I woke up on my tendril bed with his sister in the bed next to me as she stared awake an amazon like a girl she was dressed well and visited her brother and little brother from time to time I visited too and she s9metimes askes me for favors and such wishes without costs as she discovered during all the time we spent together there was that time a guy was teleported in my cave from where he swears as he saw the room completely made of tendrils and approaching him as he got tangled up I felt the other one appear as he was in another room that proceeded to grab him I saw a mask at his hip as I proceeded to bring both of them to me then I saw a buff one and one with an exoskeleton he was the first I cocked my head as I looked at the buff one with the corpse of a god on his head as I smile and they see my smile spread my face horizontally as I pool a large blade engulfed in blue flames as the one with the crown started sweating a bit as I aproached the bug version of himself as I stab him in his chest as all his tools get sent to the other deciple of the ashole my prime teached a leson the first time he took a Scp universe for owerselfes as i saw his body get digested i look at the other one as i come close to him as my body change from my male ork ish form to a rather gender neutral as my blank face ganed a jaged maw as i moved my had to him as i tooch the crown and from it i inbew a large amount of my energy as he saw it enter his body as some rather unique chainges came to his hart chainging it to be like myne a true frost demon core from wich he will be capavle to get himself some power to raize the dead as i told him of the change i did to his as i placed him to my table were we can eat some food as i tood him of the litle adventures here and olsaw a rather unique wepon as he grabed it it conected to his flesh as blue runic paters emerge from the point of contact and i tell him of the unique ability it holds as then he just poppes of with a few of my stuff as i managed to get a sample of the flesh that hates as i ate it and all the tendrils for a moment becomes it as it returnes the remenants of the other one was compleatly disolved unrecognizable to his god due to me scrambeling his esence for my uses as few minutes i asked for toby to see wath tipe he is and saw a normal build man with his normal caracteristics as i smield and told him of fhe fate of all the other guys of the same tipe as himself i gave him a shield of sorts as i enjoyed the sight and saw wenever he went on trips i gave the scp fundation a tv with the video as i made my own as i showed them the usb tendril they were suprised since i showed them few more variants of them and as such i returned to my fake cave as i wached some movies and the tv toby and such.