I woke with Esdeath me hugging her as the mask was on the side of my human face she was resting rather well I kept my hands around her as after a few minutes she woke while this happened the room turned black for the next moments she woke with stars in her eyes she was rather straight to the point as such I pooled out of my mask maw a soul was puled out I refined it with the treats of compassion, integrity and a tweaked version of justice as she saw the monster soul I checked and placed it over her original one as they steadily fused her skin became wight as snow while the blue hear gained some different colored bangs while her body grew a bit both in size and durability she felt the magic energy coursing through her body and some fluff grew around some parts on her wile tow rabbit ears as a cute fluffy tale grew at her rear while she started crying for a few moments since her new emotions stabilized as she understood and felt disgusted and asked me how to fix the feeling in her chest i then tood her the gift i granted her as i told her i have other womans and she will be one of them loved and cared for just like them she agread since in her mind the strong make the choices she alsaw told me that if they are weacker she will take theyr places the sintetic frost demon boss monster soul allowed her to start growing as she kept her mind only some fealings were enhanced i then opens the door wile i wandered the hole palace i checked on its robot mode then i met once more with the emperor who was pondering on the throne as i came close to him the guards were alert but cood not do enithing i pated him as i pooled a second boss monster soul filed with stability, integrity, Wisdome and Forethoght as then i inserted it in his human soul were his sking turned more purple as then from his back tow wings fethery alongside with tow small buds on his forhead they will slowly grow and change colore with his emotions i then made a purple cloke that will grow with him as i gave a bow wile my flesh retreated in my bones and my mask fixed itself to my skeletal visege i started to give him the first and last task : Ow king whom have been fooled by his kin go forth rule and juge the guilty guide the insane wile protecting the inocents and the children as now you ar no meare human but one of my kin a Boss monster , a creature born from magic shaped by his soul and awere of others souls so go hunt and prepare the lands since the Master of evolution has set his eyes on your universe, wile i the herold has given his bleshing to you Foolish king you who has been betraied and used to fule sin decadence without your notice, i shal leave Esdeath to guard you she will be tsken my me wen my master comes to your world as such have the hunt begin store all the sinfull soul in this box its endless conected to my own i shall deliver them to my master for purification and use dont send any souls with positive karma trust me i will know have a nice hunt start with the nobels and go down the lstter of comands i shall go eliminate the guy who killed your parents bye.
As I walked the palace I found the fat pig he was surprised when he was dead as I cleaved his head shrunk it and filled it with his soul as he was reborn in a truth-telling punishing device to be used agents liers I returned as I told with his uses are fore and then I went to Esdeath as told her quest and mission as then I finished checking around and I got the dog pet with space in it the crazy woman was broth to sanity with a soul of stability and wisdom after which I ate it to get its ability's quite useful as now my tools will be more animated and lively, I opened portal to the assassins were I lectured them to the new changes and for them to help the Ony Emperor as I called them I took the blade from Akame as then I gathered some of its poison in a ball wich I saved for laughter uses and gave back to her the blade then I opened the gate as I passed through it I emerged a world filled with many things dangerous things I emerged in a forest were I imedietly dove in the ground as i kept going down i felt some eyes on my entrence position i then located my position as then a drill forme was constructed by my bandsges i was close to the magma i pointed myself to the moon and with half my full energy reserves i shoot myself straight to it at night i accidently passed right thrue a flying thing it turned tobdust as i felt many eyes on me my construction to be precise i reached the moon and the drilled in it as then i slingshoted myself to Marce were i unwined and made a bed were i went to a short slumber as i started thinckering and after a short day a large number a ninites floted sround me as they procesded to multiply and finaly cover it with the red surfece ganed new shades of it plants and much more grew all red the water flowed and i made a basebon it i did feel one 0are of eyes on me it had no way to actualy bother me since the aura around me was the moast terrorfing that he felt well he felt prines aura after a few more days i made a portal to erth were it opend on the nicest loking house with abflat roof my skeletal visege was complimented by my face-mask bandages were around me i then jumped from endbringer to end bringer grabing them and then making them bolls of bandages wen i got the last of them and the one who controles them i had a cuple balls chaned as i arived on the iceland were i build a cocoon of bandsges hallow inside i then released them one by one as i used my nanites to extract theyr power sorses and crushed them to blody paiste i had consumed the rich mass slury rather hevy wile aquivalent to galaxies all together rather teasty as the las Idolan he was suprised as he was captured lastly no ability worcked i broth him closer as i told him the truth of his world and then i tipped out his parasite as then i heald him the parasite strugled to only end up as nanite food and then part of me the controll nanites were sent to my gems forming a frame fore all the gems amplifing theyr power wile alsaw stabilizing them i smiled as i constructed a monster soul fit to bring a true hero in this world after wich i sent him back to the town i stole him from , then i went after future seaers as i removed theyr parasites and gave them the soul of monsters no fizicle changes but they grew a bit theyr mucles and got in a better shape i prepared some more souls just to have at hand for any imergency transformations of humans to hibrids i got my hand on many shards the power amplifiers alowed my nanites to grow and after few hours of constant harvest i was mer with a golden boy he was suprised to sea a skeletan but the aura of fear he felt was significantly diminished as my otherself deamed me strong enoth to survive i got enogh power to enter his Avatar and then devower his body soul and knolege as his shard was consumed as well i got my nanites completpy constructing the covers of the eight gems i finished him after i sent the messege for the shards to be broth back to me and consumed by the eight gems and theyr vesal as i call it i made my way back to the marce were i made the equivalent of galvanic mecamorpsh as then i went to sleap as the ninites and such .