eyes glowed I felt her essence along with the one of the kid in the small castle I asked her to go and meet her little shining star as she acepted with swest starting folling from her forehead we reached the kids room as i grew my horns a bit and then snaped them off at her suprised looks wile i remodeled the broken hornes into a sfere that seamed incomprehansible and then i made from some strands of hear as i have a long main that i can remove at any time nmy controll over my flesh and evrithing is rather good we meet the young tribrid in his werewolf mode i saw him open his eyes wide my grimm smile did not resemble of any races i smiled and tuched his chest as i felt his base genes being dead i gave him a rather plesent smile as i wispered in his ears you humanity is gone forever but dont rage and destroy evrithing since there are posibilitys and your psrents may have been turned in the process of being fead apon as such he may meet them once more then i placed the Marker pendent on his neck as it conectoed to his blesing as i felt Lucifers conection to it being perfectly masked and his himan geanes turning into necromorphic ones the marks from the pendants went on his chest and sloly grew writhing themselfes as they formed tatoos sll over his body glowing red then black as they finished forming i smiled as he held to his humanity he felt some new powers as he became my litle brother and uderstood we are capable of destroing this world rather esely if we relly wanted that is for now he will just need to evolve his new skills as he is now my harold we left as i huged him my form shifting to a more human one and then after a normal hug Marceline loked and then talcked with the future queen in this timeline at least since the copy was made with the gods replicas in mind we left as i checked the replica of lucifer he is conected to the original yet not bon to him in such a way it wood damage him if it for exsmple i devoeered him for s copy of his power but i was happy to just invite him to the inner verse to join the other replicas that i didn't eat alwredy , we left the casle as the future queen was shing in refe since we didnt couse to much maiham or death and the gift that she asked wath was about made her curious since he showed her the mental energy generation skill pasively then flesh mister active and lastly overmind alowing him to be conected with creatures of the same blood as himself granting him the capability to feel and conect to his parents and any blood relatives i folowed the link with Marselin and reached a unded town as there were as they call it vegetarians and such eating only beasts i found myself in a bone and plant based park the undead the inteligent ones were wandering and talcking wile some were eating and such they loked at me and Marselin as i changed to my more terror inspiring form as i just grew around te feet tall and with a inhale my body buffed up like a might as i filled my mucles with pure strong lifeforce corupted by my personal anodite Marker hibrid structure on my head as my long main was all sligthly moving i got Marseline on my sholder as i walcked to serch for his parent i walked for a few hours as we saw a group of undead walcking with purpose i moved my hand as my hear grew and grabed a man he was missing some flesh yet his face was quite similar to the kid i met before i saw a better dressed undead merchent come and aske me to return his worcker i laid my gaze on him as he felt pain as he was transformed from the chubby man to a femeale form with large personality and hips with a smuth waist and abit toller wile he had not so many visible wonds i left him still a man but the rest was now his problem along with the back pain that comes with having large assets i with Marselin left with the resined state of being i caried him to a hotle as then we started talcking with him he was suprised as i told him we met his son before we met him i made a cristal as then i fixed his body to be more holle and not with so much missing flesh and then i asked if he wanted to grow here since his son is a werewolf and will desiere to meet them wen he gets stronger so they need to get stronger too so they may not be a weackness to theyr son,as then i left him with some new skills and the ability to recognise him with a tatoo around his hart then we left as he got use to the ability to flesh sculp , asimilate and make any separated bits from him to make them move like a puppet master , we flew and arived at ower comparativly small casle were we went to sleep dor the day.