We woke to some soldiers and a guy called Gazef or something he was polite since I rescued their people to end up seeing my partner in this form well without her mask she lokes quite grotesque for those with no sensibility to other species he was stunned for a moment then he asked me if she is well how to say it not a threat to humans since usually undead hate living I told him she is a pure borne undead being with no hate since that is always apart from the living beings that turn undead due to curses and such her appearance is as it is due to her that the enemy night was well captured with too many damages and casualties I then told him as I was seat8ng on a cloud seat I am an Archdemon of the domain of sloth and I an now steadily turning into an Arch sin of sloth a being so slothfull that normally naps take years and true slumber takes hundreds of years understood normal circumstances but I am the type of slothfull Lazy I am too slothful to sleep my days by since I am the longest lived tipebof creature and i dont require food nither my partner dose since we can sustain owerself by consuming ower monalithiclke amounts of mana i was told the scripture was coming i snapped my finger as the Charn vilege got a brand new wall around it made of marble and obsidion with dores with swiches on the inside with serthen precautions for climing over them like rolling scilinders with spikes on them to make it bowth painfull and imposible to clime over them then with a second snap a second wall with a small roud to then a gate formed with too tween gate keper's that were gargoyle holding onto the gates after few more words he went into the vilege as the walls will protect them by my words as he accepted it i with Tricky went to meat the preasts te solgiers saw as my form changed from the normal humanoid one my skin glowed a deep golden mixed with light blue as from the light stept a creature twice my hight filed with mucles fingers like claws a mask of a sleapy face that is indefrent yet peacefull wile clowds circle my back foming sets of angelic wings with then a halo of pure blackness with light blue aura around the material i took my first step and i dicepeared to hear around a bit in front a large explosion with a explosion and then nothing happend o was sean walcking to my home as i was flowting on a throne of clouds with Tricky holding a carafe with mages that were limbless and well uncounscious with the head priest on the top of the pile wile she enjoyed the act of asisting me and nothing much she did have a hand from the head proest chewing on it the head worior came toask us wath fate befoles the people of the Churche i smield and said they were mesing with my peacefull slothfullness they deserve no sleep no rest and no mercy for at least a nap time of mine do not thinck to much due to the creatures i can make can bring your tiny empires to dirt dont mess with me or my vilege since i decided to guard it if a undead calls it his teritory belive him he is ablot more daingerous than me since he alweis wins nothing can stop him beter join him then be bothered to stop them god luck and the place were the large number of unded are growing make sure it dose not become a city of desth i thinck it was called Erantel or something oh yes do call me if you get the afirmation, this is a colling stone thinck of me and crush it and i will apere in a few minutes got it and yes the forme i released is my battle forme easy to move and do things no restraints to keep me happy bye as i closed the gate in front of him as he was pused back few feet from the wind it generated i sat there as i felt the other suprime beings and theyr famaly got acustomed to the change and they contacted me i was maiking imps loyal and still holding theyr previous knolege i got the cristsl with the eight tear sumon of a angel quite usefull sacrifyse i after few hours of analising it i sumoned the thing and then sacrifised it to itself as it was sent to a doll that reshaped itself into a cute teen boy with a blanck face and acting like a mob well more like a doll i granted him enoth knolefe and base instincts to know how to be well bot mindless and such he realised were he is wath happend and he gave up taking his resignation and i showed him to the tv and the frige he took his new role wuite easy as Tricky can now pester him wen i am crafting things i returned to my bed as she took her place next to me as my body pillow wile the angel sat on her other side huging her as he did not want to be left alone here we drifted to sleep.