Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 335 - 335. another tidbit.

Chapter 335 - 335. another tidbit.

I was woken as some people in armor were going to mess with my village as Ainz already claimed the place as the villagers are quite happy they did send time to time the chiff with the alchemist boy a yea the chief changed to a blond girl with burly hands she was quite scared the first time but Tricky invited them both as visitors as she made conversation and befriended them even if she has an intimidating appearance for a well-filled woman in a grey overalls and a wight T-shirt she sometimes weres a hat of a train conductor I do tell her to not go overboard currently I was making some useful minions out of the holy man and got the undead to train under Tricky so they maid become at least useful like butlers or other jobs the cristal that maps jobes dose help to activate them and allocate power in them respectively Ainz already used them on his fluff ball of a Jungerian Hamster I did get some blood samples and made some clones they are now living around the walls not quite like a guard dogs but similar since they are friendly until well they get attacked by the guys in armore a prince and his woriors i did send the fluff balls inside there were some trools and goblins alwredy under the new Chiff she sent some people to notify my home i did came out on a seat made of clowds with a blond maid on one side and Tricky on the other i met with the chiff and asked her if she named all the goblin solgiers she was confused as she then said yes confidently then i asked her if she treated them like people she thincked once more and lastly i asked her if she wood marry the alchemist boy at wich she responded rapidly he was close as i had a smile she recognised and blushed i chukled and ssked her the last question did she use the other trompet she shuck her head and after i told her to do so at wich she did and sprizengly a goblin army with a general apered they were all tall and respecting the lass i laffed as i snapped my finger to wich i got theyr atention wile on the interior walls formed platforms from wich the gobling long range trupes can attack i said to her you have the stage now give me a show to be remembered as i got tricky on my cloud wile the blond maid was prepering a tea for us she thinked got serious and asked the goblin general to prepare the long range goblins to scale the wall so they can attack wile the riders and foot solgiers went to the three gates for any suprizes along with a oger or so on each gate as back up or throwing stones more like bolders the prince was suprised circulated and well captured with some desths as the pridefull prince was both to us in no armor no wepon and no dignity as he deserves he was in his underwere and he was tring to asert his dominance only for all the pore people to well make fun of him prince underpants wath bring you here to my beloved peacefull vilege as you can see we didn't even have a army untill you came along now we have many man to till ower grounds and expand the fealds outside ower protective walls as my peace has been disturbed and youre the couse of it you will be under my maid i do deem her redy to train for herself a asistent since she did well for the time being so miss Clementine do start his training and make sure he dose not die like the others i dont want to resurect him pointlesly and now miss chiff do make some new subgects for me with that Alchemist you relly like ,as then i left flowting towords the home i build i did snap my finger once more as too levels of underground infastructure was build for the army and the viligers who chiuse to come i checked the troll i cot as he was being harvested for materials like parchement and such i do like his shade of grey after he was well treated the parchemts worck well and are intermidiete class demiurce asked me for some samples as i did the worck with some skeletons specielized in harvesting skinn even from a rock that stupid is their skills they can skin even rocks i nce wa them skin a bore alive it took around ten seconds then they left the bore to run skinless he was the moast unlucky bore that ever went to close to the skiner's that is wath i call the skeleton twins one has a skining knife the other the clamps and rope i saw many scrolls of amny colores and shapes demiurge was suprised since well there are spells that can do the job but it happend to be that theyr are more proficient and less painfull demons are experts but my skeletons they are masters as theyr flavore text made them soo a rather fun way to make items bowth with restrictions and benifits i kept the things easy as i was anounced that Ainz showed his power to the world and then the aliance between the toow nations then i saw wen erantel became his domain and this litle vilege my own there was alsaw the destruction of the kingdome and aquizition of the throne towords Ainz with his freands help they started hinting the other world items as i got by fun told them i am leaving since drama is not my cup of tee and such i colected all that was mine in the poket world some viligers decided to come slong i stole the former prince as i opend the garganta i left after sending them my goodby's with the secret of flavore text and craftsmen power over theyr creations as i arived in a forest i with Withy next to me walcked for a bit we arived at a town were people lived peacefully i checked the place no supernatural no nothing i and Tricky did disquise owerselfs loking normal new but normal we made ower way thur it to see a kid with wings not quite normal as i checked him with abdiacnostic spell to get a parasit worning i blincked and left as the kid was poaing as we passed from place to place some Awakend show up we just drove in my marble and obsidion car powered by pedaling Withy's to be exact since she like's to do things even as she seats down i analised all the hunans as i passed them after few hours we were stoped by some smucks in costumes i fliped them as i drove pass wen someone tried to stop my car a trap or a spell activated stuning them proanking them or just beach slaping them unconscius there was alsaw the guy who just time stoped himself or his closed i made a portal in his head took the parasite as then i casted a full heal to see him start moving i teleported him away as i then cleanedthebparasites mind to wich i fused it to myself i ganed the bility to stop time for myself and others i stoped the time of evrithing got out went snd captured all the world ender's to wich i inslsved to my will and sent to live peacefull and productive lifes along with the half tentacle monster girl she was s special case i got her shard as i was told they were named and got it to myself after purging its mind to be loyal only to myself i checked some other shards took them for myself as some of them died snd some did not due to me healing them i finished the run by as i felt a serthen gold guy he was suprised a i used the shards without even leting him move i froze the hole area as i smield i took a marker and wrote on his face as then i made a mass of my special mass that infiltrated thrue his avatar infecting his true form and after few minutes i felt i am grabing his shards that i procead to absorb and purify from theyr will as they became my own power as it forme daround my soul the others in prime reacted as i lerned how to use them as i left the golden boy to dicepeare to be eaten by the prime i then opend the next gargant as i left with Tricky who saw all the happenings paid some prancks and such as the thing finished we entered a new world i saw a bug man on a arena i cane to see henwas powerfull wellbat least energy wise his body is still weack i checked his body as i made a cloud sest for bowth of us he was curious i pated the seat wile my emphatic aura spred Tricky knew wath i was gona do to him and she was quite happy i started a discusion with him psichoanalizing him as i started maiking him realise many things he is still going to do the tornament but he decided he is going to live on the planet after his decision i asked him for a cell junior with abblanck mentsl template he asked me way i told him that i want to raize a kid of his species witout the influence of his father to see wath it wood happen he thincked and accepted then Tricky smiled and we imedietly left.