I woke in the dirt as my proxy's gathered enough wesan genes and they broth them to me I stretched and synthesized myself a human form as I did what they call a vouga I exited from the ground I had a pair of shorts and a shirt with a suit motif I checked around to see no one I walked around as I saw the sunrise I took a seat on a bench as I smelled many wesan all in their human form and lastly a Grimm the smell was particularly bitter and a side of genocide I smiled and met with the woman she was doing something I came along she was suspicious but when she looked in my eyes she saw my symbiote eyes in a joyful position she took a step back but when I didn't do anything hostile I opened an eye in a curious look then I asked if she knows where are we and if by any chance she knows where I can find a Hexenbist or a Blutbad she was surprised but after few questions and some directions I waved goodbye she pointed me to a guy Monrow he is a clocksmith and a fixer I nockedbon the dore as i asked if i can come in we need to talck he asqued me question that i answerd esely i did tell him that i am not a true wesen and that the closes genetical marcks i faund ware of his and Hexenbeast genetical markers as i asked a cure laidy with dark orbs insted of eyes quite creapy to look in since it showed the reflection of my many vesan genetic markers and theyr respective look's i talcked ang got along with him quite well after i talcked we split ways as i made my way to the best tree in the closest forest untill nowhe shood have got my smell each few days i passed by Monrow the last time i visited i saw a guy he had short hear and i herd his ant died i talked with him since i was directed by her to Monrow i thincked and smiled as i asked him if she gave hims some kind ok ki to a small mobile home he did tell me that she did i asched if we can see it i mite be capable to hlep out and after he brings me and Monrow wen i entered the thing bowth monrow and burkhart i changed my skin turning grey my eyes like the symbiotes a jagged maw no ears of nose the t-shirt and shorts alungated to make a costume that had lether aholder pads that conected to the back wile tow wings formed on my back wile the coate lenghten to a point with a split down the middle i strech a bit as then my sharp maw gets coverd by my lips maiking a normal ish smile the tow look at me as i started explining that i cane to make a deal since this hole colection of knolege will be turned to ash in the future in exchange of learning me live in this room to memorise evrithing i will keep it safe and mybe i will be capable to make more usefull tools to keep inocents safe he pondered and Monraw saw my new form since its not vouga like his or any other i got a empty page and i started writhing from a hole hody diagram to wich powers i curently posses to my origin and the fate of this world since i apeared in it along with the inner verse outer verse and such , wen i finished not even a minute passed wile i thinked they were suprised at my wings transforming in limbs as i wrote and made art in my visege i olaced the pages in order of inportance with the moast in the front pages wile the back had more and more useless information i then made a hard cover with a eye in the midle of it wit the titel Know your freandly neaberhood Avatar of the Evolution Lords that chose your Alternative Universe reality for asimilation.
Yes quite the long title but very specific better read up as I made a seat and opened a book patiently as I saw them become pale and paler and that ended in a few minutes they dropped the book to the ground I grabbed it in the last second with a ten feet titan limb growing out of my back moving it to my normal hand after which I used to close the book they saw the hand and realized the book was no joke I can still feel Ymir cleansing the corrupt people in the other world while I chuckled I at tow new believers I then used the transformation skill to turn human a normal of Transilvanian decent while keeping the clothes I had long hear reaching my ass I checked my look to give a handsome smile then I took back my seat while I wired they asked questions that were written there but wich I answered yes or something on those lines they finished the questionnaire as I decided and made my way to check the timeline after which they left leaving me with a pare of ki's I already made some praps and safeguards
then I went around checking on them while my I saved some more wean that was innocents and just sides casualty's when his mother was fo be killed I appeared behind her hunter as I ripped its head and expediting it to the royals with the ticket writhing : Dare tuch my playthings once more and all your blood-related family will be hoping for the sweet release of death and no one will ever be capable to save them no wesen no grim no demon no angel for proof all of you will fell it for one minute each night for how many attempts you tried to kill Burckhart the new Grimm, not his mother so you won't go insane so early bye, for now, I need to rest don't bother me either I am worse then the pesky curse i made.