Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 311 - 311. going to another hero world.

Chapter 311 - 311. going to another hero world.

I woke as i and Crona went to the tv room where we watched the heroes world and she asked for me to make an au for the ower inner and outer world I accepted as then I made more avatars my own a normal man with some powers as then I gave it my favorite tattoos identical to my own just like her we pride myself and Crona her tattoos held well the shred of power she had granted the avatar the other energy will be gathered and such I opened the door as we left it the main body rested on ower seats we were dressed I in wight as she was in black ower tattoos made a set I looked around as she checked me out after which she jumped on me I hugged her and in the end we prepared as we walked to a city well more like I made a to seat bicycle she sat on the seat in front as I enjoyed the view we arrived as a man was ready to blow up I surrounded him in a led ball after which crona made plants that absorb the extra radiation and grew I took care to repeare any breaches then we took ower seats after i turned all the plants that my partner made to dirt eliminating the radiation i changed the ball of led to dirt and incinerated the poor man as crona threw some seads on the dirt pile we drove off as we hunted the idiots thst wood have eliminated 90% of the population on this poanet one by one they all died and the virus was devowered by me leaving no traces wile the cientists were shiting themselfes my tatoos glowed for a moment as i got quite the pacage of knolege after wich on my face was plastured a grim grinn as i spewed a changed version of the desease as the cientists died like thy deserved i did help with some criminals and wen i ended the theets for the world the main carscters just noticed us since we were wuite flashy but somehow they missed us leaving leting them sea only ower tatoos on siluetes of pure darkness and light did get theyr timy minds spining theyr gears wen we finished they found themselfes going towords ower picnick location Crona in her black dress as i wore shorts and a tshirt with a former invizible guy around enjoing food with us the traker alwredy removed ower teath sharp we feed on fine dining along as they arived i had a lower limb of a cow in hand and taking bites out of it Crona was stuffing her face with sweats as the normal invisible guy enjoyed some hamburgers along with some other foods they saw us thre gocking at my feading as the took a gance at my partner then a inquisitive at the guy who traned the mc guy i threw the power gatherers head to the feat of them he was alwredy dried no smel or anything came from it after wich i pooled it back as i tied it back to my waist after wich they came closer and i moved my hand as the blancked grew with food vesals forming after wich plants grew as many dished formed and then settled themselfes in the plated after wich the plants turned to nabkins and other things after few minutes and after some time we finished as then a dor opend then warld was conected and we alwredy pred the spores to its asimilation within the human geno then we saw owerselfes after wich we murged and ended the day with a nice sleep.