Chereads / in the multiverse as a dreamer[Temporary Haitus] / Chapter 236 - 236. tronian,s and the new universe in the au multiverse.

Chapter 236 - 236. tronian,s and the new universe in the au multiverse.

So guys who want to learn of the reason we all here are how humans poot it alive well small bots let's see the reason we are here on this nice and large viewing screen, once upon a time there were human monsters and hybrids, the humans were strong in flesh and soul as the monsters were strong due to their capability to use magic as wen a monster and a human make a family and love each other enough and they have compatible body's they can make a hybrid depending on the luck the hybrid may look like a human or a monster as they have both the strong soul and magic as the body may vary as things do, there were humans that ware stubborn scared and very prideful they could not accept monsters or the union of humans and monsters they waged war ending up as the humans, monsters, and hybrids left the planet to find their haven planets far away from each other ending up nearby they kept battling and one day they decided that humans were on the verge of a very dangerous discovery as such the monsters and hibrids went to stop them humans belived that theyr end has came as such they activated the tecnovirus to take theyr attakers with them as it spred thrue humans monsters and hibrids alike it coverd the hole planet as the now beastial mecanoids devowered each other kept growing by feeding on each other one remaned and then he started devowering the planet growing more and more bits of the planet infected with the virus was spred thrue space and it flew and managed to arive at the planets of the hibrids and monsters ending up geting infected they atemoted to fix it but only stabilizing the soul was capable to be done as the body had beed completely aonverted in a mecanicle protoforms as the souls of the monsters and hybrids slowly comenced a metamorphosis that finished wen the mass of souls in the place were the virus comenced its spred finished fuzing into a single large spark from it a monalithic wave of power emerged resonating with the protoforms and finishing the change tronians were born the first was the large one filled with all the evils of the humans and hibrids it repulsed itself due to the components it made itself it split in too the human part took all the evil and became Unicron the devowerer as he left behind the blinding beacon of good he went and feed his empty feling only a felaing remaned after the separation leaving the knolwge hope and all the good present in all the souls made primus he didnt want to act and in exchange he ganed the ability to make more similar organisms the tronians he wanted to name his species so he did name himself cybertron and as such he named his children cibertronians and then there were the ones who finished theyr metamorphosis the monsters they called themselves G-tronians from the name of theyr planet and the leaders name Gaster and the planet's name is Gloria then there were the hybrids they were led by a strong hybrid that looked like a humanoid they all had rather different ability's of manipulating theyr body's to other ability's similar to the monsters bots they named themself  H-tronians   from theyr planet named Helious-8 it was on the path way of Unicron wen he arived the planet were he comeced eating it the H-tronians were paniked and some fled the planet as some were captured by Unicron and corupted into Decepticons as those decepticons hunted almoast all the H-tronians except one then they served under the devowerer Unicron who used them as guards and serching teams for planets reach in materials we battled with the decepticons to stop unicron we managed to decapitate him as we saw his head fly away from his body that we sealed underground well under hundreds of meteorites  we lived all us transformers as we all agreed to call ower united forces even the decepticons we all mingled i well i am the last H-tronian i left with the body of unicron i was a small bot made of the same material but i had a relly special body i can change my body to such a level they  lost theyr bowls wen they saw my first actions from the moment of my birth my hile body was made of tendrils and interloking bits and bobs my head was a replica of a skull only my mouth and eyes wood move no microexpresions only the showing that i am currently talking i ujualy cover it by some tendrils that act as my facial mecanis as i keep my small bot body compact and esaly strechable so i can blend in with the other bots medium sized bots and big bots they take the bot world as a indearment i dont i do not feel well unless i am in operations only then i can conect to other bots fealing they pain and other things i am quite renounded for my expertise on ower biology and tecnology capable to manupulate them as esaly as we blink but i remained here with Unicrons spark so i can make for myself a bot body of my own desine i dont remember how long ago i was sent to this world prime relly wanted a peace of himself to be relly knolegeble of this alternative universe ow yea the story ended from wen they lerned of the beheading the minicons alwredy left as i finished the recording as i proceaded ro send it to them i kept in tuch as i was sent many videos my body is half done as i saw the body get a atmosfere in some time it shood form some life forms his blood is filing this planet with energion storms, few years ago i checked the surfece i saw some bots mimiking some fona around my body was around ninthy percent redy i still need to finish the head so i returned to my hidy hole back to chat with his spark he relly dose not like me since i smwas damaging his insides as i made my body his blood crosses thrue my new body but it has no sway over it since no one but i can manipulate it and i was done some civizations sprouted on the surfece of the planet i made the last tuning's as i exited the dark energion vulcano i saw some outobots and decepticons battle fore some kind of scraps compared to the old days i felt the presence of a corosive material and as i arived at it there was a big guy waching me me! as i was eating it my optic changed for a bit as i processed in into a antidote and some venom for my weponry i was apriched by the gree big bot he was with his optic wide as he saw me fine from the toxic compound he was speachless then i heard a rather anoid insecticon coming he grabed me and colled for a soace brige i was broth to the base of the outobots i was face to face with the humans i mimiked the gall whi was in front of me i was about a head toler than her i comenced the replicant protocoll as she saw my body condense and become a identical copy of her then i copyed her voice perfectly and made as a copycat dose best enjoy the reaction i pooled from them i was almoast indestructible from her if i wasnat that my mouth had razer sharp teath that seamed one full thing if i kept my mouth loked in a closed position i then turned towords bulckhead blinking twice as i then grew the femeale form to his size as then change the flesh to metal and make a transformers version of the girl changing slightly her voice then i flirt he was suprised all of them were but wen things got awuard i stoped i laffter was heard from me they saw the femeale form geting bulkyer as i took the proportion's of megatron as i was had a suit, black suit to be exact similar to the police man as then  tendrils sprouted from my head like the  super saiyan 3 hair style as my eyes change color to golden i smield and then shranck to mister policemans size to be more confortable as i was asked wuestions that i anserd with combinations of worlds i heard from them this may be a bit creapy but they understood or rather asumed since there is a bot in theyr rancks with a similar problem except my problem is just a preference due to my voice being rather spine chilling then i met with the other autobots i got s nice amount of words from them i chsnged they'r peach and made them all uniform as then they herd me speack more like asking questions i got the gist of wath happend i alsaw lerned of the decendents of the monsters hybrid's and so the bots with i am right now are moastly from Cyberton and the others i knew of are dead due to the wars that happend on my old pall Primus that now is in the same state as his brother, just a dead planet , i took his spark from his body containing it within myself around the place were my chest is i can let him see i desier so i talked with them then there was the pod ariving i was wuite suprised wen i saw a wight kid then wen he enterd the base i felt something old and plesent within him as such i asked him permision to give him a once all over for any abnormalities he was a bit curious but accepted the other bots saw one of my tendrils conect to the back of his head as then the others comenced the check up he felt no pain since i felt it all he was calm but wen he saw some of my tendrils move some esentioal peaces in line next to him he was first shoked then i just told him to calm down i need to concentrate to put him perfectly back together i managed to get the key that i slinged on my waist then i finished checking him for any folts as then i streamlined him inproving his performence around ten percent or so Ratchet was very suprised as i made him capable to see all the comolicated operations i do at the same time wen he saw my process of puting him together he was suspicius but wen i left him on his feet i anounced him that he need around a  hour or so to be in complete sink with his new body he was a bit bulkyer and a lot more flexible the dock gave him a waceover then he broth me with him to his lab were we talked and i showed him my unique caractefistics that inpresed him i was asked to do wath i did to some things that are not as well in worcking order he saw as i dismantled and reconstructed them peace by peace then he showed me his formula i checked it and then asked for a sample that he saw me drinck with no reserve my eyes turned for a minute  into green ish blue as i then gave him my comolete opinion alongside the folts of the formula and small ways to improve it bringing its completion to a very close level as he used my modified formula he saw the sintetic energion colored neon purple a vivid color not the douwner color of dark energion as he tested tehe formula he was a bit hapyer and after some vigurous testing i dranck some as my optics had purple accents with blue being the main color and no behiviour problems then the events went on i didnt join in the misions and wen we got the rest of the ky's and got the call from starscreem for his replacement part he arived with speed but wen he saw all the ky's 8n my hands i was swalowing all the other ky's the vew was rather grose as i opend my chest like a razer sharp maw with pruple substances dripping from my fangs he took quite the time to grab them without tuching the purple substance that he thoght it was dark energiom and the dark spark in that moment was in a container on my hip alowed to wach the qorld around but not to be vewd from anibody , we starscreem tuched the key's he felt tendrils grabing him all over restraining and then inobilizing gim i felt him strugle in supersonic speeds as he then returned to his normal speed he saw my maw he saw my smile as i got closer with my main body he saw the tendrils slither and entering his evry single craves'es croling under his plates and wiers reaching in and lerning his blueprint as he was hororfied and incapable of movement they chest maw was close as now the key's were safe as i started to analize them that will take about a bit of a day or so i saw the autobits enter my room were they saw starscriming trembeling and hudled in a corner with one of my tendrils on the back of his head as i worcked on a serthen organ that he is missing as i lern wath he has lived thrue they questiond me wath happend and i showed them the video recording in my room from a angle they wood not see my chest maw but see the capturing and then viviaection as then i sent him to the corner of my room were then i comenced the craftingof a new T-cog with the sapre materials i have around i wa left to my devices for a few minites i showed dock the T-cog he was suprised and then he sae as i instaled it in Starscrem as i finished lerning all his memories i enterd a soecial program that will make him completly loial to me and wen the outobots saw star screen they took a second look since he was no longer a he but a she i introduced her as Stelar Banshee as she was quite cute as i tood of her new upgrades and uniwue addons comparative with old relicks of theyr times i then was asked to help bumble bee and such i did as Stela hanged around waching me worck she was wuite curious and eager wen i was done he was complete his voice box was fixed he was very happy then they asked me way dont i fix my own i then used my voice for a single sentence: who told you that i cant talck properly, i just dont like the it due to it sounding well like this rather untrust worthy beter with my mimick protocol than this damed voice.ending my sentence with a snake like a hiss sounding of disssplejure, as i then returned to my monotone talking maner  and yes i did send a fragment with orocimarus body voice and knolege added the tecnologicle and biomecanicle on top of that to be sure i can desine perfectly all the events as i slightly modified the souls to survive the viral change so they will not go mindless beasts and make more Unicrons and Primus, after we taked we decided to wake primus up as i sent myself to a relick site with only Stela as company i colected the trejure as the decepticons came we had theyr insignia they asked to report and then to follow them since we acted like one of them that just arived around here i walked and saw the base of the decepticons as Stela showed me the way thrue it as we were escorted by the minions i was meet with Megatron he was wuite curious as i presented the artifact as we comenced a talck he wa very vigilent but wen i got bored he saw me change as i mached his hight my eyes changed to blue as i look just like his younger self the one before the coloseum as i gave a happy and pridefull smile i comenced to quote his speech to raly all his now minions and subordonates he was with a open mouth wen i fijiahed my litle shou as then i changed once more becoming wath he will end up loking at after his posesion from unicoron and upgrade as then i told him: i am the spirit of the futre thst has alwredy passed well it wood have passed if i didnt alwredy changed it your future is gone my dear Megatrone you now need to froge na beter path for you for your aubordonates and all the other cibertronians on this corpse of the all mighty Unicron his blood passes thrue my body corupting and showing me the same as i did to others you and only you can make the world a better olace not only for you but for evribody bichaz ever since i left all of you to end up in this scrap heap of a political situaltion you need to make peace or you will lose that is always your fate that is the only thing going agents you, and if you want to win then turn good become a example become envied by your former enemy's and if not well you singed your doom. as i finished my litle speach i se him with a preplexed look he told the bots to send me to a room for us to waight i did as asked, and then he came in it alone he comenced tobaske me wath am i and how do i know of his past at thst i smile and change form to a rather recognaizable one as in front of Megatron stood a lanky toll bot towering over him as from his head and back hundreds tendrils extend and cover my frame as they take my first form a tall well dressed long heard male of well rather large fame he widend his optics as he fell on his but as then i took Stela by her waist as i conect to her back of the head and he sees her olates shift for s bit as he recognises the form he questions the fromer starscreem and she boldly tells him that she only her myne and my alone as she changes back she procesdes to hug ne with joy in her body expresion i then return to my most recent form as i lend him a hand to get him on his feet as i procead to tell the story that wood have happened without my interfering with the timeline and such ending him asking me to open his eyes like his original did and i did by plasing the guy who gsthers so much hatred for me that he dose not care how week in comparison is with me he battled with him but ended up losing and after few hours i released him from the hold as he wa exosted i helped him as i fixed any of his body problems i alsaw gave him the sintetic energyon of a purple color he had purple and red wuite cool as then they with me build the space brige to Primus were i found my way to his wake i conected the key and used it as he saw me do it i comenced the cleaning of the planet as i properly reactivated his will then we rebuild a city as i invited the autobots as then i showed them the dsrk spark that i proceaded to cleanse from all the evil and malice as then i procesded to fuse it with Primus to  gane the original one now complete as the hole olanet transformed to a marvelous city ship as he can transform in his bot form and then back to his olanet form as i got the lidership thing thst i gave it back to Cybertron they made a peace deal as then they polulated the city as new bots were born tiem went as peace grew and solidified i then saw a door open as me and Stela enterd i murfed with my prime as she was asimilated by Crona as we then return to sleep.

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