Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 383 - 383. enjoying the days and such.

Chapter 383 - 383. enjoying the days and such.

We woke and I got a pair of shorts and a T-shirt both purple and blue while Marceline took her favorite one peace dress that reaches to her knees while her heart reaches lower than it, I saw her head growing a cute pare of pecoran horns like Lourie from that world we watched from time to time me and Crona to be more exact this avatar she made for herself is still cute maybe she is thinking a similar thing any way we left the hotel and walked about I saw and met with heroes some had mental break downs or were made rather intimate with walls enough to not leave the walls without a good tug to them any villains were cripled or such depending on the sins we detected the cops were not capable to see us or identify since my mental fuckery works rather well, for example, wen endeavor was sent he saw a youthful version of himself next to a similar youthful version of his wife both happy and content with each other or the second time youthful versions of his mother and deceased father he cried that time and the people were suprised since they saw a pink fluffy girl with horn's and a tall creapy and scary guy in blue and purple shorts and tshirt with thunder like pattern we did not kill and wen we saw a small girl with one horn i smiled she shivered as then Marceline came closer and huged her she loked at me with stars in her eyes as then she asked me if we can keep her i had a phondering look as i tuched her forehead and learned all her knolege as i mentaly bloked her ability from manifesting then i checked her over for any locatores at wich i removed them painlesly as i started duplicating her deageing ability usefull to repear things and such my tuch was worm and confortable she opend her eyes as i smile then i saw in the ally a guy he on the other hand saw her father and mother from wich the husbond was glering st him and i met him he was strong but my ilusion moved idependently from me i came closer and tuched the guy from behind as he extended his hand at the imige i grabed him by the neck and drained all his energy, power , ability's and knolege without his will or anything else he fell on his knees drained and no more then a husk uncapable to recive any other quirck we left and i left him her sufering to dream any moment he was in amy state close to sleep ,we went to the hotel were Marceline showered her and cleaned her Eri was suprised as her aperence was cute and rather filled up even as her size was juat twice the litle girls i made her some clothes cute and plesent as then Marceline took her to some shops to eat wile i went to the laboratory were i told the guys that the eresaur bullets were no longer going to be produces as i was wering him as a disquise i have his quirk to boot i fixed the mess he did and the old man as i told him wath the his moust trusted idiot did he saw my true form as the people around ware not i told him the trught and that i restored his body to a point he can be his grandothers father wile i gifted him power enoth to teach her and i told him we will return her at the end of the day since my partner took quite the liking to her i asured him that my partner is a femeale and is quite the good person then we talcked and i left he got up and took controll back from the former fake leader ,i meet with the girls and we enjoyed a day at the beech as i saw some of the trash gone wile a green hear kid and a blond stick figure leaving the beech we ate and enjoyed the place and then we returned the girl to her granfather as we returned home were owed slime bed waited for us it was alwredy a necromorph that dose anything we desiere we slept quite the fluffy and good night.