Chapter 364 - 364. next word.

I woke and checked the world it was close to its end well the end of this era where the Pirat king straw hat is near death I saw Nera enjoying the world and she was flying towards me we met and talked after some time we went out I set up the powers already as the gates were ready to be active we opened my Garganta as prime entered here to fix it and protect the useful elements we arrived in a strange world I checked the nice towns and such we were in ower human forms we saw humans and such some had power some did not I claimed some time from some passers-by to learn the day year and location where we are in right now it seems we are in Canada and there are quite the programs for metahumans and such we reached the edge of the forest and we flew from there we arrived at the temple of the Ancient one wile we passed true the bothersome barriers there were alarms and such I saw the Bold woman arrive I was in my large metallic and electric form a Pheonix more dangerous than the normal i had Nera on my back she liked the fly over i turned quazy human as i asked were is she were is the hoste of the Pheonix as i loled quite unpaicent fhere was a fee woriors that tried to attack me to check if i am as strong as i look i moved my wing once and i had Egyptian postures as the metalic fethers were rather sharp i saw her get the time gem and thenshe concentrated and told me to go to Charls and such i changed back to my metalic pheonix form and with nera on my back we flew to her i reached there in a few hours as we saw things people plains and such we arived at the school were i landed to sea the x man team redy for battle only for me to the moment i tuch the ground lock theyr body's from moving with my bioelectricy coontroll i reached her in my winged human fom as i tuched her head i found myself in front of her chains wich i esely unravled with the help of the pheonix i filled her need wile i remodeled her body now more like Nera's and my own i caried her in my mind and embraced in my hug like a lonly pricess i took her and had Nera keep her resting on her lap wile ibaxted as transport i flew off as they loked at us in shoke i flew around the world untill i felt a force try to restrain my movement only to sea a man in a red suit and helmeth get draged on withbus as i kept pooling towords me i saw him agitated and rather weake i sent a cuppe fethers within his body doing the same as the former celestial dragon that died due to old age i still have the blueprint of her shell i got controll of his each and evry cells i moved him like a pupet wile we reached the iceland called Genoshia we reache i purged the idiots and rasits as then i remodeled the iceland ina perfect safe zone were me Nera and Pheonix Geen Gray gona call her Gray from now on i used Magneto to rule and gather other mutants wile we prepared trade with the outside world we were in ower pheonix forms patroling the iceland from time to time and wen Grey was called to fix a planet or another i just opend a portal to her location she charged the life bombs and threw them in there as we then got her back here in no time were we spent ower time safely in some time some kids from the school of the bold guy fewvyears and the name of mutant's were no more only metahumans were left as wen truble came we helpedblile galactus or invasions the time wen The simbiote go showebup with the santry's death i got my hands on his main body Null was suprised as i started devowering his mental progection and his main body at the same time i gave the hive mind conection to the guy wih venom we lived a peacefull and nice life in this paralel world untill the Main body of eternity visited us he saw as this branch off his body was about to be moved off to my EternytyTaleverse as it named itself it loked like a paper humanoid within a room it resembled a amalgamate of all Undertale main caracters i had my universe around its core near the original copy it was intresting but each new au will be reprresented as a new paper on its body he from time to time talcked with the eternity as they were similar, we finished seting the marvel we arived in to him we opend a new garganta and arived ar a strange world that i fecognised as the asdf world we went in ower diswuises and went around seaing silly thing happend Grey was shoked but understanding i ate a talcking muffet as we wandered this daingerous world wen we finished we sent that litle world to the EternytyTaleverse were was analised and derived some Au's based on bowth the base undertale and its new asdfMovie verse or simply asdf verse we left the verse after few hours of daingerous fun we arived at a more simple world were weboth a house and took some time to rest.