Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 371 - 371 Getting new eye......

Chapter 371 - 371 Getting new eye......

I woke along with the other girls Nera Grey Red Green and Blanck I already finished absorbing the ouroboros full mark quite useful for an evolution angelic or abyssal but the best is the yng yang approach since balance is ki to many powers and void is perfect to be the base since all my fellow avatars and even prime has void as their base a base that can't be broken down due to its simple characteristic of nonexistence and existence no many can use it since well many will become nonexistent but due to my primes to part along with the zerg allowed us to adapt and grow all my fellow avatars have as their base while the flames of alchemy allowed us to keep surviving a bit easier we woke in the hotel and left as we felt angelic energy Blanck was acting a bit hallow since her previous power is now gone consumed by me she was expecting her death but since she has her ouroboros mark and will not try to get away due to having my personal mark on her soul we saw outside a guy in the weight battling with a girl in black that had contracts with demons i can feel it i was seen grow my wings and the next minute i had bowth of them by the neck as i felt the fragments of power desiere to be hole i pooled out theyr souls with the power and then i scraped off the core of the power leaving behind its marks so try can reform a sudo core in time as the anchent angels were rather busy serching for theyr mising seraphim now demoted to a base angel with rather special powers i then sent the souls back in theyr body as they saw me return with the eyes to the girls i made a glases frame and filed the lenzes with hallow cristal and then infused the eyes in them they were redy and i placed them on my face they glowed and the world slowed down wile i cood move rather fast wile i can sea eveithing with no problem i moved sround a bit and then removed the glasses of time almoste stop since a nanosecond for them can be a few months if i dont speed the time a bit to make it easyer to do stuff i can rewind and such but i like the time stop ability we then went around as i saw the them wake up confused and weackend the man tryed to use sage time to pewk blood and she understood they were bowth missing somethig important and they fleed to theyr hidy holes i opend the next garganta we entered and arived at a multitale verse i tok the first step on the platform and then i was folowed by the girls Nera Grey Red Grean and Blanck they all were curious due to the monsters that are around all strange and they loled at my litle group too since they loked quite difrent from the normal outcodes and such my body chainged and the girls saw me take a more gaster like aperence with the cristal hart visible in my ribcage some skeletons had nose bleeds as i finished chainging and then doning my clothes and cloke i turned to the girls and with a move they were clothed in a more confortable and cajual manner as harts acording to theyr soul colore formed as pendants as i gave Grean a copy of my soul as i have hers in my ribcage we walcked and talcked we saw difrent sans's and other Caracters from undertale i reached an house as then i equiped the glasses and made my way to antyerror as then i thched him and left a copy with him to asist with any bad copy's and such then i returned to the girls and i took my time lord glasses off then i nocked on the dore he opend it with someof the residents with him i asked him if he knew were can i find a serthen version of a ink he wenth thrue some versions of ink and i stoped him at the version i neaded then i snaped my finger as i located the code he was coverd by as we left i left behind a special soul for him it plunged itself in his body without a moment to let him thinck he was coverd by a black mass over some of his bones becoming confortable bandages that granted him creator privileges at a minimum level wen he is in his main form ,as this hapend we were in a anty void with a ink creating a house we saw the void the girls saw it and understood there is no eschape except me and normal residents i saw ink painting and then he saw us he got exited and cane to sea the new comers he was in fromt of ower grewp but he was suprised wen the anty void became all metalic for all except me since the glases were on my eyes for a bit of time in my perspective in wich i spred the metal far enoth to make it seam the void became metal i then captured the ink in front of me the girls were suprised as i fomred a hart in my grasp and then i placed it in ink the next moment his magic asimilated it for a suprise i left him lose and then the metal mass was absorbed back within myself as then we left thrue a garganta to a nexus were we enjoyed ower day in this place and then we went to sleep in a hotel.