I woke as a girl with a boy entered the large church I was relaxed as they inspected the large structure they passed by my resting form they returned to my form as I was the only one here she shucks me to get me to wake I checked the surroundings feeling some envy and greed I already felt the marble devour some thieves as they face were sat up in line on the rim of the silver edges stuck in a pained look but sny who try to do it with remorse and need true need they wood just find s gold coin fell from the wall I opened my eyes as my hat with a ball at the top was sat on a side my maw was in a smile ish form wile by red glowing eyes were closed in black lines shaped as the 120-degree angle I saw even with my eyes closed I stretched my neck as the too kids flinched since the Cracking sound that came from it I then opened my eyes as they saw too red eyes wile by grey skin was just there my lower jaw was still deep red as they saw my mucles the lip mucle was there along with the others mucles the teath was still showing but there i loled around as i scrached by large round belly they were quite suprised since they saw only my big belly and long feet and hands wile the hands still had gloves on so no grey skin was sean untill i sat up i smiled and patted the girl head as then i saw the wight hear guy my hand moved to him as well i pated his head and then slumped back on the bed as i took its seating position as i took my mask and equipped it as they saw the pijamas burst in flames with them chainging to my syentist's one i streched my hands and then i tured to them as i talcked with the godes and her familia after few more minutes we made a deal i csn stay here in theyr home to rest for a wile longer as i will become a honorary member of the familia i was invited to meet the gods wen they madeva gsthering fore some reson or another she told them i was a honorary member if her familia the other gods burst out in lafffer and such some asholeish gods tried to intimidste me into becoming theyr familia for mony, womans, plesure etc. i ignore them as such try chalange me to duel or something on those lines i did accept it and with the suprise of Hestia we went to the arena as some of the more evil and asholish wile i entered the arena flames me as i became my mucled form i am no god but a titan as i ate one my body bulcked as the belly became flat and mucled the flames were blue and deep red i was stared at since my skull like face with my teath very sharp i had my grimm smile rather ovious, my claws were redy as i felt too new apendiged on my back i then focused on them as i sprouted wings big enoth to carry me with ease i streched and saw my chalanger i smiled as my eyes glowed in a blue flame i chuckled as the gods saw me they felt i was just wrong i took a boxing stance as my enemy pooled a sword snd he charged at me screaming the helmeth on his head did make him quite fierse i felt no anger no hate just joy and pity for wath he will feel, i took my stance into a punching form i started punching rspidly in front of me as i shot like a minigun, flame balls ,jabs ,wepons and progectile along with funny shaped items all made out of flames of many difrent colores i thinck they got stumpte since my light show was wuite comicle he was being pushed back step by step untill he was plastured on the wall i kept walcking and i reached in front of him i politly asked him to give upp he rezisted for a cuple minutes wile he asked me way dose his power not grow i did say that i am acting in no malice you do realise the flames couse no damage but still hurt a bit as the flame feasts of love the old man Garps tecknick do worck rather well with toriels special flames i herd him give up as i stoped the flames wile i gave the ground one last hit as the sand moved and formed a maw like a besr trap that closed wile a pit was forme dright under him i gave a laffter full of well madness and fun as the gods saw it happen they got a bit shocked then with a snap of my fingers the maw got deactivated with the god of war siting and a normal chear with a bag of popcorn after wich as he was confused my flames burst over my form as i returned to my larger belly state with my now grey skin except the jaw were red flesh was sean on it i then equiped my mask as they took a look at me i streched and i was finished i walcked out as Hestis had a suprised look i was still acting kind and jolly as they understod that me besting a god of war was similar to nothing i finished thisbmesting wen Hestia decided it was time to go the boy who is familia was checking the church i helped around wen they asked me i alsaw told them of the curse i made to it so no bad people by theyr true hart will not by theyr actions i ashured them as i showed them the truly sinfull ones that were alwredy captured they were suprised since there were five i alsaw wrote a sing with a worning about the building punishing sin they didn't see it due to the darkness i showed them the way the seats can change into beds and the way to stack them together i made tow seats as they prepered another too and sproched them i snaped my finger as covers were made above them and myself plesently worm as then we went to sleep.