Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[quazi -Haitus] / Chapter 276 - 276. hunting and some missions.

Chapter 276 - 276. hunting and some missions.

After we woke up we went down to the eating place where we commended some meat and other vegetables different ways of preparation as the meat was cooked rare so we can get all we need from the meat the plants were just for flavor sine eating flesh can get repetitive if always eating it raw yea to us it's sweet but adding some fruits or vegetable can make it varied after, after we finished it we went to the guild where we were told of the missions we were eligible since we were new as such we went on the harvesting missions there were some kids on them as well they gave us the mission just to keep an eye on them as we collected the plants and we took care to not lose any hatchlings as we fell they are compared to ower kin as we felt some hostiles one of us made ower way towards the area and captured the enemy as we killed by strangulation so no infection will be capable to happen and when some kids got scrapes or such I medicated them with my saliva filled with cleansing and promoting towords healing components without the virus i can secreate from poison to antidotes and mutagenic serumes alongside the viral compownd we hold that is my unique ability as my partners can become a rather dangerous wepon in the way of blades and spikes her capability to shoot them added to its daingers as i can spit my compounds and went things went i harvested the meat and bones the usefull ones at least as the pelts were kept and some used as the way to cary the others i helped the kids who were hard working as they were rukies we will keep this mision for some weeks since the beginning we will take it slow we feturned to the guild at sunset due to enjoyng the mision some kids were sent from and too the plants gathering zone were one of us kept with the ones who stayd and one escorted the ones that left and were tasked to escort the ones who come to gather and such we enjoyed the day some kids kept the gathering the hole day since they were quite slow wen the time came we returned to the guild were we sold the excess flesh , fangs claws of the animals along side some saks filled from poison to other liquids depending on the species and since they were rather small time prey for us we alwredy have perfect baits that can be produced by ower bodys or my feromon filed saliva, we got quite the sum as we enjoyed the look of the receptionist the poants there got some fertilizer too from the blood we spealed that day as we had ower mony from the hunt we alsaw gave the plants we gathered from time to time enoth for compleating five time the repeating request the olants there will grow back faster for some time due to the liquids i left there mixed with the blood a natural growth boost , i alsaw went to the alchemy guild were i registered Lucy registerded to the craftsmen guid since we need specialized tools for laighter like a proper way to sharpen or cut ower neals without leaving them all uneaven and roughtly made we developed ways to keep ower needs met and wen the colectin misions were done i along with her discused some other requests ending on a hunting treap there were sent some with us ower target was a troll for its tendons and some other bits as newded we started the jurny as we saw the too people that were coming with us i tood them the requirements we have are suprizingly lower then theyr own and we started the track on steads well the too were on them as we were dressed in shorts and her with a sports braw runing alongside them or wen in the forest jumping from tree to tree sometimes using ower tongues to sling from tree to tree as they saw us enjoy the jurny there were some stops we kept an eye at night as we hunted some prey as they reated and few howers before the sunrize we swiched the wach as we too went to sleep for too hours since its all we truly need they saw us sleep together as a specific fregrence was secreated from ower bdoys repulsing any animal with grate sence of smell since the smell is normaly sweet for normal people but very sichenly sweet for any with a sharp noses like wolfs or other animals i tested the smell on some bears it was fun to see them com towords us only to run back wen they reach few hundred meters from us as we wandered the forest after few days of walking or riding like ower freands that saw each morning some new meat hanging by a tree or another before we went to sleep to let it dry its blood and wen we woke one of the guys got the flesh and prepared the fier for the cooking as we woke we were redy to it as they few minutes before theyr meat was done they olaced ower to hear it and slightly cook it as they added some spices wen we arived at the area they equiped theyr long range wepons as we serched for the troll as i hanged to the back of the team as Lucy was in front and after few hours we stoped and wen they stoped and loked slower we felt the creature stock us the too archers saw us acting tierd and became suspecius since we ujualy dont get tierd so esely and few minutes after we stoped in front of a bush the three in front turned to me and saw in the brushes the prey redy to snach me and snach me he did right by the midle as he polled me in his arm pit like a foot ball guy as he ran the other three started folowing the thing they prepared to shut it but after they saw Lucy shot him in his sholder and the splash of acidic substance hit the tree they stoped as then a particular smell cameboff the trolls trail as i liked my hands and fingers as i proceaded to inpale in his skin a rather powerfull paralitic compownd that activated as we were runing he droped on his face as i was free from its cluch i felt my neals atempt to melt but the base paralitic aubstance was keeping them neutral as i liked with a more powerfull base to neutralize it as we saw the troll's eyes rapidly move around in distress i proceaded to go to its ugly face at wich i opend and pored down its throught a very daingerous substance with a rather easy to light up in flames even more then alchohol as they saw me do it they took some steps back as i took a mach and place it on its mouth as its eyes were focused on it, as i droped it on its face as i took some steps back websaw its mouth cach on fier as it atrugled and after few minutes its chest cavity was suprizingly open with small flames coming out of it slowly die down as its mout esofagus and guts zone being burned out i then used my blade covers in a base to cut witout geting my blade eroded as i harvested wath we neaded alongside some flesh that we ate out of the sight of the other too hunters as we started muteiting slightly as ower ears started growing slightly pointy as ower blood is now slightly acidic as ower resistence to it grew alongside it and as time wil go on it will grow stronger and ower resitence with it we stored the stuff in the skin of the troll after i skined we left the rest of it for the creatures of the forest and as we returned to the guid we talked between each other as they learned of habits and taists no changes came from eating weack prey my hear grew longer like my Lucy's and was at similar strenght as her's but i kept it but i kept it over my eyes we arived at the guid well and happy we ate quite the bufe from ower hunts towords here no spoild meat due to the conservants in can secreat , after the litle adventure was over we got ower reword's from bowth the hunt and mision we found a place were of a good prise it was were some guys were somehow killed in a way or another and there was some kind of ritual done here i both some holy wather yes i tested its efectsbon us there were nun as we checked the house cleaning any remenanta by holy water or ki infused hits as we did observe some moncks and there was some bandits that somehow had the monck ki thing enoth for us to develop ower own version to be capable to battle spirits and demons teisty if wath i heard was right we made the house couzy as we took abnice nap.