Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 327 - 327. the next small adventure

Chapter 327 - 327. the next small adventure


I woke I went around the Furness checking things and after a few minutes I checked on Crona she soon will wake but still she will be remembering her curiosity did get more prominent as she chose his mane she did like his story well even the end of him I don't know why she allows me to use it the limitless amount of power she resides in the core of it a being of immense strength at least in the amount of power her avatar was made with a filtration system so she can use it the excess is split in tow one in my main body and the rest in my sun in an isolated cell of my body it keeps moving around as the string of void energy holds them together while also acting a chance to keep all my cells in equal power so they may keep evolving at a steady place like I started when I made her to only become the avatar of her the one that holds void the null nada nothing a whole bunch of nothing that is also everything that is not I met her at the core of the void the deapest level no the top level not that eather since the void is like a planet iet like a sea its origin is at the core of it and alsaw from the bottom a perfect way to circulate ones ability to bowth expand and sustain it in a suiteble way at least for her we met the first time wen i was capable to constantly grow more and more adapt to her power the deapest lear of it not the moast concentrated that wood be closer to her body her Avatar had the sead of the void but for her it was nothing that was capable to blume into eveithing gaining the power to make controll and such the avatar is slowly becoming her other half a godli duplicate a part of her wile having a second power then her original i came with Crona as we saw the monster in paris then i made a avatar as i sent it with flames of alchemy and some other usefull ability's it was made speciflycly from one cell diluting into enoth to forme a functional body at least for a infent i sent it and it apeared next to another we were born thoght to be the best my brother in this life was not a good humane person he was buff but i was stronger and lanky towering over him for the fun of it i was thoght and such wen the news sounded for a monster in paris well i took myself on walcks during the night i was tood to be carefull my brother a fool i ignored his desiere to hunt the monster i did found him wile at a bar brother came to with his fread he knew me as a artist and sayentist i knew the guy with the potions and i showed him my art my tools and saience of equal exchange he knew of my strenght and grater stamina i was on a chear drincking i saw xthe large flea fhis eyes loked with myne as he heard serthen beats and rithms that the other were not as the song started i enjoyed as he jumped off and posyed the kitare with his freands i came to the back room as we met we talcked in sounds not human ones as i lerned of his debucle and such i told him the effects will were off in time he asked me to help him stay as he is now i gave him a better option to be capable to change his size at will so he can eachape if trubles come in exchange i asked him to beat my brother for a bit without getinf in dainger we shuck hands as his clothes were coverd in flames blue and plesent the wight clothes changed to be more confortable wile a lear over his blue skin formed a human mask easy to were and to take off we met his freand with his new aperence as he learned to equip them and take em off i did give a bow and acted like a proper gentelman she was cute yes but i will stay limited here after the meating i left towords my home there was the problem with my brothers going hunting the fleaing man his freands were bothersome wen they reached the tower and brother was wild i kept the fools safe as the flee shrincked itself as my older brother took the last shot i grabed and sent him to my sholder as i gatherd his clothes with a smile i moved them so we can reach the theatre were i with a move showed as the flea jumped off my sholder and it grew to a humans size smaller then me since i am quite tall he dressed and i gave him the mask and gloves i snaped my finger as those too grew all over his body granting him a second ability to humanise along with the human diet rest schejual and such wile keaping his insectoid powers his freands were happy after they saw his change i snicckerd as i laffed manicly wile my slender forme grew a bit bore my features reseaded as tendrils grew out of my back a black suit coverd my notmal one wen the change was conolete i snapped my finger as they saw my tendrils grab the space around me and with a move i opend a garganta and i divepeared with them all mouth agape wile a single sentence was felt in theyr minds , Go forth enjoy your life learn from my art left in my home ask my brother he who hunted your insectoid freand tell him he is pathethic alsaw do sing for me once a few shows end it with a laffter if you may goodby. As then I opened a Garganta as I reached a nice space with plants animals and not ready to be used as a living place since it is not that many liveable places I opened another Garganta as I arrived on a planet it was marce but it felt off I saw demons and humans battle I went to kill the demons and absorb their energy's after few hours I cleaned the full facility I had at hand a few humans all knocked out rescued from before their death the argen energy useful I found his coffin with the awake scientist I found it still closed the suit was on the lid of it while the doom slayer was sleeping I placed my hands on his chest as I pooled his soul a hart forme with many shards floating around it I snickered as I carefully expelled them with each one a less and less violent response came from The Doom guy he was still resting the fragments that were polluting his mind wore now no more but snacks for me then I refined them as I returned his soul some of the humans woke all stayed away from the door and me my other dolls kept saving and bringing them to my place i constructed a monster soul out of the clean fragments it was redy as i saw Olivia being held by tow of my dolla i checked her flesh weack then i checked her mind complex usefull strong i enterd her mind and talcked with her after a few minutes she stoped struggling and she was left to stay on the ground on her weack feet i beoth out the sintetic boss monster soul as i indused her normal soul tinged with sufering envy and desiere they fused the mecanic addons were expeled by the body on its own as she grew a few feet her hear reached her back as she filled up her clothes ripped off due to the suden growth spurt then from her back thee pares of wings burst out all of the same colore red blood red her hands and feet grew sharp claws retractable and then a halo formed over her head as she opend her eyes blood red was sean like rubye's her skin was now pure wight as her hear was of the milkies wight she retracted her natural wepons as her wings coverd her body i chuckled as they all herd me in theyr heads the humans were suprised since the station was safe and under my controol the hords of demons were bothersome as such i turned to the awake slayer he was calm as he saw the change of the former scrony woman i snapped my finger as her body burst in flames as she well she moaned and it ended wen she retracted her clothes to have some conly nun robes she cover her face in a bit of embarasement i did not expect for her to be well this sensitive i got her to seat and prepare to get muself some more proxy's she now acted as my mouth peace i unchained the doom slayer as i forged for him a large actualy a short sword sharp enoth to compare to the titan slayers i handed him short sword as Olivia spoke: Take the balde its made to slay demons it is naturaly stronger then any normal coman blade from this world your Cruseble blade may compare to it if it didnt require to charge it so offen go forth kill the demons and send the survivars that are kept safe by my masters dolls they cant last for much time go save the inocent wile purging the vile i will follow after i get use to this new energy the demons use its purification time is rather bothersome good luck.

After he equipped sword and pistol I changed the stone coffin in a nice seat where I took my place the pictograms on it was moved as it formed the back seat as new pictograms formed on it while I took a pondering posture they saw as the new energy I got started changing my flesh I got a mouth while the tendrils changed to be covered with bones segmented like spines and the pointed end can open to five claws like fingers with the big thumb being larger claw I arranged my tendrils like my ribs overlaying them one to one and a few lower tendrils kept going on with the pattern I open the tow orbs of power that dimmed to grey symbiote like eyes then my mouth opened similar to that of the humans but instead of flat teeth and few sharp ones I had all sharp teeth I smiled as I rose after which I tasked Olivia with some of my dolls to keep the survivors safe I left enough food for them to live for a few months even with the survivors wich were heading towards them and yes I expanded the room to quite the large structure with bowth beds and doors my clothes were normal suit i went to the place were the mind of the father arived at i copied its mind then checked the purifing structures i refined the device with some rune worck after wich i saw wen doom guy was grabed by the mecademon he was doing good but after he distroyed it he went ro get the crewsable i meet the robot scientist i restreined him as i extrapolated hsi genes and power then i made a sintetic monster body as i transfered his mind to it as he became myne to order around i sent him to get the blade wen he arives not by force but by asking by me i alsaw sent mesages at serthen points to colect the colectable's i alsaw sent aome dolls for him to use they all were knite shaped metal with ther materials all not alive as i showed him by dimembering one to fix the damages and the refiting it back on i did talck with him he told me of his wife and dother death i asked were and aproximativly wen did he find those tow dead i opend s portla as i saw the femelaes then i took to zombies reforming them in theyr imiges as i threw and pulled the them simultaniasly they were on this side as i cloked the portal from that side to sea him barge in the room after few hours seconds on ower side as then i close the window then i saw the thre hug i got asked if i can change them to angels like i did to Olivia so they may not die so easely i did agree if he joins them he thincked and agreed i reshaped his armore as now his wings can be used to shoot fethers like bullets with some of the armore crawling on them to keep the bones streight his gall and wife changed too with the soul fragments i got from the demons and zombies i made enoth changeling souls i with the rest secured the hole facility from demons as i closed the portal wile i had made it safe olivia helped a lot i took a rest after the portal coosed and slept fore some time.