Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 349 - 349.The little zerg's journey.

Chapter 349 - 349.The little zerg's journey.

I was left with miss Natasha I still had my father's flames burning deep in the core cells I have no vital organs but I am currently mimicking normal humans structure the tissue and blood samples they took degraded rapidly once they left my body the mental energy I have was already infused in every cell of my body as such separating any cell except the ones used for reproduction lastly I felt as she kept me safe ower minds were in sink allowing each other to pass feelings and really small ideas I spent fee years with her she taught me many things I learned I trained and I learned her ability's as well and my additional complete zerg capabilities I meet the Hive nest with her they grew to take part of the sandy zone converting it as a city was made on the surface friendly relations were set after the queen reported a missile by her hands alone and her power is third place due to her specialization being in weaving and hand to hand battle with a blade Mastery strong enough to cut superman in half with a bit of effort i was gifted some gnetical adaptations all rezistences since i need to hunt my power by myself the rezistences were a given so they can all survive with ease even a fool out in this world i reached to the size of a ten yer old and my ageing stoped she got woried but it happend one day we were around and i saw Natasha go with her team to stop him the mad titan i secretly stalcked her and as he was to snap his finger they all saw as from the back of him i bursted out of the ground with tendrils jumping alongside with me i grapeld him and managed to get the gountlet out of his hand i had it at my chest as i was seen my hands turning to claws my cute mouth to a viceous maw as his eyes widen and he saw for the last time i chomped off his head then kept taiking bite after bite the Heroes and zerg natives to this world saw this they were suprised and hesitant to act since i just ate the enemy they were strugleing with wen i finished and took the last bite they saw as the bountlet was thrown straight to natasha wich smiled with a hevy hart and from the moment she saw my emergence she knew of my heretige as wen i finished i was enveloped in a crisalise as they saw purple lightinig form in the clouds gsthering them in a worpool i felt the other zerg kneel the Heroes were shoked as the human loking herg transformed to a more insectoid look and with a smile they cut theyr wrists as small amounts of blood flowed to me slightly increasing my power and granting me more weekend powers that i need to refine them i gree in size to a young teen my mucles were not that visible but there, i finished my growth spurt and opend the crisalys with my large bone wings they were like the quene of blades but with bone plates covering them forming similar structure to bat wings if they were made of them i was still short but thans's genes were usefull to grant me a over time growth as in time i will be the strongest i then got scolded by Natasha as i was broth home she handed the gountlet to the back to normal zerg wich broth it to the hive nest as it was used for the best purpose food and stuff's nothing grand just large amount of food they dont need a wish granting gountlet to make theyr wishes true since they will lose the fun out of it ,its better just to have food to facilitate the fun they have i then lived few more years and wen i got enoth power and ability's i unloked the world linck i was sent to my next destination

I arrived in a pile of corpses I got up and saw a kid do the same I mimicked a body of roughly my size complete with birthmarks and injuries I got to the top as I helped the other guy who survived we both sat at the entrance of the corpse disposal thing I asked him if he as well got broth to this damaged world he was surprised he questioned me if I was someone who tried to capture his body but I just declined that thought as I told him my true body decided to send me to a random cultivation world with an excuse to be in a school I smiled and we returned to ower abodes I found myself in the life cultivators corner of this school my disguise died due to a poison I had remnants of it in my body I was surprised since they directly sent me to the medic wing as they tested my condition and after a check-up, I was sent to my duties I did tell them I remembered nothing they were surprised as I had mental strength as they call it my previous disguise didn't I was sent to a lower rancked student residence she was quite cute and rather skilled with plants and such life energy in general they compete with the death cultivatores as they are quite close even as they cultivate opposite powers they do worck well together as the help of bowth are neaded to purify the acursed places and war zones i was huged by her since she felt sad since i died due to a serthen poisonus plant she forgot to tell me as she told me i just askedbif she can help me with learning since the ones who checked me up told me i am still filtring out the poison she was suprised and circulated life energy thrue me asisting with purgin the last bits the doctorece is a death mage and didn't want to agravate my situation i talcked with my new school mate as now i can lern the same power like her she was happy and she showed me how to cultivate and such time went by i kept in contact with Hun as i kept caling him his son Hun How was still developing i did point out that the litle skeleton had potential then there was wen we went together to the forest together with the life mages as they know if one is there the others shood come too i hunted wuite the number of animals devowerd theyr power for myself i was alwredy slowly chainging my looks as i was getting taller around a head toller then Hun he was suprised wen he first saw my transformation as from my back a pare of bone wings exacly like the queen of blades no extra bone plates and my chiten armore and claws i shreded thrue many things the life cultivation improved many of my aspects and asiated me in bowth ruin body origins alongside fixing them i cultivated my life energy by infusing it straightly in my flesh unlike hun who used the demonic yuwan to maximize his body and using his death cultivation as suport i asked him if i can get a small sample of the special energy he cultivates he in exchange asked how do my power worck i smiled and agreed as a blue flame apered on my palm he opend his eyes wen he saw the flame wile my skin tured yellow and my eye blue and gold after his expresion i thinck he got the reference he shook my hand as he saw wen he retuved his hand that the flame's left s small flame on his palm not god but usefull i smiled as i told him the flame is a gift to help out with crafting as the fames of alchemy are quite usefull i se him smiled as he absorbed the flames and nurished them with his power he lerned and got its capability's i told about the basesics of my zerg he stoped me at the word Zerg that i referenced as the inhabitans of the planet Zerus and such i saw his eye shine for a but if time but he calmed down as he understood my usefullness and since i am a life mage as others learned i can cast normal spells as i dual cultivate bowth my soul and body a bit slower but well all calculated i was asked way am this slow by Hun i just smiled snd told him i have time and can live quite the amount of time as i rejuvinate with each hunt i alsaw ate a cuple mages theyr difrent energy's were usefull to pit agents my own and stoke the flames as it came to be i asisted with his plans and wen he made his zombies i healed and asisted them i was maiking my own minions less complicated if i didnt cultivate humans or beasts i found intrested i alwredy made enoth zerg spy and hunting units wile i made a hive in the teleportation platform i got a ky to it and time corsed by war happend the meating with the dark dragon then the olmoast extinction of the dark dragons and wen Gillbert atenpted to suicide i refilled his life energy and stamina Hun was gratefull that i helped keep his freand alive even as he didnt show it i can feel it there was the braking of the cage too i just inbued the guys with life force the yuwan wasusefull as it mutated within myself becoming more zerg the demonic the conversion took a bit of time i didnt have the cultivation tecknick of demonic stuf but i did have my instincts and used my urges to go and well evolve mutate and change myself with transformations and such my mind energy fused with the zerg yuan as i call it Hun calls it demonic Zerg yuan we spit to train by owerselfs due to the difrentse in ower cultivation methods i harvested amny cultivatores that are enemy's i did asist as neaded with any problems i did alsaw see wen he stole the cristals orbs i found myself on the planet as he was sent to the demonic world he did have a larva as i helped him controll them well as neaded and infusing his yoan in the first did make them good harvesters for the power i gave him his Brood and they flurished but cood not spred like my brood can i protected his girls and helped with his land keping plots harmless and such time went by.